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Holy **** I'd Never Been More Scared In My Life!!!!!!

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Old 05-22-2006, 09:59 AM
dannyb785's Avatar
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Default Holy **** I'd Never Been More Scared In My Life!!!!!!

Ok so about 4:50 yesterday I was heading to church(yes church, keep that in mind for later). and as I approcahed the 4-way stop near my house, I clearly stop well before some stupid minivan that was coming in my direction, and turning the same way I was(I was turning left, he was turning right) and lemme tell ya, my pet peeve is that i HATE when people dont let the person go who got their first(i.e. me) at a 4way stop. I stopped first, i deserve to go, bitch.

So as I stopped, I noticed the guy not slowing down so as he was into his turn I started to go, intentionally getting close but not hitting him and I layed into the horn(as I always do) and the guy didnt even look...he knew what he was doing but he obviously didnt care.

So me, being the retard, I have my window down and conveniently stick my hand out he window and give him the middle finger. Nothing crazy, but just enough so he could see it if he was looking back... well.... he saw it...

So immediately, aswe've both straightened out from the turn(and we're going up and incline) I see his brake lights go on and the minivan comes to a complete stop. I'm thinkin "oh sh**"

THEN he opens his door and gets out of the vehicle and he is a BIG MOTHEREFFER I would say a realistic estimation of weight being 350 and probably a little under 6 ft. SCARY AS ****.

So I quickly try to throw my car in reverse but since i was rollin forward, it woudlnt go. So i had to stop completely, throw it in reverse, and as I start goin backward, to my dismay, I see a long *** line of cars behind me so I'm STUCK!!!! I felt so helpless. The guy kept walkin to my car, yellin stuff like "what now!!???" "cmon man!" as he approached my car.

So by the time my back bumper was near the guy behind me. The guy was about 5 ft from my car and he stopped and asked "do you wanna lose your fingers?" I said "no sir" and he said "think about it next time youre about to do somethin stupid" and he got back in his car and drove off.

holy mother of the virgin mary son of david living god jesus christ. I was shakin like never before. Forget stressful tests, forget wisdom teeth, forget speeches. I've never been so nervous/scared. With the way road rage is these days, I'm lucky to have not been killed!!!!!

What sucked more was, as i pulled into church and was shakin, I couldnt tell ANYONE what happened...bc I woulda had to include that i gave them the finger, and then the church ppl would get upset.

moral of the story....never flick off someone from your car....unless you KNOW theyre smaller than you.
Old 05-22-2006, 10:13 AM
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OMG, that has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard. I don't care how big he was, I still would have told him off, and if he still wanted to try me I would have gave a run at me.
Old 05-22-2006, 10:17 AM
jjtgiants's Avatar
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On your way to church and flipping people off??? Not to be an azz, but don't you think that's a little hypocritical?? Anyway, I don't get the whole church thing.....people think they can be a complete jerk off all week and then just go pray and everything is cool (that was not an attack on you danny---just a general statement of my experiences)

Sorry to get off topic there......yeah, your pretty lucky that big dude didn't get a hold of you. I don't flip people off because most of the time I'm in Oakland, CA and people there don't really mess around and I like my life so I don't want it to end! Well, usually people learn through experiences so I guess consider it a lesson learned. You never know who has a gun or weapon under their seat!
Old 05-22-2006, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
On your way to church and flipping people off??? Not to be an azz, but don't you think that's a little hypocritical?? Anyway, I don't get the whole church thing.....people think they can be a complete jerk off all week and then just go pray and everything is cool (that was not an attack on you danny---just a general statement of my experiences)

church/religion isn't about being perfect. I admit, it was stupid to do what I did and I wont do it again. Church/religion is more about repenting from your wrongdoings. God never expects us to be perfect, but when we make a mistake, to acknowledge that it was a mistake.

