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tripleblack 08-29-2005 06:28 PM

Gas to go up 30 cents tomorrow
Due to the damage to the Gulf oil production and refineries, gas is expected to go up by as much as 10%, as early as tomorrow.

Find a station and tank up guys.

Time to start drilling In Alaska, off the Coast of Florida, and in California - and time to build some new refineries - hey, are you listening Bush?


foncarelli 08-29-2005 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by tripleblack
Due to the damage to the Gulf oil production and refineries, gas is expected to go up by as much as 10%, as early as tomorrow.

Find a station and tank up guys.

Time to start drilling In Alaska, off the Coast of Florida, and in California - and time to build some new refineries - hey, are you listening Bush?


I told you to do this:

MattJ 08-29-2005 07:03 PM

I wanted to keep a low tank for the track too.

foncarelli 08-29-2005 07:48 PM

Yeah, but look at gas prices in IRAQ:

Thats that bull**** righ there.

madmatt 08-29-2005 07:49 PM

Hey guys, I know it sucks, but the sooner you accept that we are going to be getting screwed for a while, the better youll feel and the sooner youll go back to enjoying your car. I know it sucks, I pay it the same as yall, but complaining on here wont help anymore.

WaterDR 08-29-2005 07:58 PM

Not likely. Oil hit a high today of $70, but then dropped back all the gains it had. If the pumps go up, I am moving to Mars.

dannyb785 08-29-2005 08:04 PM

^ good idea. Water killed your engine....

and there's no water on mars...

problem solved!


WaterDR 08-29-2005 08:07 PM

You fookers go ahead....kick a guy when he is down. Nice how every dam thread around here eventually turns into smack on me.

Two words....

YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

madmatt 08-29-2005 08:10 PM

LOL, hes going to kick your ace! Hey, Blake, Ill buy you a ticket if you are man. Can I keep my job.

WaterDR 08-29-2005 08:13 PM

Nope. You are all fired. The forums are only gonna be for me and what his face...SpringStang

madmatt 08-29-2005 08:18 PM

Your fired from post whoring it up...double poster

dannyb785 08-29-2005 08:19 PM

baaahahhahahaa. good luck with that kid.

WaterDR 08-29-2005 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
Your fired from post whoring it up...double poster

What are you talking about?

MachGT 08-29-2005 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by tripleblack
Due to the damage to the Gulf oil production and refineries, gas is expected to go up by as much as 10%, as early as tomorrow.

Find a station and tank up guys.

Time to start drilling In Alaska, off the Coast of Florida, and in California - and time to build some new refineries - hey, are you listening Bush?


Yeah, because Bush isn't for drilling in Alaska or the gulf of mexico or anything......

If you want to blame somebody, maybe take a look out of the libby enviro nuts that want to restrict us from ever drilling a new oil well anywhere.

4.6 Love 08-29-2005 10:43 PM

Gas is overrated!

WaterDR 08-29-2005 10:50 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MachGT
Yeah, because Bush isn't for drilling in Alaska or the gulf of mexico or anything......

If you want to blame somebody, maybe take a look out of the libby enviro nuts that want to restrict us from ever drilling a new oil well anywhere.

This is how I feel about it. That's me and the man. I told him we need to drill, but he sent me to the dentist:

rebelyell 08-29-2005 11:54 PM

Lets drill for oil. If a caribou has to walk through a little slick stuff, WHAAA. Off shore drilling too. I eat seafood about once twice a month. I need petrol.
Plus why the f%$# arent we getting somethin from saudi arabia. We bailed there sorry rich asses out of a bind. Like my boss said to me after working 64 hours in 1 week and wanting a weekend off.( Do what you gotta do). But don't let production stop. Or you will be held accountable. No weekend off. And I wil lhave extra money to buy gas

tripleblack 08-30-2005 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by foncarelli

This looks to be an encrypted site. Can't read html (mixed with a ton of some other programming language).

Also, when did you tell me to do what?


tripleblack 08-30-2005 05:25 AM

World oil prices are not driving this particular increase. The US has only 16 major refineries making gas (other refineries do other things). As of this morning, 8 of the 16 aren't running, and some of those 8 are damaged (maybe all 8). This is 50% of our gas production guys - we're not talking about a shortage of crude, but of the factories that turn it into gasoline. (Some pumping from the Gulf is also affected, including a report that one oil rig fell off its site and crashed into a bridge in Mobile).

The reason we have so many eggs in so few refining baskets is purely political, and it is likely to really mess up the supply chain.


Originally Posted by MT's#1BrokenMustang!
Not likely. Oil hit a high today of $70, but then dropped back all the gains it had. If the pumps go up, I am moving to Mars.

timstpetefl 08-30-2005 05:33 AM

GW would love to drill for more oil, he's a freakin oil has already allowed drilled in Alaska on closed military bases. If he does much more than that the econazis will shat a brick.

tripleblack 08-30-2005 05:36 AM

Them too
Long list - plenty of room for the eco-fringe to be included.

