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Whats wrong with kids these days

Old 03-27-2007, 04:49 PM
Dusstbuster's Avatar
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Originally Posted by PColav6
so are you like a rich boy or something?


and I'm not sure on that police issue .40cal thing, from what I've read the 9mm is the standard police round, seeing as there is a much lesser chance of the bullet going in and out and having lethal force once it's gone through a target, making it less dangerous to use
No police departments are wising up and using .40cals now because 9mm's are pansy rounds and don't do anything when it comes right down to it. A .40 MIGHT penetrate, but it wouldn't do much damage after it exited the person it hit. A 9mm wouldn't penetrate, probably wouldn't stop, and more than likely wouldn't kill the person either unless it was a well placed shot. Unfortunately statistics show police officers in shooting situations kinda suck when it comes to aiming.
Old 03-27-2007, 05:06 PM
00blkstanggt's Avatar
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Standard issue for cops should be Desert Eagles. That would be tight. I thought cops were gonna start carrying glocks? Something I heard from my friend whos husband is a cop.
Old 03-27-2007, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt
Standard issue for cops should be Desert Eagles. That would be tight. I thought cops were gonna start carrying glocks? Something I heard from my friend whos husband is a cop.
almost every cop I know in pensacola carries the Glock 17, which is 9mm.

9mm is no ***** round, if the suspect is not wearing armor. If the suspect is wearing armor, it's likely that he'll have some heat that would require the LE officers to use something a little more potent than any handgun, which is why some carry M4's in their trunks =\

but you have to remember police aren't out there to kill people with their firearms, their sidearms are mostly just a form of intimidation, or defense (in LE use)
Old 03-27-2007, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by PColav6
9mm is no ***** round, if the suspect is not wearing armor.
I've seen pictures of a suspect who was shot in the face by an officer, the 9mm round lodged right above his upper jaw and didn't kill him. If that had been a .40 or .45 he'd have been dead.

I think a Desert Eagle would get pretty cumbersome to carry for an officer too there haha. They weigh a ton and are by no means small.
Old 03-27-2007, 05:45 PM
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well said stripper ripper
Old 03-27-2007, 05:57 PM
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This was from Friday, my first time firing a 9mm handgun (or any handgun for that matter)

I took 5 shots at 15 yards and managed with this
(the circled holes are of the 5)
Name:  hs.jpg
Views: 27
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I'm pretty sure if that was a person he'd be pretty much ****ed

I got that bullseye, too =)

Old 03-27-2007, 09:04 PM
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Here they are using a glock .40 .. not because the 9mm is a pansy round.. ANY round isn't a pansy round.. it was because it traveled so fast that it would actually exit the body and continue moving. The .40 Cal has just enough knockdown power that it doesn't blow a hole through someone ..

Size does matter, but not completely..I mean... a .45 is bigger than a .357 .. but a .357 bullet with the right amount of grains will peirce straight through a v8.. cops are more concerned about being able to knock down the suspect in one shot, not multiples.

If Jacks buddy got hit 7 times by something like a .45... he probably woudln't be alive..

Over here they are thinking about testing out the S&W instead of the glock..

And Cola, for your Bs "so what you're a rich boy" statement. No, I work damned hard for the money I have, I got the truck because it'd be kinda hard to tow around a 5000lb trailer with a mustang =) I carry company cash when needed for buying materials ( in the bulk depending on the job I'm doing. )
Old 03-27-2007, 10:05 PM
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well duh its a v6! lol
Old 03-28-2007, 09:10 AM
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if I was a cop these would be my weapons of choice.

The .44 as my ankle gun and then the .50 as my side arm. Hell yeah bitches!
Old 03-28-2007, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
a 9 mm is a pansy round and dont do anything when it comes down to it?

to what.... a bear?... an elephant?

you mean to tell me you think that if somone shot you a couple times in the chest with a 9mm that yer gonna shrug it off like nothing happened?

