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Old 07-07-2009, 03:19 PM
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Default thoughts?

Am I racist? Are you racist?

You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and you think it's OK.

But when I call you Kike, Towelhead, WOP, Sand-******, Camel Jockey, Gook, ****** or ***** you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.

If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students know we'd be racist.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and would call us racist.

Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them?... they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, latino, and asia clubs were not even questioned.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

I am white.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Repost if you agree.

Now watch, I'll be a racist for posting this.
So watch no one will repost this for fear of being called racist
Old 07-07-2009, 03:27 PM
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this is a good point, and why is it theres no white history month???
Old 07-07-2009, 03:31 PM
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I agree 100% bro! Somehow a new term has been coined called "REVERSE RACISM". HTF is this even possible? Isnt racism raceist anyway you look at it? When the word "reacist comes up, it is always automaticly assumed that its whites against the blacks. Well I am here to say. I am white and I HAVE been disciminated against because of it, I know I have several times. Its like black, asians, middle easterners, and others are not capable of being racist. Only the whites can do that. I CALL BULL ****.

Anyway Im gonna end my rant before I get banned. LOL

But I DO agree brother! Keep on preachin! LOL
Old 07-07-2009, 03:40 PM
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My view on all of that is that throughout history, white's have always viewed themselves above others and the superior race. We forced blacks to be slaves, we gave Asians crap because they looked different. There is a black history month to remember where they've come from and the bridges that they've crossed to be viewed as equals in today's society. White folks don't have a white history month because all there is to remember for white's is how they've always been douchebags and put people down because they're different. Not quite something you want to keep reminding people of.

Quite honestly, I have yet to meet one white dude who is actually offended by being called "Honkey" or "Cracker", etc, etc...

And I'm almost offended to think that some people think that white's somehow deserve their own history month. It's rediculous. White's never had to face the adversity that other races have.
Old 07-07-2009, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by King
My view on all of that is that throughout history, white's have always viewed themselves above others and the superior race. We forced blacks to be slaves, we gave Asians crap because they looked different. There is a black history month to remember where they've come from and the bridges that they've crossed to be viewed as equals in today's society. White folks don't have a white history month because all there is to remember for white's is how they've always been douchebags and put people down because they're different. Not quite something you want to keep reminding people of.

Quite honestly, I have yet to meet one white dude who is actually offended by being called "Honkey" or "Cracker", etc, etc...

And I'm almost offended to think that some people think that white's somehow deserve their own history month. It's rediculous. White's never had to face the adversity that other races have.
i dont see how whites are douchebags if the blacks were not runing wild and had a civilization back then i dont think whites would have made them slaves.

yes the white race made mistakes but the black race needs to get over it, people are people if there white black Mexican it does not mean any thing. if every one was not a stuck up ***** there would not have been history months becouse people would see there all the same.
Old 07-07-2009, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by 3.8for the win
the white race made mistakes but the black race needs to get over it
Wow, dude. Just wow. Suddenly I feel like breaking into your house, kicking your puppy and keying our car and telling you to get over it. lol.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:06 PM
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I really don't care. Skin color is skin color. What's it matter? There's a lot bigger things to worry about.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by King
Wow, dude. Just wow. Suddenly I feel like breaking into your house, kicking your puppy and keying our car and telling you to get over it. lol.
so are saying that you wouldn't get over what happened to your great great great grandparents??

im sorry but if black had whites as slaves and we got are freedom and are grandparents that are dead and gone had to be slaves thats to bad. they would have made there wrongs right by giving us freedom so i would forgive them and forget it happened.

i just think black people need to forget about it and use the freedom there grandparents did not have.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:27 PM
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No, I wouldn't forget about it. Knowing and respecting the past is the first step to not repeating it. Granted there are a lot of folks who take advantage of their race, I still don't think just up and getting over it is a great idea.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:33 PM
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Im staying out of this one.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:41 PM
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I'm a conservative so I agree partially. Then on other points I disagree.

There are no white derogatory words that get to me, but when someone says "polack" I take offense, I just do.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by King
My view on all of that is that throughout history, white's have always viewed themselves above others and the superior race.
seriously? I have never felt that way. have you? doubt it, so how can you say that?

Originally Posted by King
We forced blacks to be slaves, we gave Asians crap because they looked different. There is a black history month to remember where they've come from and the bridges that they've crossed to be viewed as equals in today's society.
ok...i agree somewhat. but white people get crap for being white as well... maybe not in your neighborhood...but trust me... it happens.

Originally Posted by King
White folks don't have a white history month because all there is to remember for white's is how they've always been douchebags and put people down because they're different. Not quite something you want to keep reminding people of.
ok...thats just retarded.

