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YoungGun'98 01-25-2008 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 305501)
Do you believe in giants?
All I'm asking is where do you draw the line?

that guys just a midget standing next to a big diagram

StreetRacer 01-25-2008 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by YoungGun'98 (Post 305504)
that guys just a midget standing next to a big diagram

yeah really...why'd they get a mexican to stand near it

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 03:46 PM

The thigh bone is from a bunch of web sites and I don't remember where the skull is from... and I seriously doubt there is a more than 15 foot tall woman the record for people is like 10. And I'm not saying that I don't beleive in giants or aliens or demons. I'm just saying looks can be deceiving.
If aliens are real thats cool. I already believe in demons and I could go either way on big people.

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 03:47 PM

Here is the real question If all of the above is true what do you do about it?
I say wait and see what happens but thats just cause I'm lazy.

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by YoungGun'98 (Post 305504)
that guys just a midget standing next to a big diagram

the bone is from a museum in texas if you google giant human bones you can find lots more pictures of it by people.

Again not trying to prove or disprove anything... I'm not even trying to make a point i'm just throwing Sh*t out there.

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 04:02 PM

On a lighter note
It'll kill us all

StreetRacer 01-25-2008 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 305508)
Here is the real question If all of the above is true what do you do about it?
I say wait and see what happens but thats just cause I'm lazy.

i study it cause i wanna know if i have to pay my bills next month or if i can just blow it all on some hottie stripper named bunny...cause i'm pretty sure if some giant spaceship lands nobody is gonna be comin to repo anything

JackThe Ripper 01-25-2008 04:04 PM

i dunno man, i really dont think there is ANYTHING intelligent living on mars.

maybe long ago, but nothing now. and i dont really buy that any of those pics you posted are inteligently made designs on mars.


i certainly dont believe that we are the only intelligent species in the galaxy. ... in our solar system, yes,, but not the galaxy, and if they can overcome the problems of distance, then sure, why not think they might have been here. especially with all the old pics of what look to be spacemen, that aint nothing new, the idea had to come from... somewhere... lol

but i think 99% of that shit out there is bullshit. people making it into something it aint.

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305513)
i study it cause i wanna know if i have to pay my bills next month or if i can just blow it all on some hottie stripper named bunny...cause i'm pretty sure if some giant spaceship lands nobody is gonna be comin to repo anything

If aliens did show up and they didn't attack and kill us or wage war and force us to kill them I think things would be different but the repo guys aren't going to give a shit if it is nuclear winter money is money LOL

StreetRacer 01-25-2008 04:20 PM

3 Attachment(s)
i agree...i'm absolutely convinced something amazing is on mars...but i kinda think its gonna be something tragic too...a warning of where we are headed...

and more pics of martian "natural wonders" these as natural

Lazerred6 01-25-2008 04:30 PM

I'm all for sending someone to go check it out but I want to make sure that they have adequit recording equipment. You know what they say .... Brown is the new black and Mars is the new Moon.

JackThe Ripper 01-25-2008 04:35 PM


Lazerred6 01-25-2008 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305524)

Don't anger the God of war:flamed: bad things happen

StreetRacer 01-25-2008 04:46 PM

naw...dont stop him...let him anger the mars gods...lets see how he likes the alien anal probe

JackThe Ripper 01-25-2008 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305531)
naw...dont stop him...let him anger the mars gods...lets see how he likes the alien anal probe


gotMACH04 01-25-2008 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305495)
and this is a real skull unearthed thousands of years of many found...which race of man does it belong to?

dude its the white alien from alien resurection!

3.8for the win 01-26-2008 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305532)

+1 the only aliens to worry about are the illegal ones.

Ghostalker 01-26-2008 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by 3.8for the win (Post 305566)
+1 the only aliens to worry about are the illegal ones.

