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madmatt 04-26-2006 02:29 PM

Eh, if you do it, thats cool, Ive never been drunk/high, so I cant really comment, I just choose to spend my money on other stuff, just be careful and dont drive, however "cool" or "good at it" you are, its not worth killing someone else. IMO, if you do it and kill yourself, Im sorry for your fam, but not you, but when you put other people at risk, you are about as low as it gets on my scale, and its NOT cool. But anyway, enjoy, have fun, be safe.

PureStang 04-26-2006 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
I can you knock somethin you've never done?

because ive seen what it does to people...thats y i can knock on it

p3s7_01 04-26-2006 04:24 PM

sounds like your always dehydrated. That's the #1 cause for migranes. You should be drinking 2 liters a day to keep yourself happy (btw, caffine dehydrates the body too). Then you can start drinking as much alcohol as you want. Or pop a xanax then start drinking

csledd 04-26-2006 04:27 PM

one of the main things about drinking is knowing your limit. when i drink i've never got hang overs and never got sick from drinking and i've been super smashed many times.

Badfish 04-26-2006 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by PureStang
because ive seen what it does to people...thats y i can knock on it

but you've never tried it...that would be like me giving a review on blistein shocks and struts. and saying i hate them because the ride is too stiff

i dont have blistein shocks and struts and i've never ridden in a car with them, people say it gives a stiffer that means i dont like it?

i do respect that you dont wanna drink but you're over here saying its a stupid thing to do, and you've never done it

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by PureStang
nope....and i dont wanna all stupid....y would u wanna get drunk..and have the chance of throwing up and having a headache the rest of the next day...its stupid

i already get headaches when i dont have enuf soda (caffine) in my body...and i get migranes to add on to i somewhat can feel wat a hang over feels like..i dont like it one bit

I said this to danny before and ill say it again to you.

You have absolutly ZERO idea what you are talking about, and without experience your opinion is uneducated and has no weight.
Thats sounds a bit harsh i know.

Snowboarding, Skydiving, Skiing, Rock climbing, Wakeboarding, Camping, Surfing, etc... are all fun things to do but they all have the possible element of injury, disfigurement, and death. That is a LOT worse than barfing or having a headache. Going out and drinking as long as you are responsible and not stupid about it does not have any ill effects and will not harm you.

Drinking does not mean hangover. If you drink responsible you aim to get a good buzz going and you just maintain it without getting trashed. Drinking does not mean puking either. I puke more from having the flu than i do from drinking. I dont think i puked from drinkin in probably 8 months now. I hardly ever get hangovers either.

If something does not appeal to you that is fine, but if yer not willing to take a risk yer not going to have a lot of fun in life.

However, if you have never done it, dont sit there and call it stupid. You have no grounds to have any opinion other than seeing what other people pay for a great night of fun. To sit there and call it stupid on a moral highhorse is just flat out rediculous if you have never tried it.

Anyways, if you dont want to do anything that could cause any discomfort, then enjoy sitting on the sidelines of life and watching everybody else have fun.

As for the people you see who get sick and hungover, either they are complete idiots, achoholics, or just young and dont understand the concept of moderation. I know it is no fun to puke, i know it is no fun to be hung over, but you dont have to puke or get hungover, anymore than you have to be mutilated or paralized by playing a sport.

The ONE good thing is that if you decide to drink achohol some day, you already will be one step ahead of your drunken idiot friends because you see the possible consequence of not being careful while doing it, and will be less likely to get stupid and do something dumb.

But to say drinking is "Stupid" you are basically calling about 75-80% of the american population stupid. Doctors drink, Lawyers drink, world leaders drink, businessmen drink, athletes drink, scholars, scientists, and professors drink.
Maybe these people are not the stupid ones, maybe, just maybe, they know that booze can be fun if yer careful about it, and rather than all of them being stupid, maybe you are being a bit prudish and close minded.

If you dont want to cause it is not for you, or for religious reasons, fine, that is your choice. But dont place judgement on something you have no clue about.

anyways, off my soapbox.

roushrider81 04-26-2006 05:37 PM

lol jack that was good!!!! and damn i like smokin waaaay better then pukin, no hang overs, maybe in a cloud the next day but you can still live threw it. and its proven that it is not as bad as the "goverment and news" make it out to be hte only harmful side affects could be on your lungs.

