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dannyb785 05-23-2006 09:35 AM

In reference to me saying there were no verbal obscenities...

Originally Posted by MTShambles
Um....yes, there was verbal obcenity in Biblical times. What high horse did you come off of, Mr. Robertson?

Can you give me some credibal sources that point to your assertation?

As for jehovah's witnesses, they STRONGLY encourage group studying, and of course, only with the watchtower. If any of them ever though about reading the holy bible and then told people, they'd be nearly thrown out of the religion. JW also don't show love like christians when it comes to a family member having left the religion. JW's family will straight ignore their family member who left the relgion if they see them at a supermarket. In Christianity, we pray for our lost family on a daily basis

Shambles 05-23-2006 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by dannyb785
Can you give me some credibal sources that point to your assertation?

You were saying?

Teal_Beast 05-23-2006 10:22 AM

im sorry that somehow you got some information or had an experience with a JW that makes you believe this broad generalisation, but not all JW's are like that.

and for you to point a finger at all JW's for someone you might have known to do that isnt very christian like of you.

then again i remember the christains doing that a lot throughout history so w/e

EDIT: oh yea keep in mind, although i am playing the devil's advocate at this point i am NOT A JW, or any type of christian, just reminding people lol

Jack The Ripper 05-23-2006 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by MTShambles

LOL. Admit it. You made that entire site up.

drw0392 05-27-2006 12:16 PM

While outsourcing may hurt some businesses here, in the long run it allows for lower prices for the consumer (you and me). Think about it, why would we outsource if it didn't provide somesort of benefit? This sort of economic competition is good for the economy, because it provides for competition, competition is the primary principle behind an open market capitalistic country such as ours. So while it may put a few out of work, it provides a benefit for the whole. Also, any one who is put out of work due to free trade will be retrained by the government. (Part of the NAFTA, "North American Free Trade Agreement").
-However, I do agree that we should look inside our borders and fix things here before we go else where and "help" other countries. I mean look at the billions of dollars spent on "helping" Iraq. Don't get me wrong, Saddam was a bastard, but I think that the money could do alot more good here, than over there.

Oh and to answer the question, I'd consider myself a nonpartisan voter.

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
im game.

Party = No affiliation. I think Dems and Reps both need to try to put more effort to work together, instead of against eachother. I believe the government should provide free health care, i believe in a national sales tax which would eliminate a lot of loopholes rich people use to dodge taxes, plus people would be taxed on thier lifestyle, not income. I think bush is a miserable bastard for promoting oursourcing to india. India's starving children are thier problem, lets not make our children starve in order to help them. I think it is time for america to worry about itself for a while. Lets take care of problem within our borders instead of focusing so much effort beyond out borders. Even though im stoked to be working on landscaping my yard, i still have to come into the house and clean once in a while. The house of america is getting pretty grimey.

Religion = Agnostic. I dont believe in that whole stereotypical white robes and white beard thing. But straight up evolution doesent make sence because it never gives a reason why existance happened in the first place.. I've heared of a belief called "intelligent design", Havent looked too much into it, but that seems to make the most sence at the core of the idea. If they have any kooky beliefs about zapping aliens out of thier heads, i havent heared them so please forgive me. i think there has to be a higher being, but i dont think it is what anyone really expects.

Jack The Ripper 05-27-2006 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by drw0392
While outsourcing may hurt some businesses here, in the long run it allows for lower prices for the consumer (you and me). Think about it, why would we outsource if it didn't provide somesort of benefit? This sort of economic competition is good for the economy, because it provides for competition, competition is the primary principle behind an open market capitalistic country such as ours. So while it may put a few out of work, it provides a benefit for the whole. Also, any one who is put out of work due to free trade will be retrained by the government. (Part of the NAFTA, "North American Free Trade Agreement").
-However, I do agree that we should look inside our borders and fix things here before we go else where and "help" other countries. I mean look at the billions of dollars spent on "helping" Iraq. Don't get me wrong, Saddam was a bastard, but I think that the money could do alot more good here, than over there.

Oh and to answer the question, I'd consider myself a nonpartisan voter.

Sorry, but you will have to fogive me if i would preffer to have a job and higher prices, rather than have no job and not be able to afford the lower prices. There is no escuse for this, i dont give a **** it something is a little bit cheaper, im american, i work for an american company. i want to have a ****ing job.

Ive heared the arguments about this, and ive also heared bush bragging about how much we helped india's economy.
**** india.
Lets worry about america. There is no escuse for this. Who cares if a T1 is a little less a month. Do you really think any of these companys plan to lower thier prices after outsourcing? No. They plan to keep that extra money.

SlicK 05-29-2006 08:06 AM

Party= Democrat (I would honestly vote for a Republican if I thought he could do a better job)

Religion= Atheist

I'm not Atheist just to jump on the band-wagon (it seems like a lot of people are self-proclaimed Atheists where I live). I was raised hard-core Catholic. I had to go to church every single day for the first 13 years of my life, then I really looked into all of it and I saw no proof in anything they said. I'm a see it to believe it kind of person and I've seen nothing to prove that there is any "higher power" in this world.

