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Icefreezen 01-21-2007 07:20 PM

Well this Superbowl is going to suck
Colts dont deserve to go. And the Bears really dont deserve to go. What a joke. What do you guys think? I really thought the Saints had a purpose to go and I thought the referee screwed the Patriots.

jareds98gt 01-21-2007 07:26 PM

go colts!!!!

stupid Romo:nunu:

cold 01-21-2007 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241587)
I thought the referee screwed the Patriots.

Exactly they screwed us over. just remember there a dynasty. GO PATRIOTS :t: we got it next superbowl :breakdancesmilie:

Icefreezen 01-21-2007 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by cold (Post 241592)
Exactly they screwed us over. just remember there a dynasty. GO PATRIOTS :t: we got it next superbowl :breakdancesmilie:

Colts knew it too..they started the next play so it couldnt be contested

yellowstang99 01-21-2007 07:44 PM

Didn't see the colts game, just saw the score and heard about the comeback. Its hard to believe the bears are going and I may be from Indiana but I'm not going to lie, we usually have a decent season but always choke in the playoffs. Guess the colts have pulled it off this far though, so go colts!

96TangerineBossGT 01-21-2007 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241587)
Colts dont deserve to go. And the Bears really dont deserve to go. What a joke. What do you guys think? I really thought the Saints had a purpose to go and I thought the referee screwed the Patriots.

OMFG get out of here with the whole "Saints has a purpose to go" crap. I am so f***ing glad they lost. I don't think I could have stood another 2 weeks of the crap about a rebuilding a city and "a team of destiny" and blah, blah, blah. I hate that crap. They were not good this year because of Hurricane Katrina. They were good and made the playoffs because they were in a crappy division. They ended up getting their asses handed to them by the Bears, as they should have.

I didn't see much of the second half of the Colts/Patriots game, as I thought the Pats had it under control. I just don't get into the whole feel good story crap. I am not warm inside knowing the Manning is finally going to the SuperBowl. Yeah, he finally got the job done....

And, as an aside, get ready for them to play up the whole 2 African American coaches in the SuperBowl crap for the next 2 weeks. <SIGH> I am so ready for football to be over with...


Icefreezen 01-21-2007 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by 96TangerineBossGT (Post 241603)
OMFG get out of here with the whole "Saints has a purpose to go" crap. I am so f***ing glad they lost. I don't think I could have stood another 2 weeks of the crap about a rebuilding a city and "a team of destiny" and blah, blah, blah. I hate that crap. They were not good this year because of Hurricane Katrina. They were good and made the playoffs because they were in a crappy division. They ended up getting their asses handed to them by the Bears, as they should have.

I didn't see much of the second half of the Colts/Patriots game, as I thought the Pats had it under control. I just don't get into the whole feel good story crap. I am not warm inside knowing the Manning is finally going to the SuperBowl. Yeah, he finally got the job done....

And, as an aside, get ready for them to play up the whole 2 African American coaches in the SuperBowl crap for the next 2 weeks. <SIGH> I am so ready for football to be over with...


Eh I would have like to seen the saints go in I hate the bears and the Colts quarterbacks. THey are both a bunch of choke artists.

I hope manning chokes again when he gets to the superbowl. I'll laugh

synister123 01-21-2007 08:03 PM

i dont think the refs screwed anyone.

im glad the colts are going though.

White04GT 01-21-2007 08:12 PM


96TangerineBossGT 01-21-2007 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241605)
Eh I would have like to seen the saints go in I hate the bears and the Colts quarterbacks. THey are both a bunch of choke artists.

I hope manning chokes again when he gets to the superbowl. I'll laugh

Yeah, I am definitely pulling for the Bears if I have to choose sides, but I really won't care one way or the other this year.

The whole "he deserves to win" and all this talk of Marino and everything just gets plain old. I am not going to feel sorry for these guys who don't/can't win some trophy when they are getting paid what they get paid every year. I will gladly take a place on the Raiders to make that kind of cash. I mean, we have to have a champion because that's what sports is, but I don't think that every good player is "entitled" to win one....


Icefreezen 01-21-2007 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by 96TangerineBossGT (Post 241611)
Yeah, I am definitely pulling for the Bears if I have to choose sides, but I really won't care one way or the other this year.

The whole "he deserves to win" and all this talk of Marino and everything just gets plain old. I am not going to feel sorry for these guys who don't/can't win some trophy when they are getting paid what they get paid every year. I will gladly take a place on the Raiders to make that kind of cash. I mean, we have to have a champion because that's what sports is, but I don't think that every good player is "entitled" to win one....