Originally Posted by King
Quite honestly, I have yet to meet one white dude who is actually offended by being called "Honkey" or "Cracker", etc, etc...
doesnt mean it doesnt offend.

Originally Posted by King
And I'm almost offended to think that some people think that white's somehow deserve their own history month. It's rediculous. White's never had to face the adversity that other races have.
I dont think white ppl need a history month. but, to say whites have never had to face adversity... ever been to South Africa? I am friends with a white guy who grew up in South africa... you wouldnt believe the **** he and his family and his friends and their families went through.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:46 PM
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All your points are very very true Zig.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:51 PM
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I will not go as far as saying that anyone should just get over it. But I will say there is a double standard and everyone knows it. The thing mentioned above about BET is 100% correct. It would be called racist and kicked off the air if somebody did WET (White Entertainment TV), and THATS just a TV channel! So many people sit back and use their race as an excuse as to why they are in and out of jail for gang banging and selling drugs. I dont give a **** WHO comes up in WHAT hood. If you want to get out of it. . . . you CAN. If you want to glamorize the gang banging rapper on TV and aspire to be just like him, then DONT blame the whites or anyone else for your poor choices in life. Everyone has the opportunity to get an education and make something of theirselves, if someone chooses to sell drugs and not go to school then thats on them not on another race.

Im just really tired of the double standards today. Orgs. like NAACP, NNCF, and many others have by FAR out served their usefullness. This is a different society today. Back in the '40s and '50s. . . . . yeah those programs were needed, but not anymore, not in todays world.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by '02SilverBullet
I will not go as far as saying that anyone should just get over it. But I will say there is a double standard and everyone knows it. The thing mentioned above about BET is 100% correct. It would be called racist and kicked off the air if somebody did WET (White Entertainment TV), and THATS just a TV channel! So many people sit back and use their race as an excuse as to why they are in and out of jail for gang banging and selling drugs. I dont give a **** WHO comes up in WHAT hood. If you want to get out of it. . . . you CAN. If you want to glamorize the gang banging rapper on TV and aspire to be just like him, then DONT blame the whites or anyone else for your poor choices in life. Everyone has the opportunity to get an education and make something of theirselves, if someone chooses to sell drugs and not go to school then thats on them not on another race.

Im just really tired of the double standards today. Orgs. like NAACP, NNCF, and many others have by FAR out served their usefullness. This is a different society today. Back in the '40s and '50s. . . . . yeah those programs were needed, but not anymore, not in todays world.
thank you.
Old 07-07-2009, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
seriously? I have never felt that way. have you? doubt it, so how can you say that?
Have I? No. But throughout history whites have put themselves above others. To say that's a lie is bullshit.

Originally Posted by zigzagg321
ok...i agree somewhat. but white people get crap for being white as well... maybe not in your neighborhood...but trust me... it happens.
Did I say whites didn't get crap for being white? No. But Blacks don't have a history month just because of some name-calling.

Originally Posted by zigzagg321
ok...thats just retarded.
How can it be retarded? Or wait, did you mean stupid? How is calling that retarded any different than me calling you a "Honkey" or "Cracker"?

Originally Posted by zigzagg321
doesnt mean it doesnt offend.
Answered in #2

Originally Posted by zigzagg321
I dont think white ppl need a history month. but, to say whites have never had to face adversity... ever been to South Africa? I am friends with a white guy who grew up in South africa... you wouldnt believe the **** he and his family and his friends and their families went through.
I'm talking America, Dave. Outside of America yeah, it's a different story.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:02 PM
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its retarded because...
Originally Posted by King
White folks don't have a white history month because all there is to remember for white's is how they've always been douchebags and put people down because they're different. Not quite something you want to keep reminding people of.
I dont remember any of my white friends or family members that way. do you remember yours that way?
Old 07-07-2009, 05:04 PM
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I would just like to add that the Jews had it much worse. I am not racist and I will put down anyone of any skin color if they are a worthless drain on society. Sure I do stereotype from time to time, but come on, some stereotypes are so true you can't hide it. YES ASIANS ARE BAD DRIVERS, period. There were white people who weren't douchebags back in the day during slavery. There were whites that did fight for independance for blacks. What about those guys? I don't think you can bring up the whole slavery card if in fact, you, your parents, your grandparents, great grandparents, etc. were never slaves. No I don't think it's fair that all these other races get their own special groups and that's not considered racist. If everyone wants to be treated equally then they have to deal with certain things. You can't have this, but not that. It doesn't work that way. Women wanted to be treated equally. They can't get paid the same, but do less work. Everything needs to be fair.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by King

Have I? No. But throughout history whites have put themselves above others. To say that's a lie is bullshit.


