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JackThe Ripper 01-15-2010 01:47 PM

FML again!
Nothing kicks off friday like opening the mail and finding a out-of-pocket medical bill for roughly $7,000.00

my kid had a damaged tooth, i took him to the dentist, they insisted doing the work at childrens hospital. I paid $745 out of pocket. they did the work, had to extract his tooth because his cardiologist told them if they needed to do any work on the nerve to pull the tooth. ok no problem.

then today i get a bill for just under 5,000. i called in insurance company and they said this work is not covered by insurance because they required a pre-authorization for the work, which they never got.

they they told me there is $1,994 bill for the anesthesiologist heading my way too.

i may have to acutally sue them, the dental office is closed untill monday


Black Sunshine 01-15-2010 01:53 PM

I fucking swear Chris... if I ever win the lottery, I will not hesitate to send some of it your way.

K.G.B. 01-15-2010 02:00 PM

wow bro i was just done reading your thread on that honda engine and I thought that u been having a preety rough year-start but hang on there cuz there aint bad that for good does not come. prayers are with u

NewMustangMan 01-15-2010 02:05 PM

Man that blows. lets us know if we can do anything

JackThe Ripper 01-15-2010 02:12 PM

as of right now im pretty sure somebody fucked up, if somone fucked up, that can be fixed. This dentist works out of childrens hospital often, they did not see pre-approval from my health insurance, so my health insurance rejected the cost of the OR, drugs, supplies, recovery room, and anesthesiologist.

my son has a mechanical heart valve, since they had to put him under anesthesia they wanted to do this in the hospital. i dont doubt that i will be responsible for about $700 which sucks, but i can figure it out.

but 7,000.... fuck me man.... ill have more information after i talk to the dentist on monday. im hoping it was just a mistake on thier end and that they get this taken care of.

Switch 01-15-2010 02:16 PM

Hopefully the dentist's office will work it out.

PColav6 01-15-2010 02:23 PM

I swear dude, you have the worst luck. That sucks

JackThe Ripper 01-15-2010 02:54 PM

i know man. there has been a dark cloud that has decided to attack me.

I am living proof that karma does not exist.

I dont lie, i dont cheat, i dont steal, i work hard, treat people with respect, and i am always willing to lend somebody a hand. I have a strong moral compass and always try to do the right thing.

yet for some reason i just get properfucked at every turn.

eventually this has to turn around for me. life used to be simple... it has gotten very complicated.

02trgt 01-15-2010 02:59 PM

ahh i love canada, free medical ftw

zigzagg321 01-15-2010 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by 02trgt (Post 445583)
ahh i love canada, free medical ftw

inappropriate post. ^^^^^


Jack, things will turn around eventually.


02trgt: yeah canada sure has great medical benefits...its free, and works...if you dont die while you wait three months to see a shitty doctor thats shitty cause he doesnt get paid enough for all his time doin doctor stuff.

krenogin 01-15-2010 06:40 PM

maybe karmas backwards, look at blackstanggt, hes always an ass and he never mentions problems, or either he keeps em to hisself.

02trgt 01-15-2010 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 445585)
inappropriate post. ^^^^^


Jack, things will turn around eventually.


02trgt: yeah canada sure has great medical benefits...its free, and works...if you dont die while you wait three months to see a shitty doctor thats shitty cause he doesnt get paid enough for all his time doin doctor stuff.

actually i take it back, i pay 5 $ a week for medical.

Deathdiesel 01-15-2010 07:31 PM

Damn man, you do have shitty luck, and I thought I had it bad. Hope it turns around, and that the current issue is simple.

JackThe Ripper 01-15-2010 08:05 PM

if anyone has a dead body they need to dispose of let me know, i think im gonna fake my death and run with the life insurance. come back as Lorenzo Gonzalas the independantly wealthy travler from spain who bears a striking reseblance to chris.



Deathdiesel 01-15-2010 08:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 445608)
if anyone has a dead body they need to dispose of let me know, i think im gonna fake my death and run with the life insurance. come back as Lorenzo Gonzalas the independantly wealthy travler from spain who bears a striking reseblance to chris.



Attachment 16130
Lol i had to.

08mustang_gt 01-15-2010 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by krenogin (Post 445600)
maybe karmas backwards, look at blackstanggt, hes always an ass and he never mentions problems, or either he keeps em to hisself.

He's not an ass, he's just not afraid to say what he feels like some of the other people on here. Don't get those two confused.

I'm sorry for all the shit that's been happening to you lately Jack, I can't even begin to imagine with all of the other problems that you've been getting lately. Like Sunshine said if there is anything we can do just let us know.

If you need a dentist or two dead.....I know some people, who know some people, who know some bad people, who know some desperate bad people. You know. I'm just putting it out there.....just in case.

We can do an MB charity for you if the fucktards don't pay for it. :D

cr4sh_0v3rl0ad 01-16-2010 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by 08mustang_gt (Post 445618)

We can do an MB charity for you if the fucktards don't pay for it. :D

I'd pitch in! :) Times are rough for everyone, but i'm always willing to help out if i can.

