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r3dn3ck 09-27-2007 01:07 PM

Ever been really hassled by the cops?

This guy has.

I don't know this guy but I want to ask each of you to call the St. Louis police department and demand an internal investigation of the entire department. The officers that he taped and turned in for harassment have taken to stalking him.

Don't let them get away with it. Cops aren't above the law and they don't make the law. Make sure they know which side of the fence they're on.

Get em boys. Remember police use the site they mention so if you plan to post stupid stuff that will get you in jail, post from the library.

r3dn3ck 09-27-2007 01:19 PM

you can email their cheif through this addy:

JackThe Ripper 09-27-2007 01:46 PM

seen this discussed on some other boards.

what suprises me is how many people think the kid was in the wrong and the cop should have arrested him

i think the cop should be fired. He lost his cool when dealing with a kid and started threating to trump up false charges. He obviously does not have the integrity and professionalism to be a police officer.

StreetRacer 09-27-2007 02:46 PM

that was hilarious...i loved the officer number 2 part....poor guy walked in on a load of bs...okay here it comes...while i think that officer number one was obviously drunk or gay for wasting all that time on the kid...i kinda think the kid was looking for what he got....i kinda think he was looking for a lawsuit...and for that i say many of you keep your car loaded with hidden cameras and then park in a dark lot?...i kept hidden cameras in my bedroom but never my car...the kid came looking for trouble and found an asshole cop who unfortunately was dumb enough to oblige him....personally i hate professional lawsuit hounds

stanger00 09-27-2007 03:02 PM

it looks staged to me.

JackThe Ripper 09-27-2007 03:18 PM

who cares if he was loking for this? who cares if he intentionally went somewhere where he would be snooped at?

he was in a 24hr commuter parking lot. he had every right to be there.

The cop is a douchebag, and should be fired. The fact that this kid probably went looking for this tells me that either..

A) The kid is a douchebag and just looks to get cops in trouble

B) The kid has been harassed and screwed by the local enforcement in the past and is looking to find proof, or just looking to watch his back.

Either way, it makes NO difference. He BUSTED the cop. The cop straight up threatened to make up FALSE charges. The cop constantly insulted, demeaned, and antagonized the kid. The cop showed absolutly ZERO level of professionalism, he demonstratde a complete lack of integrity and honor. The cop SHOULD be should be fired. Plain and simple.

Everyone focuses on the kid, however if the cop had acted in the way that his badge mandates, he would not have been in this trouble.

And even if this kid DOES just go out looking to catch cops acting like pigs, well, GOOD FOR HIM. He is not doing ANYTHING illegal, any decent cop in this situation would have acted appropriatly and there would have nothing of interest on the tape..

I believe most people in law enforcement are honest people with integrity, however there IS a small percentage that are NOT worthy of the badge. However, since they have the badge everyone takes thier word over everyone they screw over, and this is the kind of crap that gives police a bad name. How many other people might this cop have fucked over?

I applaud this kid for having the brains to watch his back like this.

And if he gets a lawsuit, well, he fucking deserves it. If the cop would have acted in a way befitting an officer of the law, then this wouldnt even be an issue would it?

zigzagg321 09-27-2007 03:43 PM

exactly Jack.


01GTBlown 09-27-2007 03:43 PM

WOW, that cop needs to be fired. I think the kid should we awarded some cash for harrassment!

03gtmustang 09-27-2007 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284352)
that was hilarious...i loved the officer number 2 part....poor guy walked in on a load of bs...okay here it comes...while i think that officer number one was obviously drunk or gay for wasting all that time on the kid...i kinda think the kid was looking for what he got....i kinda think he was looking for a lawsuit...and for that i say many of you keep your car loaded with hidden cameras and then park in a dark lot?...i kept hidden cameras in my bedroom but never my car...the kid came looking for trouble and found an asshole cop who unfortunately was dumb enough to oblige him....personally i hate professional lawsuit hounds

Cops do the same stuff to catch people. So why can't we do something to catch bad cops? Seems pretty fair to me.

StreetRacer 09-27-2007 04:47 PM

zigg i agree that the cop was an ass...i sorta doubt he'll be fired...i know cops who have shot up bars who are still workin after a suspension and they were found with gun in hand still drunk as a skunk...i just dont like lawsuit hounds who go out lookin for trouble...yeah the cop was an asshole....if i were his boss i might not want him on my force either but this kid pulled 2 cops into his game and kept them there how long? maybe on the next block some chick was gettin robbed or maybe some drunk driver was stumblin to his car...that dumb game the kid played put someones life at risk for what...thats what i dont like about it...i've never been a ticket writin local cop but i know about enforcin laws and savin lives...i just think its hard enough without somebody stirrin the pot...and listen i know we can hear the cop being an ass and the kid sounds in the right...but we all know how that game can sound one way and totally look another

"officer i'm sorry and i know i shouldnt be here"

"officer i'm sorry and i know i shouldnt be here" while rolling your eyes... is a totally different vibe

if everything was on the up and up i'd be totally on the kids side and damn the cop...but the kid went looking for it and for that i cant stand behind him

lanmas23 09-27-2007 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284352)
...i kept hidden cameras in my bedroom but never my car...

streetracers a perv and keeps hidden cameras in his room!