Did I say whites didn't get crap for being white? No. But Blacks don't have a history month just because of some name-calling.


How can it be retarded? Or wait, did you mean stupid? How is calling that retarded any different than me calling you a "Honkey" or "Cracker"?

Answered in #2


I'm talking America, Dave. Outside of America yeah, it's a different story.

1. some have, not all like you imply.

2. obviously, but the double standard still exists.

3. see above post

4. see #2

5. for the most part I am too...but non Caucasians being racist towards Caucasians is a common thing in many parts of America. I have personally experienced this.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:06 PM
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...I blame the reverend Jesse Jackson. OH! and Al sharpton.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:08 PM
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My great grandparents were, even my grandma is hesitant about anyone non-white. Even that not so in-your-face stuff like grabbing your wallet on the subway because there is a black man within proximity of your pocket. He's black, so he must want a white mans wallet, right? I meant all of the white people that do that ridiculous ****.

Does it still happen? Yes.

I don't know why everyone keeps denying it.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by King
My great grandparents were, even my grandma is hesitant about anyone non-white. Even that not so in-your-face stuff like grabbing your wallet on the subway because there is a black man within proximity of your pocket. He's black, so he must want a white mans wallet, right? I meant all of the white people that do that ridiculous ****.

Does it still happen? Yes.

I don't know why everyone keeps denying it.
and I dont know why tons of people deny that there is a VALID reason why one might grab their wallet, or cross to the other side of the street...etc.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by King
My great grandparents were, even my grandma is hesitant about anyone non-white. Even that not so in-your-face stuff like grabbing your wallet on the subway because there is a black man within proximity of your pocket. He's black, so he must want a white mans wallet, right? I meant all of the white people that do that ridiculous ****.

Does it still happen? Yes.

I don't know why everyone keeps denying it.
I'm not denying it. I know it happens. Just because some of my relatives were racist doesn't mean I am. It also doesn't mean I should give anyone that's not white any special treatment. I will treat everyone the same way unless they give me a reason not to. By the way, one of my relatives was a grand wizard for the kkk, but I don't follow that crap. I think they were all dumb rednecks.
Old 07-07-2009, 05:40 PM
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I tried.

King, you have an extremly narrow view on things.

Whites feel they are better than others?

1) Chinese feel they are better than tebetians, japanese feel superior to koreans, mongols feel they are superior to chinese, french think they are better than anyone. Puerto Ricans think they are better than Mexicans. Let me clue you into the fact that the world does not stop outside the US borders, Every race has felt superior to another race, even black people feel better than mexicans.

2) And why the hell am i "White"? Im around 10% sweedish and 90% norweigan. Not spanish (yes, spain is white), not russian, not french, not australian, maybe it was the goddamn english that are the problem? maybe it was the germans? why do all white peopl get lumped together?

3) White people dont deserve a Recognition month? Why not, for curing Polio? or putting a man on the moon? not a lot of black people in the 60's nasa programs. White people invented the automobile, the airplane, the locomotive, roadways, modern weaponry, computers, just about every single safety device in a japanese car, journeyed across the pacific ocean in boats, re-defined medicine for the entire world, yes, there are some minorities in there but the workforce that created all those things is predominatly white. These accomplishments had NOTHING to do with being white, but dont say that white people are so bad.

This self loathing you have and shame of your great great great grand daddy cause he owned tyrones great great great great grandaddy is a complete waste of time.

Dont sit there and say that white people are the problems of everthing. Black people enslaved black people, white people enslaved white people, japanese enslaved koreans and vice verca, wherever you got this narrowminded view that apparently the only slavery was "White people enslaving black people" is so ignorant it is laughable.

As for the grabbing the wallet when a black person is near, lets for once just TRY to forget about race and think about this.

The younger black americans seem hell bent on looking up to rich thugs that glamorize crime and seem to outright reject any kind of morality or honesty.

the Media puts them out there like they are the coolest **** on earth, they feel an attachment to these people because of the horsecrap they spout out about how they are vicitms of the streets and such rather than to man up to thier own actions.

the kids like this because it offshelves thier own lack of motivation and thier shortcomings as being everyone elses fault and it validates thier immoral actions. and then they actually have the nerve to try to pass this off as cultural heritage in order to give credit to thier actions.

It is not just Black kids who are under this spell, you should know this because you live in a very white area.

So when you grab your wallet, is it because you see a black kid?

