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jjtgiants 10-16-2008 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by King (Post 358189)
I am not even going to get started about my opinions on Gov. Sarah Palin....

tisk, tisk...

I don't think she is a bad person personally. I don't attack candidates personally like WNRacing and his Hannity clones. I don't think she is qualified and I don't give a shit what she did in Alaska, the woman can't or won't answer simple questions about policy. There are a lot of Mayors in this country that represent more people that Palin does in Alaska and have a lot more experience. She is very nice on the eyes though.

WNRacing, don't think I'm not addressing the issues in your last post because I don't have an answer. I'm just tired of going back and forth with you that's all. If wan't to disagree with me on policy issues that is fine, but I'm tired of you bringing up all the other stuff that at the end of the day doesn't matter. Do you think the average person who is struggling to make it gives a shit about William Ayers or that Reverend? I think that if people truly cared about all that junk then Obama wouldn't be the nominee.

I'm going to say it again because I listen to Sean Hannity every now and again and you my friend must have recieved a copy of his talking points.

I'm going to do my best not to respond to anymore political threads until after the election.....key word is try. ha ha ha.


Steeda97 10-16-2008 04:19 PM

Yeah i've tried not to chime in. Its pointless.

WNRacing 10-16-2008 06:40 PM

Ok, explain this to me.

Why is it ufair to question a presidential candidates patriotism to this country? I have the answer for you, it isn't, unless they have something to hide.

They have put themselves on the block to be questioned and as an American citizen I reserve the right to 1. ask whatever questions I see fit and 2. voice my opinion whatever it may be.

So far you have compared me to Shawn Hannity, and Steeda has gone so far as to call me a redneck, presumably because I live in the south and apparently demonstrate racism because I am not going to vote for the (1/4) "black" candidate.

I'm sorry that the four of you fail to see that Obama has aligned himself with a cult disguising itself as a house of god that practices racial elitism and that he has socialistic views of taking wealth from the successful and "spreading it around" to the poor and lazy. "There is nothing wrong with taking money from a group of people and giving it to the mass majority of people." Socialism - Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

You can argue both of those statements all that you want, until you're blue in the face, but the bottom line is that both statements are cemented truth. The man has been a part of the TUCC for over 17 years, was married by a man that hates America and the white people that live here.

This country deserves a patriot that is going to fight for everyone, not just one demographic or one culture. Call me a radical, I couldn't care less because I will not support someone who's "mentor" is a Racist, hateful, disgusting human being (Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.) who by the way does not deserve the right to be called a reverand, he should be called what he is; a racist piece of dirt.

Steeda97 10-16-2008 06:44 PM

I really wish a moderator would close this thread. Its really annoying.Your way off.

Since when does Obamas wife hate America and white people? Explain this to me. Where do you get your information from?

PColav6 10-16-2008 06:44 PM

Who cares guys. Jaysus.

Obama sucks the donkeys dick aight?

JackThe Ripper 10-16-2008 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358188)
I focus on Michelle Obama because, I don't know about you, but my fiance' and I tend to have a lot of the same outlooks on most things. I know that we would not be completely different on a view when it comes to racial views and for the most part we agree on political terms as well. Is that not the same as you and your wife? -- I'm not saying that you agree on every single incident or term, but generally speaking.

I don't care how you swing it, this statement sounds bad and induces doubt in a lot of people. They are asking "If this is how she feels, does he share the same view or opinion?"

I think Palin is goofy, and i find her hard to take seriously. Then again, i remember when i was a kid, Will Smith was part of DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. Seeing him cast as the lead in INDEPENDANCE DAY i thought it was rediculous they would cast that idiot, now he is probably my favorite actor.

As for his wife.. She might have made a poor choice of words by the way it could be construed, but keep in mind being a patriot does not mean having blind faith in the leadership and the requirement of immediate approval of all actions by the governing leaders. There are a lot of things this country has done that i dont agree with, ive actually been pretty disgusted with the leadership we have had for the past 8 years, im ashamed that we are piddling away our own rights under the fear of "terrorism" and allowing "Homeland Security" to invade any aspect of our lives because they keep saying TERRORIST, and the problem is the people are allowing the government to get away with it. I dont like the way this country is going. I dont have to like the way this is going, and i can be ashamed of our leaders and still be a patriot because challenging leaders is what keeps the power to the people and the people are the country, not the current administration. I am america, you are america, we are all america, much so more than the bush administration. They are simply the ones we elected to hopefully keep things running smoothly because we need organization.

