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'02SilverBullet 06-17-2008 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by HokieStang00 (Post 337882)
How is asking you for your ID when pulled over not giving you any respect? If I'm not mistaken, it's pretty routine for passengers to be ID'd in a car.

Its not routine where Im from.....I would do the same thing if put there again. I STILL feel he had no reason or right to ID ME in the passenger seat, having commited no crime at all.

venom 06-17-2008 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 337676)
lmao @ Venom

And..just got pulled over for my window tint..thats about all I got. :(

Worst part about it is that my girlfriend at the time reached over and was the one honking at another car that cut me off. When the cop pulled me over he asked the usual stuff. A 2nd cop car came and started laughing at the cop that pulled me over. He let me go with a warning.

JackThe Ripper 06-17-2008 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337886)
Its not routine where Im from.....I would do the same thing if put there again. I STILL feel he had no reason or right to ID ME in the passenger seat, having commited no crime at all.

Dude that is pretty routine.

Seriously, if i were the driver i would have kicked you out of the car. You gotta keep your cool you cant just go flying off the handle like that.

My wife loves those "wildest police videos' type shows, so i end up seeinhg a lot of them, and the thing that always blows my minds are the idiots that insist on escelating the hell out of the situation.

the cop pulls somone over, they dont use a turn signal, intends to give them a warning, nexct thing you know the idiot in the drivers seat is yelling and screaming, the cop decides to take them into the station for not cooperating, they swing at the cop, they get the shit tazed out of them, and now they have several felony charges against them because they diddnt have the brains to keep thier cool and instead decided to escelate the situation for no real reason other than being an idiot.

dont be one of those idiots dude.

'02SilverBullet 06-17-2008 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 337889)
Dude that is pretty routine.

Seriously, if i were the driver i would have kicked you out of the car. You gotta keep your cool you cant just go flying off the handle like that.

My wife loves those "wildest police videos' type shows, so i end up seeinhg a lot of them, and the thing that always blows my minds are the idiots that insist on escelating the hell out of the situation.

the cop pulls somone over, they dont use a turn signal, intends to give them a warning, nexct thing you know the idiot in the drivers seat is yelling and screaming, the cop decides to take them into the station for not cooperating, they swing at the cop, they get the shit tazed out of them, and now they have several felony charges against them because they diddnt have the brains to keep thier cool and instead decided to escelate the situation for no real reason other than being an idiot.

dont be one of those idiots dude.

LMAO! Well keep watcing your shows.... You might see me on there one day. I never have any intentions on resisting arrest or anything. That night in Dallas I was well prepared to go to jail.

On another note. The laws vary from state to state about this. I even asked about this same situation not too long ago on a police officer forum. Some states CAN demand that passengers provide ID while others cant.

TUFF 4.6 06-17-2008 07:19 PM

I'm wanted in 10 states for single person in HOV lane. Damn ticket cost me 200 dollars. No points. Fairfax County:mad:

03gtmustang 06-17-2008 07:20 PM

Expired tags- twice, going too slow, no front plate.

mustangrn 06-17-2008 09:26 PM

1st ticket...16yo, 75 in a 45=a big ass ticket for speeding, luckily he didn't find the the trunk load of booze in the trunk of the 79 T-bird. The girls always made the booze run since it was easier for us to get people to buy us booze.

Got pulled over by Oklahoma Trooper on my way to Ft. Lewis, WA going 85 in a 55 in 89 Dodge Daytona. Was young, thin and cute and luckily had Army uniform in back which got the trooper to talk about his old days in the military = warning.

Got a ticket for speeding in KY when my teenager was 5. He piped up from the back seat and asked the cop if he was going to take his mommy to jail. Needless to say.... I got searched that day.

rebelyell 06-17-2008 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337886)
Its not routine where Im from.....I would do the same thing if put there again. I STILL feel he had no reason or right to ID ME in the passenger seat, having commited no crime at all.

He has a right to know who you are. You may have outstanding warrants for your arrest.
That's the bottom line. He doesn't know you from Jack, so if you don't have anything to hide then it's senseless to argue with authority, rather than to submit.

It's kinda like telling your Boss ( Authority figure ), that your not gonna do what he asks, ( insubordination ). Your fired. Simple as that. Cops are on that level not only on the roads, but just about anywhere. If you did nothing wrong then you should have said " yes sir, here's my license. Any other excuse for not doing so raises the big Red flag. Your lucky he didn't yank you out of the car and twist your arm past its limits to put you down and then handcuffed for resisting arrest..

