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Must See 06-16-2008 07:27 PM

Most lame reason for getting pulled over
I thought this would make an interesting thread. What the lamest reason you got pulled over?

Ill start, I actually have two:

Me and my friend were trying to take pictures on top of a parking garage and all of a sudden 3 "rent - a - cops" come barreling up with screeching tires. They surround us and say you are trespassing all i have to do is press this button, referring to his radio and call the cops and they will come up here and arrest you, they may even impound your car. Needless to say i was scared shitless. ( i dont do good with law enforcement even if i havnt done anything wrong) They end up giving us 60 seconds to leave the garage.

2nd story: It was 1030pm on a school night for the high schoolers that is. Im dropping some friends off. I see this cop behind me so i make sure to come to a complete stop at the stop sign. Well apparently that wasn't good enough. He pulled me over for not stopping behind the line. even if you did stop behind the line you cant see the intersection. So he has me get out my car and is trying to see if im drunk or high, which i am none of the above. he ends up letting me go with a warning.

So what are your stories?

venom 06-16-2008 07:34 PM

Obsessive use of the horn.

SnTBakosFinest 06-16-2008 07:41 PM

lmao @ Venom

And..just got pulled over for my window tint..thats about all I got. :(

V6_Mustang_Power 06-16-2008 08:06 PM

no headlights on at night. bahaha, that was the night i blew out the old rear end.

jareds98gt 06-16-2008 08:11 PM

no front plate

Dave04Mustang 06-16-2008 08:12 PM

haven't been pulled over in 5 years. It was for speeding but just got a warning.

mustangvsix 06-16-2008 08:27 PM

going around a manhole, yeah the cover was on, but I just moved over towards the shoulder of the road(manhole in the middle of road),didn't cross the line, stayed in my lane 100% of the time, got pulled over and given a careless driving ticket, was complete BS! Not only that, but it took 4 cops, 3 squad cars and 1 hr to write that ticket, they sat there and BS'd with each other, talked on there cell phones, etc.
only ticket I was ever given, but it has since been erased since I did my community service, and it was taken care of through "teen court".

Must See 06-16-2008 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by mustangvsix (Post 337699)
going around a manhole, yeah the cover was on, but I just moved over towards the shoulder of the road(manhole in the middle of road),didn't cross the line, stayed in my lane 100% of the time, got pulled over and given a careless driving ticket, was complete BS! Not only that, but it took 4 cops, 3 squad cars and 1 hr to write that ticket, they sat there and BS'd with each other, talked on there cell phones, etc.
only ticket I was ever given, but it has since been erased since I did my community service, and it was taken care of through "teen court".

ahh yeah i hate it when more than one cop shows up for an incident like that. makes you feel more nervous than you should.

01FR500 06-16-2008 08:50 PM

I got pulled over for not having a front plate once. Funny part was that the cop was my Mom's cousin and just wanted something to talk about at the family reunion that was two weeks from the day I got pulled over. He just gave me a verbal warning after checking out my car.

foncarelli 06-16-2008 08:53 PM

Air freshener over the rear view mirror :p

mustangvsix 06-16-2008 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by foncarelli (Post 337713)
Air freshener over the rear view mirror :p

seriously??? that is ridiculous!! lol!

Steeda21 06-16-2008 08:55 PM

I got pulled over for no plate and tinted headlights. Twice for the headlights before i even got home haha what are the odds.

B-rett 06-16-2008 09:00 PM

i was pulled over a few days after i got my license driving my dads van. The reason, he had none he just asked if i had stolen the van

Steeda21 06-16-2008 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by B-rett (Post 337716)
i was pulled over a few days after i got my license driving my dads van. The reason, he had none he just asked if i had stolen the van


foncarelli 06-16-2008 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by mustangvsix (Post 337714)
seriously??? that is ridiculous!! lol!

I got a ticket for obstructing my view.:mad: Better known as a DWB(Driving While Black)

WaterDR 06-16-2008 09:45 PM

OK....true story. When I was 17 (many, many years ago), I had been in GodSpell at school (Musical). After closing night, we had a party right after the show. We never got out of custume because they were essentially personal closthes, but we were all dressed like clowns....not typical clowns like as in a circus, but I was wearing some goofy shit and had stage makeup on etc...

