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ernest russell 11-26-2006 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 227077)
Why the fvck would you speed through a toll's hard to try and feel sorry for someone who does that.

Feel bad for the honda driver though

she was flying !! worst reck i seen!!!

SlicK 11-26-2006 07:46 PM

I'm going to have to go with Greg on this one. Any way you look at it, it's either her fault or the parent's.

wnracing 11-26-2006 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 227320)
If that was the case... ITS STILL THE PARENTS FAULT!
blah blah blah blah.....

That is an absolutely assenine statement and an even dumber assumption.

How old are you Greg? 19, 20, 21?

In any case 18 wasn't too long ago for you or myself.

The KID made the choice to STEAL the car and killed herself.

Blaming the parents for that is just completely mind-boggling.. Kids get away with too much shit, they want to be called adults so they should be dealt with like adults.

That's like YOU getting kicked out of school for what YOU did, then turning it around and blaming your parents because they didn't 'raise you right.' Did you do that? I certainly hope not...

Note for any teenagers.. You want to be treated like an adult? LEARN TO BE ONE!


SnTBakosFinest 11-26-2006 10:44 PM

Well..seeing as I'm still a kid.. I can say this..

You DO NOT give a kid a porsche, you don't let them borrow it.. you don't even tell them where the keys are.

We like to go fast, extremely fast.

Just like most of you Stang owners.

Theres is one major difference, however.

Experience. Knowing when you can haul ass, and knowing when there is a time to have some caution.

This past weekend, I drove past a wreck on a stretch of highway called "Blood Alley" drove past seeing a brand new Vette torn to shreds, and blood still left on the asphault.

She may have been in a fight with her parents, mommy or daddy may have just let her take the car out for the night and she went to a party or something..

Regardless, it is not only her parents fault (if they allowed her to take it) but it is her fault.

She may have been getting chased or something, but honestly, is whoever is chasing you going to hop out of their car at lets say..30 miles an hour and catch you? No.

She could've waited to give that thing some power.

She could've gotten in a fight with her parents, but regardless, that is NO excuse to take off in a car, and go putting many other peoples lives at risk, just because YOU are upset.

This is a case of immaturity, and possibly, being a bit spoiled.

A mechanical malfunction may have happened, accelerator stuck, ect, but how likely is that? You spend 100+ grand on a often does the accelerator stick?

Yes, I was somewhat given my Stang, well, half of it, the other half I'm paying, and yes, I do like to go fast, but I use caution. And I don't drive if I'm upset, being upset can cause a life ending mistake..

maloney 11-28-2006 01:55 PM

can't see
Where is the link there is nothing there

wnracing 11-28-2006 02:17 PM

I guess venom took them down. If I still had the link I'd give it to you..

03gtmustang 11-28-2006 03:08 PM

Someone give me the link.

YoshiBluedevil 11-28-2006 05:47 PM

the person on their site removed the pics due to complaints i thought...

wade95 11-28-2006 06:30 PM

At least she didn't feel a thing when she crashed!!!!

The pics were pretty graphic,but in my 10yrs as a cop the worse I saw was a crotch rocket smacking the back of a dump truck at 100+! Talk about a fly hitting a windshield! The gas tank was almost as flat as a piece of paper. His head and healmet (what wa left of it) was INSIDE his chest cavity. The only way FHP knew it was a male was due to one of his "boys" hanging out his jeans when they ripped open. Now that was a doozy!!!

PureStang 11-28-2006 06:42 PM

for anyone wanting the pics..PM me your email and ill email them to you...they ARE GRAPHIC

P.S. i sent them to a friend who was having trouble viewing the pics

venom 11-28-2006 08:18 PM

All the pics where taken down on the other site.

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