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Old 07-08-2009, 02:11 PM
JackThe Ripper's Avatar
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Originally Posted by j_gutta870
This thread is stupid... I'm black and I'm 100% sure racism exist the same way that it did in the 40s and 50s thats why groups like the NAACP never left... Its easy to say things like this aren't needed when you don't experience the things that groups like this fight about.
nothing personal intended with this but i gotta remark on this....

So, that means you are not allowed to vote, you can be openly discriminated against, you have to sit in the back of the bus, you have to use seperate bathrooms as the white kids, and have to go to different schools, yer not allowed in college, etc, etc......

Where the hell do you live man? Get the hell out of there and come to the USA with the rest of us. Guess what? we even have a black president! Just like the 50's!!!!!

Look, nobody is saying racism is not here, it is there and it does go both directions. Things certainly are NOT the same way as in the 40's and 50's.

The point is a majority of white people really dont give a **** if yer black, hispanic, asian, other than the fact that "Political correctness" requires white people to be overly sensitive, and that i a one way street.

I can be called "White boy and cracker" by a black guy and nobody seems to care, however if i call a black guy anything racially derogatory then im in huge trouble with everyone.

All this walking on eggshells just promotes segregation.

And I think Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are some of the biggest problems. In thier view ANY time a black guy does not get hired by a white guy it is Racism. Anytime a cop arrests a black guy it is racism. Anytime awhite woman adjusts per purce within 1000 feet of a black guy it is racism. Even if there was no racism, no intent, it gets labeled as racism because those ****** are incapable of seeing it any other way. All that does is tell the whole black community ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACISTS" and that just is not true. It does NOT help things, it creates false impressions and hostility.

Those guys are freaking idiots and do more harm than good. They define themselves not as americans, or people, but by thier race. And with them everything is black and white and no matter what there is no in between. Extremism is never helpful in the long run.

I could care less if there was BET, i dont care that there is no WET, but the idea of that double standard is offencive. I never enslaved anyone, i had no say in how things played. As a white person i dont have the luxury of saying the reason i was not hired was because i was not as qualified as another applicant. I cant sit there and say the cop was an ******* to me because he was racist. I dont get conveniend answers to why life is not fair other than the fact that life is not fair. Its not "White people" its just the fact that some people are ********.

Sure, as a black person there WILL be times you run into some uneducated asshat who refuses to hire a perfectly qualified individual because of the pigment of thier skin. Hell, ive met black people who hated me because the color of my skin. It is not ok for white people to hate black people for skin color alone, but it is OK for black people to hate white people for the same reason?

Even saying that "white people are racist" is a racist comment itself. It lumps all white people together and insults them based off race.

But there are some black folk like jesse jackson and al sharpton need to understand is sometimes the black guy is not hired because the white guy was more qualified.

And white people need to understand the reason the black guy WAS hired is pobably NOT because of affirmative action, its cause the black guy was more qualified than the white guy.

Of all the rediculous and stupid ways people can define themselves, doing by the color of thier skin is probably the most ignorant way to define yourself.

its best to define yourself by your interests, by your accomplishments, and by your ambitions and beliefs. All four of those stretch a lot further than skin pigment.

but who knows, like all other white people im a racist keeping the spirit of racism alive like it was in the 40's and 50's. Burning crosses and making the colored folk sit in the back of the bus, all because im white, cause thats what white people apparently do...... how the hell did we end up with a black president again?


Last edited by JackThe Ripper; 07-08-2009 at 02:18 PM.
Old 07-08-2009, 02:23 PM
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Group hug, *************.

Of all the rediculous and stupid ways people can define themselves, doing by the color of thier skin is probably the most ignorant way to define yourself.

I agree with the above statement, Chris. It sucks that some people are too ignorant to look past skin color. It's really sad.

Last edited by LilMissLayla; 07-08-2009 at 02:28 PM.
Old 07-08-2009, 02:31 PM
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I read as much as i could.

Really, who cares? Who sits around and worries about all these double standards? Who gives a ****? Does it really affect anyone? Can anyone really not go on with their life after being called a cracker, or watching BET? Geeze.

Find something else to do than bitch and complain.
Old 07-08-2009, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Steeda97
Find something else to do than bitch and complain.

stop bitching about everyones complaining.

Old 07-08-2009, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
stop bitching about everyones complaining.

Old 07-08-2009, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Steeda97
I read as much as i could.

Really, who cares? Who sits around and worries about all these double standards? Who gives a ****? Does it really affect anyone? Can anyone really not go on with their life after being called a cracker, or watching BET? Geeze.

