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JHDUE 10-29-2006 05:05 PM

serious topic
I am a member on these forums under a bullshit name so I can save myself a lil embarrasement. I would like too know what everyone take is on people that overeat. I have a serious problem with it. I don't do it everyday but on the days i do, are like any other day and i cant figure out why, and its why i am a bigger guy.

Some days i eat completly normal and try to stick to a diet but it never last. I find myself thinking about food non stop untill i binge and stuff myself until i pass out. I know you are all going to say go tlk to someone and i already do but nothing has happened so far with the person after 3 monthes.

I dont know wut else to do iIto lose weight and I can stick to a diet during the day, but at night I dont know sumthing happens and I can't conrtol it. I know as I am bingging that I need to stop but just can't

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by JHDUE (Post 218642)
I am a member on these forums under a bullshit name so I can save myself a lil embarrasement. I would like too know what everyone take is on people that overeat. I have a serious problem with it. I don't do it everyday but on the days i do, are like any other day and i cant figure out why, and its why i am a bigger guy.

Some days i eat completly normal and try to stick to a diet but it never last. I find myself thinking about food non stop untill i binge and stuff myself until i pass out. I know you are all going to say go tlk to someone and i already do but nothing has happened so far with the person after 3 monthes.

I dont know wut else to do iIto lose weight and I can stick to a diet during the day, but at night I dont know sumthing happens and I can't conrtol it. I know as I am bingging that I need to stop but just can't

Badfish is that you?


Stan 10-29-2006 05:16 PM

umm.. I dont know dude id see a medical doctor and maybe he can recommend something or someone to help you out... just my .02 cents, eitherway best of luck wish I could be more of a help..

Teal_Beast 10-29-2006 05:31 PM

Dont but the junk food. Only keep the good (gross) food in the house so at night it makes it that harder.

Only other thing i can think of is a stomach staple, if you really are that big. Just because the staple makes it painfull to eat too much. SO then it hurts to eat, maybe that can somehow get rid of the compulsion


PureStang 10-29-2006 05:35 PM

yea..just dont panic...i get the same me..ive been trying to get in shape for swimmin season but there is always somthing w/ food that gets in the way....just go see someone about it...a doctor, ur parents, a friend...also...just trying not to eat wont help too much in losing need to get active..join a gym, go for a walk/run around ur neighbor hood....also get someone to go to the gym or walk with you cause if u do it by urself, you will lose interest real quick.

also, losing weight takes time ...your not gonna drop 10 lbs in one night...

swimmin will surly get u in shape...if u swim about 2000 yards (about 2 hrs of swiming with minimal breaks at a decent pace) every other day, you will surely notice a difference

( sure you dont have to be embarrased cause we here are all family...but if u wnat to remain annymous (sp?) than we'll respect that too)

PureStang 10-29-2006 05:37 PM

Dont but the junk food. Only keep the good (gross) food in the house so at night it makes it that harder.

that is a deff. thing to do reguardless

Only other thing i can think of is a stomach staple, if you really are that big. Just because the staple makes it painfull to eat too much. SO then it hurts to eat, maybe that can somehow get rid of the compulsion
that is the last resort for people that are lazy...if u work out, you will lose that fat and gain muscle...that is how body builders started out...chubby cause they mold that fat to muscle

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:38 PM

Sorry, i couldnt resist.

Man, you just basically need to change your lifestyle and condition yourself.
Diets dont work alone thats for damn sure.

Some people have the ability to sit there and scarf down pizza and cola's and stay thin, for those who dont have that ability it is kind of like a war you will probably never win, however you can probably retake a significant amount of turf back and defend it.

A lot of people in my family are fatasses, and i try hard not to get big. Problem is eating healthy can be real inconveniece. There are SOME places you can go and get healthy food, but lets be real, who wants to go to burger kind and grab a ****ing salad?

I sit on my ass all day long at work. With the schedule i work 2:30-10:30 in order to eat healthy that really means making my dinner and taking it to work, but that is a bit of a hassle with all the other crap going on.

The problem with stuff like this is you really have to just find something that works for you. Constant dieting for the average person is damn near impossible, after a while you get so sick of eating stuff you dont crave.