I was home from college the other week and went to my nearest wall-greens... which is in the next town over- Danbury. All of the aisle signs and headings were in spanish only. This is especially odd because not only are their a ton of english speaking people that might use this walgreens, but a large portion of danbury is Portuguese speaking. I don't blame the locals, or that wall-greens... its the corporate idea of making these mu-fuggas(by which i mean the huge illegal immigrant population in danbury) happy. But at what cost I ask you? At what cost?

StreetRacer 01-26-2008 10:51 AM

this is not about illegal aliens...we're talkin SPACE aliens here...start your own thread about illegals

Steeda97 01-26-2008 03:06 PM

I believe Mars once had life. They probably f-ed it up like we are doing. Some kind of nuclear war, or "global warming". I mean the universe is something like 4.6 billion years old. Shit could of went down!


StreetRacer 01-26-2008 03:19 PM

what if the martians are closer than you think? ...what if the truth is closer than you think?...mars has do we......mars is destroyed...we are heres a thought...what if WE are the martians? or at least decendants of them....crazy? maybe...maybe not...maybe noahs journey wasnt across an ocean...maybe it was across space...because look at has all the signs of once being covered in water..and the structures all look half buried...maybe ....maybe....i'm just thinkin here...the bible said that after the flood there was a new earth....hmmm....personally i believe in the bible but whether you do or not all fantasies have a root in reality...when we finally do discover the truth of mars...its gonna be a heartbreaker

Steeda97 01-26-2008 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305623)
what if the martians are closer than you think? ...what if the truth is closer than you think?...mars has do we......mars is destroyed...we are heres a thought...what if WE are the martians? or at least decendants of them....crazy? maybe...maybe not...maybe noahs journey wasnt across an ocean...maybe it was across space...because look at has all the signs of once being covered in water..and the structures all look half buried...maybe ....maybe....i'm just thinkin here...the bible said that after the flood there was a new earth....hmmm....personally i believe in the bible but whether you do or not all fantasies have a root in reality...when we finally do discover the truth of mars...its gonna be a heartbreaker

JackThe Ripper 01-26-2008 03:24 PM

Yah yah, all that dribble, Humans are the lost decendants from martians, etc, etc.

sorry but i think that is absolutly rediculous. Was there ever intelligent life on mars? I say probably, somone might have paarked thier flying saucer from time to time on thier way to earth or wherever, but no, when i see those pics of the alleged "proof" there is life on mars all i see are things that could be easily explainable.

Show me a city, show me a building, show me a martian, and i might buy into it.

is there life on mars now? maybe. if so, it is microbes. but i dont believe we came from mars.

StreetRacer 01-26-2008 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305625)
Show me a city, show me a building, show me a martian,

lets not go in circles...the beginning started with a debate on whether or not i Did show you a martian....and i already put up pics of an area on mars that NASA already named a city....they call it cydonia

JackThe Ripper 01-26-2008 03:30 PM

Alien mermaid bigfoot, debunked?

the pics are actually taken in stereo and when overlayed give a dimentional image of the landscape.

the little guy really is little, he is about 2 inches tall.

Cornell astronomer Jim Bell, who heads the scientific team behind the Mars rovers' panoramic cameras, confirmed my impression when I contacted him today. By now he's quite familiar with the image and the controversy, in large part because he's been getting dozens of phone calls from reporters asking about the Mermaid (or is that Bigfoot?).
"It's a funky little bizarre wind-carved rock formation," Bell told me. "It's not unusual at all."

Get out your 3-D glasses: The "Mermaid" is a dark point toward the upper left of
this stereo image. You can see how erosion has sculpted nearby rocks as well.
Bell figures that the feature is about 2 inches (5 centimeters) high. He said his team has come across a variety of curious-looking shapes like this one as they've sorted through the more than 200,000 images returned by the Mars rovers over the past four years. To date, none has provided clues worth following in the search for traces of ancient life on Mars, he said.