So, it is about 2am and I am on my way home. I see lights behind me and I got nervous. I start driving and making turns, but the car stayed on my ass.

Then, the cherries come on. Turns-out it was a cop. The cop called for back-up, so now there were two. They approach the car and have me get out. They said they stopped me for driving erradically. I told them that I thought someone was following me. I looked like a goof and they must of thought I was nuts. They thought I was drinking....yet 100% sober. I offered to blow into the tube, but they said "no" and sent me home.

Ghostalker 06-16-2008 10:05 PM

Lets see, December 2005 Snow on the roads. I was driving my old sixer to pick up my girlfriend to bring her to school at 7am, soemthing I did once a week as a kinda cute tradition. Anyhow, I pass a cop sitting near a dunkin' donuts (I am now less than 100ft from her house) and I wasnt speeding, it was snowy and I was driving a V6, how could I be speeding? Pick the girl up and turn around, now on the same side of the road as the cop. I squeek by doing around 20mph and the light right there turns yellow as it is OVER my car. He pulls out and catches up to me a light later, and pulls me over. Funny as hell because I had to open the door to talk to the cop, my window was frozen shut. He gave me a warning for failing to follow a traffic signal, which was such utter crap, considering I even knew he was there. He really was just angry he couldnt get me for anything else, that car was pretty flashy for what it was...

rebelyell 06-16-2008 10:16 PM

I've never been pulled over in my stang yet.. But in my truck about 8 years ago, I was leaving work. exit from work is on a hill with a funny bump, and my tire chirped a bit as I was pulling onto the road. Cop pulled me for squealing my tires, LOL, I told him there's a funny bump there that just made me hop a bit. He said, no problem, you can go now. He was cool, because my last infraction was in 1976.. LOL. I've gaadaam lucky, I guess. :smokin:

Dream 06-16-2008 11:52 PM

i had the same thing with view obstruction. i got dice hanging from my mirror and he gave me a 75 dollar fine. all i had to do was take them down and let a court officer see they were gone to get out of it.......that little fucker cost me a day of work

Archer1 06-17-2008 09:50 AM

No front plate and the cop was black, so I guess the real reason was "driving while white"...
He was pissed because I refused to pass him so he could pull me over! I already got a ticket for that so was no doing it again even if he stopped in the damned road!

Dodobird223 06-17-2008 10:24 AM

1) 80 in a 45... Ouch.... Big ol' ticket. sucked, but I payed it.

2) My friend and I were sitting in my mustang out in front of the school and he didn't have his seatbelt on. the rent-a-cop pulled us over, and he got a verbal warning.

3) The lame one. I was pulled over for "driving a suspicious vehicle", what the hell kinda crap is that? I think he just saw a kid driving a fast car and thought "oh god it's a kid he must be drunk/high/stoned!!!!" I was pissed as hell when I got pulled over, I wasn't doing jack shit wrong. No ticket for that one either.

spike_africa 06-17-2008 10:32 AM

My last ticket 4 years ago was for barking my tires when I was accelerating onto the highway. I never went over the speed limit just accelerated fast to get into fast moving traffic and I barely barked 2nd gear and somehow he heard/saw this from 6 cars back. It was the day before my 19th birthday. Shits weak.

B-rett 06-17-2008 11:13 AM

I was also pulled over once for an unknown reason, cop came up asked for license looked at it. Asked my friend for his license looked at it. Then the cop was like ok well the car sounds great have a nice night. lol

jjtgiants 06-17-2008 11:20 AM

speeding :eek:

PColav6 06-17-2008 11:32 AM

Haven't been pulled over, but I always get a stare-down from the cops when near them

htownv6 06-17-2008 11:40 AM

i got pulled over a week ago by a cop with a friend in the front seat, he said i didnt use my turn signal to switch lanes when i was 1 car behind him when i know i did (i do all the time anyways but there was a cop right in front of me, of course i did).. i told the cop no i did use my turn signal, im 100% sure and he gave me a warning

ha day before me 17th birthday tho a cop going the opposite way on a 2 lane highway looked over and saw me obviously speeding some, but he cut across a 100 ft grass median between the two ways of traffic and pulled me over and said he clocked me doing 77 .. i didnt argue bc i was going faster but wtf!!

