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Lazerred6 01-30-2008 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306326)
3. you dont know what opinion means opinion is what i'm giving based on facts...what you are doin is swearing that its just a rock...

Dude get a dictionary an opinion doesn't have to be supprted by facts it can be supported by your lack of them or it can be somthing like this (I don't like the color orange) no reason just personal preference thats an opinion.

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306326)
i dont know what is fact or not....the only people claiming facts is the people saying


Oh Rly pretty sure you just said based on facts.

Lazerred6 01-30-2008 10:07 AM

And finally

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306326)
2. i keep askin people to be keep insisting that people DONT be you know what objective means?

It's impossible to be completely objective everyone has an opinion about almost everything no matter how small it is. some people can be more objective than others I'm just saying that neither of us is being objective.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 306329)
Just cause I'm in this thing for fun does not mean I'm not making valid points.

FYI I did read what you posted and I see the pictures and I've read about Cydonia for years. This is not a new topic to me.

If you read between the lines when I ask for somthing that is bigger than bacteria I mean somthing that is or was alive that could build them. No somthing big that may or may not be a city.

genius an imaginary city and "pyrimid" (mountain) visible from space is still not alive nor was it ever

I understand that the statistics of this place are unfavorable but I also took a statistics class and on the first day the prof. said the only thing you need to know about statistics is that they can say whatever you want them to say so take it all with a grain of salt. havent made one valid point just keep spoutin off about some silly nonsense that makes sense only to you and a comparable brain...lmao....uh...yeah pyramids arent alive...but they dont build themselves either asino....and who the hell is talking about statistics? what subject are you on anyway...try and stay with me....i'm showin pics and using quotes and linkin data...what the heck are you doin? please pass the bottle your drinkin must be wicked

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 306332)
And finally

It's impossible to be completely objective everyone has an opinion about almost everything no matter how small it is. some people can be more objective than others I'm just saying that neither of us is being objective.

i thought you were i'm thinkin you are either high or just plain batty...try and make some kinda point please...oh...i forgot youre just here to antagonize...please continue...i almost tried to find some intelligence in your statement....

i almost forgot you were comedy relief...go on mclovin

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 10:26 AM

oh....hey einstein...answer this

1. how do you explain the series of tunnel like tubes on mars?
2. how do you explain cydonias pyramid and other structures?
3. how do you explain the perfect t shaped object in the plains?
4. how do you explain the facial monument?

those must be easy questions to a genius like you so lets hear your answers...i already posted all the pics of these objects so go back and look at them....

here we go folks...hes gonna say " was definitely made be a strong breeze" hell boys and girls...too bad the ancient egyptians didnt just wait for a windy day to build their think what time would have been saved if we'd just let the hudson waves shape the statue of youre done stumbling through an answer to those questions, see if you cant secure me a shrimp boat , forest gump

Lazerred6 01-30-2008 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306333)
and who the hell is talking about statistics? what subject are you on anyway...

The statistics talk came from one of your links where the scientists were talking about how the formations were statistically unlikely. I'm sorry for assuming that you actually read you links my bad.

and as for the objectivity thing it's somthing you learn in psych 101.... Oh wait I almost forgot you don't really get along with school do you I guess I can try to keep statistics and psychology out of it so we can stay at your grade level

Here's a valid point for you
You don't read your own research

and I'll answer your other questions later but it's time for work.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 306337)
The statistics talk came from one of your links where the scientists were talking about how the formations were statistically unlikely. I'm sorry for assuming that you actually read you links my bad.

and as for the objectivity thing it's somthing you learn in psych 101.... Oh wait I almost forgot you don't really get along with school do you I guess I can try to keep statistics and psychology out of it so we can stay at your grade level

Here's a valid point for you
You don't read your own research

and I'll answer your other questions later but it's time for work.

when you get to work clean off the table in the front so i can enjoy my double cheeseburger in your fancy establishment school for your statistics angle...i thought we were talking...not you and the link....youre such a wanna be...wanna be smart, wanna be cool, wanna be in, wanna be heard....go scurry off to your corner and try and find a point while youre in the future, cite a link before you try and attempt to quote a tool...dont be angry because you cant make a get to work boy must burn you up that this trailer park school dropout still owned your want a certain fact of life? a guy like me is giving wood to your girl better than you ever will...there ya go....thats as sure as death and taxes

notice how that tool couldnt answer ONE of my questions now...he just got frustrated and tried to get personal...shades of that other tool matt when jack owned him

