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NoKturnaL 01-04-2006 05:51 PM

appealing a speeding ticket in court.
So I got this speeding ticket yesterday....while driving my winter car (99 Nissan Sentra) to work. The ticket says I was going 40mph in a 30mph zone.
and the ticket is for $100.

Now, I could care less about paying the 100.00 fine...but i do care about my "safe driver" points going UP..and having to pay more for insurance now.

I would like to appeal this ticket and somehow get it dropped...but I really have no excuse to give the what are some good excuses in making the judge decide to just write off the ticket??????

Or should I just pay the sh**ty fine..and pay the extra insurance dollars!? arg

and why the fuk would a cop pull someone over for just going over the speed limit by 10 mph? what a waste of time. So far my year is going GREAT!

csledd 01-04-2006 05:52 PM

do you have any past tickets?

NoKturnaL 01-04-2006 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by csledd
do you have any past tickets?

I have like 2 past tickets. I havent had a ticket in like 2 years before this one though.
this sux..I did my best to never get a ticket again....but 10 miles per hour killed it! :bash:

csledd 01-04-2006 05:57 PM

I've never had a ticket so I'm no pro at this.. but my guess is if maybe you said you had been good and your record shows for the past 2 years at least? lol

MattJ 01-04-2006 05:57 PM

If you arive to court and plead your clean driver case, itll probably be dropped to "deffective speedometer"

NoKturnaL 01-04-2006 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ
If you arive to court and plead your clean driver case, itll probably be dropped to "deffective speedometer"

lol..u know what? I actually though of making that up as an
But I cant imagine how many others have used that one before...

PureStang 01-04-2006 06:01 PM

screw w/ the mph needle and prove it ot them?? i have no clue...ive never been pulled over...the only time cops were involved was when i was in an accident...and the other dude got a citation...haha....for 35 in a 15 school zone hah

SpinMedia 01-04-2006 06:03 PM

If you have not got a ticket in more then 6 months you can hire a traffic attorney to have it removed, you only pay them between $40-$140 depending on your record and how hard it is to appeal.

MattJ 01-04-2006 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by V8 SyndicateZ
lol..u know what? I actually though of making that up as an
But I cant imagine how many others have used that one before...

Dont lie because they have heard 10000 different stories. plead your case and ask for some slack because of your good driving habits for the past 2 years.

95STANG 01-04-2006 06:09 PM

10 mph over is normally the speed cops pull people of here in Iowa

customstang 01-04-2006 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by V8 SyndicateZ
and why the fuk would a cop pull someone over for just going over the speed limit by 10 mph? what a waste of time. So far my year is going GREAT!

Haha good one! Only 10 over in a 30, thats 33.3% over the limit. That's equal to 95 on a 70mph interstate.

madmatt 01-04-2006 06:21 PM

Tell him the truth. Youd be amazed what an effect the truth has on someone who hears nothing but bull**** all day. Just a thought, Ive never had to go to court though.

NoKturnaL 01-04-2006 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by customstang
Haha good one! Only 10 over in a 30, thats 33.3% over the limit. That's equal to 95 on a 70mph interstate.

ok enough with the math :icon_bs:

Icefreezen 01-04-2006 06:29 PM

I brought this fat pig to court and the fatso never showed up......I prepared 2 weeks to take him on in court and the retard never showed up. I actually wanted him to show up. Cops are dumb in court.

TayWolf55 01-04-2006 06:29 PM

Just go get a lawyer that specializes in traffic tickets and such. You might have to pay a little more but you dont have to show up in court, he does it all for you, and should get it off your record and moved down to a non moving violation.

With that being said, I've never done it before.

Milos 01-04-2006 06:32 PM

did you ask for the read on the radar gun? you gotta ask for the read on the radar gun, because you, as a citizen have the right to face the accuser.. and in this case it would be a spectre gun (or lidar depending)... they'd have to throw it out if the guy didn't gun you, or if he refused to show it to you if you ask for it... you think i'm kidding? try. :banana:

NoKturnaL 01-04-2006 06:36 PM

how about I just tell the judge that I was drinking..and was UNAWARE of my speeds. And blame it on a Corona Extra and sue them? hmmm

Milos 01-04-2006 06:38 PM

yea east coast :shifty:

Brandman316 01-04-2006 07:27 PM

These guys saved me a bunch of money.. You pay them like 50 bucks and they will go to court for you and normally get it appealed. You don't have to do anything except pay....