All i see in that video is her simply expressing a relief and joy about the attitude of the american people towards thier leadership and the recognition that something needs to be done. I dont see her saying that she is ashamed and hates america.

I dunno, personally, i think the use of that video to reenforce your point on her is pretty thin.

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358188)
Another statement, possibly taken out of context, but words that he has spoken and this is not the only interview where he used the phrase "typical white person."

typical white person.... i dunno, i really think he just should have worded it differently. You know how many black jokes i tell? Jew jokes? mexican jokes? fag jokes? One of my good firneds is half mexican, one of my absolute best friends is gay, and i knew he was gay when i met him, this isnt the childhood friend coming out of the closet. I dont know a lot of black people, but im about to vote for a black person to be the fucking president.

For me to judge him for a rather fitting phrase that did a good job of summing up his white grandma, would be ludacrisly hypocritical.

His choice of words is easy to take out of context, because his choice of words are questionable, but i dont feel he had any malovelant or spiteful intent behind them, all in all, to me it is just a poor choice of words used to make a rather well stated generalization about older white people that generally dont trust blacks because that is how the culture was back then.

My responce to this... Whoop-tee-doo

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358188)
--Yes I did watch the Debate last night and the last 3.

As far as your question of ABC news last night. Do you not know someone who wouldn't vote for him because of his race? IF you answer truthfully then I highly doubt that you do. I for one am not that person, but yes, I do know several people who wouldn't vote for him because of his skin color. It is unfortunate for this day in time, but completely true.

I think everyone knows somone who wouldnt vote for him because he is black. I know a lot of people, i know my family, friends, etc, would never vote for mccain simply because obama is black. Well, my grandfather would but he is just a hateful old bastard. lol.

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358188)
Credit ABC News.
I am not saying that I believe every word of every one of these videos or news reports, but does it not strike you as odd or offensive in the least? Condemning white people in a "church", using the term "god damn america" or blaming America for 9/11? This is a "church" that Sen. Obama attended for 17+ years, but has suddenly distanced himself from because of his campaign. This is yet another example of associating or being a part of radicals and I'm sorry, but this does scare me a little bit.

Ok yeah, personally i think somone oughtta just drag that idiot in the street and shoot him like a dog. I think the same about Al Sharpten, jesse Jackson, and all the other black politicians that polarize thier entire political views around racism against white people.

As far as obama's relation to him, and being in the church for 17 years, and this lunatic marrying Obama and his wife...

well, a lot of the time people dont just start out they way they currently are, i have to take in with a grain of salt. This im sure is the church his bklack grandma and mom and dad go to. It really appears to be a church of ignorance, however, obama left that church. Why did he stay in it for so long? Maybe it was a good opportunity to see some of his family, maybe he really diddnt believe all the rhetoric that this idiot spouts. Maybe this guy married obama and his wife because obama's mom insisted that they use him because he was thier family preacher. And maybe this guy wasnt like this 10 years ago. He may be spiraling down the deep end the last few years and while he probably always hated white guys now as he gets old and times are more lax for black people he can just spout whatever he wants and he knows h will have the support of al sharpton and jesse jackson.

I Did notice that he is not obamas running mate.

And as for crazy people, My mother in law 10 years ago was a normal intelligent and sane woman. Now she thinks the government is tracking her and that cannibals are kidnapping and eating innocent people.

And i certainly dont hold rebecca accountable for her moms rediculous beliefs, nor to i expect her to shun her mother out of her life.

A lot of churches, the members look at the pastor/ priest/ minister as family. Just cause you dont like them, doesent mean you would be willing to just outright condemn them.

As for Obama's actions, i really have never seen any evidence that he is racist against whites. Black politicians who hate whites are generally pretty damn outspoken about it like al sharpton.

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358188)
All that we want to know is can we feel safe electing this man as the leader of America, or are there too many skelatons rotting away in the closet and being swept under the rugs to honestly feel secure?.

This statement is great. it really is. I mean, you have the Skeletons right? wait, im sorry, Rotting Skeletons, thats good because it adds a touch of vileness to the skeleton, rendering it putrid and half rotting! Brilliant! And of course the closet mention, skeletons in the clost, scary scary scary secrets, locked away, from prying eyes, horrible horrible things lurking beneath! ready to pounce!

