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roushrider81 10-07-2005 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
LOL OMGBBQ LOL!!11! Hes got you there homo. Just put it in an envelope with a sweet note that says "mommy...da big mean poweece officer pulled me ovah today...:( LOL

thats probally the funniest thing i have read all month

Badfish 10-07-2005 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
you say they are there all day. then why the hell would you speed by a cop????

my car was in the shop for a week so i had no idea they started this crap

roushrider81 10-08-2005 06:18 AM

ohh ok that alright then

QuickStang 10-09-2005 07:45 PM

i tend to go 2-5 below the speed limit..Since my cars a lil loud and the cops are always looking..Why the hell you speeding near a school cops are always around...? just curious?

Stangdude27 10-10-2005 08:04 PM

If you speed you get ticketed. Do it somewhere safe and not in a school zone. I've had numerous types of cars before the stang and never got pulled over. I've had the stang over a year now and have been pulled twice by Maryland State Troopers. Each time given a verbal warning.(Each time 10 or 20 over. And told to have a nice day. I expect to get pulled over if I'm speeding. Since last Sep 04 haven't been pulled once. I figure this car has had alot of work put into it and no sense on wrecking it or getting ticketed for speeding. That's what the track is for. Granted some of the police are asses. Nothing better to do. But they often let you go by being polite and admitting you screwed up.
Since my last pull I've been doing the speed limit don't want insurance to get out of hand.

I love those virginia state boys. I was going to N.C. for a vacation and it is always nice seeing the police lined up in a row of three and burning out and racing. Really nice.

Just slow down and save it for a track. Remeber if you see cops on a regular basis at a normal spot hey don't speed. Good Luck

MattJ 10-10-2005 08:10 PM

doe 10-23-2005 08:00 PM

It's great here in FL (Well, at least in Jacksonville), I rarely see anyone but out-of-towners and ricers getting pulled over, and even that's rare. Usually what you have to look out for is running red lights here...

apache46 10-24-2005 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Grimmz
the easiest way not to get a be either in the military or affiliated with it...I went to a military highschool in NW D.C. I never got a ticket and i would do atleast 80 in a 55 all the way home on a 12 lane high way...had cops come up on my sides twice, just give me that " u need to slow down look" and i carried on...or you can be like my friend who was just honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, and just show your Id, he's been pulled over atleast 15 times, only one ticket, went from 95 in a 65, to a 74 in a 65 LoL...ahhhh

Right and very very wrong at the same time. Depends where you are. If you are, for example, 5 miles off post, don't even look at a cop. If you are home on leave 300 miles from the closest Post, you could be dragging a dead body and they'd shake your hand. Speaking of your friends ticket, that ticket was dropped to 9 over, which any DA can do in traffic court. However, I've never seen it done from 30 over sooooo.. Moral of the whole speeding getting caught story, get a lawyer.. 300- 400 bucks later and you just saved alot more money compared to ellevated insurance rates for the next 3 yrs.

Jack The Ripper 10-24-2005 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by apache46
Right and very very wrong at the same time. Depends where you are. If you are, for example, 5 miles off post, don't even look at a cop. If you are home on leave 300 miles from the closest Post, you could be dragging a dead body and they'd shake your hand. Speaking of your friends ticket, that ticket was dropped to 9 over, which any DA can do in traffic court. However, I've never seen it done from 30 over sooooo.. Moral of the whole speeding getting caught story, get a lawyer.. 300- 400 bucks later and you just saved alot more money compared to ellevated insurance rates for the next 3 yrs.

Yeah, thats the truth. When i got back from japan i was hauling ass to texas to visit my brother, i got 4 warnings. From texas to my next station in ohio i got 3 warnings.
After i got out of the military, nothing helps. not the Honerably Discharged Veteran plates, not the military id.

I think the best way to get out of a ticket is a nice set of tits and legs.
Unfortunatly, i dont have either, and it doesent work if my girlfriend who has both, happens to be sitting in the seat next to me.

I hate fat girlz 10-30-2005 01:07 PM

I have been driving for 3 years, I drive like a dumbass and I have never been pulled over. :D

Grimmz 10-31-2005 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by I hate fat girlz
I have been driving for 3 years, I drive like a dumbass and I have never been pulled over. :D


stang00 10-31-2005 11:34 AM

ah hahhahahahhahaaaaaaahahahhahahahha roflcopter !!!!!!!!!!!!!! its such a true name though

whitethunder46 10-31-2005 08:52 PM

never been pulled over... Hopefully you didnt just jinx yourself!