Oh back on topic. I just threw the church bit in the story to make it ironic. not that I view myself as perfect.
Old 05-22-2006, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by dannyb785
church/religion isn't about being perfect. I admit, it was stupid to do what I did and I wont do it again. Church/religion is more about repenting from your wrongdoings. God never expects us to be perfect, but when we make a mistake, to acknowledge that it was a mistake.
ha ha ha.....Ok. I'm just going to let this one go cause it's off topic of the intent of your sounds like you learned a lesson and that's all that matters
Old 05-22-2006, 10:57 AM
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wow thats a good
i know we all make mistakes....
but u kinda got what u deserved....flipin a guy off on ur way to church and
as my mommy used to say "God dont like ugly!!!"
Old 05-22-2006, 11:04 AM
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I would have run him the fawk over!!! You never know what people are gonna do when people are getting of their car and coming towards you!
Old 05-22-2006, 11:08 AM
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It all has to do with size. The only reason that guy approached you is because he is a big guy. Most everyone else would of flipped you right back but my suggestion to you is to avoid road rage altogether its just not worth it. If he would of approached me I would of had some lead tic tacs for him. For some reason I never got the Im a linebacker gene like my other 6 brothers Im tall but not stocky.
Old 05-22-2006, 11:10 AM
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That's why my 2 cousins Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson and their 14 nephews Federal Hydra Shock always ride with me. I had an instance like this once where a guy got out of his car saying I cut him off and to make a long story short he grabbed a tire iron I grabbed my gun.....he quickly got back in his car and left. I would have went toe to toe with the guy (he was bigger, may have got my *** kicked, but ah well). But, once he wanted to add "toys" to the fight, he quickly changed his mind once he saw my toy!

Don't back down next time! Who knows the guy could have been acting like a badass and if you would have opened your door he might have thought other wise...especially don't say "no sir!" to someone like that!

Life lesson: you may get your *** whipped, but atleast you stood your ground when you were in the right!
Old 05-22-2006, 11:14 AM
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300 lbs in a minivan? Couldn't have been that bad lol. I have done brake checks to people and nearly ran them off the road and they have been bigger than me. A guy rolled up next to me after it one day talkin trash and yes he was BIG. I didn't care. He gets out and does something in the middle of traffic with all the witnesses..he would be an idiot. I kept talkin trash to him and all he kept saying was he was gonna get out and whoop me. I said go for it and I am sure you could since you are bigger than I am..never did a damn thing. People talk trash and try to scare you but most of the time they won't do anything...few times they will.

Moral is..I think he knew he had you scared when he saw you trying to run. If you would have just stayed and fessed up to him being an idiot and needs to learn how to drive he would have probably been a bitch about it realizing he was in the wrong. If I never saw you and you came around me and gave me the bird, I would get out of my car too. Some kid pissed me off one morning and I followed his *** to work and confronted him in front of all his little buddies sitting outside of Papa Johns waiting for it to open. LOSERS!
Old 05-22-2006, 11:22 AM
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LOL @ Danny. Glad he didnt string you up by your *****.
Old 05-22-2006, 11:41 AM
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lol when it comes down to it, yes he wouldve been put in jail for assault. But I'd also be down a few fingers(or worse). IMO its better to keep my body parts than to teach him a lesson. And donnie, it's different when you're driving alongside a guy in a car who's big, and then being approached while you're in your car and there's cars behind you blocking your way. I wanna se ANY of you average sized guys stand up to this 350 lb guy. Do you really think he woulda backed down after seeing a 145 lb guy come out of a mustang...yea right
Old 05-22-2006, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by dannyb785
lol when it comes down to it, yes he wouldve been put in jail for assault. But I'd also be down a few fingers(or worse). IMO its better to keep my body parts than to teach him a lesson. And donnie, it's different when you're driving alongside a guy in a car who's big, and then being approached while you're in your car and there's cars behind you blocking your way. I wanna se ANY of you average sized guys stand up to this 350 lb guy. Do you really think he woulda backed down after seeing a 145 lb guy come out of a mustang...yea right
lol true. I was just saying that if he didn't see you trying to get away he might not have talked so much trash. It is one of those gotta be in the situation type deals. Glad you kept all your fingers man. It would be hard to type to all us fockers if you lost a few of your digets.
Old 05-22-2006, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper

F'in meatheads man.

Who really lost here?

He is a fatass, and you are fit.
He drives a minivan, and you drive a bitchin mustang.

That right there is enough in my view to consider you the winner of the situation no matter what happened.