Stephen4036 06-17-2008 12:01 PM

I was pulled over for wrecking my 1997 firebird into the back of an F150...

99Stang 06-17-2008 04:01 PM

Got pulled over for 103 in a 65. I felt it was a little unnecessary to give me a ticket, could have let me go with a warning.

3.8for the win 06-17-2008 04:03 PM

Haven't been pulled over........


SnTBakosFinest 06-17-2008 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by 99Stang (Post 337852)
Got pulled over for 103 in a 65. I felt it was a little unnecessary to give me a ticket, could have let me go with a warning.

Lmao. Be happy with the ticket, could've thrown your ass in jail :D

JackThe Ripper 06-17-2008 04:13 PM

I got pulled over for being a badass.


I was followed by cops for about 4 days when somone in the area with a black mustang robbed a bank. every time a cop saw me they chased up after me and rode me untill i hit my destination then they took off.

mustangrn 06-17-2008 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 337859)
I got pulled over for being a badass.


I was followed by cops for about 4 days when somone in the area with a black mustang robbed a bank. every time a cop saw me they chased up after me and rode me untill i hit my destination then they took off.

So what did u do with the money?;)

blk00stang 06-17-2008 05:17 PM

85 in a 55

no lights for my liscence plate

100 in a 35, ha ha luckily he didn't clock me... he was pissed, he's like I didn't clock you so I can't give you a ticket but you better watch yourslef lol

Lastly for playing chinese fire drill, which is when you come up to a red light everyone jumps out of the car runs around it twice then jumps in a different seat they started in

I only got a ticket for the 85 in a 55.

Bondfreak13 06-17-2008 05:17 PM

...I make threads like possible. ^_^

J/K I only pull over people if they are asking for it. I have better things to do than run traffic all day long.

'02SilverBullet 06-17-2008 05:20 PM

The summer before Katrina took out the gulf coast, I took the family down there to Boloxi. It was my me, my girl and her son in my mustang. We had to be in a hurry cuz we had a check in time at the hotel we were staying at.. so I was moving at a rather high rate of speed. Most of the way there I kept the cruise set at 115 (65 mph zone) Got just south of Hatisburg MS and got into a contruction zone so I slow down follow the traffic through the one lane crap. Got through the work zone and started working my way back up to cruising speed. About 10 miles from the work zone I top a small hill and there is a MS state trooper in the median. Radar detector went crazy! I didnt even look back to see if the blue lights were on I just hit the blinker and pulled over. He came up did the same 'ol license and registration thing. I gave hime all that... He's like "Mr ****, Do you Know how fast you were going?" I replied.. "Yes sir, Im just glad you didnt clock me about 20 miles back LOL" He says "I clocked you 82 in a 65 zone.... I take it you were going faster" ... Me = Yes sir..... I was going MUCH faster. He came back with a "lesser" ticket for me. I got wrote for 74 in a 65.

Another time I was riding shotgun in my friends car in Dallas. We went there for an Everquest convention. It was late at night and we got lost we were on the freeway looking for our exit to the hotel. Sherriff pulls him over. I am in the passenger seat, seat belt on, with a map in my hand. They ask him to get out of the car.. He does... They are back there talking and shit and next thing I know. I got the "partner" tapping on my window with a flash light. I roll down my window he asks to see my ID. I asked WHY he needed to see my ID. I got mad as hell. That pig didnt need to know a got damn thing about me untill I break a law. About the time the focker was talking about taking me to jail my friend is back in the car looking for insureance papers. He grabs my wallet from the center console ( I took it out of my pocket is was hurting my ass sitting on it for 6 hours in the car) But he throws my wallet across the car to land in my lap. Well it didnt.... The cop had my door open by this time I think to take me to jail. My wallet slid across my leg and out on to the ground. Cop picks it up... says... Look what we got here! I found it on the ground so it appears I can search this if I want. I am having a coniption fit by this time. I called him everything cept a man. He DOES end up with my ID and running it in. My friend gives them permission to search the car and asked me to step out. I say ok and proceed to grab my coat from the back seat. Cop yells at me LEAVE THAT! I end up on side of the road freezing my ass of cussing these pigs every way I can. I was so damned mad I was spitting nails that night.