HokieStang00 01-30-2008 11:59 AM

It took scientists until the 20th century to discover how all of Earth's landforms were formed and how natural disasters take place, AND WE LIVE HERE. And they still don't have an absolute understanding yet. So I don't see how scientists can look at pictures of tunnels and a pyramid on a planet that's thousands of miles away, and have the slightest fucking idea how it was made. It doesn't throw out the idea of life on Mars, but it doesn't prove anything either. Even if there was life on Mars, it's obviously insignificant. They have a few tunnels and a pyramid, and we have a technological civilization. At best, it's a bunch of wookies or something.

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 01:49 PM

Oh man, this thread is STILL going?

Allright, everyone seems to have dropped like 40 IQ points since i came down sick.

I do believe there intelligent and non intelligent lifeforms beyond this planet. Anyone who refuses to believe this is an idiot.

Street, give me a break on the whole "Afraid to see" bullshit, i aint buying it, nobody is buying it. I do believe in life outside this solar system, but since i dont see jesus in a fucking rock im "afraid"? are you fucking kidding me? Why dont you give up on the lame insults and take a good long look at what i have said and try using an intelligent conversation rather than sitting there insulting me saying that i refuse to see with my eyes sinple because i see a rock where you apparently see PROOF of aliens. and stuff.

You say "Open yer eyes and pull my head out of the sand"

I Say "Get a life, it looks like a rock, maybe it aint a rock, but it sure looks like a rock to me, yer jumping to rediculous conclusions that this low resultion pic is was a delibertly designed structure from intelligent beings that are from another world.

We see wierd shit in nature every day, if yer gonna assume every strange looking thing is an alien artifact then yer never gonna run out of things to claim that are alien.
Nature makes straight lines every day, nature makes strange otherworldly lookuing things everyday, we do not know everything in nature on this planet, let alone another planet.


Get off yer highhorse attitude of being some enlightned person with radical knowledge and understanding. The entire People from Mars idea has been around far longer than you, yer not the first person to wonder if the story of Noah was actually the story of people moving to earth. Anyone who has watched Discovery Channel in the past 15 years is well aware of all these ideas and possibilitys. Everyone has heared of the angels riding silver chariot with golden legs that decends from the heavens.

You dont exactly have to dig very deep to see there are cave drawings, pottery, stone carvings, etc, from all over the planet that depict angels that certainly resemble what certainly in todays age looks to be spacemen. That shit is found in the Indian Kachina (spelling?) dolls, in cave drawings from the Toltecs, the Mayans, the Incas, it is a phenomenon found as far north as siberia and all over the planet.

There is NOTHING that you are saying here that is NEW or Revolutionary, lots of this shit has been looked over and all that can be said at BEST from a scientific standpoint is that the evidence is circumstancial and lacks anything hard core.

So please, dont give me some lame bullshit about "i see the world with eyes wide open" because you cant believe everything you see, and a little dose of skepticism is the finite dividing line between the "Believer" and the "Gullible"

There are some things you can just probably rule out. If NASA scientists who review these panoramas by the thousands look at this and immediatly dismiss it as a 2 inch tall wind (or possible water) carved piece of stone, it is good enough for me.

It is best to look for hard evidence rather than dreamily look at natural phenomena and assume it must me something more than it really is.

And with stuff like this, unless you want to look like an idiot, the best thing is to look for ALL possibilitys aand figure out which is the most likely, because whatever you cannot debunk is the only stuff worth looking for.

Codiddy 01-30-2008 02:02 PM

don't bother jack, all you will get back is a personal attack.

PColav6 01-30-2008 02:04 PM

Who gives a shit.

Thread locked.

^^ haha, had ya goin eh. lol.

Codiddy 01-30-2008 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 306373)
Who gives a shit.

Thread locked.

^^ haha, had ya goin eh. lol.

Had who going? you're not a mod

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 306363)
blah blah blah , maybe it aint a rock, blah blah blah.

there you go...thats all i asked you to do...i never said it was my idea..i never said i was the first...i just asked that you acknowledge MAYBE IT ISNT A ROCK!!! good job

PColav6 01-30-2008 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 306374)
Had who going? you're not a mod

Quiet, panzy.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 306370)
don't bother jack, all you will get back is a personal attack.

i dont consider jack a tool...i reserve that for you...usually after you attack first

Codiddy 01-30-2008 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306380)
i dont consider jack a tool...i reserve that for you...usually after you attack first

See what i mean Jack?