StreetRacer 01-26-2008 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305628)
Alien mermaid bigfoot, debunked?

the pics are actually taken in stereo and when overlayed give a dimentional image of the landscape.

the little guy really is little, he is about 2 inches tall.

ahh jack...dig deeper pal...go visit mufon's website or visit and look at how many respected scientists disagree with the asshat idea that a figure that far off is 2 inches high...lmao...why is it so hard for otherwise sensible people to open their mind to possibilities? is it that scary an idea? i know the regional director of mufon....i've read his files...he wants me to join...theres a whole lot goin on out there kids.....

JackThe Ripper 01-26-2008 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305631)
ahh jack...dig deeper pal...go visit mufon's website or visit and look at how many respected scientists disagree with the asshat idea that a figure that far off is 2 inches high...lmao...why is it so hard for otherwise sensible people to open their mind to possibilities? is it that scary an idea? i know the regional director of mufon....i've read his files...he wants me to join...theres a whole lot goin on out there kids.....

ugh... of course, this is a huge conspiracy right.

dude, look at the whole pic, the edge of the cliff doesent look more than 4-5 feet from the rover, this thing is sitting on the edge of the cliff.

dont believe everything some creepy whacked out nutjob tells ya man, those guys need to seek professional help if they think a 2 inch rock is proof of aliens.

It was carved by wind, it is a strange rock formation that is a few inches high. Go take a look at any rocky area for a little bit and you will see all kinds of crap that looks unusual.

I understand everyone wants this to be proof of aliens, but it isnt, it is just a silly little rock that has everyone waving thier conspiracy flags.

As for none of this stuff shows up in nature, well, yeah, this kind of shit shows up in nature all the time, but for some reason nobody notices it untill somone claims it had to be done by aliens, then all the idiots who put any credit into these nutjobs start ranting and raving about the so called "Truth"

Here are YOUR respected scientists

Nofire 01-26-2008 04:11 PM

Of course there's life on Mars. Haven't you guys seen the Transformer trailer? That little Mars Rover gets F*CKED UP!

StreetRacer 01-26-2008 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305635)
ugh... of course, this is a huge conspiracy right.

dude, look at the whole pic, the edge of the cliff doesent look more than 4-5 feet from the rover, this thing is sitting on the edge of the cliff.

dont believe everything some creepy whacked out nutjob tells ya man, those guys need to seek professional help if they think a 2 inch rock is proof of aliens.

It was carved by wind, it is a strange rock formation that is a few inches high. Go take a look at any rocky area for a little bit and you will see all kinds of crap that looks unusual.

I understand everyone wants this to be proof of aliens, but it isnt, it is just a silly little rock that has everyone waving thier conspiracy flags.

As for none of this stuff shows up in nature, well, yeah, this kind of shit shows up in nature all the time, but for some reason nobody notices it untill somone claims it had to be done by aliens, then all the idiots who put any credit into these nutjobs start ranting and raving about the so called "Truth"

Here are YOUR respected scientists

who said anything about huge conspiracy? lol...stop being so scared of an idea....are there coverups? sure...on lots of levels...anyone who has ever been in the military with any rank during any conflict has probably read a file "not to be distributed to the media or public in any way"... but so far there are no signs of a huge there was we would never have seen the picture in the first place...fact is...the intelligent scientists studying cydonia and this figure ( statue maybe) have made their debates very public...only one talking about huge conspiracys is you...its not a 2 inch figure..lmao...and it wasnt formed by wind....if argument can be made that it was formed by water...but that would be more amazin and more interestin than it being a live martian anyway

JackThe Ripper 01-26-2008 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305638)
who said anything about huge conspiracy? lol...stop being so scared of an idea....are there coverups? sure...on lots of levels...anyone who has ever been in the military with any rank during any conflict has probably read a file "not to be distributed to the media or public in any way"... but so far there are no signs of a huge there was we would never have seen the picture in the first place...fact is...the intelligent scientists studying cydonia and this figure ( statue maybe) have made their debates very public...only one talking about huge conspiracys is you...its not a 2 inch figure..lmao...and it wasnt formed by wind....if argument can be made that it was formed by water...but that would be more amazin and more interestin than it being a live martian anyway

Scared of what idea? Scared? lol.