I hope both teams planes crash on the way to Miami...:salook: jk that wouldnt be cool

usscrp 01-21-2007 08:23 PM

well being a colts fan, i am damn proud how they pulled it out. nobody gave em a chance since they started the wildcard game, well obviously they are good enough because they are going to the superbowl and your team is not. i do not want to piss anybody off, but please i sat around the last how many years when the colts did not make it??? jeez people, do we have a bunch of sorry losers or what? may not be the game you want to see, but i did not want to see them patriots in the superbowl that many years either. anyways i am for the colts and always will be a true fan.

SnTBakosFinest 01-21-2007 08:52 PM

Pats didn't deserve to go.. they SHOULD have lost the game against SD...Colts definately don't deserve to go.. they would've gotten their asses handed to them as well..

As for the Bears, well, the NFC is general isn't very

BrentK 01-21-2007 08:54 PM

I am just glad those arrogant stupid ass patriots dident make it...As for the super bowl, I think manning will kill the bears secondary and colts win big

Icefreezen 01-21-2007 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 241619)
Pats didn't deserve to go.. they SHOULD have lost the game against SD...Colts definately don't deserve to go.. they would've gotten their asses handed to them as well..

As for the Bears, well, the NFC is general isn't very

I just dont see a impressive game coming up so i'm not even going to watch. All I know is a crappy team is going to get some rings...woot I think not.

Fat Lard 01-21-2007 09:08 PM

The only two teams that deserve to go is the Colts and Bears. Why? They haven't lost. Beat whoever was put in front of them.

Cheddarbob 01-21-2007 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241594)
Colts knew it too..they started the next play so it couldnt be contested

thats called being on top of ur game

Cheddarbob 01-21-2007 09:15 PM

Goooo Packers!!!

Slither 01-21-2007 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241587)
Colts dont deserve to go. And the Bears really dont deserve to go. What a joke. What do you guys think? I really thought the Saints had a purpose to go and I thought the referee screwed the Patriots.

How exactly can you sit there and say the Bears do not deserve to go? They played their asses off this year and haven't done this well in 20 damn years. And the Saints? They haven't done this well since the team started. Colts were balls to the wall this year also. They did outstanding to come back and win the game tonight. If anything..the Super Bowl this year will be the best one in a long time. Hands down. I don't see how anyone could say a team doesn't deserve to be where they are at when they won to get there?

Slither 01-21-2007 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by 96TangerineBossGT (Post 241603)
I don't think I could have stood another 2 weeks of the crap about a rebuilding a city and "a team of destiny" and blah, blah, blah. I hate that crap. They were not good this year because of Hurricane Katrina.

Coming from an area that was ravaged by Katrina, Ivan, Dennis, etc all within' a year..I am offended by your comment. The Saints are a favorite here in Pensacola and to see a franchise that has been through so much do this well, it really makes your city feel good. Hell..people that didn't even have houses were going to their games because it was their team and it made them happy to see them doing well. Then they go home to nothing..or don't go to a home period. The Saints were the feel good team of the year no matter what. Their city will never be the same and it is really uplifting for many of those people to have one good thing left.

cold 01-21-2007 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by BrentK (Post 241620)
I am just glad those arrogant stupid ass patriots dident make it...As for the super bowl, I think manning will kill the bears secondary and colts win big

well all i gota say is dynasty!!! hope its a forfeit for colts , cause manning has another commercial to be in.

Grimmz 01-21-2007 09:52 PM

LMFAO Mr. Gatorsdeserve to be there doesn't think the colts should be there... how ****in ironic is this world... jesus christ...

thank god the ****in pats aren't in ANOTHER ****in superbowl i'd have shot myself.... So i could car less who wins.

Slither 01-21-2007 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz (Post 241638)
LMFAO Mr. Gatorsdeserve to be there doesn't think the colts should be there... how ****in ironic is this world... jesus christ...

thank god the ****in pats aren't in ANOTHER ****in superbowl i'd have shot myself.... So i could car less who wins.

Go Noles :kekekegay: jk man

Icefreezen 01-21-2007 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz (Post 241638)
LMFAO Mr. Gatorsdeserve to be there doesn't think the colts should be there... how ****in ironic is this world... jesus christ...

thank god the ****in pats aren't in ANOTHER ****in superbowl i'd have shot myself.... So i could car less who wins.