Street, find a post from this thread where I made a personal attack on you or posted a funny picture. You'll won't be able to because I was attempting to have an intelligent debate, something you seem incapable of since every thread you post in inevitably turns into you insulting people. Even now I'm making a post without resorting to insulting you.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 02:25 PM

oh know youre right.....................guess you just rubbed me wrong...seems like you were being sarcastic but since i cant actually pin it down to an insult then i guess i was wrong.......i guess i have to say that i apolo..........................gotta go phones ringing

Codiddy 01-30-2008 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306384)
oh know youre right.....................guess you just rubbed me wrong...seems like you were being sarcastic but since i cant actually pin it down to an insult then i guess i was wrong.......i guess i have to say that i apolo..........................gotta go phones ringing

well I'm just going to assume you're not being facetious. And accept your apology. And for the record I also acknowledge that it MIGHT not be a rock, even if it just looks like a rock to me.

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 02:46 PM

i never said it had to be a rock, it could also be a shadow


StreetRacer 01-30-2008 03:09 PM

come on people...jeez at 900+ views to this thread there should be way more opinions...i wanna hear from the masses

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 03:14 PM

there are 139 posts with 900+ views.

each one of those posts counts as a view, every time you click on the thread, it counts to the view.

If there are 30 people keeping pace with the posts, well, that would easily make yer 900 view count.

the view cound upps each time anyone clicks on it, i can click on this thread 10 times and up the view count by 10.

the masses are just the normal posters on here.

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 03:25 PM

1. how do you explain the series of tunnel like tubes on mars? -- Nature. Wind, water, etc. There are plenty of ways this could have been done that dont require ET.

2. how do you explain cydonias pyramid and other structures? -- Nature. Looks like a normal hill if you ask me. South of denver is an area called castle rock with TONS of gigantic mounds and hills that stretch hundreds of feet in height that have a REMARKABLE resemblance to this. . It is nature dude
3. how do you explain the perfect t shaped object in the plains? -- Nature. It is unpredictable and often comes up with what look like complex shapes. I dont see how hard it is to believe a T-shape rock formation would be natural. Take a look beyond the city, this kind of stuff is not exactly that unusual.

4. how do you explain the facial monument? -- They have debunked this so severely that i wonder how long it has been since you looked into this stuff, yah, from one angle with certain light it looks like a face. From any other angle it looks like crappy hill with a bunch of rocks.

PColav6 01-30-2008 04:06 PM

You care too much jack.


JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 306421)
You care too much jack.

I care about you too sweetie.

PColav6 01-30-2008 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 306424)
I care about you too sweetie.

much love :cool:

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 04:39 PM

4 Attachment(s)
jeez get a room you two........okay...hills dont usually have edges, and those tubes clearly branch off in different directions...the face is a toss up and that t shaped thing is NOT a result of nature....and i dont know what to say about that weird "crop circle" looking any event, those questions werent meant for you jack...

ps...the numbers dont go up when i look in on this thread

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306427)
jeez get a room you two........okay...hills dont usually have edges, and those tubes clearly branch off in different directions...the face is a toss up and that t shaped thing is NOT a result of any event, those questions werent meant for you jack...

Hills commonly have edges to them. Go on Google Earth and check out CastleRock Colorado, you will see lots of hills with edges

the tubes could just be some geographical anomaly, layered sentiment, crystaline structures, who knows, take a look at the devils backbone for instance, earth has plenty of strange stuff like that too. Once again, check out google images and just look around, there are TONSD of crazy geographical things going on right here on earth that are natural

Hell, in colorado we have the Great Sand Dunes. Yes! We really do! Acres and acres of desert sand dunes right smack in the middle of the mountains, not only that, but it is one of 2 places on earth where sand makes a "WHOOP" noise when bunched up together real quick, not only that, but it also has a river that CHANGES DIRECTION DAILY!

And that is 100% natural.

Look, my point here is that just because something is unusual does not mean it cannot be natural. Science is proven wrong all the time and accepts lessons of nature as it discovers new possibilities.
The face, the "pryamid" the "Tunnles" all look like natural phenomena to me. Unusualy yes, but nothing truely extraordinary

The T, that is without a doubt the most unusual and the ONLY thing that stands out in my mind.

