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Milos 01-05-2006 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
if you didnt give the cop a hard time... you dont get in trouble alot (school or w/ the police)... you're a good student... a good job...

just tell em ya didnt relize you were goin so fast and you'll be more careful in the future...

be respectfull... if worst comes to worse accept the summons...

If you ask for a radar read... whether you get off or not... the cops will give ya **** every chance they get (especially locals)

I myself have a rough experience w/ the local cops... my dad too and hes a ****IN TROOPER!...

The trick is be repectful and stay on their good side...

hey thats my right as a citizen and a licensed driver and the one time I got pulled over I asked for the radar.. and the guy didn't have it, so I got off with a verbal warning.

Asking the cop for radar isn't disrespectful, I just said that "my speedometer" didn't match up with what he was accusing me with, so I asked to see the gun and he walked back to his car with my license and reg, and then came back and gave it to me and said for me to take it easy..

apexcopy33 01-05-2006 06:20 PM

was the copped parked, or drivign on the road? cuz my us history teacher said if a cop is parked on public property (like a busniness parkinglot) or somethin liek that they cannot sit there and give speeding tickets, thats how he got outta one

GREG@94GT 01-05-2006 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by apexcopy33
was the copped parked, or drivign on the road? cuz my us history teacher said if a cop is parked on public property (like a busniness parkinglot) or somethin liek that they cannot sit there and give speeding tickets, thats how he got outta one

private property ya mean... the ROADS and public as well as the police station...

A business parkin lot wether it the barber or walmart is private... they cannot write tickets on private

WaterDR 01-05-2006 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by wade95
As a deputy sheriff we normally give you guys the first 10mph, but anything after that you are fair game. In Pinellas County you can take it to court and there are a couple ways it could go. You can plead no contest and apoligize in hopes that the judge witholds adjudication. Therefore, no points. Explain your great driving record. Also, the cop may not show up or show up and not have his proper paperwork and the ticket will get thrown out. Or, in the worst case, you could get found guilty and get to pay court costs as well. Good luck.

As for why we stop people for "just" 10 over??? Because it's our job. End of story.

You forgot to tell the rest of the story.....

How often to write someone up for 10 over when they were going 25 over? Or, the guy is zipping through the lanes, but you cut him a break and give him a 10 over violation? I know this stuff happens all the time.

Fact is, while a cop works for the Excecutive Branch and are supposed to enforce the laws, in reality they become the judge and jury deciding who gets stopped and who does not. Lots of human factors get involved too. I belive it is called "profiling" which recently has become a dirty word.

What I am trying to say is that if a 40 year old man in a business car is traveling 18 over the limit, and a 17 year old kid is in a red mustang doing 10 over with out of state tags...the kid might get stopped first.

I drive 60k miles a year and have gone prolly 200k miles w/o a violation. Do I speed? Certainly, but I keep it reasonable and safe. I have actually had State Troopers wave at me to slow down once or twice after hitting me with the gun....stuff like that wakes you up and gets you to be careful and I appreciate the friendly reminders.

Don't be hard on the speed and you get stopped, it's a ticket.

WaterDR 01-05-2006 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
private property ya mean... the ROADS and public as well as the police station...

A business parkin lot wether it the barber or walmart is private... they cannot write tickets on private

I believe they can sit wherever they want if they have permission, but I am not sure.

stang00 01-05-2006 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by apexcopy33
was the copped parked, or drivign on the road? cuz my us history teacher said if a cop is parked on public property (like a busniness parkinglot) or somethin liek that they cannot sit there and give speeding tickets, thats how he got outta one

thats how i got arrested damn cops he was sitting in a restaurant parking lott

GREG@94GT 01-05-2006 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
I believe they can sit wherever they want if they have permission, but I am not sure.

yeh w/ permission...

they can make arrests too... but its rare that they issue tickets in parkin lots

stang00 01-05-2006 06:53 PM

well if there sitting there watching u go really fast past them they wil

Shambles 01-05-2006 10:27 PM

First and foremost...

No LEO bashing. They are employed to do their job. Got pulled over for doing 10 over, tough ****. You were speeding, you were breaking the law. They could pull you over for doing 5 over and it still wouldnt make a difference. You were breaking the law and they were doing their job.

Now, onto the question.

When I went to court for my ticket (was not a speeding violation) I pleaded not guilty and appealed my ticket. Depending on where you are, some districts might give you a no-contest plea, where all you do is pay the fine and the points are dropped off of your record. Many times this is the best way to go.

And to those of you who think that a cop wont show up in court, you make me laugh. They will show up. Its their job to show up. When the schedule the court date, they schedule it around the cop's schedule. Yes, sometimes they dont show up, but its their job to show up. Don't expect to get off that easily.

