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Badfish 09-21-2005 03:27 PM

DAMMIT got a ticket
for going 12 over...cop was a prick!!! he is raping everyone at my school

he got 10 people today and 16 yesterday! one cop!! just ranting :mad:

venom 09-21-2005 03:31 PM

Stop speeding,now what s going to happen to your paint money. I try not to go 5mph above the limit as they wont pull you over for that unless its a slow day.

Badfish 09-21-2005 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by venom
Stop speeding,now what s going to happen to your paint money. I try not to go 5mph above the limit as they wont pull you over for that unless its a slow day.

paint money has already been payed ;) youll see later today

i usually dont speed, but he caught me on a speedy day

ThePunisher 09-21-2005 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
for going 12 over...cop was a prick!!! he is raping everyone at my school

he got 10 people today and 16 yesterday! one cop!! just ranting :mad:

If you speed, you take a chance on getting caught doing it. The cop has every right to stop you if your speeding. If I was a cop, and I considered it, Id be waiting near a school too.

yeayea0 09-21-2005 04:43 PM

hey bro i totally hear ya......I've got an 01 Cobra and I get pulled over for going 5 and 10 over all the time...I even got pulled over for going 3 over!!!!! Cops go for us kids all the time (I'm 18) cuz were push overs, stick up for yourself bro and theyll respect you

csledd 09-21-2005 10:04 PM

you guys aren't the only ones, lots of people who dont even drive sports cars get pulled over for going just a few over

i love soccermoms 09-21-2005 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by yeayea0
hey bro i totally hear ya......I've got an 01 Cobra and I get pulled over for going 5 and 10 over all the time...I even got pulled over for going 3 over!!!!! Cops go for us kids all the time (I'm 18) cuz were push overs, stick up for yourself bro and theyll respect you

k.. this is in smack talk, this i will be allowed..

WTF?!?!? ARE YOU HIGH?!? if u stick up for yourself (aka BE A DICK) theyll nail your ass to the wall, and **** you over for every little thing! STOP SPEEDING OR STOP BITCHING! if u speed, guess what? they can pull u over. guess what happens if u dont speed though? they let u drive right by... WOW WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!!!!!

WaterDR 09-22-2005 04:37 AM

kid + Mustang = cops can not resist.

madmatt 09-22-2005 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by yeayea0
hey bro i totally hear ya......I've got an 01 Cobra and I get pulled over for going 5 and 10 over all the time...I even got pulled over for going 3 over!!!!! Cops go for us kids all the time (I'm 18) cuz were push overs, stick up for yourself bro and theyll respect you

Yea Id suggest not sticking up for yourself against the cops, cause hes right, they will hit you even harded. Just admit that you were speeding, they hear every excues everyday, its not often they hear the truth.

shad0ws 09-22-2005 06:01 AM

Well here is the main thing you need to realize about driving our kind of cars. If a cop sees a group of speeding cars and it's most of them of are your average cars but in that pack he sees a Mustang with pipes and ****, he is going to target that Mustang. It happened to my mom, she was speeding with a group of people and cop pulled her out of the middle of pack just because she was driving a BMW.

Slither 09-22-2005 09:48 AM

I speed but REMEMBER..cops are just doing their jobs, pricks or not. A lot of them are probably pricks for people they have to deal with all day pulling over. You speed, you take a chance of getting caught and when you get caught there should be no reason to be pissed at a cop but be pissed at yourself. They are doing what they are paid to do.

MattJ 09-22-2005 10:57 AM

at least mommy pays for everything. youve got nothing to worry about here...

madmatt 09-22-2005 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by MattJ
at least mommy pays for everything. youve got nothing to worry about here...

LOL OMGBBQ LOL!!11! Hes got you there homo. Just put it in an envelope with a sweet note that says "mommy...da big mean poweece officer pulled me ovah today...:( LOL

Slither 09-22-2005 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by madmatt
LOL OMGBBQ LOL!!11! Hes got you there homo. Just put it in an envelope with a sweet note that says "mommy...da big mean poweece officer pulled me ovah today...:( LOL

Good stuff!

4.6 Love 09-22-2005 11:54 AM

Speeding is illegal. :)

dannyb785 09-22-2005 12:53 PM

^ so is gay marriage :p

4.6 Love 09-22-2005 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by dannyb785
^ so is gay marriage :p

Yeah, you would know :eek:

Badfish 09-22-2005 04:39 PM

goin to court on the 12 too get it reduced

i just think these guys should be out catchin serial killers and little girl rapists than worrying about kids actually (god for bid) enjoying themselves

MattJ 09-22-2005 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
goin to court on the 12 too get it reduced

i just think these guys should be out catchin serial killers and little girl rapists than worrying about kids actually (god for bid) enjoying themselves

So that makes you driving over the speed limit ok? You got caught for speeding. If they wanted you to go faster in that area, there would be a higher posted limit. Speeding and driving stupid is what causes accidents...