I did that weight watchers crap a while back. ok guys laugh it up. I was 235lbs and im 6ft. With weight watchers i managed to get down to 190, then my girl dumped me and i put a bunch of weight back on. Im sittin around 215 now, still 20lbs lighter than i was, but 25lbs heavier than i had managed to achieve.

The one thing it really taught me was how much of what i could eat. Diets like the southbeach, atkins, all those other ones put very very heavy demands on you to completly change your entire menu. My girl and i tried those and failed miserable. Weight watchers lets you eat what you want, but you can only eat so much of it. You find yourself checking labels and stuff like that at grocery stores when yer buying food, and you start to get a better idea of how to handle your daily intake.

No matter what, to lose the weight you will have to make sacrifices. The hardest thing to get is the dicipline to reject certain foods and stuff. However, if you go 2-3 weeks without a greasy fatty double bacon triplestack burger, and then have one, yer gonna notice that you feel like shit afterwards.

You HAVE to get off yer butt and go out and work off some energy. The more you do it, the more you will continue to do it. Easier said than done, thats for sure.
I got a bad knee which limits the amount of cardio i can do. I have found that expencive elipiticals dont hurt the knee, but running and jogging sure as hell does.

What helps me keep to this stuff is i got a big piece of posterboard, made it into a grid, each day i will write down how many pushups, situps, crunches, curls, benches, etc etc that i do. For a while i was also taking my dogs for a 3 mile walk every day, but that kind of fell by the wayside.

Having that posterboard with all the stuff ive done really did help me out too, i'd see i aint done crap in 2 days and that would help me get the motivation to go out and get some exercise.

I think one of the reasons i cant get under 200 is i dont have that support i had when i was with my ex, we were both activly watching what we ate and gertting exercize and seeing results, we would support eachother and get on eachothers case when we got lazy or ate a whole pizza.

Unfortunatly it will most likely be a never ending battle for you.

Firs toff, join weightwatchers. **** thier meetings, you want the books they give you with the whole point system. Trust me, it is one of the better methods. I lost 45lbs in about 6 months.

My advice is to get some sort of a log, a journal, for an entire month and focus on 1 single month. On the log, put down your weight on the first day. and a pic of you in yer boxers. Do everything you can to eat healthier, and make sure you get time to go workout or burn off some energy, even taking a several mile walk will help.
If you start getting hungry for a snack or wanting something trashy to eat, sometimes you will have to do it, but write all that crap down, you can monitor your intake. That way you can pull some guilt, man i ate like shit yesterday, i aint gonna do it again today!
It might help to use a visual reminder, Put something inside your bedroom door or something "GET UP AND DO THIS" trust me, stuff like that helps

If you can keep up with it for 1 month, keep the fast food down to once a week, at the end of that month weigh yourself, and get another pic of yourself. Compare it to the first.
Trust me, you will see results. once you see the results you will be more determined to keep with it.

I think a lot of people give up cause they half-ass it for a while, dont see results within a few weeks, and give up.

Good luck man.

Not everybody can do that. People need encouragement not insults. For christs sake, the guy is posting up here cause of how insecure he is on the subject. Insults will only make things worse for him.

JHDUE 10-29-2006 05:40 PM

btw my nickname is don vito so everyoine now knows who i am

dookie2365 10-29-2006 05:42 PM

start working out...aerobic or anerobic (musclebuilding) will get u motivated to get on a good diet so long as u dont quit before you barley start. plus if your a big guy, if u do muscle building you will turn into a beast

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by JHDUE (Post 218675)
btw my nickname is don vito so everyoine now knows who i am

i dont


Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by dookie2365 (Post 218676)
start working out...aerobic or anerobic (musclebuilding) will get u motivated to get on a good diet so long as u dont quit before you barley start. plus if your a big guy, if u do muscle building you will turn into a beast


Yeah, dont forget, you can have a big gut and still look in shape if your pecks and shoulders are bigger than the gut. LOL!!!!!!