I have a buddy who was shot by a 9mm 7 times and point blank, he lived but barely, thank god the party he was at was 8 blocks from the hospital, and the fact that the bullets missed all his major organs, and he was EXTREMLY lucky. LOL however several of the rounds went straight through him. He is about 6ft 2in and a solid 195lbs, not a massive guy but certainly not small either. He still has one in his arm that has traveled about a foot down his arm since the shooting. doctors wont remove it untill it is right under the skin, it is making progress. LOL!!!!

Anyways, good luck telling that ex army-airborne that he got shot by a ***** gun, he'd probably kick yer ***. lol

the purpose is not to KILL the suspect, THAT is something that police departments are trying to get away from. Minimum amount of force necissary is what they try for. Not to blow a hole in somebody the size of a salad bowl.
thats why there is such a huge focus on non lethal weapons.

The cops job is to apprehend, not kill.

Many police departments are re-examining what type of gun/ammunition they are using, but it is not because the 9mm is a pansy round, it is cause they are constantly on the lookout for a new form of protection that will be safer for the cop and any bystanders, and with any luck NOT kill the perp unless absolutly necessary so he can be brought in, tried, and convicted. The goal is to bring them in alive. There are LOTS of groups developing new less-than-lethal alternatives as well as safer lethal firearms that have shown to be rather effective in thier job and that has spawned a lot of interest.

it aint cause a 9mm is a pansy round. lol..... There are just other firearms and ammunition that have proven to be a little more efficient and safer to bystanders
I kinda mis-said what I meant. Not saying a 9mm is a "*****" round in that aspect, I wouldn't want to be shot by any guy of any caliber period. Though you have proof right in front of you that a 9mm takes quite a bit to stop somebody. Shoot your buddy with a more powerful round and see how he would have turned out.

A .40 has more stopping power is more what I was trying to say. You're not going to see someone walk away from a .40 or .45 in the face... Sometimes the police DO need to use deadly force, and I'm pretty sure they'd prefer having a weapon that will do the job rather than emptying an entire magazine out on a meth/crack/heroined/who knows what else psychopath who doesn't feel the bullets ripping him apart. If they want to subdue somebody they can use their rubberized bullet guns, gas, or tazers. When they draw and use their sidearm they more than likely are intending to shoot to kill, be it for personal protection or the safety of others.
Old 03-28-2007, 12:21 PM
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im 17 years old. junior in high school and i sware to god every single kid i see i think is the biggest dumbass ever. First kid walks by.....dumbass. second kid walks by.......bigger dumbass........third kid walks by and makes the first look like a saint. and it keeps going and eventually the last bell rings and i get outta school. my city sucks
Old 03-28-2007, 12:53 PM
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I blame it on the parents! If parents would take the time to teach their kids some respect a lot of these things wouldn't happen. Someone mentioned it earlier, but my parents always said respect your elders and kids today could give a fvck.....not all of course cause there are a lot of good kids out there.

Kids also know that if an adult takes action to knock a little sense into them they can call the cops or CPS, whereas when I was a kid that **** didn't happen.....I'm only 29 so it wasn't that long ago. ha ha
Old 03-28-2007, 02:20 PM
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that's the crux of the matter. I am a fully qualified grown-up now and I don't give any real credit to people older than me beyond simple respect and an expectation of reciprocal behaviour. As a kid and into my early 20's I gave respect to my elders just like I was taught, and just like I teach my kids to do.

Now then... this 9mm debate is so over. I know for a fact that 9mm is a solid reliable and appropriate round for police or anyone to use. The fact of the matter is that any bullet properly placed will be effective. Having taken a bullet in the past (a .38 special low velocity at that) I can say without question that once shot you know you're shot and you'll start thinking about whether getting shot again is really a good thing. I got shot with realy "*****" guns and it stopped me in my tracks long enough to take care of the wound and plan my vengeance.

there is no pistol bullet in the world that will "knock down" anyone. You can cause someone to fall where they stand by shutting down an important system like hydraulics(heart) or central nervous system but you're not knocking **** down. pistol bullets just can't do that.

Now there is truth in bigger hole = better. Mo-bigguh hole means a more sudden shock to the system and a bigger blood loss both of which stop fights faster.