Needless to say... I dont like cops... never have. I dont give em shit if the approach my with respect. But they start with that SMUGG ass way of saying JUST cuz I got a badge your going to respect me! I will give THEM guys hell every chance I get, and I NEVER give ANY of em permission to search my car either. Even though I dont carry anything illegal.

Must See 06-17-2008 05:22 PM

I really think Rent-a-cops at my mall are worse than normal cops. They cant write you tickets but only call the cops on you. I have had more run ins with rent-a-cops than i have with normal cops and it was all for pointless shit. The one rent-a-cop that had an issue with me trespassing on the top of the parking garage got all in my face and was mocking me and kinda implied that i was gay. That really pissed me off but i stayed cool since I didnt want to get a ticket for trespassing or get my car impounded or go to jail. all of which he threatned to do to me. :mad: I think from now on im staying far away from the them as possible. /rant.

JackThe Ripper 06-17-2008 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by Bondfreak13 (Post 337869)
...I make threads like possible. ^_^

J/K I only pull over people if they are asking for it. I have better things to do than run traffic all day long.

Hey just out of curiosity do radar detectors work better on some cars than others? Or are some colors hard to pick up?

The reason i ask is this, i have my mustang, but i also have a light blue 84 honda civic with crappy paint. My speedometer crapped out a while back and i havent gotten around to replacing the cable, however, there are many times where i will be happily barreling along passing traffic and i figure im running 10 over the limit in the streets and probably 15 over on the highway, any all of the sudden there is a cop sitting there with his radar gun out clocking people and they always seem to ignore me. Im starting to wonder if the little civic is just not that easy to pick up on radar? cause i KNOW im speeding even though my speedo is broke, it happened again today, i was passing an suv and i saw down the road a cop on his bike on the side of the highway clocking everyone, and once again i KNOW i was speeding.

Hell, once i was on the highway, i was probably going 85mph (out speed limits are around 70-75 depending if yer in the city or not), i was passing another car, saw the cop radaring people, he pulls out behind me and the guy i just passed and proceeds to pull over the guy i passed.

My wife on the other hand, has a 02 Saturn SL2 that is pretty much the same color, she speeds on the highways quite a bit, her car was in for some service and she was borrowing a maroon saturn of the same year and within an hour got a ticket.

were both half convinced that Jefferson County PD's radar detectors dont do too well with light blue cars.

JackThe Ripper 06-17-2008 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337870)
Another time I was riding shotgun in my friends car in Dallas. We went there for an Everquest convention. It was late at night and we got lost we were on the freeway looking for our exit to the hotel. Sherriff pulls him over. I am in the passenger seat, seat belt on, with a map in my hand. They ask him to get out of the car.. He does... They are back there talking and shit and next thing I know. I got the "partner" tapping on my window with a flash light. I roll down my window he asks to see my ID. I asked WHY he needed to see my ID. I got mad as hell. That pig didnt need to know a got damn thing about me untill I break a law. About the time the focker was talking about taking me to jail my friend is back in the car looking for insureance papers. He grabs my wallet from the center console ( I took it out of my pocket is was hurting my ass sitting on it for 6 hours in the car) But he throws my wallet across the car to land in my lap. Well it didnt.... The cop had my door open by this time I think to take me to jail. My wallet slid across my leg and out on to the ground. Cop picks it up... says... Look what we got here! I found it on the ground so it appears I can search this if I want. I am having a coniption fit by this time. I called him everything cept a man. He DOES end up with my ID and running it in. My friend gives them permission to search the car and asked me to step out. I say ok and proceed to grab my coat from the back seat. Cop yells at me LEAVE THAT! I end up on side of the road freezing my ass of cussing these pigs every way I can. I was so damned mad I was spitting nails that night.

So you basically shit your pants and had a temper tantrum because you were sitting in a car that got pulled over and the cop asked to see your ID as well?

Wow.... so do you throw your bowl through the window if you find out that you dont have enough milk for yer cereal?

No offence dude, but your damn lucky they diddnt taze the shit out of you and haul you AND your buddy both off to jail.

If i were driving and i got pulled over and you acted like that, you would have walked home.