Ok, soooo I got pulled over in Virgina about 3 months ago. I'm 19 and from Ohio, so out of state, I was ticketed for 100 in a 65 :rolleyes:
I just got my fine back, 566 bux!!!!!!!!!!! thats nuts. It's kinda funny tho, when the cop pulled me over, he said i should of just kept going, he wouldnt of been able to catch up! haha

ih8chevy 11-03-2005 11:34 PM

Dumb Moves
Hey i am one of those people who wait in school zones. If i see some prick speeding through there i dont give a **** ticket. Why do people think there is some play with a limit sign. Guess what you go 26 in a 25 and go to court you will lose i have seen it! I have a stang and why speed when you know your cars got some balls what the hell does it matter if you look cool passing some bitch in her cavalier! You know what blows my mind, you have seen this so called dick there before why the hell would you speed through there!!!!!!

OFFdutyHERO 12-03-2005 04:24 PM

Tickets suck......I just got one last wednesday in a 35 zone. doin 42...the only funny thing about it was when he was about to walk away he says to me "thats a nice exhaust"...but anyway, I have come to the conclusion...the only good cop is no cop, and the only thing better is a cop off-duty.....cops make a living by causing hell in others lives.....I have a cousin who is becoming a cop....he is currently doing training, and making the transition to prick status.

i love soccermoms 12-03-2005 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by OFFdutyHERO
Tickets suck......I just got one last wednesday in a 35 zone. doin 42...the only funny thing about it was when he was about to walk away he says to me "thats a nice exhaust"...but anyway, I have come to the conclusion...the only good cop is no cop, and the only thing better is a cop off-duty.....cops make a living by causing hell in others lives.....I have a cousin who is becoming a cop....he is currently doing training, and making the transition to prick status.

stfu and quit whining b!tch! accept the fact that u broke a law and u got nailed for it.. maybe if ur nice u could get out of it, but when u have that asshole mentality u DO have, ur not gunna get ****

OFFdutyHERO 12-04-2005 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
stfu and quit whining b!tch! accept the fact that u broke a law and u got nailed for it.. maybe if ur nice u could get out of it, but when u have that asshole mentality u DO have, ur not gunna get ****

I wasnt an asshole....I may HATE cops, but I understand the fact that I still have to respect them.....Besides if I was a prick to him, he proly coulda nailed me for some other bull you stop whining.....bitcch

MattJ 12-04-2005 12:26 PM

you got a ticket because YOU were speeding, and that makes the cop a dick? You were breaking the law, so stop crying about the consequences. If you dont want a ticket, dont speed. SIMPLE AS THAT. You retards crack me up about this stupid nonsense.

Remember when that guy threw something at my car and I chased him down? Well I went to court and I have to pay the Excessive speeding ticket I got, which got changed to improper signaling because of the situation. You dont see me crying about it. I knew the risk involved in chasing him down, and I knew I could out run him, out corner him, out manuver him, and I took the chance. Well I caught him and got the ticket because a cop was sitting right there when i flew up at him at 130. Well needless to say the ticket paid itself cuz I got $930 out of it, and damage fixed for $60 dollars.

Moral of the story here kids: Dont speed and you wont get a ticket.


Grimmz 12-04-2005 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ
you got a ticket because YOU were speeding, and that makes the cop a dick? You were breaking the law, so stop crying about the consequences. If you dont want a ticket, dont speed. SIMPLE AS THAT. You retards crack me up about this stupid nonsense.

Remember when that guy threw something at my car and I chased him down? Well I went to court and I have to pay the Excessive speeding ticket I got, which got changed to improper signaling because of the situation. You dont see me crying about it. I knew the risk involved in chasing him down, and I knew I could out run him, out corner him, out manuver him, and I took the chance. Well I caught him and got the ticket because a cop was sitting right there when i flew up at him at 130. Well needless to say the ticket paid itself cuz I got $930 out of it, and damage fixed for $60 dollars.

Moral of the story here kids: Dont speed and you wont get a ticket.


Whats crazy thought is how the stupid the speed limits are though. In a 6 lane highway divided by a 10 foot Concrete and dirt median has a speed limit of 35??? WTF is that...don't tell me the high way engineers really believe we're incapable of driving any faster then 35...The truth is route 301 N/S (pre I-95) used to be a 55mph speed limit back in the 50's when my Dad was born, NOW...the speed limit is 70 mph, cars are going faster, controlled better. Speed limits are going to have to be raised just to stay efficient.

