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krenogin 06-20-2010 09:18 PM

Tough Decision.
I've been thinking it over. And I think I'm at the point of trading.

My car has saleen wheels. I think theyre SR.

A friend offered to trade me 01 cobra wheels. They have the polished aluminum finish, and They are actual ford wheels and not remakes.

He wants to trade me straight up, but I may be able to JEW 250$ boot out of him, and he's also giving me wheel spacers for the rear.

1 of my rears are slightly warped, and my car just doesn't ride very smooth with them, and plus tires are expensive for 18's. And theyre a bitch to keep KLEEN.

What do you guys think?

PColav6 06-20-2010 09:51 PM

Does he know the wheel is warped?

krenogin 06-20-2010 10:49 PM

Nope. You cant see it on the highway, but you can when its on the road balancer.

But either way, which is worth more, if all was perfect on both?

mustangV6_04 06-21-2010 04:35 AM

You your plan is to rip your "friend" off and trade him pos wheels then "Jew" some money out of him? Sounds like something you would do.

GDP 06-21-2010 05:07 AM


spike_africa 06-21-2010 05:37 AM

Trade and run?

krenogin 06-21-2010 05:43 AM

Well no. If I thought I was ripping him off I wouldnt have a tough decision doing this.

zigzagg321 06-21-2010 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by krenogin (Post 460668)
Well no. If I thought I was ripping him off I wouldnt have a tough decision doing this.

yeah cause it would be easy decision to go ahead and rip off your friend. dousche.

00blkstanggt 06-21-2010 07:51 AM

Sounds pretty shitty to me, but fitting for you. Just trade the wheels already so we don't have to listen to it anymore. They're just fucking wheels. Get it done with.

Steeda97 06-21-2010 10:41 AM


3.8for the win 06-21-2010 10:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 15292

mustangV6_04 06-21-2010 11:24 AM

Lmao he just can't win can he.


rkaz 06-21-2010 12:58 PM

I think it would be funny if they trade and the cobra wheels are warped worse than the wheels krenogin already has.

krenogin 06-21-2010 06:51 PM

Yeah. You think if his are warped he's gonna tell me? I didnt know one of mine was warped when I traded. But thanks for none of the help.

j_gutta870 06-21-2010 08:02 PM

I don't really chime in on conflicts but this pretty messed up man. You should at least tell him that one of the rims is screwed up.

Come on he's supposed to be your friend. Treat him like one.

mustangV6_04 06-21-2010 08:08 PM

Umm yes a friend would tell another friend straight up something fucking is wrong you stupid imbred dumb mother fucker. So because you are a retard and got fucked over on the wheels you feel that you need to do the same. Serously you are the biggest douche ever. Do you have no morals or sence of friendship? STFU and have a good day you dumb faggot.

zigzagg321 06-21-2010 08:19 PM

/\ Pretty much...

JackThe Ripper 06-21-2010 09:18 PM

08mustang_gt 06-21-2010 11:44 PM


This thread needs to be stickied...just because.

the12fast4u 06-22-2010 12:02 AM

dam with friends like that who needs enemies:eek:

GDP 06-22-2010 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by mustangV6_04 (Post 460741)
Umm yes a friend would tell another friend straight up something fucking is wrong you stupid imbred dumb mother fucker. So because you are a retard and got fucked over on the wheels you feel that you need to do the same. Serously you are the biggest douche ever. Do you have no morals or sence of friendship? STFU and have a good day you dumb faggot.


krazypony 06-22-2010 06:15 AM

Sounds like somebody is kin to a old banned member named: Stephen possibly come from the same DNA offspring!

mustangV6_04 06-22-2010 06:53 AM

No even Stephen wouldn't go as low as straight ripping someone off.

Lazerred6 06-22-2010 07:17 AM

..... See I was going to say "Wow, Krenogin has a friend" but now I see how it is.

I think you use the term friend in place of aquaintance that I have no respect for

I would take a bullet for my friends. not rip them off

00blkstanggt 06-22-2010 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by krenogin (Post 460737)
Yeah. You think if his are warped he's gonna tell me? I didnt know one of mine was warped when I traded. But thanks for none of the help.

You think anyone is going to help you when you're willing to fuck a friend over. STFU and GTFO

krenogin 06-22-2010 09:50 AM

Well no I dont feel ripped on my wheels. I traded my ugly 20's for my wheels. Straight up, and my 20's had wore out tires. These saleens have new HTRZ II's on em.

His cobras have wore out tires.

Gonna have to put two of my 245/45 HTR+'s on em, and add two 275HTR+'s on those cobras if I get em.

then mounting and balancing. Plus giving up 18x10's for 17x8's.

Whatever guys.

mustangV6_04 06-22-2010 10:19 AM

Yes but your faggot ass is going to neglect to say one of your wheels is fucked up. Go fucking hang yourself you fucking assbag.

00blkstanggt 06-22-2010 10:24 AM

How are you going to take tires off a 18" rim and put them on a 17" rim? And don't come asking for advice and then get all butt hurt when people tell you how dumb your idea is. Anytime you're going to screw a friend over, it's not going to fly with people. Show some respect and tell him one of the wheels are warped. but whatever, you'll do whatever you want and nobody here will give two shits. Learn to spell by the way. It's have worn out tires, not wore out.

mustangV6_04 06-22-2010 10:46 AM

The point is people who trade things know everything about the traded item up front.

krenogin 06-22-2010 11:38 AM

I have mach 1 wheels with 2 of those sized 245/45 17s on em. So I'll get 17 inch tires to fit on 17 inch wheels.

Not butt hurt on a dumb idea. Just asked a question on what was worth more, or more visually appealing. Or overall worth a trade.