As far as fighting the ticket, which it doesnt seem you want to do, you just want to avoid the points, then you will want to ask the officer a few questions concerning the equpiment. If it was a radar/laser gun that tagged you, when was the last calibration done on the gun? If the last calibration is over 30 days ago, then chances are the ticket can be dropped altogether because of uncalibrated equipment.

Originally Posted by stang00
u dont deserve to own a mustang if u give out speeding tickets

also i dont every do anythign stpuid when there is pople around so u cant say anythign

both times i got arrested were once for racing my friend down a highway at 11 at ngiht no one on the road other time i was doing donuts in a coldasack and a neighbor called the cops also i dont speed all the time so dont judge.

u dont deserve to own a mustang if u give out speeding tickets

Come off of your high horse there buddy. You dont do anything stupid when there are people around? You raced your buddy in your car, that counts as having other people around. You did donuts in a street, in public property, in plain view of people. You were violating the driving code. Congrats, thats public, in view of people, and dangerous. You deserved both of those tickets.

As far as owning a Mustang and giving out speeding tickets goes, we dont know if this officer speeds himself or not. Cops get tickets too and its against the law for them to use their law enforcement status to get out of being pulled over, same thing goes for military personel. They pay the fines, court costs, etc that we do. Just because they do their job and pull people over who are speeding doesnt mean you need to decide to act like all Mustang owners dont deserve tickets because they drive Mustangs.

We drive sportscars, we drive cars that are known for going fast. Many of the people who drive them are young, and younger drivers are statistically more likely to crash and/or speed. These officers are doing their job. End of story.

Milos 01-05-2006 10:31 PM

If it was a radar/laser gun that tagged you, when was the last calibration done on the gun? If the last calibration is over 30 days ago, then chances are the ticket can be dropped altogether because of uncalibrated equipment

Get em' with the radar gun, always get em' with the radar gun. :punk:

NoKturnaL 01-06-2006 01:22 AM

I still think pulling someone over for 10mph over is friggin retarded.

I guarantee if that officer was in the middle of eating a donut, he wouldnt have even bothered pulling me over. He must have been pissed that he didnt have one, and took it out on my lil Nissan Sentra going 10mph over......bastard!

And I can guarantee..that if I were a cop, I would only pull those over, going ATLEAST 15 over. otherwise I wouldnt waste my time...I mean come on..

madmatt 01-06-2006 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by V8 SyndicateZ
I still think pulling someone over for 10mph over is friggin retarded.

I guarantee if that officer was in the middle of eating a donut, he wouldnt have even bothered pulling me over. He must have been pissed that he didnt have one, and took it out on my lil Nissan Sentra going 10mph over......bastard!

And I can guarantee..that if I were a cop, I would only pull those over, going ATLEAST 15 over. otherwise I wouldnt waste my time...I mean come on..

The only problem is the area that you were doing 10 over. How fast you are driving over the speed limit and where you were driving go hand in hand. You say getting pulled for 10 over is stupid, but most 30 mph zones are that slow for a reason. All the schools and neighborhood areas around here are 35 and under. They only do it for the safety of others. Now, on the interstate, with a speed limit of 60-70, you could argue that most cops wont touch you for 10 and under, but it just depends on the officer. You dont get pissed when someone flies down your street, where your kids play? Their kids drive and ride on those same roads and streets. Something to keep in mind. Shambles hit it right on the head I think. :clap:

NoKturnaL 01-06-2006 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by madmatt
The only problem is the area that you were doing 10 over. How fast you are driving over the speed limit and where you were driving go hand in hand. You say getting pulled for 10 over is stupid, but most 30 mph zones are that slow for a reason. All the schools and neighborhood areas around here are 35 and under. They only do it for the safety of others. Now, on the interstate, with a speed limit of 60-70, you could argue that most cops wont touch you for 10 and under, but it just depends on the officer. You dont get pissed when someone flies down your street, where your kids play? Their kids drive and ride on those same roads and streets. Something to keep in mind. Shambles hit it right on the head I think. :clap: kids dont play on the street......they play in a FENCED-IN yard

Parents that let thier LITTLE kids play on the street are not responsible parents. You have to take action into your own hands. A granny driving 5 mph down a road not paying attention can do as much damage to a life.