Things that scare me:

Something hurting my family
Losing my job

Things that dont scare me:
Rediculous ideas about a rock being proof of aliens
It is just a stupid creepy looking rock, thats all. I remember all you conspiracy theorists were all waving yer flags and up in arms over that stupid egyptian looking face which was proven repeatedly to be a trick of light and shadows

I guess these people have to entertain themselves in some way ever since Star Trek The Next Generation was cancelled.

LOL @ Teh Gullible peoples

It aint that i dont believe that stuff is up there, hell, the pic looks convincing at first glance, but after just some basic digging and it is pretty evidant that it is nothing extraordinary.

Hell, i believe there WAS a coverup at roswell, no way in hell is the USAF going to mistake some wooden sticks and tin foil as being wreckage of a UFO.

Mathematics and probability alone almost rule out any chance that we are alone in the galaxy, but im not going to jump on any cracked out bandwagon of hippies and conspiracy theorists because of a crappy pic of a rock, that aint even science there, that is just a regular ol fasion witch hunt

StreetRacer 01-26-2008 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305641)
Scared of what idea? Scared? lol.

It is just a stupid creepy looking rock, thats all. I remember all you conspiracy theorists were all waving yer flags and up in arms over that stupid egyptian looking face which was proven repeatedly to be a trick of light and shadows

I guess these people have to entertain themselves in some way ever since Star Trek The Next Generation was cancelled.

LOL @ Teh Gullible peoples

It aint that i dont believe that stuff is up there, hell, the pic looks convincing at first glance, but after just some basic digging and it is pretty evidant that it is nothing extraordinary.

Hell, i believe there WAS a coverup at roswell, no way in hell is the USAF going to mistake some wooden sticks and tin foil as being wreckage of a UFO.

Mathematics and probability alone almost rule out any chance that we are alone in the galaxy, but im not going to jump on any cracked out bandwagon of hippies and conspiracy theorists because of a crappy pic of a rock, that aint even science there, that is just a regular ol fasion witch hunt i'm a conspiracy i seem pretty bothered by the possibilty....lil while ago i wrote that i dont believe this was a conspiracy but thats all you have to fall back on? calling me a conspiracy theorist? well....i made a point of saying dont know what it is...i just said there are interestin possibilities of what it COULD be....YOU are swearing that its a rock...I cant swear its anything...hell I wasnt there like YOU seem to have been...possibilities boyo...possibilities....but if swearing that its a windcarved 2 inch rock gets you through the night then by all means swear i'm gonna keep MY eyes wide open

Nofire 01-26-2008 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305643) i'm a conspiracy i seem pretty bothered by the possibilty....lil while ago i wrote that i dont believe this was a conspiracy but thats all you have to fall back on? calling me a conspiracy theorist? well....i made a point of saying dont know what it is...i just said there are interestin possibilities of what it COULD be....YOU are swearing that its a rock...I cant swear its anything...hell I wasnt there like YOU seem to have been...possibilities boyo...possibilities....but if swearing that its a windcarved 2 inch rock gets you through the night then by all means swear i'm gonna keep MY eyes wide open

I'm not losing any sleep over it. Bigfoot or Transformer.