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
lol jack that was good!!!! and damn i like smokin waaaay better then pukin, no hang overs, maybe in a cloud the next day but you can still live threw it. and its proven that it is not as bad as the "goverment and news" make it out to be hte only harmful side affects could be on your lungs.

Who needs lungs? ROFL.

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by PureStang
i already get headaches when i dont have enuf soda (caffine) in my body...and i get migranes to add on to i somewhat can feel wat a hang over feels like..i dont like it one bit

Oh hey, just a bit of info.
Hangovers dont compare to migranes. LOL.

If a hangover is equivelant to stubbing your toe, then a migrane is equivelant to being shot in the balls


Badfish 04-26-2006 05:46 PM

good post Chris...that's exactly what I mean

todd03blown 04-26-2006 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
lol jack that was good!!!! and damn i like smokin waaaay better then pukin, no hang overs, maybe in a cloud the next day but you can still live threw it. and its proven that it is not as bad as the "goverment and news" make it out to be hte only harmful side affects could be on your lungs.

other harmful side affects.........Jail time, fines, loss of job due to failed drug test:D. I have no desire to do this stuff however my neighbor does it all the time (he is 35 BTW) and I have nothing against him since we drink together, play tennis etc just dont care the wacky weed.

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:03 PM

whats the dif. between pot and alcohol whats the reason pot is illegal...its not illegal to be drunk so why not high????

1982 mustang 5.0 04-26-2006 06:07 PM

man i just got home and im buzzing i think drinking is good for you it helps you relax

todd03blown 04-26-2006 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
whats the dif. between pot and alcohol whats the reason pot is illegal...its not illegal to be drunk so why not high????

The law is the is illegal to be drunk/drinking if you are underage. I dont have anything against people smoking weed (a few of my friends do it and they have families) just not something I care to do but I will drink and enjoy some fine Singel Barrel jack daniels.

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by todd03blown
The law is the is illegal to be drunk/drinking if you are underage. I dont have anything against people smoking weed (a few of my friends do it and they have families) just not something I care to do but I will drink and enjoy some fine Singel Barrel jack daniels.

sounds good to me bro. i just hate when people knock on it and people that do it :beerchug:

not trying ot be on your case at all but you havn't done anything illegal (speeding pro. everyday for us fellow mustang owners)

todd03blown 04-26-2006 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
sounds good to me bro. i just hate when people knock on it and people that do it :beerchug:

not trying ot be on your case at all but you havn't done anything illegal (speeding pro. everyday for us fellow mustang owners)

oh I have smoked it a couple of times in my life but now I choose not to with being drug tested etc. I drank with I was under age; hell I went to the Univ of Alabama which has a tremendous greek system. We used to keep track on our dorm room walls how many times we puked each and every weekend. I partied my ass off hence why I have never graduated college at this point :D. I like said I have nothing against people that do it; i dont think any less of them I choose not to do it.

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:22 PM

but dont tell me being high isnt 1 of the greatest feeling of all time!!!!

todd03blown 04-26-2006 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
but dont tell me being high isnt 1 of the greatest feeling of all time!!!!

hahaha..well to be honest it really did not affect me that much not sure if I did not inhale it correctly or what but glad you enjoy it:banana:

PureStang 04-26-2006 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Oh hey, just a bit of info.
Hangovers dont compare to migranes. LOL.

If a hangover is equivelant to stubbing your toe, then a migrane is equivelant to being shot in the balls


that was funny...haha....

i dont care if you drink/smoke...i was just expressing my opinion that it is stupid...

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by todd03blown
hahaha..well to be honest it really did not affect me that much not sure if I did not inhale it correctly or what but glad you enjoy it:banana:

well dude smoke and inhale and till you start coughing did u cough at all????

todd03blown 04-26-2006 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
well dude smoke and inhale and till you start coughing did u cough at all????

hell I cannot remember...been many many years ago I just turned 36 on monday....:clap:

p3s7_01 04-26-2006 06:40 PM

I used to smoke a quarter a day in 10th grade cuz I had five 6 ft. plants. Now I just limit it to once or twice a day. I don't even stay high for a long time therefore it doesnt affect my ability to do things. I feel its more liike a cigarette that lasts longer and is much more efficient and healthy. In 10th grade I rolled a 1 ft. J for 420. Last year I blazed for 24hrs starting from 12AM on 4/20 to 12AM 4/21. This year I did the same except brownies were involved =P