Not liking cops is no excuse for acting defiant when they are doing any type of pullover. :t:

'02SilverBullet 06-18-2008 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by rebelyell (Post 337933)
He has a right to know who you are. You may have outstanding warrants for your arrest.
That's the bottom line. He doesn't know you from Jack, so if you don't have anything to hide then it's senseless to argue with authority, rather than to submit.

It's kinda like telling your Boss ( Authority figure ), that your not gonna do what he asks, ( insubordination ). Your fired. Simple as that. Cops are on that level not only on the roads, but just about anywhere. If you did nothing wrong then you should have said " yes sir, here's my license. Any other excuse for not doing so raises the big Red flag. Your lucky he didn't yank you out of the car and twist your arm past its limits to put you down and then handcuffed for resisting arrest..

Not liking cops is no excuse for acting defiant when they are doing any type of pullover. :t:

Once again.... If I have not broken any laws then he has no need to question or ID me at all IMO. Dont get me wrong... If I AM in the wrong yeah I comply with what they ask. I go with the program. But in the PASSENGER seat..... HELL NO.... I STILL will not comply.

I have seen too much stupid shit pulled by cops is the reason I dont like em. A friend called me to come pick him up one night cause he was too drunk to drive. Reluctantly I did. On the way to his house I get pulled over for not using my blinker to chnage lanes (ON AN EMPTY ROAD). BS reason to get pulled over but whatever. I comply said yep your right I messed up basicly (didnt argue anything with him) Cop goes to question my friend in the passenger seat. I think just to see if our story matches. The cop asks im to step out of the car while they question him. Being COMPLETELY polite and minding all the rules with no arguemnets by him they conclude we are lagit tell me I can go but take him in for public intoxication. Because he was on side of the road where THEY ASKED him to go while being drunk. That was BS in my opinion. He hadnt broke ANY laws. Infact he was trying to follow them and not drive drunk.

Another friend ... me and him leave a bar at the same time. He realizes that hes drank too much. Pulls over at a truck stop thats 2 miles down the road and finds a place among the big trucks to park and sleep it off. Cops wake him up with the tap on the window. He gives the story... He was TOO DRUNK TO DRIVE SO HE DIDNT! Cops took him to jail for DUI cause the KEYS where still in the ignition.

Too me even when you TRY to do the right thing by these fockers they got some dumb ass loop hole to hang your ass with. And majority of the time they do. Cops do exactly what the fock they want to do. I dont like em... dont want anything to do with em.

PColav6 06-18-2008 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Bondfreak13 (Post 337869)
...I make threads like possible. ^_^

J/K I only pull over people if they are asking for it. I have better things to do than run traffic all day long.

Lol, are you modding your squad car or do you own your own c-vic?

JackThe Ripper 06-18-2008 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337967)
. A friend called me to come pick him up one night cause he was too drunk to drive. Reluctantly I did. On the way to his house I get pulled over for not using my blinker to chnage lanes (ON AN EMPTY ROAD). BS reason to get pulled over but whatever. I comply said yep your right I messed up basicly (didnt argue anything with him) Cop goes to question my friend in the passenger seat. I think just to see if our story matches. The cop asks im to step out of the car while they question him. Being COMPLETELY polite and minding all the rules with no arguemnets by him they conclude we are lagit tell me I can go but take him in for public intoxication. Because he was on side of the road where THEY ASKED him to go while being drunk. That was BS in my opinion. He hadnt broke ANY laws. Infact he was trying to follow them and not drive drunk. .

that sort of crap happens from time to time, but you cant assume all cops are bad by a few run ins. using this as a point to escelate the problem by being rude to a cop just ups the odds that something crappy is gonna happen to you. Not to mention you could end up pissing off the cop who was just gonna give your buddy a warning and instead he gives your friend a ticket.

You never know, maybe the cop was just pissed off because your friend resembled somone who gave him a ton of attitude one day when asked for an ID. lol.

I know here in colorado it doesent matter what yer doing, if a cop asks to see your ID you must present it to them. I really dont see the harm in it. It isnt like he is pulling you out of the car and searching you, he is just asking for an ID.

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337967)
Another friend ... me and him leave a bar at the same time. He realizes that hes drank too much. Pulls over at a truck stop thats 2 miles down the road and finds a place among the big trucks to park and sleep it off. Cops wake him up with the tap on the window. He gives the story... He was TOO DRUNK TO DRIVE SO HE DIDNT! Cops took him to jail for DUI cause the KEYS where still in the ignition.

yeah too bad your friend did not know it is somewhat of a well known fact being behind the wheels with the keys in the ignition and being drunk is enough for a DUI. I mean hey, obviously he drove there. He probably should have just called a cab or a friend in the first place.