Oh and the raod was a main road which was like a business district....keep in mind it was 12am at night and NO ONE was walking the sidewalks.

herndy_1 01-06-2006 07:51 AM

My cousin got pulled over recently for supposively "racing" this other kid down the highway. They really weren't racing, but I believe they did pass each other once both ways. They both got pulled over, and the cop was really pissed off. I guess he threw his cigar at my cousin, cussed him out, and told him if he ever saw him doing anything like that again he was going to "throw his skinny ass in jail." Also, the cop didn't even get a radar read on them, but supposively saw them passing on a double yellow. I am not completely sure on what my cousin was ticketed for, but i think it was basically wrecklesss driving. My cousin also said that he had two tickets to pay for, and I'm not sure what the other one was. Now, my cousin just went to court today for these tickets, and i guess he didnt contest anything. I told him that that was the worst thing he could have done since:
1. The cop exhibited non-profeesional behavior towards him
2. The cop did not get a radar read
3. He has a clean record
From what my cousin told me, i guess he has to pay the fines for both tickets, and serve at least one deferral so the ticket doesnt go to his insurance (he loses his license for 90 days). Now personally, i will admit that he is retarted for not contesting anything, but I can't see that what the cop did is right.

madmatt 01-06-2006 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by V8 SyndicateZ kids dont play on the street......they play in a FENCED-IN yard

Parents that let thier LITTLE kids play on the street are not responsible parents. You have to take action into your own hands. A granny driving 5 mph down a road not paying attention can do as much damage to a life.

Oh and the raod was a main road which was like a business district....keep in mind it was 12am at night and NO ONE was walking the sidewalks.

The fact remains that YOU were SPEEDING down a ROAD that has the possibility of having CHILDREN on it. Call it irresponsible or whatever, but I GREW UP riding my bike in my neighborhood. I agree with you though about the 12 o clock at night thing. That is kinda dumb, were I the officer, you would have prolly gotten a warning for that.

macs03GT 01-06-2006 08:53 AM

I agree that 10 over is retarded. Especially that late. But the fact of the matter is that you were speeding regardless. If the limit was 30...the limit is 30. If you get caught going 40 your fair game. The trick is....don't get caught. LOL. The cop prob didn't have anything else to do seeing as to how it was 12 in the am and all. But legally he has the right to pull you over. Whether it was stupid or wern't doing 30

Fat Lard 01-06-2006 10:57 AM

Usually if you appeal the ticket and the cop doesn't show....which he prolly won't....they drop the ticket. Cops are such lazy fuggers.

floppy 01-06-2006 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by Fat Lard
Usually if you appeal the ticket and the cop doesn't show....which he prolly won't....they drop the ticket. Cops are such lazy fuggers.

down here if the cop doesnt show up they reschedule the court date. you dont get off for that anymore.

Milos 01-06-2006 12:09 PM

I think I got 4 verbal complaints and 1 written for speeding in my neighborhood... but they were all from the same people who ran out in FRONT OF MY CAR, ran out IN FRONT OF MY CAR... and then said I was wrecklessly driving and almost hit them...

But I live in Connecticut. Yup-ville USA baby.

FritoBandito 01-06-2006 12:46 PM

If it is posted 45 mph that is the limit, not 46,47,48,49...... $45!!!! Yes everyone goes a few over, I have a friend whose mom is a cop and she'll ticket anyone 5 mph over. My first ticket I ever got was for 7 over! If you are going 10 over you should get a ticket, if you don't think so, then you are a tard. Yes, you may have more eyes on you in a loud stang but if you do no harm you'll draw no foul. 99% of the tickets you get are earned. Plead no contest be good for six months and get it differed from your record. Quit beeching and enjoy the banana... :banana:

01GTBlown 01-06-2006 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by FritoBandito
then you are a tard

LOL :loser:

wade95 01-07-2006 08:08 AM

MTShambles: Thank you for the NO LEO BASHING statement. I really appreciate it. These azzclowns can talk all they want, it does not bother me in the slightest,,it's actually quite funny.

stang00: lets see, it's spelled culdesac NOT coldasac. If you wouldn't have skipped apelling in the 5th grade yo uwould know this. (Consider yourself OWNED!) Sounds like you are a very courteous and safe driver. NOT.

I cant write tickets on private property huh? I love all you jailhouse lawyers and know it alls. Come on over to my neck of the woods and start doing those in front of me in the Wal-Mart parking lot. See if I dont take you to jail for reckless driving. I don't deserve to have a stang because I'm a cop and write tickets? Im a man just like you guys and have a job to do like everyone else. Mine just happens to be law enforcement.