StreetRacer 09-27-2007 04:56 PM

just picture your mom walkin home from a train station and shes approached by a group of thugs....there should be 2 cops on that corner but where are they??? they got sidetracked into a dark parking lot cause johnny quest wanted to set up a cop now mom is very uncomfortable walking down that street and for what...yeah the butthole cop might have stopped how many good kids with his bs...but how many good cops did the kid test?

StreetRacer 09-27-2007 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by lanmas23 (Post 284366)
streetracers a perv and keeps hidden cameras in his room!

nanny cams are all the rage...they can be in alarm clocks ...soda cans..even screws in the wall and bro...they have night vision!!!

Codiddy 09-27-2007 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Jack (Post 284355)

B) The kid has been harassed and screwed by the local enforcement in the past and is looking to find proof, or just looking to watch his back.

In his interview on CNN, the guy said he had the camera because he had gotten a bogus ticket before and wanted to make sure it didn't happen again.

JackThe Ripper 09-27-2007 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284367)
just picture your mom walkin home from a train station and shes approached by a group of thugs....there should be 2 cops on that corner but where are they??? they got sidetracked into a dark parking lot cause johnny quest wanted to set up a cop now mom is very uncomfortable walking down that street and for what...yeah the butthole cop might have stopped how many good kids with his bs...but how many good cops did the kid test?

I would actually wonder why the hell the cops pulled some kid over for "Failing to use a signal" when he clearly did, i would also wonder why they are harassing somebody who pulled into a commuter parking lot which is in fact open 24/7.

the cops made thier own decisions, i seriously doubt the kid was just trying to egg on cops. Chances are he has been screwed in the past by the police in that area or he knows many people who have so he figured he would keep a camera in his car for this purpose.

i really dont see anything done by the kid to make the assumptions that he was instigating or provoking anything. The cop makes no remarks about him rolling his eyes, the kids tone was what wouldd be expected when talking to the police.

if somebody is getting raped 3 blocks down, it is not the kids fault, the cop made his own decision to pull over somebody for a bogus reason.

the cop even claimed he pulled him over because he did not use a turn signal when turning into the parking lot. You can clearly see in the video that the kid gets tagged by the radar and his detector goes off, he immediatly turns on his turn signal at 4 seconds into the video, and turns at 7 seconds in the video. he pulls in, promptly parks.

I dont see anything there that is suspicious, he is in a commuter parking that which is open 24/7. He used his turn signal.

The cop says the lot is not open, he is wrong. The cop also claims he did not use his signal which he clearly did.

Sorry man, it really seems to me like full on harassment. I dont see anything done by the kid to provoke the officer.

I understand what yer saying about lawquit hounds, but i dont see this kid as being a lawsuit hound. i figure he was probably covering his ass.

JackThe Ripper 09-27-2007 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 284370)
In his interview on CNN, the guy said he had the camera because he had gotten a bogus ticket before and wanted to make sure it didn't happen again.


i dont understand the need that so many people have to come down on the kid. It certainly looks like he was just covering his ass, after seeing how the cop handled the situation i cant blame him for doing so.

zigzagg321 09-27-2007 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by Jack (Post 284371)
I would actually wonder why the hell the cops pulled some kid over for "Failing to use a signal" when he clearly did, i would also wonder why they are harassing somebody who pulled into a commuter parking lot which is in fact open 24/7.

the cops made thier own decisions, i seriously doubt the kid was just trying to egg on cops. Chances are he has been screwed in the past by the police in that area or he knows many people who have so he figured he would keep a camera in his car for this purpose.

i really dont see anything done by the kid to make the assumptions that he was instigating or provoking anything. The cop makes no remarks about him rolling his eyes, the kids tone was what wouldd be expected when talking to the police.

if somebody is getting raped 3 blocks down, it is not the kids fault, the cop made his own decision to pull over somebody for a bogus reason.

the cop even claimed he pulled him over because he did not use a turn signal when turning into the parking lot. You can clearly see in the video that the kid gets tagged by the radar and his detector goes off, he immediatly turns on his turn signal at 4 seconds into the video, and turns at 7 seconds in the video. he pulls in, promptly parks.