I guess you can do what you want, escelating the situation never really ends up doing anything but screwing you.

Badfish 06-18-2008 07:18 PM

road head. got a warning. it was really awkward...

Must See 06-18-2008 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish (Post 338024)
road head. got a warning. it was really awkward...

LMAO haha thats awesome.

rebelyell 06-18-2008 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet (Post 337967)
Once again.... If I have not broken any laws then he has no need to question or ID me at all IMO. Dont get me wrong... If I AM in the wrong yeah I comply with what they ask. I go with the program. But in the PASSENGER seat..... HELL NO.... I STILL will not comply.

I have seen too much stupid shit pulled by cops is the reason I dont like em. A friend called me to come pick him up one night cause he was too drunk to drive. Reluctantly I did. On the way to his house I get pulled over for not using my blinker to chnage lanes (ON AN EMPTY ROAD). BS reason to get pulled over but whatever. I comply said yep your right I messed up basicly (didnt argue anything with him) Cop goes to question my friend in the passenger seat. I think just to see if our story matches. The cop asks im to step out of the car while they question him. Being COMPLETELY polite and minding all the rules with no arguemnets by him they conclude we are lagit tell me I can go but take him in for public intoxication. Because he was on side of the road where THEY ASKED him to go while being drunk. That was BS in my opinion. He hadnt broke ANY laws. Infact he was trying to follow them and not drive drunk.

Another friend ... me and him leave a bar at the same time. He realizes that hes drank too much. Pulls over at a truck stop thats 2 miles down the road and finds a place among the big trucks to park and sleep it off. Cops wake him up with the tap on the window. He gives the story... He was TOO DRUNK TO DRIVE SO HE DIDNT! Cops took him to jail for DUI cause the KEYS where still in the ignition.

Too me even when you TRY to do the right thing by these fockers they got some dumb ass loop hole to hang your ass with. And majority of the time they do. Cops do exactly what the fock they want to do. I dont like em... dont want anything to do with em.

I actually agree with you on some of this. There are good cops/bad cops and there always will be. But, getting an attitude with them just cannot end up being in your favor.

They have the authority. And maybe one day a cop will cross the fine line of violating your rights, but it still won't end up in your favor 90% of the time.

in my childhood neighborhood we had this older guy who was the biggest asshole, bully in the world, and he ended up being a city cop. And he kept that bully attitude while he was a cop. But you just have to let it go and respect him anyway. He was a big fawker too, Always hated that SOB.

I personally respect any cop I encounter, even if it's for something minor. It works out best for me, so I can go on my way.. ;)

shockthealien 06-19-2008 11:41 AM

i got pulled over once because the cop "thought" i was speeding, but "wasn't sure", he ended up giving me a warning for a blown tag light.

Redrum 06-19-2008 12:36 PM

i got pulled over for speeding"67 on a 35mph zone" no vaild texas License, a warrant for texas and california got my car impound and went to jail for 4days lol.

Redrum 06-19-2008 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Redrum (Post 338129)
i got pulled over for speeding"67 on a 35mph zone" no vaild texas License, a warrant for texas and california got my car impound and went to jail for 4days lol.

opps its about the lame reason for getting pulled over thread

rebelyell 06-19-2008 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by Redrum (Post 338130)
opps its about the lame reason for getting pulled over thread

yeah, You need to start a criminal reason for getting pulled over. LOL :p

Nofire 06-20-2008 01:41 PM

Best one: I was pulled over when I was 17 for streetracing and doing 96 in a 45. Cop let me go with a warning. :) I still have that warning.....

Stupid one: I got a careless driving ticket for exhibition of acceration. No one was on the road and I never sped or broke traction. :mad: That one cost almost 500 to get out of (lawyer fees).

nyheyman 06-20-2008 04:10 PM

Over the years ‘a few too many to remember them all’
I’ve been pulled over for speeding, too fast for conditions, crossing double yellow line, back lights out and few other things that I can’t remember at this stage in my life. I used to be a rebel without a cause, than one of Uncle Sam’s misguided children. I am older now and mellower.
Threw it all 75% of the time I was let go with a warning. I ALLWAYS treated the law with respect even if they were assholes. If I felt the cop was over stepping his bounds I went to court and told it to the judge. The judge always reduced the fine or points or on occasion threw out the case all together.
It’s all how you play the game!!

Bondfreak13 06-21-2008 08:12 AM

To answer some of the questions asked of me:

1. Radar will pick up any car, no matter the color/make/size/ or if it's made of fiberglass or metal.
The radar system I use picks up the slower speed and the faster speed, it's up to me to figure out which one is speeding. (which isn't that hard when the faster car is passing the slower car)

Radar detectors are junk if you ask me and i'll explain why. How does it work? It works by picking up radar waves...which means the cop has you on radar when the thing goes off.