JackThe Ripper 01-26-2008 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305643) i'm a conspiracy i seem pretty bothered by the possibilty....lil while ago i wrote that i dont believe this was a conspiracy but thats all you have to fall back on? calling me a conspiracy theorist? well....i made a point of saying dont know what it is...i just said there are interestin possibilities of what it COULD be....YOU are swearing that its a rock...I cant swear its anything...hell I wasnt there like YOU seem to have been...possibilities boyo...possibilities....but if swearing that its a windcarved 2 inch rock gets you through the night then by all means swear i'm gonna keep MY eyes wide open

hey if you wanna have yer head floating in the magic faily land with unicorns and such, that is your business, but me, im a meat and potato kind of guy and i like making fun of people who walk right into believing this nonsense.

and i said it was a rock, i diddnt sit there with my hand on a damn bible and swear to it, lol, i never claimed to know 100% it was a rock, hell, it could be a shadow too! So dont sit there and try to put words in my mouth that arent there, but quite frankly, im pretty sure it is a rock.

And it it aint a rock, what in the world makes you think it was alien made? i mean seriously./ That IS what you are saying, it is either an alien, or alien made.

Something i have noticed in life is the most obvious explanation usually turns out to be the right one.

but dont worry, when the argument is exhausted and it is proven to be either a rock or shadow, im sure if you grab out yer ol alien-huntin magnifying glass and search yer little alien huntin self reeeeeeaaaallll hard you can find another rock or shadow to claim is undoubted proof that aliens exist.

seriously, the evidence is shitty at best, there is no reason to believe it is a natural phenomonon, we dont know enough about the red planet to say what is normal and what is not, and seeing as how it aint the earth, there is a lot of things that can happen naturally over there that may not happen here. And i seriously doubt any of it requires yer little green men to get the task done.

What it boils down to is you say it is proof of aliens, i say it is not proof of aliens.

Sounds like yer the one that needs to put some effort into proving a grainy ass picture prooves aliens exist, rather than accepting the simple fact it is either a rock, a shadow, or some other natural phenomon, the only "other worldy" explanation would be that there is some dirt on the camera of the ONLY alien thing on that planet. The rover.

StreetRacer 01-27-2008 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 305641)

It is just a stupid creepy looking rock, thats all.

uh...actually you did make a statement that it IS a rock...i made a statement that i dont know what it is....maybe i have my head in the clouds...but its better than pissin myself and keeping my head in the sand because the big bad world has things in it i dont understand....but if thats how you wanna live...go right ahead

Codiddy 01-27-2008 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305703)
.but its better than pissin myself and keeping my head in the sand because the big bad world has things in it i dont understand....but if thats how you wanna live...go right ahead

Are you seriously trying to patronize jack for using a little logic?
Big bad world my ass, it's a picture of a godamn tiny rock like 3 feet in front of the thing

JackThe Ripper 01-27-2008 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 305742)
Are you seriously trying to patronize jack for using a little logic?
Big bad world my ass, it's a picture of a godamn tiny rock like 3 feet in front of the thing

Lol.. come on Codiddy, lets pull out head out of the sand.

Yah Street, trying to patronize me for using common sence? Saying my head is in the sand? LOL, whateva!

Hey street, i dug a rock up in my backyard, lets start a huge movement to see weather or not it was alien made, i mean, come on, it is a rock isnt it? it couldnt posibly be natural

Badfish 01-27-2008 01:49 PM

lmao at streetracer.

"fuckin like, noah is from mars..n shit..."

omg...i'm laughing so hard.

JackThe Ripper 01-27-2008 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish (Post 305777)
lmao at streetracer.

"fuckin like, noah is from mars..n shit..."

omg...i'm laughing so hard.

Dude, just put on a tin foil hat, open yer eyes, and you will see the truth!

StreetRacer 01-27-2008 04:20 PM

ahh the crew is circling the wagons....hmmm....well...i'm sure that most understand what i said...i wont say it again cause its probably clear to everyone but biff and the

JackThe Ripper 01-27-2008 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 305809)
ahh the crew is circling the wagons....hmmm....well...i'm sure that most understand what i said...i wont say it again cause its probably clear to everyone but biff and the

Lol.... we dont take too kindly to you alien lovin folk out heah!!

Cecil, Cooter, Bubba, Go get tha rope!

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