I dont see anything there that is suspicious, he is in a commuter parking that which is open 24/7. He used his turn signal.

The cop says the lot is not open, he is wrong. The cop also claims he did not use his signal which he clearly did.

Sorry man, it really seems to me like full on harassment. I dont see anything done by the kid to provoke the officer.

I understand what yer saying about lawquit hounds, but i dont see this kid as being a lawsuit hound. i figure he was probably covering his ass.

Originally Posted by Jack (Post 284372)

i dont understand the need that so many people have to come down on the kid. It certainly looks like he was just covering his ass, after seeing how the cop handled the situation i cant blame him for doing so.




Nofire 09-27-2007 07:34 PM

+1 I hate prick cops. I've had them pull me over b/c someone else did something (car next to me squalled his tires). He didn't believe me and wrote me a careless driving ticket for it. He pulled me out of the car and after a heated debate started coming toward me. If the other cop with him (who was cool the entire time) didn't jump between us it would have been very ugly. From that point on I've really not liked cops.

v6'stang 09-27-2007 07:56 PM

idk man. from reading some posts on another forum they mention in the article, they had a history, and just put urself in the cops situation ya got a bunch of little punkasses trying to get ya fired. think of it as you're job at the burger hut, ya got some asshole that keeps coming in and says ur fucking up his order, or harasses ya. oh sure you're going to keep you're cool everytime and never go off on this guy. no, i'm not defending the cop, he should have kept his cool, maybe it is time for him to retire. but yea, this kid is TRYING to get the cops to go over the edge. yea the story is going to go along w/the kids perspective. i'm sure the kid and his friends are quality stand up citizens, there's no doubt about that. as for the kid parking in a commuter parkinglot at 2sumthin' in the morning. at that time i'm suspicious of every car parked in a near empty parking lot. and yea the cop can stop them for being suspicous and make sure he's not fucking a hooker or shootin' up some heroin. as for the cop making up why he stopped him, yea bad move big time. ok, to wrap this up, no i didn't watch the vid, damn dialup, so feel free to fill me in on it.

theponyfactor 09-28-2007 08:50 AM

if you click the link you can read the entire thing...oh and wow, just wow.

madmatt 09-28-2007 09:00 AM

Cop was a total prick. Hope he gets fired, there is NO need for attitudes like that when the kid did NOTHING wrong.

Im so glad I got one of the greatest cops in the world 3 weeks ago.

03gtmustang 09-28-2007 09:10 AM

Cops try to get people in trouble by setting up stings. I see no difference here.

r3dn3ck 09-28-2007 10:54 AM

Cops get themselves fired for forgetting that they're people like the rest of us and they are obliged to treat those they police with respect and courtesy. It's nothing personal, it's just business. Fuck even the mafia got that little gem down.

I've had my run-ins. I have to say though that when you know for a fact you've done nothing wrong, it's fun to screw with the ones that think they're better than you just cuz they have a tin star and a gun.

StreetRacer 09-28-2007 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 284457)
Fuck even the mafia got that little gem down.

lmao....never really been around them have you

Codiddy 09-28-2007 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 284401)
idk man. from reading some posts on another forum they mention in the article, they had a history, and just put urself in the cops situation ya got a bunch of little punkasses trying to get ya fired. think of it as you're job at the burger hut, ya got some asshole that keeps coming in and says ur fucking up his order, or harasses ya. oh sure you're going to keep you're cool everytime and never go off on this guy. no, i'm not defending the cop, he should have kept his cool, maybe it is time for him to retire. but yea, this kid is TRYING to get the cops to go over the edge. yea the story is going to go along w/the kids perspective. i'm sure the kid and his friends are quality stand up citizens, there's no doubt about that. as for the kid parking in a commuter parkinglot at 2sumthin' in the morning. at that time i'm suspicious of every car parked in a near empty parking lot. and yea the cop can stop them for being suspicous and make sure he's not fucking a hooker or shootin' up some heroin. as for the cop making up why he stopped him, yea bad move big time. ok, to wrap this up, no i didn't watch the vid, damn dialup, so feel free to fill me in on it.

Don't worry i could tell by what you wrote you haven't actually watched the video.

zigzagg321 09-28-2007 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 284522)
Don't worry i could tell by what you wrote you haven't actually watched the video.

lol...thats what i was thinking...WTF?