Find something else to do than bitch and complain.

this issue effect a lot of people. I can almost guarantee it effects you, and you'd see it if you werent busy saying "who gives a ****."

Its not about who can go on with their life...

how you get that anyone is bitching or complaining is this thread means you didnt read much of it. take some time and read this thread from start to finish.
Old 07-08-2009, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
this issue effect a lot of people. I can almost guarantee it effects you, and you'd see it if you werent busy saying "who gives a ****."

Its not about who can go on with their life...

how you get that anyone is bitching or complaining is this thread means you didnt read much of it. take some time and read this thread from start to finish.
I read about a page and a half worth, and skipped ahead.

I don't see how it affects me. I don't sit around and ask why we dont have a white history month, or what would happen if we did. I don't watch BET with envy that we don't have a WET. Which would just sound like a porno channel anyway. And lastly I don't look down and wonder why we as a people didn't get the big *******. I don't think that was mentioned, but I figured i'd throw it in there. Its funny.

People who worry about it seem to be just bored with their own life. Racism is just a waste of time and thought all together. Sweep it under the rug. It'll always be there, but we might as well just forget about it.

Last edited by Steeda97; 07-08-2009 at 06:44 PM.
Old 07-08-2009, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Steeda97
I don't see how it affects me. I don't sit around and ask why we dont have a white history month, or what would happen if we did. I don't watch BET with envy that we don't have a WET.
I'm not sitting around asking why we dont have white history month... I know why. Who said anything about watching BET with envy?

Originally Posted by Steeda97
Which would just sound like a porno channel anyway.

Originally Posted by Steeda97
And lastly I don't look down and wonder why we as a people didn't get the big *******. I don't think that was mentioned, but I figured i'd throw it in there. Its funny.
yup, that wasnt mentioned.

Originally Posted by Steeda97
People who worry about it seem to be just bored with their own life. Racism is just a waste of time and thought all together. Sweep it under the rug. It'll always be there, but we might as well just forget about it.
Im not bored with my life. Racism does suck. Sweeping things under the rug doesn't solve anything. Racism doesnt have to always be there. Forget it, and nothing will change.
Old 07-08-2009, 09:24 PM
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Every month is white history month! YAY!
Old 07-09-2009, 12:01 AM
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Lol, I'm getting a kick out of this. Seeing as I'm a 20 year old, white male, living in a black neighborhood, with a shaved head. Talk about fun.

Quick story - In highschool I was a wrestler, I didn't like having my hair ripped out, so I shaved my head, no big deal, I normally wear a hat. I'm sitting a lunch with my hat off, and I get a "south sider" little mexican gangbanger coming toward me, cool, no big deal.

Mother ****** spits in my face. Why? Because I'm white, I've got a shaved head, and he has it in his head that I'm a racist. Needless to say, I was expelled for that one.

So I end up at a different school, shaved head, cause, I still wear a hat, obv. Some kid goes around drawing swastikas in the bathrooms..again, I get a little southsider, and ever-other colored kid in the school behind him up to me. Why? Because I'm smaller, white, with a shaved head, naturally I did it. Oh, I was expelled for that one too.. apparently, he liked to bleed.

Now back to where I live - my neighborhood is prodominately populated by the bloods, or one of their clicks. I've had my bikes stolen, I've had some little pissant tag on my car through the dirt, I've had people on the street thinking I'm a rich white boy, because I drive a nice car, and I've got some nice ****.

I'm not getting any prejudice toward me? I'm not being discriminated against? I GOT PICKED UP BY THE FLIPPIN COPS ONE NIGHT FOR WALKING HOME BECAUSE I'M A WHITE BOY IN A BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD. Lmao.

Oh by the way, tracing my ancestry back, I'm anglo saxon. We ended up as lords in Britain, during the time where Britain had Irish slaves. Don't bring the slavery **** up. What a joke.

Living in the 50s and 40s? Are you out of your mind? You do realize that the KKK are a bunch of weak little bastards now right? The lynchings and cross burning and beatings ect have been toned down quite a bit. But the bloods and ms13, ect, go around killing whoever they see, if you're walking alone and bump into two of them, good chance you'll have a beating and a missing wallet.

Black president in 09? Still in the 40s and 50s? What because the dude with his gang name tattooed on his neck can't get a nice job making some bank? Maybe its due to the way he speaks in slang, the way he dresses, simply due to his tattoos ect.

Give me a break, 60 years ago a black man wouldn't be a lawyer, wouldn't be a doctor, wouldn't be president, wouldn't be the owner of a business. Neither would a hispanic, neither would an asian.