00blkstanggt 01-18-2010 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by krenogin (Post 445600)
maybe karmas backwards, look at blackstanggt, hes always an ass and he never mentions problems, or either he keeps em to hisself.

I'm really only an ass to you, but it's your fault. Some of your posts are absolutely retarded and you should be made aware of that. I have problems just like everyone else. I mentioned back a little while ago that my wife lost her job. Sucks going from about a combined income of 120K to a little more than half that, but you deal with it and do what you can.

Anyways, back on topic. That sucks Chris, but sounds like someone screwed up and hopefully it gets worked out pretty quickly. Just sucks how much shit like that costs. I'm fortunate enough work for a hospital, but man I would never go to the doctor or anything if I had to pay all that crap.

02trgt - you may have free medical, but you have to live in Canada. I have free medical by the way.

krazypony 01-18-2010 09:48 AM

maybe the billing dept has a stuck keyboard, and didnt let up on the 000000000 key and then hit enter right away so it was then entered...

I sure hope its a clerical error

afterhours 01-18-2010 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by 02trgt (Post 445583)
ahh i love canada, free medical ftw

you pay for...whether you know it or not.....

SPiNz 01-18-2010 03:58 PM

and this is why I practice the Pull Out method.

JackThe Ripper 01-18-2010 04:59 PM

Well spin, hopefully half the population of littleton colorado is also practicing the pull out method or my son is gonna have tons of brothers


yeah so the dentist office said they submitted the pre-authorization to the insurance company but dont claim to have recieved confirmation. the insurance company said it never got pre-authorization.

somebody either diddnt sent the letter, it was lost in the mail, or somebody misplaced it.

either way, im not gonna pay this fucking bill. the dentist can pay it if they dont get it figured out, somebody dropped the ball.

oh yeah, FML some more. Today when i was getting ready for work i was looking for my MP3 player. i checked the couch, which i have checked many times for remotes, keys, stuff like that. Well today right in the sofa i find a set of keys that belong to the guy that lives 4 houses up that was screwing my wife.

im gonna go drop some dough and get an IP camera, and link it up so i can monitor inside of the house from my work when im gone. If i catch that bastard on video im gonna press charges for trespassing, and im gonna get a restraining order for my property that reaches far enough that he will be forced out of his parents house and have to go find somewhere else to live.

evict that motherfucker.

GOOD NEWS though... the wife is leaving by th end of february

more good news. Im keeping the jeep and sticking her with my honda.

She doesent realize it yet, but ill be damned if im gonna make payments and let her keep the jeep. it is in my name. She has lied to me, went on a date and made out with a guy at the hockey game (she took pics of this????) and has been letting that son of a bitch in my house.

fuck her. she can have the honda, im taking the Jeep Cherokee.

08mustang_gt 01-18-2010 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 445765)
Well spin, hopefully half the population of littleton colorado is also practicing the pull out method or my son is gonna have tons of brothers


yeah so the dentist office said they submitted the pre-authorization to the insurance company but dont claim to have recieved confirmation. the insurance company said it never got pre-authorization.

somebody either diddnt sent the letter, it was lost in the mail, or somebody misplaced it.

either way, im not gonna pay this fucking bill. the dentist can pay it if they dont get it figured out, somebody dropped the ball.

oh yeah, FML some more. Today when i was getting ready for work i was looking for my MP3 player. i checked the couch, which i have checked many times for remotes, keys, stuff like that. Well today right in the sofa i find a set of keys that belong to the guy that lives 4 houses up that was screwing my wife.

im gonna go drop some dough and get an IP camera, and link it up so i can monitor inside of the house from my work when im gone. If i catch that bastard on video im gonna press charges for trespassing, and im gonna get a restraining order for my property that reaches far enough that he will be forced out of his parents house and have to go find somewhere else to live.

evict that motherfucker.

GOOD NEWS though... the wife is leaving by th end of february

more good news. Im keeping the jeep and sticking her with my honda.

She doesent realize it yet, but ill be damned if im gonna make payments and let her keep the jeep. it is in my name. She has lied to me, went on a date and made out with a guy at the hockey game (she took pics of this????) and has been letting that son of a bitch in my house.

fuck her. she can have the honda, im taking the Jeep Cherokee.

Fuck yea!! You deserve someone better than here. No offense to your wife, but she's a real bitch. I don't think I'd have the nerve to bring another guy into a house thats not mine. That takes some serious balls to do that shit.

I say a big thumbs up on the whole camera idea. Get that motherfucker sent somewhere far far away.

Sorry to hear all this shit thats been going on man. Once again, I couldn't imagine dealing with all of this at once.

But hey, life's a dick just waiting to dry hump the shit out of you but when it's all over and done with you got to be able to pull your pants back up and walk away from that shit like nothing ever happened. That's my daily words from the wise.

JackThe Ripper 01-18-2010 07:33 PM

just ordered the camera. No audio which would be nice but that jacks the price up.

dot it with overnight shipping for $127. My buddy is gonna come over and help me set it up. probably paint it black and stick it in the stereo cubby somewhere. easy to power.

im also looking at some software from my blackberry where i can log in over the 3G and see whats going on at any given time.

spike_africa 01-18-2010 07:46 PM

Dude you have the worst luck 08-10 so far.