But they ARE the fringe, and the man at the top has the responsibility, not them. Its one of those situations where you either lead or get out of the way.

We're not talking a market correction to bring demand into line with supply. I was recently reviewing a study of what the US would do if we lost even one refinery to terrorists. The capacity to replace the lost gasoline with the remaining refinery capacity was simply not there.

8 refineries is a much bigger problem - we can only hope they are only temporarily shut down - or Osamma and his boys can thank Katrina for doing their job for them.

In that case, the immediate 10% increase (saw guys on ladders changing gas prices on the stations I passed on the way in this morning) is just a down payment.

One study I read said that a for every 1% of refinery capacity lost, prices would have to increase 6% to decrease demand enough to compensate.

Let's see, 50% reduction (50 x 6 = 300%). That would just about get us to $10 per gallon gas.

Lets hope that's not necessary.

Oh, and by the way, releasing crude oil from the Stategic Reserve (likely to happen today - something Bush CAN do) won't mean a thing if the refineries can't run to process it. Matter of fact, every one of the refineries directly plugged into the pipeline leading from the salt mines are currently shut down.

Meaningless symbolic gesture that will get lots of air time.



Originally Posted by MachGT
Yeah, because Bush isn't for drilling in Alaska or the gulf of mexico or anything......

If you want to blame somebody, maybe take a look out of the libby enviro nuts that want to restrict us from ever drilling a new oil well anywhere.

timstpetefl 08-30-2005 05:37 AM

We also havent built a refinery in the US since the 70's.....WTF.

tripleblack 08-30-2005 05:42 AM

The Real Thing
Eploratory drilling on the scattered military bases didn't find oil - so nobody cared (including me). The huge reserves further north that are well known and mapped - but forbidden drilling sites - are the ones I'm talking about.

As are the literally giant natural gas and oil deposits sitting in the Gulf off the Florida coast (again, forbidden drilling sites due to political concerns).

As are the multiple sites in California, Colorado, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Sleepy time is over. Mommy nature has delivered a gentle little wake up call.


Originally Posted by timstpetefl
GW would love to drill for more oil, he's a freakin oil has already allowed drilled in Alaska on closed military bases. If he does much more than that the econazis will shat a brick.

tripleblack 08-30-2005 05:46 AM

My point exactly

Originally Posted by timstpetefl
We also havent built a refinery in the US since the 70's.....WTF.

Yep. For political reasons. Its like trying to build a nuclear power plant - theoretically its possible, but the red tape and government requirements are so hideous that it just won't happen.

The newest refinery we have is over 30 years old. The oldest are close to 100 years old. And there's no plan to replace even one.

Leadership - it really is a problem.


madmatt 08-30-2005 06:02 AM

LOL, this has turned into a little political debate...dont forget the analogy of internet arguments guys...

tripleblack 08-30-2005 06:30 AM

You're right
OK, you're right.

I just get hot when I see what's happening. And this is a clear example of the political universe exerting undue influence over our automotive lives (sort of like the 55 mph limit days).

Sorry if I strayed from the forum's focus. I'll try to do better.


Originally Posted by madmatt
LOL, this has turned into a little political debate...dont forget the analogy of internet arguments guys...

madmatt 08-30-2005 07:36 AM

Dont worry about it, but honestly, the madder you get, all it does is raise your bp. Ive come to accept we are taking it up the rear from all of them, and no amount of complaining will make it end. Life sucks lol.

timstpetefl 08-30-2005 07:46 AM

I agree, but I do feel the finger cannot be pointed to one man thats for sure.

madmatt 08-30-2005 07:47 AM

Oh, I definately agree, its not all GW's fault, they are all a bunch of greedy douches.

timstpetefl 08-30-2005 08:28 AM


R3BoRn 08-30-2005 11:36 AM

Time to start driving the Old diesel Vw Jetta

jjtgiants 08-30-2005 11:57 AM

I don't know who's fault it is, I guess you can't just point the finger and any one company or individual, but all I know is that here in the SF Bay we pay way too much for gas on a regular basis let alone in a crisis. I paid $3.02 a gallon for premium (91 octane) yesterday, and I imagine it will be $3.20 a gallon by the end of the week. It might be time to take the Predator tune out for a little bit.

Slither 08-30-2005 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by tripleblack
World oil prices are not driving this particular increase. The US has only 16 major refineries making gas (other refineries do other things). As of this morning, 8 of the 16 aren't running, and some of those 8 are damaged (maybe all 8). This is 50% of our gas production guys - we're not talking about a shortage of crude, but of the factories that turn it into gasoline. (Some pumping from the Gulf is also affected, including a report that one oil rig fell off its site and crashed into a bridge in Mobile).

The reason we have so many eggs in so few refining baskets is purely political, and it is likely to really mess up the supply chain.