Also most officers view radar detectors as an admisson of guilt. if you have one your more than likely speeding.

2. I'm modding my personal car. not my squad car.

As for the respect to cops here is my personal take on that:

I treat every person I pull over with professional kindness and respect. why? Becasue they just got pulled over by a cop. more than likely they are scared out of there mind. so I try to put them at ease. I'm always nice and polite to everyone even they are an A$$ to me.

Now I won't lie. I pulled a over an Evo IX about three months ago for doing 77 in a 55 racing another car. (they just got started) He pulled over the guy in the Z06 didn't. And wasn't about to go chase him. I told him the following.

"Man what where you thinking? Racing a Z06? Look I'll forgo the charge of street racing becasue, hell I have my own stop light fun from time to time, but your not going away unpunished." I worte him for a 65 in a 55. No big deal.

well turns out the Fuc*ker takes it the ticket to court. So I tell the judge everything I did what he really was doing and used my Dash cam as Evidence. The Judge looked at him and said " son you really that dumb to come in here and fight this? Needless to say he wont be driving for about a year. kid got luckly the judge didn't give him jail time.

Dave04Mustang 06-21-2008 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by Bondfreak13 (Post 338452)
well turns out the Fuc*ker takes it the ticket to court. So I tell the judge everything I did what he really was doing and used my Dash cam as Evidence. The Judge looked at him and said " son you really that dumb to come in here and fight this? Needless to say he wont be driving for about a year. kid got luckly the judge didn't give him jail time.

wow that guys an idiot haha. He was either hoping you wouldn't show up or hes just a complete dumba--

4.6 Love 06-21-2008 12:40 PM

Cops are the devil...

mustangrn 06-21-2008 04:33 PM

Worked as a 911 dispatcher for about a year and let me tell u....I wouldn't put up with the crap cops take. Most people have no idea what cops see and hear all day long and have to maintain professionalism. They have my highest respect and admiration cuz I couldn't do what they do, but it has to be done and they are the ones to step up and get 'er done.

TUFF 4.6 06-21-2008 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish (Post 338024)
road head. got a warning. it was really awkward...

You Dumbass, shes supposed to stop when the cop cums up to the window:D

rebelyell 06-21-2008 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by Bondfreak13 (Post 338452)
To answer some of the questions asked of me:

1. Radar will pick up any car, no matter the color/make/size/ or if it's made of fiberglass or metal.
The radar system I use picks up the slower speed and the faster speed, it's up to me to figure out which one is speeding. (which isn't that hard when the faster car is passing the slower car)

Radar detectors are junk if you ask me and i'll explain why. How does it work? It works by picking up radar waves...which means the cop has you on radar when the thing goes off.

Also most officers view radar detectors as an admisson of guilt. if you have one your more than likely speeding.

2. I'm modding my personal car. not my squad car.

As for the respect to cops here is my personal take on that:

I treat every person I pull over with professional kindness and respect. why? Becasue they just got pulled over by a cop. more than likely they are scared out of there mind. so I try to put them at ease. I'm always nice and polite to everyone even they are an A$$ to me.

Now I won't lie. I pulled a over an Evo IX about three months ago for doing 77 in a 55 racing another car. (they just got started) He pulled over the guy in the Z06 didn't. And wasn't about to go chase him. I told him the following.

"Man what where you thinking? Racing a Z06? Look I'll forgo the charge of street racing becasue, hell I have my own stop light fun from time to time, but your not going away unpunished." I worte him for a 65 in a 55. No big deal.

well turns out the Fuc*ker takes it the ticket to court. So I tell the judge everything I did what he really was doing and used my Dash cam as Evidence. The Judge looked at him and said " son you really that dumb to come in here and fight this? Needless to say he wont be driving for about a year. kid got luckly the judge didn't give him jail time.

It's good to hear from the other side, Most people don't stop and think that cops are people too, Sure there's gonna be asshole cops, but there are also asshole coworkers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

I remember once in the early 80's I was getting on my 79 Z-28 really hard, lighting up the tires in 1st and 2nd gears, and a cop pulled behind me as I got to my house, no lights, no siren, But he was on me in a hurry. He jumped out and I thought for sure I was toast. He was really cool and we just stood there and BS for about 30 mins about cars.

This was a long time ago I know but I still have that feeling that he wasn't being a cop right then, just a car nut like us.. I still thought I was gonna get at least a careless and wreckless, but he just said see ya, I was impressed. And a little bit shaky after that.. :smokin:

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