Or because you see somone wearing baggy pants, a red shirt, a red hat on sideways with a red jacket handing around his elbows

Put a white kid, an asian kid, a hispanic kid, and you will have the same reaction, Garaunteed!

Now, why dont you put that black kid in some nice lee jeans that actually buckle around the waist and a volcom tee shirt. Are you still grabbing your wallet? or are you saying whats up?

Maybe if so many of the black youth would actually reject the thugs and criminals that glorify slinging crack and shooting people, and maybe try out Metallica or ACDC and not put every ouunce of thier energy into looking like a thug things would be better.

Its not just black kdids that do this, far too many kids of all races are into this "Thug" look. Then they bitch because somone looks down at them.

absolutly rediculous the entire thing.

but get off your "White people are bad cause they had slaves" standpoint, wakeup call, EVERYONE had slaves. And guess what the white people did? they acknowledged it was wrong and most of them were passionate enough about it they damn near dismantled the entire nation they sacrificed so much to build in order to free and enslaved people that would still hate them for generations.

Read some history. The people who wanted to keep slaves wanted them because they were cheap labor, they were opportinistic wealthy fatcats who held politicial ties, it wasnt just the general white population. It was the general white population that kicked the **** out of those fatcats and freed all thier slaves.

its not like a bunch of black people told white people to stop, it was the other white people that are good human beings that for some reason you dont seem to believe exist.

Old 07-07-2009, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper
Im staying out of this one.
I was wondering how long that'd last.

I'm not as narrow-minded as it's coming across, I just wasn't born with the ability to share my thoughts as well as others.

To revise everything I've said:

My view on all of that is that throughout history, SOME white's have viewed themselves above others as the superior race. And therefore have given the entire white race a bad name. Some of those bad white-folks forced blacks to be slaves, and gave Asians crap because they looked different. There is a black history month to remember where they've come from and the bridges that they've crossed to be viewed as equals in today's society. The bad white folks don't have screwed the chance of getting a white history month for the rest of us because all anybody remembers of the white's is how they've always been douchebags and put people down because they're different. Not quite something you want to keep reminding people of.

I, personally don't care if I'm called "Honkey", "Cracker" or anything like that, however I, too take offense to being called a Polack.

And although there is a lot that the white community has done that is in a positive light, it's those nasty white folk that have given a bad name to the color of our skin.
Originally Posted by king
Yes, there have been a few in the white race that have made mistakes, although I think it is unwise to just say "Get over it"
Originally Posted by king
#1 Quote:
Originally Posted by zigzagg321
seriously? I have never felt that way. have you? doubt it, so how can you say that?

Have I? No. But throughout history SOME whites have put themselves above others. To say that's a lie is bullshit.

#2 Quote:
Originally Posted by zigzagg321
ok...i agree somewhat. but white people get crap for being white as well... maybe not in your neighborhood...but trust me... it happens.

Did I say some whites didn't get crap for being white? No. But Blacks don't have a history month just because of some name-calling. Granted Blacks aren't the only ones to be put through slavery, but (to me) they got the worst of it (in the US). Don't hate, it's just personal opinion.

#3 Quote:
Originally Posted by zigzagg321
ok...thats just retarded.

How can it be retarded? Or wait, did you mean stupid? How is calling that retarded any different than me calling you a "Honkey" or "Cracker"?
(I stand by this one)

#4 Quote:
Originally Posted by zigzagg321
doesnt mean it doesnt offend.

Answered in #2

#5 Quote:
Originally Posted by zigzagg321
I dont think white ppl need a history month. but, to say whites have never had to face adversity... ever been to South Africa? I am friends with a white guy who grew up in South africa... you wouldnt believe the **** he and his family and his friends and their families went through.

Outside of America? Sure, it's a different story. I had a friend (who is white) that grew up in South Africa too, you know. I know the conditions, but I'm talking about America here.
Originally Posted by king
It's hard for me to forget what blacks specifically have gone through because my grandma doesn't want anything to do with them. They haven't done anything to her, but for whatever reason she doesn't like them. So as much as I'd like to "forget about it", I'm constantly reminded of what they have to go through almost every day (if I'm out with my Grandma, that is)
Old 07-07-2009, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by King
I was wondering how long that'd last.

Hey, you know me!
Old 07-07-2009, 07:13 PM
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Old 07-07-2009, 07:16 PM
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Jack, I think I'm in love with you.
Old 07-07-2009, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by PColav6

Old 07-07-2009, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by SeanStang
Jack, I think I'm in love with you.
Well this is July, im sure in August ill go on another diatribe that will make you think im out of my freaking mind.


Quick Reply: thoughts?

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