Must See 06-17-2008 05:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 337875)
Hey just out of curiosity do radar detectors work better on some cars than others? Or are some colors hard to pick up?

The reason i ask is this, i have my mustang, but i also have a light blue 84 honda civic with crappy paint. My speedometer crapped out a while back and i havent gotten around to replacing the cable, however, there are many times where i will be happily barreling along passing traffic and i figure im running 10 over the limit in the streets and probably 15 over on the highway, any all of the sudden there is a cop sitting there with his radar gun out clocking people and they always seem to ignore me. Im starting to wonder if the little civic is just not that easy to pick up on radar? cause i KNOW im speeding even though my speedo is broke, it happened again today, i was passing an suv and i saw down the road a cop on his bike on the side of the highway clocking everyone, and once again i KNOW i was speeding.

Hell, once i was on the highway, i was probably going 85mph (out speed limits are around 70-75 depending if yer in the city or not), i was passing another car, saw the cop radaring people, he pulls out behind me and the guy i just passed and proceeds to pull over the guy i passed.

My wife on the other hand, has a 02 Saturn SL2 that is pretty much the same color, she speeds on the highways quite a bit, her car was in for some service and she was borrowing a maroon saturn of the same year and within an hour got a ticket.

were both half convinced that Jefferson County PD's radar detectors dont do too well with light blue cars.

Attachment 21995

HokieStang00 06-17-2008 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337870)
The summer before Katrina took out the gulf coast, I took the family down there to Boloxi. It was my me, my girl and her son in my mustang. We had to be in a hurry cuz we had a check in time at the hotel we were staying at.. so I was moving at a rather high rate of speed. Most of the way there I kept the cruise set at 115 (65 miles per hour zone) Got just south of Hatisburg MS and got into a contruction zone so I slow down follow the traffic through the one lane crap. Got through the work zone and started working my way back up to cruising speed. About 10 miles from the work zone I top a small hill and there is a MS state trooper in the median. Radar detector went crazy! I didnt even look back to see if the blue lights were on I just hit the blinker and pulled over. He came up did the same 'ol license and registration thing. I gave hime all that... He's like "Mr ****, Do you Know how fast you were going?" I replied.. "Yes sir, Im just glad you didnt clock me about 20 miles back LOL" He says "I clocked you 82 in a 65 zone.... I take it you were going faster" ... Me = Yes sir..... I was going MUCH faster. He came back with a "lesser" ticket for me. I got wrote for 74 in a 65.

Another time I was riding shotgun in my friends car in Dallas. We went there for an Everquest convention. It was late at night and we got lost we were on the freeway looking for our exit to the hotel. Sherriff pulls him over. I am in the passenger seat, seat belt on, with a map in my hand. They ask him to get out of the car.. He does... They are back there talking and shit and next thing I know. I got the "partner" tapping on my window with a flash light. I roll down my window he asks to see my ID. I asked WHY he needed to see my ID. I got mad as hell. That pig didnt need to know a got damn thing about me untill I break a law. About the time the focker was talking about taking me to jail my friend is back in the car looking for insureance papers. He grabs my wallet from the center console ( I took it out of my pocket is was hurting my ass sitting on it for 6 hours in the car) But he throws my wallet across the car to land in my lap. Well it didnt.... The cop had my door open by this time I think to take me to jail. My wallet slid across my leg and out on to the ground. Cop picks it up... says... Look what we got here! I found it on the ground so it appears I can search this if I want. I am having a coniption fit by this time. I called him everything cept a man. He DOES end up with my ID and running it in. My friend gives them permission to search the car and asked me to step out. I say ok and proceed to grab my coat from the back seat. Cop yells at me LEAVE THAT! I end up on side of the road freezing my ass of cussing these pigs every way I can. I was so damned mad I was spitting nails that night.

Needless to say... I dont like cops... never have. I dont give em shit if the approach my with respect. But they start with that SMUGG ass way of saying JUST cuz I got a badge your going to respect me! I will give THEM guys hell every chance I get, and I NEVER give ANY of em permission to search my car either. Even though I dont carry anything illegal.

How is asking you for your ID when pulled over not giving you any respect? If I'm not mistaken, it's pretty routine for passengers to be ID'd in a car.

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