01GTBlown 01-04-2006 07:45 PM

Plead your good driving record to the judge and see if they have a bond program or a forfeiture program...

Bond = either you pay the fine and they don't report it or you pay the fine and you have to be good for a certain period of time...if you are it drops if your not it goes on your record along with your new ticket

forfeiture program = you pay a certain penalty and if your good it will drop if you screw up it gets worse along with your new ticket

Also states have their own little laws too, when your in the court room and see any attorney's just sittin there bug the **** outta might seem kinda stupid but you would be suprised what their willing to tell ya and how much you'll save on your car insurance...GEICO...

If you have the balls to stand up and talk to the judge they'll usually let you off as long as you don't have a record 10 pages long...Take it from me, ive had 12 tickets in the past 2 years and only have 4 on my record...Although have been in jail a couple times...Granite, my aunt has helped me alot (parallegal), but ive done it all on my only moved up in cars.


madmatt 01-04-2006 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by 01GTBlown
Take it from me, ive had 12 tickets in the past 2 years and only have 4 on my record...Although have been in jail a couple times...


Seems like you have it backwards

MattJ 01-04-2006 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
Seems like you have it backwards

haha I was going to say the same.
You are climbing down the ladder on this one, not up, buddy.


01GTBlown 01-04-2006 08:13 PM

Well I was pretty crazy at times, but since have settled down ALOT. But was just giving my 2cents as i have been there many times!

stang00 01-04-2006 08:27 PM

ahh ik how it feels getting arrested for doing fun **** in ur car ive been arrested twice for having fun in my stang cops are just dickheads

I hate fat girlz 01-05-2006 12:41 AM

go find the cop and own him.

Nofire 01-05-2006 02:28 AM

You have 3 choices. The first one is to pay the ticket and live with the higher insurance since, hey, you did get caught speeding :wallbash: The next thing is to get a lawyer. Most cops don't show up to court, and even if they do, the DA doesn't want to go through the affair of actually dragging it out in court, so they drop it or make a deal where you pay the ticket, but it doesn't go on your record. And the last thing to try is pay the ticket and then slip the court clerk $50 to keep it off your record :devil2: I've used each of these with success. I get pulled over 4-5 times a year on average (I usually do 80-85 on the interstates) and have yet to have a ticket go on my record. I know b/c I pull it myself to check every once in a while. GOOD LUCK!

Grimmz 01-05-2006 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by Nofire
You have 3 choices. The first one is to pay the ticket and live with the higher insurance since, hey, you did get caught speeding :wallbash: The next thing is to get a lawyer. Most cops don't show up to court, and even if they do, the DA doesn't want to go through the affair of actually dragging it out in court, so they drop it or make a deal where you pay the ticket, but it doesn't go on your record. And the last thing to try is pay the ticket and then slip the court clerk $50 to keep it off your record :devil2: I've used each of these with success. I get pulled over 4-5 times a year on average (I usually do 80-85 on the interstates) and have yet to have a ticket go on my record. I know b/c I pull it myself to check every once in a while. GOOD LUCK!


In florida and other states there are programs you can take for better driving school that cost like 30 bucks, and then u pay the fine and you don't have any points on your license...look into those...

wade95 01-05-2006 07:59 AM

As a deputy sheriff we normally give you guys the first 10mph, but anything after that you are fair game. In Pinellas County you can take it to court and there are a couple ways it could go. You can plead no contest and apoligize in hopes that the judge witholds adjudication. Therefore, no points. Explain your great driving record. Also, the cop may not show up or show up and not have his proper paperwork and the ticket will get thrown out. Or, in the worst case, you could get found guilty and get to pay court costs as well. Good luck.