JackThe Ripper 01-18-2010 07:51 PM

thats the truth.

02trgt 01-18-2010 11:58 PM

your wife is a whore and y ou have to pay bogus medical bills? FUCK that sucks. hopefully it'll work out for you in the end man ,

GDP 01-19-2010 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 445773)
just ordered the camera. No audio which would be nice but that jacks the price up.

dot it with overnight shipping for $127. My buddy is gonna come over and help me set it up. probably paint it black and stick it in the stereo cubby somewhere. easy to power.

im also looking at some software from my blackberry where i can log in over the 3G and see whats going on at any given time.

There is software to do that on the BB, but it costs an outrageous amount of $ from what I remember. That was one of em anyway that I happened to see.

Mr. Zip 01-19-2010 01:09 PM

Change the locks and throw her panties in the front yard with a sign that says GTFO My House

JackThe Ripper 01-19-2010 01:45 PM

i wish i could do thatc rap. in the end it will just screw me over, but it would be fun. lol

zigzagg321 01-19-2010 01:59 PM

damn jack...

SnTBakosFinest 01-19-2010 03:50 PM

Jack, we should be friends irl, with your luck, and my luck, we'd have to get some sort of good luck. lol.

rebelyell 01-19-2010 10:41 PM

Just keep hanging in there, Bro. Things have got to get better. As far as the cheating wife goes. Play that for all it's worth during the divorce settlement. If you got proof, even better. Just keep playing the happy father role, and don't do anything in anger to your soon to be ex. Alienation of affection, could go in your favor in court. Play it smart, get the proof, and act all surprised and totally anguished at her behavior while trying to raise a family, Which probably wouldn't be hard to do..

From some of your post's about her she seems to be kinda dense in the common sense area anyway. Use that to your advantage. Hopefully you will get a divorce that's gonna side with you instead of mrs. cheat and disregard for my children. You know..

Play that game, and keep thinking of it like that. Let us know how it turns out,

Plus when it's all said and done. Then It's U-Tube time for the video.. Burn.. :smokin:

JackThe Ripper 01-20-2010 01:39 PM

just had an arguement with her.... i found a daycare that would work wonderfully with my schedule and hers as well. She got real pissed off because it would stay open untill i got off work and got there at 11pm, they watch children up untill midnight.

she thinks im trying to take my boy away from her. she seems to think this because of how willing i am to pay all the daycare, all the medical expences, the whole 9 yards.

all she has to do is be a mom.

she thinks im just pulling leverage to take him away... i would never do that.

im so frustrated.... im so tired... ive seen that i cant even talk to her about a matter like daycare, which is extremely important. She said she is going to move out in the end of february, but she hasnt found fulltime work. i offered to pay her the daycare money to help her get by untuill she finds full employment ,heck, if logan had that daycare she would wait tables and make a lot more than she is now.

im trying to hard to find something that works, she isnt doing anything, she wont talk to me, she insists she wont do anything without a lawyer.

i try to give her a golden egg, and all i get is scorn and anger my direction.

im just exhausted... i have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow to go over the parenting plan and such i have been developing for pointers and tips. she doesent seem to be doing anything but going out on dates.

she isnt going to let me do this easy. she refuses to listen to my input, refuses to talk about this..

im at work now and its everything i can do not to break down in frustration

SnTBakosFinest 01-20-2010 01:48 PM

Just document everything man..

stanley423 01-20-2010 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 445966)
Just document everything man..

and if you could get any proof of anything it would help a lot but I hope that everything works out how you want it to man.

JackThe Ripper 01-20-2010 02:11 PM

this is a no faulty state apparently... not sure how much good it will do, but i am sitting on quite a bit of proof and documentation.

i feel like i cant even breathe.

rebelyell 01-20-2010 10:54 PM

I wish i could tell you, not to let it bother you at work. But I know how i would feel and it would take up a lot of my attention to anything. It's really hard not to dwell on things. Escpecially at work. You don't know what she's doing. You know what your doing. Scenerios go through your head, and take up most of your thought pattern. You don't look forward to going home because of the tension between you 2. It really sucks because the one thing a person most have is, some feeling of relaxation once you get home to unwind. You aren't getting that and it will take it's toll on you and your well being.

This happens to people with a solid as rock marriage, after any kind of arguement that is left unsolved. It must be 3 times worse when your marriage has gone south as far as yours has. I can't really say how I would react to it, but I know I would not be a nice person to be around. I feel for ya bro.. Just try to get some happy time there somewhere. :( :)

02trgt 01-20-2010 11:52 PM

shitty hope they dont take ur boy away. Good luck guy

01FR500 01-21-2010 07:33 AM

Chris, I feel for ya man. I don't really know what to say that might make you feel better, anything I think of is trivial compaired to the real situation. I can only imagine, when all this shit is over, and things get straightened out, and your luck turns around, your going to be one tough ass fucker. Logan has an awesome Dad.

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