No shave November
Before this thread gets lost I'm getting a pic today after 7 days no shave. LOL. Then I'm getting a shave.. Already irritating as hell.. BTW, What razor do you use? Good ole "Good News" for me. Been using them forever. They work perfect but only good for 2 maybe 3 shaves..
Yeah, my girlfriend would have her own no shave november if i played this little game. That is why my face is as smooth as a baby's bottom! No shave november is for the truly brave if it is also a no sex november.
Well I'll take a picture of me right now...I stopped shaving nov 1st (coincidently cause i shaved october 31st lol)
My chin hair always stays but the mustache thing and the hair on the side of my face doesn't..
My chin hair always stays but the mustache thing and the hair on the side of my face doesn't..
I used to try and get a decent beard. I never could get the trim just right, plus my whiskers would never fill in everywhere until I was way older, then the gray started and it just looks too scruffy. Plus I ain't one that likes itching for 2 or 3 weeks..
Hey, Just wait till ya get married. It's not a guarantee you'll get any. At least not always when ya want it. LOL. But you will know really quick if you will get it or not. There ain't no rules when it comes to women, dammit.
My girls pissed at me, not cause of not shaving, but cause I like to hangout at my buddies house til 4am and drink... I don't get it..she lives with does she want lol
I'm going to have to take a picture of my beard and put all yas to shame. How can you call yourselves men Lol? Turn to crybabies about how it itches, your woman doesn't like it, it looks like the hair on an Persian's ***, blah blah blah. I don't like to put pictures of myself in the interwebs I think this calls for it. Although I don't think it's completely fair, I already had a beard at the start of November. I started it about mid-October.
I'm going to have to take a picture of my beard and put all yas to shame. How can you call yourselves men Lol? Turn to crybabies about how it itches, your woman doesn't like it, it looks like the hair on an Persian's ***, blah blah blah. I don't like to put pictures of myself in the interwebs I think this calls for it. Although I don't think it's completely fair, I already had a beard at the start of November. I started it about mid-October.
This is what I've got going on, I haven't trimed it in about a week. Taken today too. My goal is to not trim it for the rest of November. Ugh, I don't like putting pictures of myself on the internet, it's weird. The car looks so much better.
Anybody beat this?
Anybody beat this?