I cannot dismiss it as possible being natural, but of ALL those alleged proof that there was life on mars look like narutal occurrances, it looks like somebody is really digging trying to make them something they are not.

The "t" on the other hand, well, yeah, that is pretty goddamn wierd, but come check out colorado sand dunes sometime and yer gonna see stuff that makes no sence either.

I certainly wouldnt be the LEAST bit suprised to find that there was life on mars, i am skeptical to believe that there was INTELLIGENT life on mars, after all, if you look at the earth time line as a 12 hour interval, HUMANS have been on the planet for the last MINUIT and no more.

So, yeah, i think there is something pretty goddamn special about people, if INTELLIGENT life was so common we should have seen evidence of many many many different intelligent species, rather than a bunch of dumb animals, some clever animals, a handful of suprisingly smart animals, and only 1 group of truely sentient beings which is us.

There wa a show on discovery channel recently, "Life after people" and it goes through the time lines of 1 day to 10,000 yearas after people suddenly vanish overnight.

after 1,000 there is pretty much NOTHING recognizeable anymore, the only things that would remain would be the great wall of china, some of the hoover dam, and the great pyramids.

at 10,000 years they dont expect there would be a SHRED of evidence left that humans were here.

So, with earth as a model of a living planet with an intelligent species that took hold and disappeared, it is perfectly acceptable to believe that there might have been life on mars and that all traces have vanished.

But of all this evidence, the ONLY one that is intriguing is the T.

And that, has to in my view go into the vault of "As of yet, unexplained"

There is NOTHIGN wrong with looking at this stuff, some of it is very interesting, but to assume it is more than it is would be a mistake. If it can be explained naturally, it is probably natural.

When looking at this stuff you HAVE to have a healthy dose of skepticism to look past the bogus, the natural, and the rediculous. You HAVE to find a way to debunk and explain EVERYTHING, and the things you CANNOT explain, Like the "T" is what yer left with.

So, that means we have an unusual shaped "T" on mars.

That is really all it means without evidence of something more.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 08:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
well as you can tell, i'm totally fascinated by mars....i spend more and more time goin over the different pics comin from doesnt help that my office is down the hall from the regional director of he is always tellin me different websites to go to and showin me different pics...he investigates ufo sightings here on earth....traveling to diff areas to interview and catalog sightings...i'm a lil too busy for that but mars is captures the imagination....i mean look at this pic....its an amazing place...i dare anyone to try and visit this website just once some of their theories i like...some i dont but their collection of pics is unparalleled

Lazerred6 01-30-2008 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306339)
when you get to work clean off the table in the front so i can enjoy my double cheeseburger in your fancy establishment school for your statistics angle...i thought we were talking...not you and the link....youre such a wanna be...wanna be smart, wanna be cool, wanna be in, wanna be heard....go scurry off to your corner and try and find a point while youre in the future, cite a link before you try and attempt to quote a tool...dont be angry because you cant make a get to work boy must burn you up that this trailer park school dropout still owned your want a certain fact of life? a guy like me is giving wood to your girl better than you ever will...there ya go....thats as sure as death and taxes

notice how that tool couldnt answer ONE of my questions now...he just got frustrated and tried to get personal...shades of that other tool matt when jack owned him

Alright first off I don't work at mcdonalds and if you tried to eat a cheeseburger in my office I would have security escort you out... I work at a hospital.
Second I must have struck a nerve because you randomly lashed out with something utterly rediculous about how someone is giving wood to my girl.
And by the way I looked through the posts and found nowhere that you owned me.
and lastly I didn't answer you questions becuase I did have to go to work. I work at a hospital and being on time is important.

Now unfortunatlly while I was gone Jack explained everything I was going to but here is a link anyway this explains the "tunnels" a little better.

to sum it up the tunnels are actually trenches but becuause of an optical illustion they look convex and not concave and the "ribs" are sand dunes much like those on earth. here is an example of the illusion. These are the exact same picture one is just upside down one looks like a crater the other looks like a dome. The trenches can then be explained as dried up old water ways.

the Pyramid is a mountain the rest of cydonia could easily be a mountain range. This explains it a bit

Here is a link to a cite that explains the face

The picture that looks like a face was taken in the 70's the newer pictures look like a mountain.