Look all you cop haters: Im probably the coolest cop you would ever want to know. Do I speed? Damn right I do. Do I give tickets for speeding? I cant remember the last one I gave out that was for speeding. I will though if you have to be that stupid to do something you shouldn't be,,right in front of me. Regular speeding tickets,,,I dont write. I mostly save my tickets for when I get stuck working accidents. There are laws in this country and you as a citizen are suppose to obey them. That goes for me to. Do I break the law? Of course, but when I do it I know when and where I should be doing it. Just use your heads guys and gals. If you get caught,,,pay it or fight it.


stang00 01-07-2006 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by wade95
MTShambles: Thank you for the NO LEO BASHING statement. I really appreciate it. These azzclowns can talk all they want, it does not bother me in the slightest,,it's actually quite funny.

stang00: lets see, it's spelled culdesac NOT coldasac. If you wouldn't have skipped apelling in the 5th grade yo uwould know this. (Consider yourself OWNED!) Sounds like you are a very courteous and safe driver. NOT.

I cant write tickets on private property huh? I love all you jailhouse lawyers and know it alls. Come on over to my neck of the woods and start doing those in front of me in the Wal-Mart parking lot. See if I dont take you to jail for reckless driving. I don't deserve to have a stang because I'm a cop and write tickets? Im a man just like you guys and have a job to do like everyone else. Mine just happens to be law enforcement.

Look all you cop haters: Im probably the coolest cop you would ever want to know. Do I speed? Damn right I do. Do I give tickets for speeding? I cant remember the last one I gave out that was for speeding. I will though if you have to be that stupid to do something you shouldn't be,,right in front of me. Regular speeding tickets,,,I dont write. I mostly save my tickets for when I get stuck working accidents. There are laws in this country and you as a citizen are suppose to obey them. That goes for me to. Do I break the law? Of course, but when I do it I know when and where I should be doing it. Just use your heads guys and gals. If you get caught,,,pay it or fight it.


like ive said before im a very good driver i only do **** when no one is around

i think im going to move to japan where u can do any speed u want and cops are to slow to pull u over and u can drift and do donuts all u want and worst comes to worst the cops tell u to go home

american cops no matter where u live are assholes to kids with nice cars no way around it unless u drive a minivan

wade95 01-07-2006 10:04 AM

You are definitely entitled to your opinion about cops. Sure, there are those few that give us good guys a black eye, but don't lump me into your opinion. Move to Japan, that will be one less accident and attitude poor person we would have to deal with.

Milos 01-07-2006 10:15 AM

Boy I don't know where the hell you're from, but here you have a right to question the radar gun right there on the side of the road. It ain't a rumor up in these parts.

Shambles 01-07-2006 02:29 PM

Depends on the state and their statutes.

NoKturnaL 01-08-2006 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by stang00
like ive said before im a very good driver i only do **** when no one is around

i think im going to move to japan where u can do any speed u want and cops are to slow to pull u over and u can drift and do donuts all u want and worst comes to worst the cops tell u to go home

american cops no matter where u live are assholes to kids with nice cars no way around it unless u drive a minivan

I agree with the stament you made about how Cops are asses to kids with nice cars unless u drive a minivan.

I got pulled over one time while driving my mustang for having some headlight black-outs on. The cop just told me to take them off. And had asked if I get pulled over alot for anything. I replied "no I dont get pulled over alot at all, and then I asked him why? He said that his computer shows that my plates have been ran ALOT of times by other cops. I then told him...oh they must see me driving it and think its stolen and run the plates just in case.

Shambles 01-08-2006 12:43 AM

lol, im sure my plates have been run a few times :P.

Lances03SVT 01-08-2006 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
lol, im sure my plates have been run a few times :P.

LOL Yea I bet mine has too.You always no they are when they follow you for awhile :)

NoKturnaL 01-08-2006 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Lances03GT
LOL Yea I bet mine has too.You always no they are when they follow you for awhile :)


they be folllowing me and its gets REALLY ANNOYING! :nono:

Milos 01-08-2006 01:07 PM

Hell I used to dip around everywhere with the Mitsu Outlander, no one said a word.... I get the Mustang, do the same things I'd do in the Outlander.. I got four verbal complaints (people calling the barracks) and one written (one of those yuppie wives that actually finds it nessicary to drive down to the barracks to fill out a form.)

GREG@94GT 01-08-2006 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Milos
Hell I used to dip around everywhere with the Mitsu Outlander, no one said a word.... I get the Mustang, do the same things I'd do in the Outlander.. I got four verbal complaints (people calling the barracks) and one written (one of those yuppie wives that actually finds it nessicary to drive down to the barracks to fill out a form.)

what does that all mean?
you used to "dip"? like Copenhagen?

i'm too lazy to read the whole thread...

Milos 01-08-2006 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
what does that all mean?
you used to "dip"? like Copenhagen?

i'm too lazy to read the whole thread...

Its slang for dick around... speed, drive wrecklessly, avoid detection... for example a truck driver would go "That bear-bait is dipping." Meaning that guy driving ridiculously fast is being wreckless.

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