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Old 09-14-2009, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by BLazE
Don't feel like quoting. Sure you could say I'm a fanboy. I just hate how people mindlessly bash something I chose to buy that is actually great, but they make false accusations about it and make me feel 'shunned' for buying it.

I guess all of those games suck, but what do I know? I've only played more than half of them. But, then again, it's all a matter of personal taste. Not everyone likes all the same things as everyone else. Those are just the games that are out right now, there is a lot more coming soon. Uncharted 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, ModNation Racers, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, etc.

And I hate to break it to you guys, but playing a game of Search and Destroy in COD4 on Xbox Live is the same thing as playing a game of Search and Destroy in COD4 on PSN. BOTH online services have online stores with movies, tv shows, games, demos, game videos, themes, and anything else they feel like selling us. BOTH online services let us have a friends list. BOTH allow voice chat, text chat, text messages. BOTH online services use servers. PSN doesn't only use our own consoles for servers, only some games allow that. The only difference is that one costs $50 a year, to do what BOTH services do. And one is free. PSN also comes with PlayStaion Home, an online world that's entirely revolved around the games we play. And do not try saying PSN has connection issues. It does not.

And here are some highly praised 360 games off the top of my head that have 'jumped ship' to PS3. ( + = new content/features for PS3 version)
Lost Planet +
Bioshock +
Eternal Sonata +
Castle Crashers
Alone in the Dark +
Blood Bowl
Dead Rising
The Last Remnant +
Mini Ninjas
Ninja Gaiden II +
Overlord +
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Saint's Row 2
Vampire Rain +
Tales of Vesperia +

Last Feberuary, Sony reported over 20 million PSN users, while Xbox Live had just over 17 million.

Call me a fanboy if you want, I don't care. Atleast I can present you all with facts, and not just bullshit coming straight out of my throat. If you don't like the PS3, deal. You don't need to jump on the bandwagon and bitch about it without even personally experiencing any of the **** you're talking about. PS3 players enjoy their PS3's. 360 players enjoy their 360's. Everyone should be happy. Not trying to force the other party into seeing why they fail at life for choosing the opposing console.[/$.02]
No matter how much you show what games have switched from Xbox to PS3, the Xbox is still far superior to the PS3 in any gaming situation. Out of ALL of those games you mentioned above, I have only ever cared for two, maybe three. Let's see most of them are gay Final Fantasy rip-offs, sucky RTS's that you play when NOTHING else seems fun, or just blow (Saints Row).

Let's see the Xbox has Forza (best Sim-Racing game with car modification), Halo (pre-mentioned), Gears (arguabley the best FPS to play IMO), COD (which is much bigger on Xbox Live than PSN), Dirt (best rally game EVER!!), and a usually forgotten Command and Conquer, Halo Wars, and my all-time favorite to just kick some ***, Crackdown.

You're PSN vs. Xbox Live facts are false. Those are the numbers for the number of REGISTERED users, meaning that they have an account but may or may not use it. The number for Xbox Live is for ACTIVE users, meaning they play on Xbox Live at least once a month.

Ofcourse PSN has more registered users, it's ******* free, but none of them play online. End of story.

Now to krenogin's point. Graphics don't mean **** unless you're playing on anything above a 37-40 inch TV, or are sitting ~5 feet away. I can have an Xbox and a PS3 playing PIP and MAYBE be able to tell a slight difference. Yes the PS3 has more capabilities, but even now BOTH the Xbox and PS3 only run maybe 70% max power. The Xbox is formatted to play 1080p, as it was originally even though HDMI hadn't been integrated yet. Component still carries 1080p just in analog form which causes a lower quality. Blu-Rays are a scam. Anything in Blu-Ray format can be compressed to fit on a DL DVD. Don't believe me, go download a SecretMyth release of a Blu-Ray movie (usually under 3GB at the MOST) and tell me there is a difference in picture over what you buy in store. It's Sony's way to lie to the public to make more money.

In the end it's just like the way the Big 3 are now, consider Microsoft as Ford and Sony as Chevy or Chrysler. Ford doesn't produce the highest HP cars, but builds reliable cars that can handle what they put out and are nothing more than what the people need. Chevy however produces the faster cars at a higher price, with usually a worser quality (debatable I know just play along). Now, who has survived best so far? Ford ofcourse. Hmmm now why is that? Because even though they're still playing the market, they are being smart about it.