HokieStang00 09-29-2007 08:44 AM

Anyone else notice he lied about his detector? Sure sounded to me like that thing was on during the whole video.

v6'stang 09-30-2007 06:09 AM

yea sry bout not watchin' the video, nobody wants to run a mile of wire to get my ass highspeed anything. everyone we've tried is like nope, BUT you're on our list! fuck that. hecked i think i'd prolly still be here tryin' to watch the dang thing.

StreetRacer 09-30-2007 06:39 AM

i watched it again and i have to say the kid was an ass who shoulda caught a beatin...

1. he flys into the lot coming thisclose to the police cruiser sitting at the entrance
2. he zooms to a lil corner of the lot and adjusts his cameras and mics before turning up his loud rap music
3. he immediately answers the cop who approaches him with "what, i cant be here?"
4. he tells the cop a story about how he kicked an off duty cops ass

sorry but now i'm totally on the cops side...probably a hard working guy who got antagonized by this eminem wannabe...

bottom line...

kid wants to act like a friggin wig and fight the power then he shoulda caught the rodney king beating that goes along with it

JackThe Ripper 09-30-2007 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284608)
sorry but now i'm totally on the cops side...probably a hard working guy who got antagonized by this eminem wannabe...

Any cop wwho cant handle this situation without resorting to making false charges and threats doesent desereve to be a cop. plain and simple. sorry

Codiddy 09-30-2007 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by Jack (Post 284626)
Any cop wwho cant handle this situation without resorting to making false charges and threats doesent desereve to be a cop. plain and simple. sorry

seriously that guy must have failed police officer 101

StreetRacer 10-01-2007 04:18 AM

if the kid was truly innocent i'd say yeah ok but make no mistake...that kid set out to get the response he wanted...hell yeah i sent out a message to the cops chief...i told him that the kid antagonized the cop and the cop deserves a break...then my brother sent it out to the local pd's in the area and they are all backin the cop dad is a retired police chief and he sent a message to the other chiefs to back the cop....maybe his chief will listen...maybe not....but hope that lil wig doesnt win out

JackThe Ripper 10-01-2007 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284720)
if the kid was truly innocent i'd say yeah ok but make no mistake...that kid set out to get the response he wanted...hell yeah i sent out a message to the cops chief...i told him that the kid antagonized the cop and the cop deserves a break...then my brother sent it out to the local pd's in the area and they are all backin the cop dad is a retired police chief and he sent a message to the other chiefs to back the cop....maybe his chief will listen...maybe not....but hope that lil wig doesnt win out

the kid did nothing illegal... the cop is recorded threatening to abuse his power and issue false charges...

i really dont see how you are backing the kid on this.

StreetRacer 10-01-2007 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Jack (Post 284793)
the kid did nothing illegal... the cop is recorded threatening to abuse his power and issue false charges...

i really dont see how you are backing the kid on this.

because i know how hard it is for a working stiff to do a job without some lil punk settin out to make his life harder than it already is...because i've been there when some asshole is looking to get rich or make a name off of you losing it...because the cop didnt start the trouble...that kid sped past him and parked in a dark corner AND startin blastin his rap music!!! come on...what cop wouldnt go check that out?? lord knows i dont always side with cops...lord knows i have met a few who were jackasses...i've had one toss my license into the woods around 2am and leave me on the side of the family is made up of cops,feds,soldiers, lawyers, judges....and long haired i dont always believe a cop but you know how i tell the good from the bad? the bad go out looking for trouble... and this cop didnt go looking for it...that kid had a mission...

zigzagg321 10-01-2007 05:20 PM

streetracer...your priorities are messed up man.

JackThe Ripper 10-01-2007 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284817)
because i know how hard it is for a working stiff to do a job without some lil punk settin out to make his life harder than it already is...because i've been there when some asshole is looking to get rich or make a name off of you losing it...because the cop didnt start the trouble...that kid sped past him and parked in a dark corner AND startin blastin his rap music!!! come on...what cop wouldnt go check that out?? lord knows i dont always side with cops...lord knows i have met a few who were jackasses...i've had one toss my license into the woods around 2am and leave me on the side of the family is made up of cops,feds,soldiers, lawyers, judges....and long haired i dont always believe a cop but you know how i tell the good from the bad? the bad go out looking for trouble... and this cop didnt go looking for it...that kid had a mission...

How fast was the kid going? i dont remember the cop saying he was going too fast. He parked in a 24hr commuter parkinglot, if it was dark in there it isnt his job to provide floodlights. lol. and that was just basic lame techno, did anyone out there have a decible meter? i dont remember the cop making any mention to the volume of his music, if that was an issue im sure he would have.