The one under the bridge is actually a platform that was being worked on at the port. There is rumor several in the gulf broke loose and could be floating.

tripleblack 08-30-2005 04:19 PM

Plenty of diesel
The refineries primarily responsible for making diesel were not hit as hard as the gas refineries.

Just what we need - a diesel powered Mach 1.


Originally Posted by R3BoRn
Time to start driving the Old diesel Vw Jetta

Phantom1313 08-30-2005 04:53 PM

thats wut happens when u get idiots in charge...
well guys i saw this coming, we just had a large debate at school voer all this...the ultimate statment this all amkes is that the oil reserves arent goin to last forever, and even fi they do, the idiots in charge will find a way to mess it up so the price goes to astronomical levels...simply put its time to find a better way to deal with all this, sure hybrids work well, but still its not enough, if we as a whole nation were to phase out gas guzzelers, in favor of cars with better milage we'd have les of a problem, beacuse even if it were to go to 10 bucks a gallon w'd need half as much as we are currently using, and we also ahve to realize that we are currently totaly dependant on oil, theres no escaping it, once we reduce our need, specifically for our vehicles, we can worry about miantaining what we have left....guys, im not saying a solar powered pony is a good idea, but defintly a pony thats cleaner and more fuel efficent would be a good way to go, beacuse at our current rate, not only will gas cost an arm and a leg, we wont have air left to breath in 50 or so years...guys we gotta get our act together, not as individuals but as a whole nation...

PureStang 08-30-2005 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
LOL, hes going to kick your ace! Hey, Blake, Ill buy you a ticket if you are man. Can I keep my job.

hey wat about me....i dont talk smack!!!!!!i feel like an object to be disposed of!!! :( :( :(

madmatt 08-30-2005 06:48 PM

Ok, so he was telling the truth, at 5:15 I paid 2.46 for 87. At 7:45, same gas at SAME station was 2.65 Find a station still low, and buy it.

madmatt 08-30-2005 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by Phantom1313
well guys i saw this coming, we just had a large debate at school voer all this...the ultimate statment this all amkes is that the oil reserves arent goin to last forever, and even fi they do, the idiots in charge will find a way to mess it up so the price goes to astronomical levels...simply put its time to find a better way to deal with all this, sure hybrids work well, but still its not enough, if we as a whole nation were to phase out gas guzzelers, in favor of cars with better milage we'd have les of a problem, beacuse even if it were to go to 10 bucks a gallon w'd need half as much as we are currently using, and we also ahve to realize that we are currently totaly dependant on oil, theres no escaping it, once we reduce our need, specifically for our vehicles, we can worry about miantaining what we have left....guys, im not saying a solar powered pony is a good idea, but defintly a pony thats cleaner and more fuel efficent would be a good way to go, beacuse at our current rate, not only will gas cost an arm and a leg, we wont have air left to breath in 50 or so years...guys we gotta get our act together, not as individuals but as a whole nation...

Dont mean to sound like a douche, but for some reason, I think we'd be up crap creek had the other candidate gotten his chance...oh, and they tried that fuel efficient mustang once, and its now the most hated mustang ever. FEAR THE II!

tripleblack 08-30-2005 07:37 PM

Too late
You doubte me? I would never lie about something as holy to me as gasoline!

Bet if you go back to the same station tomorrow, it will be higher.

50% of the gasoline refineries in the US (we don't really import "gasoline" - we make that - we import crude oil) just took a nasty bath.

The longer those refineries stay off-line, the higher the prices.

The oil platforms in the Gulf that came adrift and are no longer producing (and won't be for months, if ever) aren't helping, either.


Originally Posted by madmatt
Ok, so he was telling the truth, at 5:15 I paid 2.46 for 87. At 7:45, same gas at SAME station was 2.65 Find a station still low, and buy it.

tripleblack 08-30-2005 07:46 PM

Not the answer
Yep, we need not go back - we need to go forward.

Develop new technologies. Hell, just apply old ones! The idea of a fuel cell car with 1000hp - the same juice they get out of these on the space station - makes me drool. Weight less than a 4 banger, power like a dual turbo V8!

Drill oil wells (why we aren't doing this, I don't know). This seems SO obvious.

Build mass transit in the cities.

Encourage hybrids, electrics, etc., fine, no problem.

Cure the balance of trade issues with China (Japan, also a few others). Lots of the increased oil pricing is due to China using our dollars to compete for resources without sending any of them back to buy our stuff in return.

At about the current pricing for oil, oil shale deposits (remember those?) begin to look viable. If I'm not mistaken, a certain country near and dear to us sits on top of the world's biggest stash of this stuff - yes, lookie there, its the US of A.

But lets not be bringing back econoboxes and government mandated speed limits, OK?


Originally Posted by madmatt
Dont mean to sound like a douche, but for some reason, I think we'd be up crap creek had the other candidate gotten his chance...oh, and they tried that fuel efficient mustang once, and its now the most hated mustang ever. FEAR THE II!

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