Badfish 09-22-2005 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ
So that makes you driving over the speed limit ok? You got caught for speeding. If they wanted you to go faster in that area, there would be a higher posted limit. Speeding and driving stupid is what causes accidents...

I understand that. and i understand i shouldnt have been speeding, BUT #1 the road is wide as hell, and its empty as hell and strait as hell, so it coulda been atleast 45 and not 35 and #2 there are 2 cops that sit there ALL day pointing their guns...when they should be fighting crime, or something, ratehr than sitting by a school for 7 hours....1 or 2 is cool but 2 officers for seven hours

MattJ 09-22-2005 07:02 PM

People like you pay their salaries. If he wasnt ticketing anyone, he could lose his job due to budget cuts. His job is in his hands and hes doing what he can to keep it.

i love soccermoms 09-22-2005 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by shad0wsGT
Well here is the main thing you need to realize about driving our kind of cars. If a cop sees a group of speeding cars and it's most of them of are your average cars but in that pack he sees a Mustang with pipes and ****, he is going to target that Mustang. It happened to my mom, she was speeding with a group of people and cop pulled her out of the middle of pack just because she was driving a BMW.

thats a load of crap too. before i got my stang, i was rockin an 01 buick century.. woohoo! i got pulled over in a group of people...
then today i burned out directly torward a cop (that i didnt see) that was sitting across the parking lot, facing me. theres NO WAY he missed me. he didnt flash his lights, hit his siren, anything. he just drove the other way. sometimes they can be cool, buuttttt i doubt it has much to do w/ the car u drive. OH and i just turned 19 a month ago, so dont give me that crap about how its teen's in stangs either...

WaterDR 09-23-2005 04:50 AM

Come on guys, this is not rocket science.

If you are a kid in a sports car, you have a better chance of getting stopped PERIOD. It is not a guarentee, just a better chance.

Where I live, I think people with crappy cars and cars with out of state plates get stopped more often. Just my opinion from what I see. Rich people will fight a ticket. People from out of state, certainly will not. But kids in sports-cars, the cops think they are doing society a favor by pulling you over.

I am almost 38 years old. In my life, I have had.....about 5 speeding tickets.

I drove over 50,000 per year the last 12 years of my life. I have been driving for 22 years. During the last 12 years, I have had about 3 of these tickets, and before that, the other two. The first one happened when I was 16. In the last 6 years, I have averaged 1 ticket, per 200,000 miles driven.

In the first 10 years, I probably averaged about 1 ticket every 75,000 miles. Is age a factor? Was I driving faster back then? There are clearly lots of factors, but obviously, I don't get them at the same rate now.

PureStang 09-23-2005 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
kid + Mustang = cops can not resist.

well...i can disagree......kid + mustang + tint = cops cant tell.....

Grimmz 09-24-2005 02:44 PM

the easiest way not to get a be either in the military or affiliated with it...I went to a military highschool in NW D.C. I never got a ticket and i would do atleast 80 in a 55 all the way home on a 12 lane high way...had cops come up on my sides twice, just give me that " u need to slow down look" and i carried on...or you can be like my friend who was just honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, and just show your Id, he's been pulled over atleast 15 times, only one ticket, went from 95 in a 65, to a 74 in a 65 LoL...ahhhh

i love soccermoms 09-24-2005 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
the easiest way not to get a be either in the military or affiliated with it...I went to a military highschool in NW D.C. I never got a ticket and i would do atleast 80 in a 55 all the way home on a 12 lane high way...had cops come up on my sides twice, just give me that " u need to slow down look" and i carried on...or you can be like my friend who was just honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, and just show your Id, he's been pulled over atleast 15 times, only one ticket, went from 95 in a 65, to a 74 in a 65 LoL...ahhhh

did those cops that pulled up next to u just magically know you went to a military hs, or were u driving a desert storm type humvee? :p

Lunati 09-24-2005 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
the easiest way not to get a be either in the military or affiliated with it...I went to a military highschool in NW D.C. I never got a ticket and i would do atleast 80 in a 55 all the way home on a 12 lane high way...had cops come up on my sides twice, just give me that " u need to slow down look" and i carried on...or you can be like my friend who was just honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, and just show your Id, he's been pulled over atleast 15 times, only one ticket, went from 95 in a 65, to a 74 in a 65 LoL...ahhhh

that doesnt work here in norfolk,virginia beach, and portsmouth area. its all military and they love to pull us over. never fails. my last ticket i was goin 42 in a 35 (i was runnin late to work) and i was in uniform. he didnt let me slide. same thing happen to a few other buddys of mine.