If the kid was harassing somebody at thier job doing say, plumbing? or maybe a concrete worker? or a cable tv installer, that is one thing.

however, this was a police officer. I know they see all kinds of messed up shit. I know thier job is stressful. But it boils down to this, if the cop cannot keep his cool, he cannot do his job. He did a fantastic job of showing he cant handle dealing with a 20 year old kid without losing his professionalism and then seriously comprimising his integrity. Im sorry, but a cop should be able to do that.

A cop should be able to handle a shitty day at home, get a flat on his way to work, and get to work just to find out the doughnuts are gone and the coffee wasnt made, then get in his cop car and hit a highspeed chase, then deal with a domestic abuse situation, find out he has to pull a double, have his burgerking order wrong, and STILL be able to keep a level head and demonstrate unquestionable integrity and professionalism without taking out his frustrations on a kid and threatening to make trumped up charges.

Anything less, and they dont deserve to be a cop.

Police need to be a moral pillar. They need to have incredible patience, and need to keep thier head cool under any situation. Anything less will endanger the lives of thier fellow cops as well as endanger the public.

Most cops can do this.

If a cop cant maintain that level of professionalism and takes his anger out on some kid who doesent deserve it then he is not qualified to have a badge. he needs to find another line of work.

sorry, there is NO escuse for that behavior. I dont care if the cops dog just died. There is ZERO excuse.

Guys like that asshat in the badge give police a bad name. Cops like that are the reason so many people dont trust police. cops like that are an embarassment to the force.

If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen. plain and simple. find another job.

zigzagg321 10-01-2007 06:24 PM

/\/\well said, as usual/\/\

JackThe Ripper 10-01-2007 06:31 PM

you have to wonder now, with all the other people that cop had arrested, how many of them have extra bogus charges that stuck against them? how many people who conducted a misdemeanor now have a felony because they cop lost his cool? How many people have had thier lives ruined because the cop slapped them with false felonys and now everytime they look for a job they get denied because they were speeding in front of the wrong cop?

that is the real issue, how can any judge ever take this cops word? He has shown that he will lie. How many people have been screwed over by this guy?

the problem is his integrity has been comprimised. How can anyone ever trust him in his job again?

if the kid was looking for it, he got it. If the cop would have been professional and done his job right, then none of this would have ever happened. Well congrats! Im glad this kid did this! Now this will hopefully be one less cop who will pull this shit

StreetRacer 10-02-2007 07:04 AM

and then you have to wonder how many lives did that cop many families are intact because of him... yes the cop THREATENED to make up charges on that asswipe kid....yeah he THREATENED to arrest him but so the end he let the lil cumstain many a cop has told me it doesnt matter what you say... say what you have to is a tool in any uniformed job...this cop said a lot....maybe it was his way of trying to control the situation...did he mean what he said? maybe...maybe not...he didnt do any of the things he threatened to do...and the whole thing started because of this lil wanna be's desire to spark a i heard back from the pd that they had to fire the cop...thats too bad....but i guess political pressure can be a bitch...i hope the cop sees that kid again now that his hands arent tied

JackThe Ripper 10-02-2007 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 284899)
and then you have to wonder how many lives did that cop many families are intact because of him... yes the cop THREATENED to make up charges on that asswipe kid....yeah he THREATENED to arrest him but so the end he let the lil cumstain many a cop has told me it doesnt matter what you say... say what you have to is a tool in any uniformed job...this cop said a lot....maybe it was his way of trying to control the situation...did he mean what he said? maybe...maybe not...he didnt do any of the things he threatened to do...and the whole thing started because of this lil wanna be's desire to spark a i heard back from the pd that they had to fire the cop...thats too bad....but i guess political pressure can be a bitch...i hope the cop sees that kid again now that his hands arent tied

The amount of good the cop did is completly irrelevant.

ive said it before and ill say it again. there is ZERO escuse for this.

If a cop pulls you over and decides to be an asshole to you and you get mad, then he throws you down and says yer resisting arrest and yer stuck with a felony, are you gonna sit there and think "oh gee, its ok, im ok with having a felony, im ok with being turned down for jobs because of that, im ok with losing my right to vote, im ok with being an unjustly convicted felon, because im sure that one day that cop saved somebodys life"??????

Im still waiting for ANY evidence that this kid was doing ANYTHING other than covering his ass. The cop went apeshit over nothing. Plain and simple. I hope he is fired, he doesent deserve to be a cop.

You cant sit there and try to justify actions of criminal intent by saying he has been a good cop on other days.

When somone goes to court because they got caught with GTA, do you think it matters one bit if the car jacker is activly engaged in the boy scouts and is a good role model 90% of the time?

hell no.

same goes for these goddamn power abusing pigs.

im glad that kid had the camera. im glad he nailed that son of a bitch cause he should be booted off the force.

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