Damn shame I would have loved to see you shoot yourself. I'd attend your funeral too. Man you do hold a grudge. Puss

White04GT 01-21-2007 10:21 PM

Ya Brady has won enough. Time to let someone else have a shot...Go Manning! Should of been the cowboys vs the bears today.

WaterDR 01-21-2007 11:12 PM

The Bears the Colts both deserve to go because they both won today. To argue anything else is just silly.

New Orleans had a heck of a year considering the crap they have been through, but such is life. They lost....and it is not as if it was a close game. The Bears showed up today for 3 quarters.

As far at Pats fans blaming the game on a ref....better look in the mirror. Pats gave up a what? 21 point lead? Seems like more then a ref was involved with that loss.

96TangerineBossGT 01-22-2007 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by Slither (Post 241634)
Coming from an area that was ravaged by Katrina, Ivan, Dennis, etc all within' a year..I am offended by your comment. The Saints are a favorite here in Pensacola and to see a franchise that has been through so much do this well, it really makes your city feel good. Hell..people that didn't even have houses were going to their games because it was their team and it made them happy to see them doing well. Then they go home to nothing..or don't go to a home period. The Saints were the feel good team of the year no matter what. Their city will never be the same and it is really uplifting for many of those people to have one good thing left.

Hey, that's life. Stuff happens. And that's fine if you wanted to pull for the Saints, and as for those buying tickets to the games even though they would go home to nothing, I say someone needs to check their priorities. But I am simply saying that they had an angel on their shoulder helping them win for all of you. Sure they had talent and they were in a crappy division, so of course they made the playoffs. Hurricane Katrina was not the cause for their success and I get tired of everyone acting like it was.

Here's a tip for life: Don't establish/live in a city below sealevel that is almost completely surrounded by water and then expect everyone to feel sorry for you when what WATER destroys your city.

I know that is not you Slither, but I am just saying in general...


04DarkShadowGT 01-22-2007 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 241587)
Colts dont deserve to go. And the Bears really dont deserve to go. What a joke. What do you guys think? I really thought the Saints had a purpose to go and I thought the referee screwed the Patriots.

Yup the Refs gave up 32 second half points, as a Colts fan I had pretty low expectations coming into that game so when they where down 21-3 I wasnt suprised. But come on you cant say that comback wasnt amazing. Do I think the Colts where the best team in the AFC, maybe not but the fact remains the best team doesnt always win the title, see Florida in college football. :)

But if you want to talk about a BS call, you should go look at the tuck rule call against the Raiders where Brady fumbled but it was called an incomplete pass.

The fact remains the Bears have the best record in the NFC, they have been the best NFC team all year, and smoked the hell out of a good New Orleans team and beat the Super Bowl runnerup from last year in the playoffs. How in the hell do you honestly say they dont deserve to be there?

You really are an idiot.

Originally Posted by Slither (Post 241634)
Coming from an area that was ravaged by Katrina, Ivan, Dennis, etc all within' a year..I am offended by your comment. The Saints are a favorite here in Pensacola and to see a franchise that has been through so much do this well, it really makes your city feel good. Hell..people that didn't even have houses were going to their games because it was their team and it made them happy to see them doing well. Then they go home to nothing..or don't go to a home period. The Saints were the feel good team of the year no matter what. Their city will never be the same and it is really uplifting for many of those people to have one good thing left.

Builing a city below sea level when its next to the ocean where hurricanes happen every year was ****ing asking for it. I feel awful for the people there that lost everything, but seriously they are dumb to try and rebuild the city imo. Its just going to happen again eventually.

Teal_Beast 01-22-2007 06:17 AM

I love how everyone is talking about what the saints has had to go through, boo ****ing hoo, those guys make millions a year, do you think they have a home? i bet they do. This isnt highschool football, I bet 90% of the players in the NFL arnt even from the state/city they play for. It is all a buisness.

team of destiny my ass.

oh and im glad the patriots god beat.

Colts vs. bears FTW!

madmatt 01-22-2007 06:26 AM

OMFG you people are RIDICULOUS. Its a GAME of FOOTBALL. WTF is with wishing death on people, telling people they should shoot each other. STFU.

The two teams that won did so because they played their asses off. Who can HONESTLY say that had the Pats gotten a lucky call like that, they wouldve made sure the ref's had PLENTY of time to call it...come on, they arent their to make friends, they are there to win games and make money. So sorry your favorite teams didnt make it this year, but I gotta be honest, its about TIME someone beat the damn Pats and kept them outta the Super Bowl.