Grimmz 09-25-2005 01:10 AM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
did those cops that pulled up next to u just magically know you went to a military hs, or were u driving a desert storm type humvee? :p

I wore class b's to school everyday, and then BDU's on friday's aka PT other words, i wore a uniform everyday day of the week, and since i wore a officer jacket in class b's it's hard to tell if i'm real military or just JROTC...

and yeah that sux man, i know in DC alota the cops are former marines and are relaxed about it.but yeah that really sux...LOl

SilverSteed03 09-25-2005 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
since i wore a officer jacket in class b's it's hard to tell if i'm real military or just JROTC...

Actually, it's really easy. If i see someone wearing an Army uniform, but it says JROTC all over it, thats a pretty dead giveaway to me.

ShakerScoops 09-25-2005 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by yeayea0
hey bro i totally hear ya......I've got an 01 Cobra and I get pulled over for going 5 and 10 over all the time...I even got pulled over for going 3 over!!!!! Cops go for us kids all the time (I'm 18) cuz were push overs, stick up for yourself bro and theyll respect you

Yes they do go for you young ones. My oldest got pulled over at least 6 times for driving a yellow stang. And me they just give a look and a thumbs up. It sucks, but I believe they do look for the younger crowd.

theponyfactor 10-03-2005 04:30 PM

I learned my lesson before I bought my mustang when I was doing 68 in a 45 = $205 and 6 points. (driving a sweet 1993 Mercury Sable)

SpinMedia 10-03-2005 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
I understand that. and i understand i shouldnt have been speeding, BUT #1 the road is wide as hell, and its empty as hell and strait as hell, so it coulda been atleast 45 and not 35 and #2 there are 2 cops that sit there ALL day pointing their guns...when they should be fighting crime, or something, ratehr than sitting by a school for 7 hours....1 or 2 is cool but 2 officers for seven hours

SO what ever happened to your High tech top of the line Colorado Police Detector 3000??

Badfish 10-04-2005 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by 1FastGT
SO what ever happened to your High tech top of the line Colorado Police Detector 3000??

i stopped using it along time ago cus i told m self i wasnt gonna speed

GREG@94GT 10-05-2005 07:36 AM

i guess you got a bad case of local cops... really the tickets he handed just made his day, he probably doesnt have anything good to do.

I have had a long history with the police (my pops bein a retired NJ trooper) and i found if your respectful and not a dick the cop usually is nice too. if that dont work your beat. dont get on a cops bad side for something dumb like a speeding citation.

but that does suck, i got pulled over 2 weeks ago doin 100 in a 60, (it was the middle of the night and no cars on the highway so dont bitch at me for speedin) the cop gave me a warning and told me to say hello to my pops.

so there are some good ones out there

Shambles 10-05-2005 08:32 AM

lol but you have your fathers reputation behind you. Nobody would give you a ticket if you are the son of a trooper silly....

GREG@94GT 10-05-2005 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
lol but you have your fathers reputation behind you. Nobody would give you a ticket if you are the son of a trooper silly....


there are some local cops who enjoy being dick heads... NJ's state police a great... there are many local cops who dont give a ****... my local cops tried to press charges on me for shooting a BB gun of my personal property... the point i was makin is not all cops are dickheads so be respectfull regardless, if you piss off one cop he tells every cop he knows so that they want peice of you.

Shambles 10-05-2005 10:25 AM

Lemme rephrase that...

No State Trooper would give you a ticket. Local Cops, well, theyre all in a league of their own.

stang00 10-05-2005 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
Lemme rephrase that...

No State Trooper would give you a ticket. Local Cops, well, theyre all in a league of their own.

local cops without a doubt are the gayest of them all perfect example my town or the movie supertroopers if we had state troopers liek them that be awesome

GREG@94GT 10-05-2005 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by stang00
local cops without a doubt are the gayest of them all perfect example my town or the movie supertroopers if we had state troopers liek them that be awesome

**** YEAH! super troopers were great... but there are bad state cops they're just rare...

mustangs were made to go fast, thats what i told a cop once...

roushrider81 10-07-2005 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
I understand that. and i understand i shouldnt have been speeding, BUT #1 the road is wide as hell, and its empty as hell and strait as hell, so it coulda been atleast 45 and not 35 and #2 there are 2 cops that sit there ALL day pointing their guns...when they should be fighting crime, or something, ratehr than sitting by a school for 7 hours....1 or 2 is cool but 2 officers for seven hours

you say they are there all day. then why the hell would you speed by a cop????

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