And swept under the rugs! We all know that for something to be swept under a rug that others are involved, which means we have a conpiracy afoot! A cloak of back alley shady dealings with untrustworthy foul lurcking people, behind the scenes pulling the strings, sweeping the horrible secrets under the rug and out of the view of good niave trusting people!

Sorry man, it is the rediculous statements like that which i have a hard time taking seriously.

JackThe Ripper 10-16-2008 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358277)
Ok, explain this to me.

Why is it ufair to question a presidential candidates patriotism to this country? I have the answer for you, it isn't, unless they have something to hide.

They have put themselves on the block to be questioned and as an American citizen I reserve the right to 1. ask whatever questions I see fit and 2. voice my opinion whatever it may be.

So far you have compared me to Shawn Hannity, and Steeda has gone so far as to call me a redneck, presumably because I live in the south and apparently demonstrate racism because I am not going to vote for the (1/4) "black" candidate.

I'm sorry that the four of you fail to see that Obama has aligned himself with a cult disguising itself as a house of god that practices racial elitism and that he has socialistic views of taking wealth from the successful and "spreading it around" to the poor and lazy. "There is nothing wrong with taking money from a group of people and giving it to the mass majority of people." Socialism - Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

You can argue both of those statements all that you want, until you're blue in the face, but the bottom line is that both statements are cemented truth. The man has been a part of the TUCC for over 17 years, was married by a man that hates America and the white people that live here.

This country deserves a patriot that is going to fight for everyone, not just one demographic or one culture. Call me a radical, I couldn't care less because I will not support someone who's "mentor" is a Racist, hateful, disgusting human being (Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.) who by the way does not deserve the right to be called a reverand, he should be called what he is; a racist piece of dirt.

Lol! More priceless and groundless rhetoric. .... ya know, the more i click on the links and look into the accousations you make, the thinner your arguement looks.

i mean wow..., you really believe all that dont ya?

Like i said, my mother in law believes fully that the government is tracking her by a chip in her dentures and cannibals lurk the streets at night to kill unsuspecting prey.

she believes all that, just as much as you believe the rediculous links that you have attached to obama.

doesent mean either of you are right.

And i assume your mention of socialism has to do with the 800 billion bailout right?... funny, i diddnt realize obama had the ability to construct and pass that all on his own! i mean, its not like hundreds of other elected officials worked on it, and then congress and the senate PASSED it... no, blame that whole thing on obama.

OMG! HEY! There is an accomplishment that you keep asking for from Obama! The 800 billion dollar bailout plan that was clearly crafted and constructed and passed by nobody but OBAMA!


WNRacing 10-16-2008 07:10 PM

You're behavior is that of a 12 year old Chris. You say that I exxagerate things, yet you come back and do the same shit. You're a fucking hypocrite.

There was not one mention of the bailout in anything that I have said so far in this entire discussion, in fact I posted a link to what I was referring to and if you're too fucking blind to see it then I don't know what to tell you. And I believe that nearly every video clip that I have posted in this later discussion has had Obama speaking directly, no media speaking for him. We're talking words directly from his mouth.

The facts that surround Obama's "church" are just that. The video clips that are on the web are taken directly from videos produced and sold by the church. IF you want to disalow them as factual then it just goes to show how blind you truly are. If you want to consider a 17 year relationship to the "church" a rediculous link then you are even more opaque then even I have give you credit for.

And by the way, just because you think you are right (as you said of your Grandmother) doesn't mean you are. So keep bashing.

zigzagg321 10-16-2008 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 358280)
Who cares guys. Jaysus.

Obama sucks the donkeys dick aight?


King 10-16-2008 07:23 PM

I don't know about that PColav6, looks like McCains been sucking on something...

A friend sent that to me, said it was from last nights debate.

JackThe Ripper 10-16-2008 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 358284)
You're behavior is that of a 12 year old Chris. You say that I exxagerate things, yet you come back and do the same shit. You're a fucking hypocrite.

This thread has runs its course.

JackThe Ripper 10-16-2008 07:29 PM

On that note, im closing the thread.

Everyone has seen eachothers sides, as absolutly rediculous as some of those sides may be, all that is gonna happen now is people are gonna start getting mad and throwing poop at eachother.

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