Its going to be a kickass game, watch it if you enjoy the sport, not just so you can come on a Mustang internet site and trash the other team, just remember, whether they win or not, they still kicked your teams asses...

/rant on people that get retarded over a football game

Slither 01-22-2007 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by madmatt (Post 241658)
rant on people that get retarded over a football game

No kidding.

Slither 01-22-2007 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by Teal_Beast (Post 241657)
I love how everyone is talking about what the saints has had to go through, boo ****ing hoo, those guys make millions a year, do you think they have a home? i bet they do. This isnt highschool football, I bet 90% of the players in the NFL arnt even from the state/city they play for. It is all a buisness.

team of destiny my ass.

oh and im glad the patriots god beat.

Colts vs. bears FTW!

Um from what I understood it was more about the city. It wouldn't make sense for them to say what the Saints went through considering half their team is new this year and wasn't even there for Katrina.

00blkstanggt 01-22-2007 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by cold (Post 241637)
well all i gota say is dynasty!!! hope its a forfeit for colts , cause manning has another commercial to be in.

Many teams are a dynasty. I'd like to see the Patriots today play the '94 49ers. Now thats a dynasty. They have never lost a superbowl yet. As far as Manning goes, he is a damn good quarterback. 31 touchdowns and only 9 interceptions all season. He has thrown for almost 4,000 yards every season he has played including his rookie season. Manning deserves to go as well as the Bears, but I hope the Bears lose cause I hate Rex Grossman.

04DarkShadowGT 01-22-2007 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by cold (Post 241637)
well all i gota say is dynasty!!! hope its a forfeit for colts , cause manning has another commercial to be in.

I think the word you where looking for is was, as in it was a dynasty. The pats are still an awesome team but they where lucky to get by San Diego and they blew the game againts Indy. If it where the pats teams from 2 years ago they would have closed that game out and it would have never gotten closer than 18 pts.

The Pats dont have the players they used to, they have Brady and Bellichik and thats about it. Dont get me wrong Bellichick is the best coach in the league and Brady is either 1 or 2 as far as QBs go. But losing all those players has finally caught up. Deon Branch wouldnt have dropped those catches Caldwell did.

3V2000GT 01-22-2007 04:01 PM

this is just funny, ok people keep thinking the colts are just going to run over the Bears, just listen to ESPN. And the NFC isnt as bad as you guys think it is, the bears are just head and shoulders above the rest of the NFC. Yep the bears dont deserve to be there, THEY WON 13 Games in the season, but wait their schedule sucks, they went 2-0 in the playoffs but wait the NFC sucks and so does Grossman. PLEASE keep coming up with excuses of why the bears suck, because it makes me laugh. I dont know what you guys see in Grossman that makes him so bad, its still really his first full season as a starter, in peytons first year as a starter he threw 26 TDS and 28 ints and in his 4th (grossman is in his 4th) he threw 26 and 23, but hes Peyton hes awesome, Grossman has won just as many Title games as him. And as for other QBS that have won the SB, Terry Bradshaw had thrown for 20+ ints in 3 out of the 4 SB he won. And when he first started in the league people hated him and wanted him out.

But people seriously keep coming up with funny shit, its very entertaining

cold 01-22-2007 04:13 PM

yes i totaly agree 04darkshadowgt . Pats lost brown , vinniteri(or w.e his last name is lol) weve lost alot we need new players!.

Grimmz 01-22-2007 04:16 PM

I'm just glad the pats are out, they've gotten lucky to many years in a row, now it's time to see some other teams in the Superbowl.

04DarkShadowGT 01-22-2007 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by 3V2000GT (Post 241745)
this is just funny, ok people keep thinking the colts are just going to run over the Bears, just listen to ESPN. And the NFC isnt as bad as you guys think it is, the bears are just head and shoulders above the rest of the NFC. Yep the bears dont deserve to be there, THEY WON 13 Games in the season, but wait their schedule sucks, they went 2-0 in the playoffs but wait the NFC sucks and so does Grossman. PLEASE keep coming up with excuses of why the bears suck, because it makes me laugh. I dont know what you guys see in Grossman that makes him so bad, its still really his first full season as a starter, in peytons first year as a starter he threw 26 TDS and 28 ints and in his 4th (grossman is in his 4th) he threw 26 and 23, but hes Peyton hes awesome, Grossman has won just as many Title games as him. And as for other QBS that have won the SB, Terry Bradshaw had thrown for 20+ ints in 3 out of the 4 SB he won. And when he first started in the league people hated him and wanted him out.