Like this one time hunting with my dad. I took a bead on this cantering (think jogging) doe from 750yrds or so and let fly with a .338-50 round. the doe was vaporized and yet the parts that filled the air continued to move forward at the rate the deer was moving to begin with. I didn't stop the critter... I evaporated it. The same thing happens when you scale things up. If there's enough energy to stop motion, there's enough to cause hydrostatic shock sufficient to spontaneously boil every drop of water in your target's body (the explosion you see when you use a .223 on a squirrel is similar).

I use .45's because I'm really good with them and the guns it fits in fit my hand well. If I were a smaller guy I'd use a .357sig or a 40 or a 9mm (probably a 9 as ammo is much cheaper).

And lastly... yes. When I get cranky everybody in my path has an equal chance to move away from the blast zone. I'm one of those guys that stays spooky calm until it's too late and then I lose all control of my ability to reason between an argument and a full blown to-the-death fight. By the time I'm sure there's gunna be a fight, I'm already on my way to throwing the 2nd punch. It's a personality flaw but I'm happy with me.
Old 03-28-2007, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by r3dn3ck

there is no pistol bullet in the world that will "knock down" anyone. You can cause someone to fall where they stand by shutting down an important system like hydraulics(heart) or central nervous system but you're not knocking **** down. pistol bullets just can't do that.
I don't think we were referring to "stopping power" as knocking someone off their feet. I know a bullet won't blow someone backwards, not even a shotgun will let alone a "wimpy" little pistol round.

My main argument is the fact that, when someone is on something, they don't necessarily know they are shot if it isn't a vital area. Thats why I'm saying 9mm's suck because they do relatively little damage to surrounding areas and thus don't have as much of the ability to stop someone in that situation. A larger caliber has a better tendency to hit/break a bone, or kill the person. I'd rather have a 9mm than nothing though that's for sure.

Interesting side story...My dad's coworker was hunting bear with a .357 mag way back. They ended up running into a mother bear with her cubs who wasn't too pleased and rushed them. They got to a high spot and turned around in time to shoot it in the skull from within 15 feet or so...bullet hit the skull and ricocheted off. How scary would that be? It pissed/dazed the bear enough that it backed off but imagine what you'd be thinking if you just shot something IN THE HEAD and it just got mad and left.
Old 03-28-2007, 02:49 PM
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I know my parents raised me right. i know that i should respect everyone, older or younger. and all that good stuff, and i also have had to work and pay for half of my car. soo i don't just go trough and race my car, run red lights, or stop signs because its my car and if i mess it up it my money that i'm through away. and even on the road, i have had ppl make me come to a complete smoking tires holding wheel to keep from sliding too much because the cut me off, ro pulled out to far in a light and i just srug it off because my car (money) is ok.. i know alot of ppl that would speed past them and do something stupid like that. yeah i might be mad at the person from doing something stupid, but i don't show it.. on the road. i keep my rage for running or other things that are good to let my anger out with
Old 03-28-2007, 11:27 PM
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Even though the 9mm debate is pretty much over, nobody pointed out bullet selection either. a 9mm FMJ that is your standard issue might go straight through someone, But a 9mm JHP is gonna tumble and cause alot more damage including a pretty large exit wound. Then you've got specialty Brands like RBCD Platinum Plus ammunition which is a complete fragmentation round (As in it doesn't exit the body at all)
Old 03-29-2007, 08:25 AM
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This isn't very relevant to the conversation but here are some photos of Lake County's SWAT team (Florida)

I'm sure if they run into some hippy loaded on angel dust in a house with a double barreled shotgun, the normal officers would just let these guys handle it..

Old 04-01-2007, 01:30 PM
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they got some awesome crotch guards!!!
Old 04-01-2007, 05:10 PM
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i have one of these on me at all times. even in a belt holster.

yeah, I'm a bad mother ****er.
Old 04-01-2007, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
lol.... if somone tried pulling one of those on me i would shove it up thier ***, business end first, all the way to the handle.
in holland, you have to pay a hooker 400 bucks to do that
Old 04-01-2007, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
On east colfax you can get that done for a dimebag of meth and a half eaten sammich

you leave my sister out of this

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