And no, not everyone knows. --Think used car salesman--

mustangV6_04 06-22-2010 11:51 AM

So you are putting yourself in the same group as a low life dick head used car salesman that rips people off. Once again stfu you stupid fuck. You should be castrated so you can't produce anymore dumbass people like yourself.

krenogin 06-22-2010 12:09 PM

So now this makes me a retarted gay person that rips people off? Anything else to add to the list?

mustangV6_04 06-22-2010 12:23 PM

Nope that about does it. Your just another person that many people hate and are the downfall of humanity. I don't understand how you can possibly rip someone off and be ok with it. That makes you a thief and nothing less.

00blkstanggt 06-23-2010 07:50 AM

I'm so glad I'm not from Kentucky.

JackThe Ripper 06-23-2010 12:37 PM

It amazes me how some posters on here consistantly demonstrate the inability to act with the slightest shred of integrity or decency and somehow think that this is the way normal people do things.

shit, i couldnt in my right mind ever sell something to somebody knowing there was something wrong with it unless i told the buyer flat out in the very beginning of the issue. Not to a friend, not to a stranger.

Krenogin, you really do excel at demonstrating to everybody exactly how low caliber your character is, and exactly what you are made of. You are willing to sell a warped rim to a friend knowing damn good and well it is warped and intentionally hide that fact from him, then you assume he would do the same to you, and the best attempt at redemption failed miserably with your ignorant and incredibly stupid views on how the world works. people like you make this a shittier place to be. Thank fucking god you are in the absolute minority you small and weak minded little fuck.

the good thing about all this, is you will continue to go around and "jew" your "Friends" you will get your ass kicked repeatedly, end up friendless and alone, because you are too goddamn selfish and apathetic to give 2 shits about anyone but yourself, and will never be able to maintain any kind of friendship. Is this how your mom or dad raised you? Do you think they would be proud to find out you will happily fuck over a friend?

You are a bonafied certifiable piece of shit, and your actions prove this over and over and over, if you dont get your shit together you will have a shit life, nobody will give a shit about you when you die, your empty carcass will be simply tossed in the dumpster with as much ceremony as an empty cereal box.

Go do yourself and your friend a favor, tell him you have a warped rim, and next time please try to be a person of honor without having to have everyone point out to you what a complete fucking dumbass you are. You are only as good as your word. Have some self pride, have some honor.

Take from this what you will, feel free to come back with more childish attacks like always and call me a faggot, dick, or homo, none of those will have the slightest effect on me, because when it comes to integrity, when it comes to being a friend, and when it comes to being a man i fucking tower over you, i bask in the sun, while you shrivel up beneath me in my shadow, living in disgrace slowly withering away into a miserable existance which will only get darker and shittier as time goes on.

take a good fucking look at your actions and decide, do you want to be a miserable little bastard that nobody can count on, nobody likes, and will never make a mark on this world or anyone else? or will you chose to stand up, be a man, show integrity decency and respect, take command of your life?

your life is yours and yours alone. its up to you if you want it to be thought of as wasted or embraced.

For what its worth, the only reason i say this is because i feel you can change. Your path is not set ion stone. take control of yourself.

zigzagg321 06-23-2010 12:55 PM

yeah...what Jack said

JackThe Ripper 06-23-2010 01:42 PM

Wow, its been years since i had to bust out the fucktard award.

Kyanbi 06-23-2010 01:56 PM

Damn Jack you pretty much hit the nail on the fucking head! /endthread

Switch 06-23-2010 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 460831)
It amazes me how some posters on here consistantly demonstrate the inability to act with the slightest shred of integrity or decency and somehow think that this is the way normal people do things.

shit, i couldnt in my right mind ever sell something to somebody knowing there was something wrong with it unless i told the buyer flat out in the very beginning of the issue. Not to a friend, not to a stranger.

Krenogin, you really do excel at demonstrating to everybody exactly how low caliber your character is, and exactly what you are made of. You are willing to sell a warped rim to a friend knowing damn good and well it is warped and intentionally hide that fact from him, then you assume he would do the same to you, and the best attempt at redemption failed miserably with your ignorant and incredibly stupid views on how the world works. people like you make this a shittier place to be. Thank fucking god you are in the absolute minority you small and weak minded little fuck.

the good thing about all this, is you will continue to go around and "jew" your "Friends" because you are too goddamn selfish and apathetic to give 2 shits about anyone but yourself, and will never be able to maintain any kind of friendship. Is this how your mom or dad raised you? Do you think they would be proud to find out you will happily fuck over a friend?

You are a bonafied certifiable piece of shit, and your actions prove this over and over and over, if you dont get your shit together you will have a shit life, nobody will give a shit about you when you die, your empty carcass will be simply tossed in the dumpster with as much ceremony as an empty cereal box.

You are only as good as your word. Have some self pride, have some honor.

take a good fucking look at your actions and decide, do you want to be a miserable little bastard that nobody can count on, nobody likes, and will never make a mark on this world or anyone else? or will you chose to stand up, be a man, show integrity decency and respect, take command of your life?

your life is yours and yours alone. its up to you if you want it to be thought of as wasted or embraced.

For what its worth, the only reason i say this is because i feel you can change. Your path is not set ion stone. take control of yourself.

Chris always says exactly the right things.

krenogin 06-23-2010 05:35 PM

That was quite a life altering statement. I mean everyone else threw insults at me but that kinda sunk in.

When he throws the idea up to trade again, which he does everytime our mustang group gets together in my town. I'll let him know one of the wheels is warped. And if he still says thats okay.. should I still go through with it?

Also, I'm one of the younger members on this forum, so i'm still learning lifes lessons.

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