SlicK 05-29-2006 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Sorry, but you will have to fogive me if i would preffer to have a job and higher prices, rather than have no job and not be able to afford the lower prices. There is no escuse for this, i dont give a **** it something is a little bit cheaper, im american, i work for an american company. i want to have a ****ing job.

Ive heared the arguments about this, and ive also heared bush bragging about how much we helped india's economy.
**** india.
Lets worry about america. There is no escuse for this. Who cares if a T1 is a little less a month. Do you really think any of these companys plan to lower thier prices after outsourcing? No. They plan to keep that extra money.

Could not have said it better myself. Outsourcing could single-handedly bring this country to its knees. If we rely on other country's workers to do out jobs, the unemployment rate will soar through the roof (not that it already hasn't) and the economy will eventually go right down the ****ter.

drw0392 05-29-2006 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by Zaff03GT
man it must really piss you guys off that I have an American flag and bald eagle in my avatar. If it was up to you there prolly wouldent be an american flag.

Why would this piss people off? Just because someone questions our current leadership doesn't make them any less American. It is our right as Americans to question our government. If we hadn't questioned government, we'd still be a British colony.
Excerpt from the declaration of independence of the United States.
Such has been the patient Sufferance so these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the Present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let the Facts be submitted to a candid World.

drw0392 05-29-2006 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by SlicK
Party= Democrat (I would honestly vote for a Republican if I thought he could do a better job)

Religion= Atheist

I'm not Atheist just to jump on the band-wagon (it seems like a lot of people are self-proclaimed Atheists where I live). I was raised hard-core Catholic. I had to go to church every single day for the first 13 years of my life, then I really looked into all of it and I saw no proof in anything they said. I'm a see it to believe it kind of person and I've seen nothing to prove that there is any "higher power" in this world.

I'm think I also am "see it to believe it kind of person" but remember, science can only test tangible theories. Unfortunately, science can neither prove, nor disprove the existence of a spirtual realm. That is why religion is based on faith.
Faith- (from wikipedia) an aspect of the object and cannot be logically proven or objectively known. Faith can also be defined as accepting as true something which one has been told by someone who is believed to be trustworthy. It can also mean believing unconditionally. In its proper sense faith means trusting the word of another

SlicK 05-29-2006 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by drw0392
I'm think I also am "see it to believe it kind of person" but remember, science can only test tangible theories. Unfortunately, science can neither prove, nor disprove the existence of a spirtual realm. That is why religion is based on faith.
Faith- (from wikipedia) an aspect of the object and cannot be logically proven or objectively known. Faith can also be defined as accepting as true something which one has been told by someone who is believed to be trustworthy. It can also mean believing unconditionally. In its proper sense faith means trusting the word of another

I'm aware. I obviously don't have much faith, but I don't care if something has been disproven or not. I only believe in a few things that haven't been fully proven such as the law of gravity and Newton's laws. They haven't been proven, but they're considered scientific law.

drw0392 05-29-2006 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by SlicK
Could not have said it better myself. Outsourcing could single-handedly bring this country to its knees. If we rely on other country's workers to do out jobs, the unemployment rate will soar through the roof (not that it already hasn't) and the economy will eventually go right down the ****ter.

Dude, you couldn't be more wrong about our unemployment rate!!! Our unemployment rate is extremly low. The vast majority of the public, (and Obviously you) don't realize that unemployment is necessary for an economy. If everyone had a job, everyone would be earning, and spending money, driving prices through the roof. Inflation would be rampant. Why do you think that Ben Bernanke (Chair of the Federal Open Market Com.) has decided to raise interest rates again? Its because unemployment rates are very low, thus spurring high inflation rates. The raising of the interst rates is ment to slow the econmy down.:foot:

Jack The Ripper 05-29-2006 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by drw0392
Unfortunately, science can neither prove, nor disprove the existence of a spirtual realm.

Its not that science can NOT prove/disprove, rather than it has yet to do so.


Badfish 05-29-2006 12:29 PM

how can you disprove something that doesn't exist?

the proof of science IS the disproof of a spiritual realm

SlicK 05-29-2006 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by drw0392
Dude, you couldn't be more wrong about our unemployment rate!!! Our unemployment rate is extremly low. The vast majority of the public, (and Obviously you) don't realize that unemployment is necessary for an economy. If everyone had a job, everyone would be earning, and spending money, driving prices through the roof. Inflation would be rampant. Why do you think that Ben Bernanke (Chair of the Federal Open Market Com.) has decided to raise interest rates again? Its because unemployment rates are very low, thus spurring high inflation rates. The raising of the interst rates is ment to slow the econmy down.:foot:

It is low compared to other countries. The fact that we are one of the most socially organized countries shows that we are always going to have a low % compared to everyone else. I do realize that if EVERYONE was working then inflation would become a problem and we would end up in another depression. If we have too many unemployed, we get other issues with our social structure, not to mention our economic status.

drw0392 05-29-2006 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by SlicK
I'm aware. I obviously don't have much faith, but I don't care if something has been disproven or not. I only believe in a few things that haven't been fully proven such as the law of gravity and Newton's laws. They haven't been proven, but they're considered scientific law.