Back home the main road through town is 50mph, and there haven't been any deaths from pedestrian hits in years...and honestly there really is a difference between driving recklessly and driving a few over. I just don't get why people get so defensive about going 5-10 over the speed tell me if you can tell the difference between 30 and 40mph it's total BS.

As for Florida, yea I know I get profiled cuz i'm outa state. But more so, cuz the cop looks at my car, see's rims, (and soon will hear and exhaust) see's i'm from maryland, well dressed, b/c i'm not blue collar i'm a target. Most of the guyz down here are good ol' southern boys w/trucks and american cars. I'm just the rich kid from up north, If thats right to profile like that...w/e in the end i know i'm guna be makin 3-4 times there salary in my lifetime...and that lets me move on...

jacliff_3521 12-10-2005 12:37 AM

Hey springy, What are you a retard? You should be riding the short bus. You know there are cops there pointing there wittle guns, so just for being stupid you should be popped for the full amount, And if you werent driving something that said WTF was that ugly F r, then maybe you wouldnt have gottin pulled over. stupid is as stupid does.... You should have let your mommy drop you off at the short bus stop that morning.... sorry, but man do you make it easy!

Badfish 12-10-2005 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by jacliff_3521
Hey springy, What are you a retard? You should be riding the short bus. You know there are cops there pointing there wittle guns, so just for being stupid you should be popped for the full amount, And if you werent driving something that said WTF was that ugly F r, then maybe you wouldnt have gottin pulled over. stupid is as stupid does.... You should have let your mommy drop you off at the short bus stop that morning.... sorry, but man do you make it easy!

god, reading your posts is like reading a 5 year olds letter to i said before, you insult your self with out me even sayign anything, carry on

krod 12-12-2005 04:34 PM

I got a simple solution. Marry a cop like i did, I got a ticket for willfull competition in a motorvehicle, somehow it disappeared a few days later...

OFFdutyHERO 12-12-2005 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by krod
I got a simple solution. Marry a cop like i did, I got a ticket for willfull competition in a motorvehicle, somehow it disappeared a few days later...

Thats one hell of an idea lol! Can I ask what you "willfully competed" against?

krod 12-12-2005 06:59 PM

That was before I had my stang, I had an 00 camaro SS racing a trans-am. It was a nice car I just ran the hell out of it till it broke cause it was paid off, then bought my stang as a change of scenery...

Shambles 12-14-2005 09:03 PM

Im suprised this thread isnt dead yet...jesus.

Badfish 12-14-2005 09:26 PM

OFFdutyHERO 12-15-2005 05:04 AM

ok...who pissed off the steroid guy and his boy lover??

IOwnASilveradoandAMustang 12-15-2005 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by OFFdutyHERO
ok...who pissed off the steroid guy and his boy lover??

All natural 6'8'' 300lbs College offensive Lineman here .. no steriods..Trust me .. I'd look a hell of alot more cut if I was on those ... I just wish the mods would quit banning me .. I just came here to have fun .. Ok .. so I deserved the first one .. but the last one .. thats was just pointless.. I finally put my mustang on here so people would leave me alone about my truck .. some people can't take a joke ..

OFFdutyHERO 12-15-2005 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by IOwnASilveradoandAMustang
All natural 6'8'' 300lbs College offensive Lineman here .. no steriods..Trust me .. I'd look a hell of alot more cut if I was on those ... I just wish the mods would quit banning me .. I just came here to have fun .. Ok .. so I deserved the first one .. but the last one .. thats was just pointless.. I finally put my mustang on here so people would leave me alone about my truck .. some people can't take a joke ..

..........."some people cant take a joke" Ironic you say that

lol just messin

stangspeed 12-17-2005 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by Better-than-URs
WHOS the loser with no life - posting a star trek wing on his mustang? also, showing off 17"s wow. Not menton that you obiviously on the internet just was much as anyone else on this forum - so how is the one with no life? - at least he has a fully customized truck - not just wheels and spoiler thinking hes cool (i saw it on another page - nice truck by the way- except its a chevy - lol j/k). The sombrero on the back of your mustang with earn no cudos here! p.s. its not steeda were not stupid

lol..just like urs is no were near a go's hand and hand..cant we all just get along? look we all are here for one reason...and if you cant say something nice, then dont say it at all..

Islander03GT 12-31-2005 05:12 PM

hey springs did mommy pay for this too?

jacliff_3521 12-31-2005 06:08 PM

53 posts. been here longer then you, i don't have to say a thing. Its official.

stang00 12-31-2005 06:45 PM


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