JHDUE 10-29-2006 05:44 PM

i eat so good during the day something happens at night and idk wut to do bout it

dookie2365 10-29-2006 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 218680)

Yeah, dont forget, you can have a big gut and still look in shape if your pecks and shoulders are bigger than the gut. LOL!!!!!!

thats why you work your abs.......abs are muscles too. dur. it depends what u wana do. u wana jsut lean down u gota do aeribic stuff like running.

dookie2365 10-29-2006 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by JHDUE (Post 218682)
i eat so good during the day something happens at night and idk wut to do bout it

get that shit out of your house then, you gota develop power over yourself and resist being impulsive

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by JHDUE (Post 218682)
i eat so good during the day something happens at night and idk wut to do bout it


Serious, that stuff happens.

My old roomate scott, lol, this was ****ing priceless. he was an excellent chef, and he would sleepwalk, but not just sleepwalk, he would sleep cook and sleep eat.

This happened twice.

I wake up. Hearing pots and pans banging around...
I go to the kitchen, there is scott, fixing to make himself some food.
I sit at the bar. "Whats up scott whatcha making"
He doesent say a word.....
I look at him and his eyes are kind of glazed over, he really doesent even realize im there.
"scott, make me some while yer at it"
of course i dont get a responce, but none the less, he proceeds to cook me food too.

First time i was eating belgian waffles with cut up strawberry in them, hashbrowns, and fried eggs.

The next time i was eating a quesadilla that would put any good restaraunts 8 dollar quesadilla to shame.

****in hilarious.

After he ate, he would put his dishes in the sink and go back downstairs and pass out, he would never say a single word.

He would bitch the next day too, wondering who ate his strawberrys and used up all his cheeze.

So.... it might sound odd, but seriously, lots of people sleepwalk, and a lot of them will go snack. Ive woken up before in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal...

but i wouldnt cook like scott did.

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by dookie2365 (Post 218686)
thats why you work your abs.......abs are muscles too. dur. it depends what u wana do. u wana jsut lean down u gota do aeribic stuff like running.

Wow professor! Abs are muscles too?

Wait, hold on, my phone is ringing...
Hey, i think they want to talk to you? they are asking for captain obvious?

PColav6 10-29-2006 06:02 PM

The Marine Corps boot camp looks like a very effective physical training and conditioning program :breakdancesmilie:

Ok, to be serious now, I might choose to get a personal trainer, but avoid all of the magical fat-loss medicine and those super cool tv-order exercise videos, the only thing that pays off is good old fashion working your ass off for atleast an hour a day. Stop drinking sodas, I think it's something like 2 sodas a day adds 20-30 lb a year, so drink water or propel..anything but soda, even though that's usually impossible.

Oh yeah, sell yer civic and get a stang. :D

SnTBakosFinest 10-29-2006 06:06 PM

Theres so many different things that can be screwing you up..

Depression for one. Generally people that hit a hard depression won't realise it too much, but there is a loss of apetite, or a large gain.

I hit a depression that apparently, many people don't ever hit, and if they do, it doesn't hit until their 30s or later.. and it happened when I was in my early teens. I lost my apetite.

Over-eating can also be an addiction. Its like a caffeine addiction, or any other sort. And the way to kick it is just like every other addiction.

1. Wanting to make a change
2. Acting on it
3. Having people to support you
4. Having the will power to stay with it.

If I were you I would consult a few doctors, a medical doctor and a psychiatrist as well.

A medical because there are diseases like this and can be treated with drugs.

And a psychiatrist because it could be mental.

Working out, being active in any way is always good.

It can actually decrease that impulse to over eat, it can lower your apetite, or it can mold whatever fat you are putting on into muscle.

If you start working out and after a month you realise you've gained more weight, don't stress over it. Muscle weighs more then fat..

Either way, the best of luck to you and I hope you do look into this if you really want a change. There are people here to support you, and I'm sure theres people around you that are there for you.

Don't let others critisize you for it, and don't feel shame, just work on bettering yourself.

