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zigzagg321 01-19-2010 01:59 PM

damn jack...

SnTBakosFinest 01-19-2010 03:50 PM

Jack, we should be friends irl, with your luck, and my luck, we'd have to get some sort of good luck. lol.

rebelyell 01-19-2010 10:41 PM

Just keep hanging in there, Bro. Things have got to get better. As far as the cheating wife goes. Play that for all it's worth during the divorce settlement. If you got proof, even better. Just keep playing the happy father role, and don't do anything in anger to your soon to be ex. Alienation of affection, could go in your favor in court. Play it smart, get the proof, and act all surprised and totally anguished at her behavior while trying to raise a family, Which probably wouldn't be hard to do..

From some of your post's about her she seems to be kinda dense in the common sense area anyway. Use that to your advantage. Hopefully you will get a divorce that's gonna side with you instead of mrs. cheat and disregard for my children. You know..

Play that game, and keep thinking of it like that. Let us know how it turns out,

Plus when it's all said and done. Then It's U-Tube time for the video.. Burn.. :smokin:

JackThe Ripper 01-20-2010 01:39 PM

just had an arguement with her.... i found a daycare that would work wonderfully with my schedule and hers as well. She got real pissed off because it would stay open untill i got off work and got there at 11pm, they watch children up untill midnight.

she thinks im trying to take my boy away from her. she seems to think this because of how willing i am to pay all the daycare, all the medical expences, the whole 9 yards.

all she has to do is be a mom.

she thinks im just pulling leverage to take him away... i would never do that.

im so frustrated.... im so tired... ive seen that i cant even talk to her about a matter like daycare, which is extremely important. She said she is going to move out in the end of february, but she hasnt found fulltime work. i offered to pay her the daycare money to help her get by untuill she finds full employment ,heck, if logan had that daycare she would wait tables and make a lot more than she is now.

im trying to hard to find something that works, she isnt doing anything, she wont talk to me, she insists she wont do anything without a lawyer.

i try to give her a golden egg, and all i get is scorn and anger my direction.

im just exhausted... i have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow to go over the parenting plan and such i have been developing for pointers and tips. she doesent seem to be doing anything but going out on dates.

she isnt going to let me do this easy. she refuses to listen to my input, refuses to talk about this..

im at work now and its everything i can do not to break down in frustration

SnTBakosFinest 01-20-2010 01:48 PM

Just document everything man..

stanley423 01-20-2010 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 445966)
Just document everything man..

and if you could get any proof of anything it would help a lot but I hope that everything works out how you want it to man.

JackThe Ripper 01-20-2010 02:11 PM

this is a no faulty state apparently... not sure how much good it will do, but i am sitting on quite a bit of proof and documentation.

i feel like i cant even breathe.

rebelyell 01-20-2010 10:54 PM

I wish i could tell you, not to let it bother you at work. But I know how i would feel and it would take up a lot of my attention to anything. It's really hard not to dwell on things. Escpecially at work. You don't know what she's doing. You know what your doing. Scenerios go through your head, and take up most of your thought pattern. You don't look forward to going home because of the tension between you 2. It really sucks because the one thing a person most have is, some feeling of relaxation once you get home to unwind. You aren't getting that and it will take it's toll on you and your well being.

This happens to people with a solid as rock marriage, after any kind of arguement that is left unsolved. It must be 3 times worse when your marriage has gone south as far as yours has. I can't really say how I would react to it, but I know I would not be a nice person to be around. I feel for ya bro.. Just try to get some happy time there somewhere. :( :)

02trgt 01-20-2010 11:52 PM

shitty hope they dont take ur boy away. Good luck guy

01FR500 01-21-2010 07:33 AM

Chris, I feel for ya man. I don't really know what to say that might make you feel better, anything I think of is trivial compaired to the real situation. I can only imagine, when all this shit is over, and things get straightened out, and your luck turns around, your going to be one tough ass fucker. Logan has an awesome Dad.

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