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Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 07:10 PM

Drugs Are Bad M'kay?????????????????????

Badfish 04-26-2006 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
lol this thread is soooo getting deleated its about my 5th 1 about pot to and they all get deleted lol and springs whne you cough you get higher but that is the trick hit it then breath in as much fresh air as possible and it hits you like a.... idk but it hits ya hard

you suck at smoking weed, trust me, hold it in for as long as you can, so the THC will abosorb into your lungs, thus going into your blood...getting you stoned

the reason you get pretty blazed when you cough, is because your coughing because you took in so much freakin smoke, so your still getting a **** load of THC, but you're coughing it out and wasting weed, next time, take smaller hits and hold em in....just trust me dude

p3s7_01 04-26-2006 07:37 PM 18 and I think I have emphazema. yea....that whistling sound that comes out when you exhale =(. It's okay though because its acute and I have greatly reduced my intake within the last 6 months. It used to be disgusting back then the amount that would be consumed. But summer is comming and I already have my plane tickets for 17 days in amsterdam =O

but uhhh 400-500 worth into a batch of brownies is wayyy to much. 400-500worth is about 2oz which is 56 grams. Unless you had 56 brownies I'm SURE you got decked in the head by mike Tyson. Rule of thumb is about a gram in each brownie and that would be sufficient for someone to feel good for a while.

Badfish 04-26-2006 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by p3s7_01 18 and I think I have emphazema. yea....that whistling sound that comes out when you exhale =(. It's okay though because its acute and I have greatly reduced my intake within the last 6 months. It used to be disgusting back then the amount that would be consumed. But summer is comming and I already have my plane tickets for 17 days in amsterdam =O

but uhhh 400-500 worth into a batch of brownies is wayyy to much. 400-500worth is about 2oz which is 56 grams. Unless you had 56 brownies I'm SURE you got decked in the head by mike Tyson. Rule of thumb is about a gram in each brownie and that would be sufficient for someone to feel good for a while.

those are some expensive ass brownies...even a gram per browny..thats what, 20$ a browny? lol....shoulda shared that **** chris :)

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by p3s7_01
but uhhh 400-500 worth into a batch of brownies is wayyy to much. 400-500worth is about 2oz which is 56 grams. Unless you had 56 brownies I'm SURE you got decked in the head by mike Tyson. Rule of thumb is about a gram in each brownie and that would be sufficient for someone to feel good for a while.

Yeah, i learned the hard way. I was telling one of my buddys about it and told him how much of the stuff i had i put in. He looked at me like i was insane.
hell... first time ive made them. now i know. ROFL. The whole time i was thinking i woulda been better off taking a 10 strip of acid. <laugh>

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
those are some expensive ass brownies...even a gram per browny..thats what, 20$ a browny? lol....shoulda shared that **** chris :)


Dude, those brownies were an unholy abomination and should never have been created. Im probably going to hell for making them. The world is a better place with them gone. <laugh>

its was like using a train with 10 engines to tow a car.


Badfish 04-26-2006 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper

Dude, those brownies were an unholy abomination and should never have been created. Im probably going to hell for making them. The world is a better place with them gone. <laugh>

its was like using a train with 10 engines to tow a car.


hahaha, what did you do after you ate them?

Grimmz 04-26-2006 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper

Dude, those brownies were an unholy abomination and should never have been created. Im probably going to hell for making them. The world is a better place with them gone. <laugh>

its was like using a train with 10 engines to tow a car.


Lol, Jack u addict!...

Aight younglings listen up

Oh and Jack...

Samuel Adams helps keep wash out the smell of weed and hooker spit in your mouth...
Jack n Coke...

For the ladies some girls like the Rum... if they're goin that way Pina mix or Daquri mix is good, mix a bit of the two thats a hollywood...girls like them (ice + 3 shots Rum + 1/2 cup mixer your good to go...

Vodka drinks, u wana mix wit some juices nothing too sweet though... keep your ladies happy... know how to mix ur ****! lol...

Be safe, don't be some drunk retard...all u need is a lil bit of a buz to feel nice and be social...

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
hahaha, what did you do after you ate them?

Well... i watched tv for an hour and nothing happened, so i ate another which brought me to 1/'4 of the batch.

then i took a nap for an hour.

then i got up and i was sorta feeling it. Ran a few errands, came back and it really started kicking in. Then it hit me like a full on frieght train and i really diddnt do anytthing but sit on my couch for the next 9 hours wondering if i overdid it. LOL

Badfish 04-26-2006 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Well... i watched tv for an hour and nothing happened, so i ate another which brought me to 1/'4 of the batch.

then i took a nap for an hour.

then i got up and i was sorta feeling it. Ran a few errands, came back and it really started kicking in. Then it hit me like a full on frieght train and i really diddnt do anytthing but sit on my couch for the next 9 hours wondering if i overdid it. LOL

hahahahahaha...i bet you watched ****in sealab 2021

Grimmz 04-26-2006 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
hahahahahaha...i bet you watched ****in sealab 2021

good god, my old roomate used to watch all that ****... he was such a ****in self loathing asshole, but hey there were some good jokes in it every now and again...

my roomate now just walked in the door and raided the fridge, guess what he's been up too all afternoon...:innocent:

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
hahahahahaha...i bet you watched ****in sealab 2021

HELL YEAH i watched sealab 2021. That show kicks ass. Sealab, ATHF, Squibillys, Robot Chicken. Adult Swim rocks!
However now they have that stupid ass "Saved by the bell" show on.
not sure what the hell they are thinking with that one.

Grimmz 04-26-2006 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
HELL YEAH i watched sealab 2021. That show kicks ass. Sealab, ATHF, Squibillys, Robot Chicken. Adult Swim rocks!
However now they have that stupid ass "Saved by the bell" show on.
not sure what the hell they are thinking with that one.


p3s7_01 04-26-2006 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
... taking a 10 strip of acid. <laugh>

why do you do this to me!!! ahhhhhhhh :poke:

My prom is less than a month away and that **** is going to be ill. I already have everything unimportant arranged like the HUmmer limo with spinners and 5 Plasmas, after prom tickets at the club and hotel rooms....Now all I need is 5 hours of community service by friday in order to graduate and go to prom and to find a tux =X...shouldve been looking waaaaay sooner.

roushrider81 04-27-2006 03:47 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz

+ 1 show is sooo great did u see the emoside when the star trec guy gets his balls caugh in the door lol lol i was cryin

roushrider81 04-27-2006 06:38 PM

come on boys teh party is tomorrow night and we cant keep a convo goin till then!!!!!!!!

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