The "T"-shaped Formation Revisited

Efrain Palermo has provided a second, disconfirming image of the T-shaped formation discussed on an earlier page. This image shows out that the "T" is a depression and not a convex feature, as Palermo and many others had originally thought. Better views of this landform suggest it is quite natural, forming one of a network of cracks at the base of the shield volcano Olympus Mons. The two images are shown below, the revised version on the bottom.

Four Questions Four sources and four logical explinations. i even used one of your sources.

Dare accepted.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 306494)
Alright first off I don't work at mcdonalds and if you tried to eat a cheeseburger in my office I would have security escort you out... I work at a hospital.
Second I must have struck a nerve because you randomly lashed out with something utterly rediculous about how someone is giving wood to my girl.
And by the way I looked through the posts and found nowhere that you owned me.
and lastly I didn't answer you questions becuase I did have to go to work. I work at a hospital and being on time is important.

Now unfortunatlly while I was gone Jack explained everything I was going to but here is a link anyway this explains the "tunnels" a little better.

to sum it up the tunnels are actually trenches but becuause of an optical illustion they look convex and not concave and the "ribs" are sand dunes much like those on earth. here is an example of the illusion. These are the exact same picture one is just upside down one looks like a crater the other looks like a dome. The trenches can then be explained as dried up old water ways.

the Pyramid is a mountain the rest of cydonia could easily be a mountain range. This explains it a bit

Here is a link to a cite that explains the face

The picture that looks like a face was taken in the 70's the newer pictures look like a mountain.

The "T"-shaped Formation Revisited

Efrain Palermo has provided a second, disconfirming image of the T-shaped formation discussed on an earlier page. This image shows out that the "T" is a depression and not a convex feature, as Palermo and many others had originally thought. Better views of this landform suggest it is quite natural, forming one of a network of cracks at the base of the shield volcano Olympus Mons. The two images are shown below, the revised version on the bottom.

Four Questions Four sources and four logical explinations. i even used one of your sources.

Dare accepted.

sorry burger boy but youre a lil late to the party....unfortunately jack already answered your question list (better) so we no longer need the input...thanks anyway and come again...everything was already settled long ago...kisses...remember make mine no mustard more like i struck a time you try and get personal remember it goes both i never said SOMEONE was givin your girl the good wood...i said SOMEONE LIKE on it

Lazerred6 01-30-2008 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306496)
sorry burger boy but youre a lil late to the party....unfortunately jack already answered your question list (better) so we no longer need the input...thanks anyway and come again...everything was already settled long ago...kisses...remember make mine no mustard more like i struck a time you try and get personal remember it goes both i never said SOMEONE was givin your girl the good wood...i said SOMEONE LIKE on it

You make me laugh cause it looks like you have nothing else to say so try to keep on insulting you know what that mean...... deep down inside you know that you lost... I know you won't admit it and you will keep coming up with things to say but everything you posted was explained away so it all amounts to nothing.:owned:

Oh and there is still no one like you giving it to my girl nice edit out though.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 306500)
You make me laugh cause it looks like you have nothing else to say so try to keep on insulting you know what that mean...... deep down inside you know that you lost... I know you won't admit it and you will keep coming up with things to say but everything you posted was explained away so it all amounts to nothing.:owned:

Oh and there is still no one like you giving it to my girl nice edit out though.

lazer sounds butt her now bro..i bet she doesnt answer...but anyway back to the topic....visit that website dudes...lots of amazin stuff on display...

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 08:53 PM

you two need to give it up. seriously.

thanks for the link to that site, most of what im seeing on it just looks like natural phenomena, but there are a few interesting things in there.

Regardless, if there WAS intelligent life on mars, were gonna know with some staggaring proof soon enough, our abilities to look at that planet are continually getting better and better.

I would be somewhat suprised if there was intelligent life, but life in general, i actually expect they will find it there.

maybe on titan also

00blkstanggt 01-31-2008 10:15 AM

I'm all for believing in aliens and life out there and all. But, if we do discover something on Mars or wherever, I highly doubt our government will let us know about it.

StreetRacer 02-01-2008 03:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
by the way...noone gave a theory on this thing found up there

JackThe Ripper 02-01-2008 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306766)
by the way...noone gave a theory on this thing found up there

it looks like an imprint.

maybe a fall-off piece of the landing system fell down, marked the ground then bounced away?

or is it an imprint? it is hard to tell without knowing the reference of the light. hard to tell if it is depressed or raised.

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