Hey, I'm not proud to say that my great great somethings were slave owners. Am I going to pay you money now for the mistakes of my elders? Hell no. I'm not going to give you a damned thing. I grew up dirt poor, I worked my *** off, I got to where I am now. You do the same ****. Nothing is preventing anyone from making something of themselves. If someone does, find yourself a mediocre lawyer, white, black, ****** purple, whatever, and you'll be seeing a shitload of money.

Whites aren't all fed with a silver fork. I came from some poor neighborhoods infested with mexican gangbangers, or black gangbangers, I've never lived in a all white neighborhood. Hell, if you want a all white neighborhood google "Oildale California" miserable place, the white version of Compton is what I can describe it as, and no thanks.

For any person wearing baggy clothes, certain colors, blasting some gangster rap or whatever, what do you expect when someone else crosses the street when they see you? A "hey hows it going?"

Heres my solution - quit bitching, the times HAVE changed, work your *** off, do something with your life, and look down on the glamorization of thugs. Remind people it leaves you in 3 places - In prison, in rehab, or in the ground dead.

Last edited by SnTBakosFinest; 07-09-2009 at 12:03 AM.
Old 07-09-2009, 11:45 AM
jjtgiants's Avatar
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Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest
Lol, I'm getting a kick out of this. Seeing as I'm a 20 year old, white male, living in a black neighborhood, with a shaved head. Talk about fun.

Quick story - In highschool I was a wrestler, I didn't like having my hair ripped out, so I shaved my head, no big deal, I normally wear a hat. I'm sitting a lunch with my hat off, and I get a "south sider" little mexican gangbanger coming toward me, cool, no big deal.

Mother ****** spits in my face. Why? Because I'm white, I've got a shaved head, and he has it in his head that I'm a racist. Needless to say, I was expelled for that one.

So I end up at a different school, shaved head, cause, I still wear a hat, obv. Some kid goes around drawing swastikas in the bathrooms..again, I get a little southsider, and ever-other colored kid in the school behind him up to me. Why? Because I'm smaller, white, with a shaved head, naturally I did it. Oh, I was expelled for that one too.. apparently, he liked to bleed.

Now back to where I live - my neighborhood is prodominately populated by the bloods, or one of their clicks. I've had my bikes stolen, I've had some little pissant tag on my car through the dirt, I've had people on the street thinking I'm a rich white boy, because I drive a nice car, and I've got some nice ****.

I'm not getting any prejudice toward me? I'm not being discriminated against? I GOT PICKED UP BY THE FLIPPIN COPS ONE NIGHT FOR WALKING HOME BECAUSE I'M A WHITE BOY IN A BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD. Lmao.

Oh by the way, tracing my ancestry back, I'm anglo saxon. We ended up as lords in Britain, during the time where Britain had Irish slaves. Don't bring the slavery **** up. What a joke.

Living in the 50s and 40s? Are you out of your mind? You do realize that the KKK are a bunch of weak little bastards now right? The lynchings and cross burning and beatings ect have been toned down quite a bit. But the bloods and ms13, ect, go around killing whoever they see, if you're walking alone and bump into two of them, good chance you'll have a beating and a missing wallet.

Black president in 09? Still in the 40s and 50s? What because the dude with his gang name tattooed on his neck can't get a nice job making some bank? Maybe its due to the way he speaks in slang, the way he dresses, simply due to his tattoos ect.

Give me a break, 60 years ago a black man wouldn't be a lawyer, wouldn't be a doctor, wouldn't be president, wouldn't be the owner of a business. Neither would a hispanic, neither would an asian.

Hey, I'm not proud to say that my great great somethings were slave owners. Am I going to pay you money now for the mistakes of my elders? Hell no. I'm not going to give you a damned thing. I grew up dirt poor, I worked my *** off, I got to where I am now. You do the same ****. Nothing is preventing anyone from making something of themselves. If someone does, find yourself a mediocre lawyer, white, black, ****** purple, whatever, and you'll be seeing a shitload of money.

Whites aren't all fed with a silver fork. I came from some poor neighborhoods infested with mexican gangbangers, or black gangbangers, I've never lived in a all white neighborhood. Hell, if you want a all white neighborhood google "Oildale California" miserable place, the white version of Compton is what I can describe it as, and no thanks.

For any person wearing baggy clothes, certain colors, blasting some gangster rap or whatever, what do you expect when someone else crosses the street when they see you? A "hey hows it going?"

Heres my solution - quit bitching, the times HAVE changed, work your *** off, do something with your life, and look down on the glamorization of thugs. Remind people it leaves you in 3 places - In prison, in rehab, or in the ground dead.
Dang dude, you need to move!
Old 07-09-2009, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
Dang dude, you need to move!
Haha, thats what I was thinking.
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