Ghostalker 10-29-2006 06:08 PM

I assume it is stang00, and I am going to comment further with this thinking
what you need man is motivation... if it is stang00, then a good reason nothing has happened is because you are not in college... Im sure you do work at your job, but not having a bajilion HOT chicks walking around doesnt help... As few or none of you know I too am overweight, but not because I overeat, or sit playing video games all day. Its just a lack of really working out, I didnt do sports in highschool... I was allways a big guy.
I am just now starting to work out and eat better and man... I feel ****ing great. ****ing great man, join a gym or something... go with your friends and you will do it and stick with it. Yeah weight watchers can help if you can stick to the program.

stang00 10-29-2006 06:09 PM

:nomore: food for me

Ghostalker 10-29-2006 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by stang00 (Post 218702)
:nomore: food for me

damn right man, no more! we used to joke about it but if you wanna change it man... its about damn time we do

SpinMedia 10-29-2006 06:16 PM

what he just has is the nromal late night munchies. Im a body builder and read about this in a lot of my mens fitness magazines and body building magazines. What you might want to try is just drinking a really really tall glass of water, or something not fatty, like special k cereal. But deff the best thing to do would be to drink a tall glass of water. Not only are you burning off fat there but its mad healthy.

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia (Post 218706)
what he just has is the nromal late night munchies. Im a body builder and read about this in a lot of my mens fitness magazines and body building magazines. What you might want to try is just drinking a really really tall glass of water, or something not fatty, like special k cereal. But deff the best thing to do would be to drink a tall glass of water. Not only are you burning off fat there but its mad healthy.

Special K aint no joke thats for sure.

I always have some Special K and some 1% milk. that way when i DO get a late night munchie attack (usually drunk) ill attack the special K. Great for munchies!

dookie2365 10-29-2006 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 218692)
Wow professor! Abs are muscles too?

Wait, hold on, my phone is ringing...
Hey, i think they want to talk to you? they are asking for captain obvious?

hey well u sounded pretty oblivious by saying youll still have a gut.

you dont gota pretend people are calling u man...its ok...making friends is hard for some people.


Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by dookie2365 (Post 218723)
hey well u sounded pretty oblivious by saying youll still have a gut.

you dont gota pretend people are calling u man...its ok...making friends is hard for some people.


LOL... the gut aint from a lack of working abs, i do about 200-300 crunches a day. Its all this beer i drink!!!!!! lol

dookie2365 10-29-2006 06:42 PM

oh sucks for that

this thread is starting to make me feel like eating some cereal

GREG@SN95 10-29-2006 06:53 PM


I'm at a loss for words

SpinMedia 10-29-2006 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 218697)
The Marine Corps boot camp looks like a very effective physical training and conditioning program :breakdancesmilie:

Ok, to be serious now, I might choose to get a personal trainer, but avoid all of the magical fat-loss medicine and those super cool tv-order exercise videos, the only thing that pays off is good old fashion working your ass off for atleast an hour a day. Stop drinking sodas, I think it's something like 2 sodas a day adds 20-30 lb a year, so drink water or propel..anything but soda, even though that's usually impossible.

Oh yeah, sell yer civic and get a stang. :D

10 points for your ignorant response.

I take Hydroxycut Hardcore pills, they speed up my metabolism and deff take my hunger away and they give me MAD energy which makes me a lot more sensitive to sweating which results in losing weight. With hydroxycut i can eat like half a can of tuna and be STUFFED. i have to force myself to eat every 3 hours, normally i can eat a full can and more of tuna, but this relaly takes your hunger away, you feel yourself sweating and your abs hurting from the fat coming off. So like i said, dont talk shit about things you dont know. A lot of machines that are on TV i see them at the gym and they actually do work, not as good as normal running or crunches but they actually are effective.

If your trying to lose weight best thing to do is eat 5-6 small meals a day and boost up your metabolism as much as you can.

my normal meal consist of half a slice of break, a slice of turkey, or half a can of tuna and a tall class of water or green tea.

Jack The Ripper 10-29-2006 07:13 PM

Just alternate between Crystal Meth and a good regiment of 'roids.

SnTBakosFinest 10-29-2006 07:14 PM

Basically what Spin is saying is diet correctly.

There are healthy things out there that don't actually taste like shit..

And yes, hydroxycut works very well for weight loss.

If you want ideas ect for good healthy foods www. ..go to their forums.. lots of guys there, many dudes that bodybuild ect, but alot of people that basically are looking to get into good shape, and are looking for healthy substitutes for their munchies.