He was born a loser, he will die a loser. If he really thinks driving like an idiot and threatening people will make him a better person, then he oughtta wedge his fatass in his minivan and drive it off a bridge, i doubt anyone would even miss his fat ***.


The only reason he did it was bc he was horribly overweight. If he gets a thrill out of scaring kids that are less than half his size, then that is a sad, sad man.
Old 05-22-2006, 12:29 PM
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Next time, if there is one, carry something you could strike 'em with...if it ever came to that. Which it probably wouldn't do to his current weight issues.
Old 05-22-2006, 12:31 PM
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Danny the best thing to do is avoid a stituation like this and stop with the road rage. If someone flips one at you just smile at them and continue.
Old 05-22-2006, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper

F'in meatheads man.

Who really lost here?

He is a fatass, and you are fit.
He drives a minivan, and you drive a bitchin mustang.

That right there is enough in my view to consider you the winner of the situation no matter what happened.

He was born a loser, he will die a loser. If he really thinks driving like an idiot and threatening people will make him a better person, then he oughtta wedge his fatass in his minivan and drive it off a bridge, i doubt anyone would even miss his fat ***.

Reading this made me think of a perfect thing Danny could have said to the guy!

He should have drove by him hung his head out the window and screamed at the top of his lungs:::

ODoyle Rules!!!! ODoyle Rules!!!
From Billy Madison for those who don't know what I am talking about!
Old 05-22-2006, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by venom
Danny the best thing to do is avoid a stituation like this and stop with the road rage. If someone flips one at you just smile at them and continue.
Agreed, I like to give people a thumbs up instead of the finger.
Old 05-22-2006, 03:01 PM
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Eh I have a story too.

A few weeks ago I was headed downtown just cruising around and I had my open exhaust (O/R H and no mufflers) and needless to say, it was LOUD. I was in the slow lane and I look over and theres a big dodge dually diesel in the fast lane beside me. I look over and every single skinhead in the truck is staring me down.....

I think nothing of it and keep going... I try to speed up a little and try to get in the left lane... nope, they speed up too. I slow down, they slow down, and at this point I start to get worried but its dually vs v8 mustang with open exhaust hehe... downshift, deafen them, and gracefully slip right in front of them.

Bad move.

I'm in the fast lane now and we come to a stop light, the dually passes by me and tries to turn left. Light turns green to turn left and to go straight... their not moving. I get beside them and I look over and I see beer bottle #1... BAM right in front of me and on my windshield. OMG....

I STOPPED all traffic in my lanes of traffic, and being in the enraged mood I was goign about 15 I rev it pop the clutch out and go from fast lane to the other fast lane and am RIGHT on their *** going down the side road. They have no rear license plate.

He starts running stop signs on back roads and I'm being cautious. This is all while my passenger is on the phone with 911, who was 0 help. THey ran a stop sign, I didnt. I came over a hill and 4 of them are out of the car.. obviously drunk, throwing beer bottles and yelling their normal skinhead BS "what now".

Now, I REALLY wish I would have just floored it and made sure that if they didnt get out of the way they wouldnt have gotten up, but some type of sense kicked into me and I threw it in reverse as quickly as I could and backed up.

They all headed back to their truck so back into first I went and started chasing again... this is when they started running stoplights, and made it past a popular road just in time to the point where I couldnt chase them anymore.

Made a police report... and I WILL find these ****ers. I doubt they left town for something like this... and when I do.


Old 05-22-2006, 04:03 PM
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man i dont wont to accidently scare
Old 05-22-2006, 04:23 PM
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The real moral is, you never know who the other person is, what they may do or how they may react. Think before you act. Yes, he was in the wrong for not giving you right-of-way, but who CARES! the extra two seconds you would have to wait means nothing after you give him the single finger and he SHOOTS you five times in the head. Ever have a really bad day? The kind of day where if some one says or does something to **** you off you might just blowup? Do something really stupid? Just remember that when you deal with other people...They may be having that day right NOW!!!!!
Old 05-22-2006, 04:37 PM
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I got your hippy right here!! LOL You'll understand about respect when you grow some hair on your private areas Jack.

Quick Reply: Holy **** I'd Never Been More Scared In My Life!!!!!!

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