Many people don't need wireless internet, because they know it sucks. Wireless maxes out at usually something half of the speeds hard-wiring would offer. The PS3 still only has Draft-N (full N is not available), which means that the speed still sucks to hard-wiring. Wireless is growing more common, but still underlying in the real world.

I'm not bashing anything, but you're throwing facts that have no underlying truth other than biased research. I love both, I own both, but I'm am not going to ignore that Sony overcharged me for something that is only talked-up more so than what it truly is. The Wii is still the best console and it doesn't compare to either the Xbox or the PS3, but it's the games it has and the fun experienced by them. The PS3 just doesn't have anything that truly excites me, sure it's "cool", most of it is actually. But the real truth is until the price drop is wasn't honestly worth it. I barely touch my PS3 and I probably own just as many games for it as I do the 360, but many of them are single-player, or the multiplayer sucks. Fact.

It's still cool to have both, just like it'd be cool to have a Camaro and a Mustang. But in the end which is more worth it is the question.
Old 09-14-2009, 10:43 PM
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do you all even understand what resolution is? 720p vs 1080p on the same tv if you cannot tell the difference then im not going to argue. research and get rebuttals, and some people prefer wireless for the heck of not running a wire. i play and run lan parties, wireless really screws with the latency, but if your just there to download things from PSNor LIVE your not gonna max out wireless down speeds, even draft n unless sprint or wherever you get your internet (im stuck with suddenlink at 3megabitsps) lets you have no limit on your speed, then you will see a difference, unless your downloading at more than 2 megaBYTES a second, you wont max it. for gaming upload speeds where its at,, and most upload speeds are no more than 1Mbit or around there. if your into the console for gaming, either ones just as good, but if your looking for more than a game console get a PS3, thats all their is to it.
Old 09-15-2009, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by krenogin
do you all even understand what resolution is? 720p vs 1080p on the same tv if you cannot tell the difference then im not going to argue. research and get rebuttals, and some people prefer wireless for the heck of not running a wire. i play and run lan parties, wireless really screws with the latency, but if your just there to download things from PSNor LIVE your not gonna max out wireless down speeds, even draft n unless sprint or wherever you get your internet (im stuck with suddenlink at 3megabitsps) lets you have no limit on your speed, then you will see a difference, unless your downloading at more than 2 megaBYTES a second, you wont max it. for gaming upload speeds where its at,, and most upload speeds are no more than 1Mbit or around there. if your into the console for gaming, either ones just as good, but if your looking for more than a game console get a PS3, thats all their is to it.
Yeah we know what resolution is. Unless you are some big videophile, you cannot really see a difference between 720p and 1080p on a smaller tv set. It also depends on how far away you are sitting. I've had and have tvs with both resolutions and run high def games and movies. I have no need for a wireless gaming system considering my Xbox sits about 2 feet away from my router. The only feature my Xbox is lacking that the PS3 has, is the internet. Who gives a crap. Thats why I have a laptop. Much easier to use. PS3 has Blu Ray, well my Xbox has a 1TB harddrive hooked up to it with about 60 Blu Rays on it that I can flip through without having to get off the couch to switch out the disc.

Ultimately, it comes down to the games. For me, Xbox has the better games. I have a Wii as well, but only play it if there is someone else to play it with.
Old 09-15-2009, 01:41 PM
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Like I said, It's all a matter of preference. I just wish people would let others be happy with the console they bought, instead of throwing around all kinds of bullshit to make them feel inferior. It's been going on long enough.
Old 09-15-2009, 02:01 PM
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Old 09-15-2009, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
Thats what my g/f wanted... she likes wii sports LOL.
Old 09-15-2009, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest
Thats what my g/f wanted... she likes wii sports LOL.
sounds like a cool girl. My girlfriend loves the Wii.

I like the classics... Zelda..Mario...Tetris... and Wii gets all kinds of neat games that the other systems will never get.

Old 09-15-2009, 03:32 PM
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My girlfriend's family has a Wii. They just got Wii Sports Resort and we play it a lot. It's very competitve lol.
Old 09-15-2009, 03:55 PM
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Yeah, that table tennis game in Wii Resort can be intense sometimes.
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