I am one of those guys who can eat all day and never gain a pound.. not what I want..but its the way I am.. however, now days I do eat alot healthier.. fish/chicken .. and for me..I enjoy salads..normally mixed in with some meat.. chicken/crab/top sirlion on my salads..

If you think its just you wanting to pig out.. go get a gym membership, spend some time on the treadmills, or in the pool, lift some weights..

Yea stuff of t.v. alot of it works.. but don't try that whole..elctro shock thing on your abs or whatever it looks stupid..probably is stupid..

Get a bowflex or somethin ;p

PureStang 10-29-2006 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 218740)
Get a bowflex or somethin ;p

+1 that actually works cause it does put ur muscles thru stress...but there is nothing like the good old fashion barbells....

and to give you an idea...i had wrestled for 2 years....for those 2 years i weighed 160 (im 5'8")..this was 3-4 years ago...after i stoped...and started to swim a lil...i weigh 205-210..still at 5'8" im gonna start to rigerously train myself again....and sweating does do alot...i would weigh in 1-3lbs heavier in the begining of practice than the end of wrestling practice

SnTBakosFinest 10-29-2006 07:28 PM

See I wrestled..but my weight coudln't pass 140..if it did i was in a danger zone basically.. but yea.. a 90 degree wrestling room and being in sweats and a sweatshirt will cut your weight alot, and very quickly. It just isn't exactly the best thing for your body.

dookie2365 10-29-2006 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 218739)
Just alternate between Crystal Meth and a good regiment of 'roids.


PureStang 10-29-2006 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 218746)
See I wrestled..but my weight coudln't pass 140..if it did i was in a danger zone basically.. but yea.. a 90 degree wrestling room and being in sweats and a sweatshirt will cut your weight alot, and very quickly. It just isn't exactly the best thing for your body.

yea...we had a gym and a 100 degree room (but it was humid) that we would practice in and taht suckd....

back on topic...try to find urself a diet and workout plan that suits you...everyone's body is different

GREG@SN95 10-29-2006 07:32 PM

do the subway diet

Badfish 10-29-2006 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 218647)
Badfish is that you?


you ****er

Slither 10-29-2006 08:38 PM

I never REALLY had a weight problem but I was dating a girl that was a club freak so we would go out and drink 4 nights a week and hit up Whataburger at 3am or Ramon Noodles at 4 lol. Anyway it started catching up to me and I started getting a gut and a chubby face and people started pointing it out so..we broke up eventually and I decided to change things.

I cut out sodas completely and cut out fried food. I started running everyday when I got home and just got a dumbell to do simple stuff with and plenty of sit ups and push ups. I never starved myself and lost 30 lbs. in 4 months. I actually had to gain weight back because people said I was too skinny. I could never do sit ups for shit and eventually was doing 400 a night.

Anyway man you just have to get it set in your head if you want to do it. Get rid of all the crap food you have. Hell it got to the point that when I would break down and have McDonalds it would almost make me sick and kill my stomach. Holidays are coming up so it will be really tough to do right now but hell I dunno...think of it this way...a hot girl is gonna rub on some ab and not some flab..

Good luck

SpinMedia 10-29-2006 09:24 PM

Dude SAME FEELING... I became so into my diet that I have not touched fast food in a LONG LONG time, i just get so disgusted by it. There was this one day like 3 months back that I ate mcdonalds because i was at the office and my co worker had bought me some without me knowing, i was like "f it" and it ate it, not even a few minutes later i was in the bathroom throwing it up.

red281gt 10-30-2006 06:13 AM

yeah that mcdonalds is some nasty stuff. only thing i get there is sweet tea

KSUPKT 10-30-2006 02:39 PM

Hey man, i dunno how strong you are or anything but get in the gym, go weight lift, don't just do it because everyone tells you to, you need to want to, believe me, after you see some results and the weight you use goes up you'll want to go every day! As for the eating at night try to drink a few glasses of water before you go to bed, it will help you feel less hungry (at the risk of possibly pissing on yourself haha) but it is worth a shot...

If anybody gives you any shit about how much you lift tell them "everyone has to start somewhere right?" and make them feel like an idiot... Asking for help is the best place to start man, learn from everyone and always keep learning, you're headed in the right direction.

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