Something can never be proven unequivocally
1. Scientific theory = a hypothesis supported by a great deal of evidence which stands the test of time, often tested and never rejected. E.g. theory of evolution

SlicK 05-29-2006 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by drw0392
Something can never be proven unequivocally
1. Scientific theory = a hypothesis supported by a great deal of evidence which stands the test of time, often tested and never rejected. E.g. theory of evolution

I'm talking scientific law, not scientific theory.

Law: A rule that describes, but doesn't explain, a pattern in nature and predicts what will happen under specific conditions.

Jack The Ripper 05-29-2006 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Badfish
how can you disprove something that doesn't exist?

the proof of science IS the disproof of a spiritual realm

Lol.... that is a side effect of science. Science is not an attack on the spiritual realm, it is about getting obtaining knowledge and understanding. People always want a reason and an explanation, in the past without scientific methods the only explanations were spiritual. Now we have the ability to actually determine the reality of a situation with proven methods.

The has been no disproof of the spiritual realm though. There have been things science has proven to be incorrect, such as the biblical age of the earth, but the proof of dinosaurs and carbon dating does not mean god does not exist.

Eventuall spirituality and science will co exist as the barrer of ignorance between the two thins out to where all that is left of the spiritual reality is what has been proven to exist by science. I think most people will be suprised how much of the spirital world can be proven to exist as time goes on.

will be interesting to see.

Badfish 05-29-2006 01:22 PM

I disagree. Eventually people will "evolve" they will stop beleiving in silly myths and bedtime stories and come to terms with reality.

and people always wan't reason and explination because it's a better way of thinking! you'd just rather let it be and not wonder how someting a child?

in my opinion, religion IS ignorance

and how will the so called spiritual world be proven?...just a hunch?

1 BAD S 05-29-2006 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by Fat Lard
Listen to the news. It backs everything up I've said. Except for Fox. Bush doesn't flat out lie? Weapons of Mass....

sorry guys, ive been out of the loop for awhile. and i just read this post. this guy thinks hes right cuz every news station BUT fox agrees with him. LOL what a moron. of course they do cuz every station BUT fox is against BUSH. and for all the people out there that dont back this war and the Pres. all i have to say is that our troops fighting in this war say what we are doing is a good thing. If our troops who are actually fighting in this war ( unlike people who just sit at their homes and say this war is wrong) believe in it and our pres. why dosent everyone else? i cant wait till i graduate college and join the air force so i can finish what my dad (a B-1 pilot) started. USA FTW!!!!

GREG@SN95 05-29-2006 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
sorry guys, ive been out of the loop for awhile. and i just read this post. this guy thinks hes right cuz every news station BUT fox agrees with him. LOL what a moron. of course they do cuz every station BUT fox is against BUSH. and for all the people out there that dont back this war and the Pres. all i have to say is that our troops fighting in this war say what we are doing is a good thing. If our troops who are actually fighting in this war ( unlike people who just sit at their homes and say this war is wrong) believe in it and our pres. why dosent everyone else? i cant wait till i graduate college and join the air force so i can finish what my dad (a B-1 pilot) started. USA FTW!!!!


and fcuk ya'll stupid liberals...

I really cant agree any more

Shambles 05-29-2006 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by 1 BAD S
sorry guys, ive been out of the loop for awhile. and i just read this post. this guy thinks hes right cuz every news station BUT fox agrees with him. LOL what a moron. of course they do cuz every station BUT fox is against BUSH. and for all the people out there that dont back this war and the Pres. all i have to say is that our troops fighting in this war say what we are doing is a good thing. If our troops who are actually fighting in this war ( unlike people who just sit at their homes and say this war is wrong) believe in it and our pres. why dosent everyone else? i cant wait till i graduate college and join the air force so i can finish what my dad (a B-1 pilot) started. USA FTW!!!!

Fox News = Highly right-winged...

I dont think I have seen fox news ever say something bad about Bush.

And once again...

Just because you do not approve of a war doesnt mean you are for the other side. **** we all support our troops and want them to come home, its not a matter of we dont back our personnel overseas.

Only go jump up on your high horse and beat the **** out of someone when they are waving a sign saying "Go Iraq! Kick some ASS!"

SlicK 05-29-2006 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
Fox News = Highly right-winged...

I dont think I have seen fox news ever say something bad about Bush.

And once again...

Just because you do not approve of a war doesnt mean you are for the other side. **** we all support our troops and want them to come home, its not a matter of we dont back our personnel overseas.

Only go jump up on your high horse and beat the **** out of someone when they are waving a sign saying "Go Iraq! Kick some ASS!"

I'll second that entire statement.

1 BAD S 05-29-2006 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
Fox News = Highly right-winged...

I dont think I have seen fox news ever say something bad about Bush.

And once again...

Just because you do not approve of a war doesnt mean you are for the other side. **** we all support our troops and want them to come home, its not a matter of we dont back our personnel overseas.

Only go jump up on your high horse and beat the **** out of someone when they are waving a sign saying "Go Iraq! Kick some ASS!"

read what i wrote again buddy. where in there did i say that if you dont support the war you are on the other side

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