But people seriously keep coming up with funny shit, its very entertaining

I agree with you that Chicago is the best team in the NFC and they definatly deserve to be there. I by no means think the Colts are going to kill Chicago, if the Chicago D plays like they did againts NO then the Colts will have a hard time scoring 21 points.

But you seriously arent comparing Rex Grossman to Peyton Manning and Terry Bradshaw are you? Grossman at this point in his career is average, and its hard to argue otherwise.

You said that Grossmans numbers are comparable to Mannings in his first year (even though Grossman is in his 4th year), well yes that is kinda true but you have to remember that Manning was the #1 pick so his team was the worst in the NFL the year before and this year the Bears are in the freakin superbowl. I would say the two teams they where on where a bit different talent wise wouldnt you?

With all that said Manning still had virtually the same QB rating, had more TDs, had 550 more yards, had a better completion percentage, but did have more ints all while being on a far worse team.

Also Manning has had 1 year under 60% completion percentage (his 1st year) Grossman hasnt had any over 60%.

Manning has never had a single season under 3700 yards and only two seasons under 4100 yards. Grossmans this year 3193.

Manning has never had a single season under 26 TD passes, Grossman this year 23.

Mannings QB rating has been below 84 once his first year, Grossman this year 73.

And the best thing you can say about Manning is 9 years 0 injuries, Grossman 4 years, 3 season ending injuries.

But my last point is, can you sit there with straight face and say you wouldnt take Manning over Grossman you are a either retarded or a liar.

3V2000GT 01-22-2007 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT (Post 241781)
I agree with you that Chicago is the best team in the NFC and they definatly deserve to be there. I by no means think the Colts are going to kill Chicago, if the Chicago D plays like they did againts NO then the Colts will have a hard time scoring 21 points.

But you seriously arent comparing Rex Grossman to Peyton Manning and Terry Bradshaw are you? Grossman at this point in his career is average, and its hard to argue otherwise.

You said that Grossmans numbers are comparable to Mannings in his first year (even though Grossman is in his 4th year), well yes that is kinda true but you have to remember that Manning was the #1 pick so his team was the worst in the NFL the year before and this year the Bears are in the freakin superbowl. I would say the two teams they where on where a bit different talent wise wouldnt you?

With all that said Manning still had virtually the same QB rating, had more TDs, had 550 more yards, had a better completion percentage, but did have more ints all while being on a far worse team.

Also Manning has had 1 year under 60% completion percentage (his 1st year) Grossman hasnt had any over 60%.

Manning has never had a single season under 3700 yards and only two seasons under 4100 yards. Grossmans this year 3193.

Manning has never had a single season under 26 TD passes, Grossman this year 23.

Mannings QB rating has been below 84 once his first year, Grossman this year 73.

And the best thing you can say about Manning is 9 years 0 injuries, Grossman 4 years, 3 season ending injuries.

But my last point is, can you sit there with straight face and say you wouldnt take Manning over Grossman you are a either retarded or a liar.

I agree with you Manning is a Better QB right now, but what I was trying to say is that Grossman is a LOT better than what people think, people say the bears would be much better without him but in reality they wouldnt be where they are if it wasnt for him. Everyone loves to harp on his bad games, yeah hes had about 4 really bad games but so does every other learning QB, I believe Grossman has learned his lesson and will be a much better QB in the future than people give him credit for. Call me retarded or a Liar, call me loyal to my Bears but yes I would take Grossman over Peyton, Ive been a Grossman suporter since day one even through the 1.3 rating. I just think he fits in great with the Bears.

You guys just watch he will definately suprise some people

BTW nice with coming up with some Stats, I like it, nice to see someone speak with some facts rather than opinions

04DarkShadowGT 01-22-2007 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by 3V2000GT (Post 241818)
Call me retarded or a Liar, call me loyal to my Bears but yes I would take Grossman over Peyton, Ive been a Grossman suporter since day one even through the 1.3 rating. I just think he fits in great with the Bears.

Well I can almost guarantee you are the only Bears fan including probably every player on that team except Grossman that wouldnt rather have Peyton.

Thats like saying no Mr. Elway or Marino I dont want you, I would rather have Vinny Testaverde.

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