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by p3s7_01
I used to smoke a quarter a day in 10th grade cuz I had five 6 ft. plants. Now I just limit it to once or twice a day. I don't even stay high for a long time therefore it doesnt affect my ability to do things. I feel its more liike a cigarette that lasts longer and is much more efficient and healthy. In 10th grade I rolled a 1 ft. J for 420. Last year I blazed for 24hrs starting from 12AM on 4/20 to 12AM 4/21. This year I did the same except brownies were involved =P

lol lol lol how old are you????

roushrider81 04-26-2006 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by todd03blown
hell I cannot remember...been many many years ago I just turned 36 on monday....:clap:

happy b-lated b-day and damn i thought i was talkin to like 20 year old lol

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by p3s7_01
I used to smoke a quarter a day in 10th grade cuz I had five 6 ft. plants. Now I just limit it to once or twice a day. I don't even stay high for a long time therefore it doesnt affect my ability to do things. I feel its more liike a cigarette that lasts longer and is much more efficient and healthy. In 10th grade I rolled a 1 ft. J for 420. Last year I blazed for 24hrs starting from 12AM on 4/20 to 12AM 4/21. This year I did the same except brownies were involved =P

ROFL, dont even MENTION brownies. holy crap.

So i got this new roomate who had a guy who owed him a couple grand. But the guy had no money, so he gave him $2,000.00 of the bright green sticky icky. I mean, this stuff is Bright green, covered in crystals and smells like a pine forest. LOL. Ex-TREMLY good stuff. KB! and i aint talking Kenne Bell!

Anyways, months later this guy is my new roomate and still has LOADS of the stuff. And now we are just sick of it. its way too much. So, in order to try to get rid of it we dumped damn near everything left which was 400-500 worth into some brownies. (hell no i aint selling, i have a career, a nice car, a house, and there is no way in hell i would risk losing all of that!!!!!)

anyways. long story short, those things would hit you like a bare knuckle uppercut from tyson and land you right into lala land for the next 12 hours.

Im dont with that stuff for a while now. last few months have been fun, but summer is coming around and that stuff makes me lazy as hell. I got way too much to do! And it is WAY too nice out to sit on the couch, eat doritos, and watch cheetahs take down gazelles in the african vail in slow mo highdef.

heh.... think they are gonna delete this thread?

Jack The Ripper 04-26-2006 06:52 PM

Oh yeah, abnd the brownies had walnuts. :punk:

Badfish 04-26-2006 06:55 PM

smoke till you start coughing? lol...why the hell would you do that, that means you inhaled too much smoke, you gotta get alot in, but not so you cough, and when you get that amount of smoke in, inhale as much air as you can, and hold it in for as long as you can...that's how you get really high....if you cough it all out, you lose all the THC, and you dont get as stone.....but I wouldn't know :shifty:

Badfish 04-26-2006 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
ROFL, dont even MENTION brownies. holy crap.

So i got this new roomate who had a guy who owed him a couple grand. But the guy had no money, so he gave him $2,000.00 of the bright green sticky icky. I mean, this stuff is Bright green, covered in crystals and smells like a pine forest. LOL. Ex-TREMLY good stuff. KB! and i aint talking Kenne Bell!

Anyways, months later this guy is my new roomate and still has LOADS of the stuff. And now we are just sick of it. its way too much. So, in order to try to get rid of it we dumped damn near everything left which was 400-500 worth into some brownies. (hell no i aint selling, i have a career, a nice car, a house, and there is no way in hell i would risk losing all of that!!!!!)

anyways. long story short, those things would hit you like a bare knuckle uppercut from tyson and land you right into lala land for the next 12 hours.

Im dont with that stuff for a while now. last few months have been fun, but summer is coming around and that stuff makes me lazy as hell. I got way too much to do! And it is WAY too nice out to sit on the couch, eat doritos, and watch cheetahs take down gazelles in the african vail in slow mo highdef.

heh.... think they are gonna delete this thread?

.................................................. seriously shoulda called me, because being in high school...I coulda made so much godamn money! (I woulda smoked some too) is there any left?

roushrider81 04-26-2006 07:01 PM

lol this thread is soooo getting deleated its about my 5th 1 about pot to and they all get deleted lol and springs whne you cough you get higher but that is the trick hit it then breath in as much fresh air as possible and it hits you like a.... idk but it hits ya hard

1982 mustang 5.0 04-26-2006 07:04 PM

i just wanted to tell everyone that i am ok i am no longer under the influence of alchol IM OK

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