As for why we stop people for "just" 10 over??? Because it's our job. End of story.

Milos 01-05-2006 12:00 PM

County Mountie :shifty:

NoKturnaL 01-05-2006 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by wade95
As a deputy sheriff we normally give you guys the first 10mph, but anything after that you are fair game. In Pinellas County you can take it to court and there are a couple ways it could go. You can plead no contest and apoligize in hopes that the judge witholds adjudication. Therefore, no points. Explain your great driving record. Also, the cop may not show up or show up and not have his proper paperwork and the ticket will get thrown out. Or, in the worst case, you could get found guilty and get to pay court costs as well. Good luck.

As for why we stop people for "just" 10 over??? Because it's our job. End of story.

now go eat another donut.

01GTBlown 01-05-2006 12:54 PM

Originally Posted by V8 SyndicateZ

Originally Posted by wade95
As a deputy sheriff we normally give you guys the first 10mph, but anything after that you are fair game. In Pinellas County you can take it to court and there are a couple ways it could go. You can plead no contest and apoligize in hopes that the judge witholds adjudication. Therefore, no points. Explain your great driving record. Also, the cop may not show up or show up and not have his proper paperwork and the ticket will get thrown out. Or, in the worst case, you could get found guilty and get to pay court costs as well. Good luck.

As for why we stop people for "just" 10 over??? Because it's our job. End of story.

now go eat another donut.

LMAO - OWNED :punk:

Red99GT 01-05-2006 01:08 PM

pulling somebody over for 40 in a 30 is just ridiculous.

stang00 01-05-2006 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by wade95
As a deputy sheriff we normally give you guys the first 10mph, but anything after that you are fair game. In Pinellas County you can take it to court and there are a couple ways it could go. You can plead no contest and apoligize in hopes that the judge witholds adjudication. Therefore, no points. Explain your great driving record. Also, the cop may not show up or show up and not have his proper paperwork and the ticket will get thrown out. Or, in the worst case, you could get found guilty and get to pay court costs as well. Good luck.

As for why we stop people for "just" 10 over??? Because it's our job. End of story.

u dont deserve to own a mustang if u give out speeding tickets

madmatt 01-05-2006 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by stang00
u dont deserve to own a mustang if u give out speeding tickets

Kinda like you dont deserve to own a mustang if you get caught speeding numerous times, putting peoples lives in danger each and every time?

01GTBlown 01-05-2006 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
Kinda like you dont deserve to own a mustang if you get caught speeding numerous times, putting peoples lives in danger each and every time?

I would have to call BS, there's people out there that put EVERYONES lives in danger not speeding just being on the road...

stang00 01-05-2006 04:05 PM

also i dont every do anythign stpuid when there is pople around so u cant say anythign

both times i got arrested were once for racing my friend down a highway at 11 at ngiht no one on the road other time i was doing donuts in a coldasack and a neighbor called the cops also i dont speed all the time so dont judge

stang00 01-05-2006 04:06 PM

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Nofire 01-05-2006 04:27 PM

Personally, I treat it like a game. I know I'm speeding and I know it's against the law. So if I get caught I have no one to blame but myself. It's not the cops fault, he didn't make me speed. As for safety, everyone who has ever ridden with me said that they feel more comfortable in the car w/ me at 120 than they do other people at any speed. Simply b/c when I drive I pay attention to the road and nothing else. Unlike most people who I see off in la-la land or putting on make-up or talking on the cell phone (I really hate that one). :nono:

stang00 01-05-2006 04:29 PM

another good point u make im also a very good driver

GREG@94GT 01-05-2006 04:35 PM

if you didnt give the cop a hard time... you dont get in trouble alot (school or w/ the police)... you're a good student... a good job...

just tell em ya didnt relize you were goin so fast and you'll be more careful in the future...

be respectfull... if worst comes to worse accept the summons...

If you ask for a radar read... whether you get off or not... the cops will give ya **** every chance they get (especially locals)

I myself have a rough experience w/ the local cops... my dad too and hes a ****IN TROOPER!...

The trick is be repectful and stay on their good side...

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