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Rosie calls US troops terrorists

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Old 05-24-2007, 02:55 PM
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Default Rosie calls US troops terrorists

I would like to smack Rosie!
Old 05-24-2007, 02:58 PM
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i've got dialup so the vids are useless to me, lol, but that fat, lezbo, dyked out bitch should shut the f up. we should give her a M-16 and send her over there! see how she likes it!
Old 05-24-2007, 03:23 PM
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i see where her heads at...i'm pretty sure to the average iraqi we ARE terrorists...matter of fact...dont they scream that all day everyday...?
Old 05-24-2007, 03:41 PM
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I guess that would depend on whether or not the particular group screaming it wants to kill us or hide behind us that day. the extremist terrorists are the enemy... rosie is just too stupid to keep her mouth shut. 600k+ civilians... I don't think so. they include terrorists in the numbers of civilians because they don't claim no crew.
Old 05-24-2007, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by StreetRacer
i see where her heads at...i'm pretty sure to the average iraqi we ARE terrorists...matter of fact...dont they scream that all day everyday...?
I don't know cause I don't know any Iraqi's, and no doubt innocent people die during wars, but I don't see our troops strapping bombs to their hummers and driving into a market or something like that. Yes, there are probably lots of Iraqi's that hate the soldiers and wish we would leave, but our soldiers aren't terrorists and their to kill innocent people on purpose.

By the way, we shouldn't even be there.....but that's for another discussion.
Old 05-24-2007, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by zigzagg321
If you are siding with that fat piece of **** lezbo then you need to GTFO of here.
uh huh...riiiight...anyway...i'm a big boy now so i understand what she said cause i actually bothered to listen to her...i do that ya know...i actually listen and watch the whole statement before i jump what she said was:


what part of that is false? they burn our flag everyday thought they loved us???? lmfao
Old 05-24-2007, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by jjtgiants
I don't know cause I don't know any Iraqi's, and no doubt innocent people die during wars, but I don't see our troops strapping bombs to their hummers and driving into a market or something like that. Yes, there are probably lots of Iraqi's that hate the soldiers and wish we would leave, but our soldiers aren't terrorists and their to kill innocent people on purpose.

By the way, we shouldn't even be there.....but that's for another discussion. arent terrorists...well except for the animals that raped and murdered that 16 year old girl...but you hit the nail on the head...we shouldnt be there...most iraqis feel that way when a foreign power invades your country and 655000 of your citizens die thereafter....yeah...TO THAT COUNTRY WE ARE THE TERRORISTS...thats all she said...
Old 05-24-2007, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by StreetRacer
i see where her heads at...i'm pretty sure to the average iraqi we ARE terrorists...matter of fact...dont they scream that all day everyday...?
no actually from what ive heard from actual soldiers many people there love us there, we liberated them. Of course there are going to be people against us being there but im almost willing to bet those are people that supported saddam.

Does anyone remember when we invaded iraq to get saddam all the people in the middle of the street celebrating and destroying the HUGE statue of saddam??

rosie is a dumb bitch, of course shes going to be agsainst the gov. she is a lesbian, im sure if we had a president that supported abortion and gay marriage then she would not be saying a word about this.
Old 05-24-2007, 04:08 PM
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OMFG can I throw something at the computer screen now. That woman has to be on crack or something.
Old 05-24-2007, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by StreetRacer
i see where her heads at...i'm pretty sure to the average iraqi we ARE terrorists...matter of fact...dont they scream that all day everyday...?
Old 05-24-2007, 05:51 PM
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yeah well... the way i heard her... she said the iraqi people think of us as dont agree with her...i do...its a matter of perspective...these people behead us..they attempt to kill us everyday in the name of their god...IN THEIR perspective...we are the bad guys...we are evil...we are terrorists...IN THEIR perspective...doesnt mean i think we are terrorist...i dont even think it means rosie thinks we are terrorist...she said TO THE IRAQI people...we are them to them to them...thats what rosie said...stop with the flag waving and chest thumpin...i've served my country probably a bit longer than a few of you and i see what shes sayin...nobody can question my patriotism...i'm just not gonna jump on the hate rosie bandwagon when its clear to me that she was taken outta worries...its funny though how some chest thumpers immediately start throwin insults when a different opinion comes along...but i appreciate the intelligent guys who just gave an opinion

heres a story and video demonstrating the feeling of love some people want you to believe the iraqis have for us
Old 05-24-2007, 06:35 PM
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Uppidy Bo-Dyke = Rosie = Piece of ****.
Old 05-24-2007, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by StreetRacer
yeah well... the way i heard her... she said the iraqi people think of us as dont agree with her...i do...its a matter of perspective...these people behead us..they attempt to kill us everyday in the name of their god...IN THEIR perspective...we are the bad guys...we are evil...we are terrorists...IN THEIR perspective...doesnt mean i think we are terrorist...i dont even think it means rosie thinks we are terrorist...she said TO THE IRAQI people...we are them to them to them...thats what rosie said...stop with the flag waving and chest thumpin...i've served my country probably a bit longer than a few of you and i see what shes sayin...nobody can question my patriotism...i'm just not gonna jump on the hate rosie bandwagon when its clear to me that she was taken outta worries...its funny though how some chest thumpers immediately start throwin insults when a different opinion comes along...but i appreciate the intelligent guys who just gave an opinion

heres a story and video demonstrating the feeling of love some people want you to believe the iraqis have for us

You have to understand that just because you see on CNN about how bad the situation is in Iraq, how we are losing 15 of our dedicated troops a week because of IEDs,they aren't telling you the good that is happening here, yes, there is GOOD happening there.

There are many iraqis that appreciate us being there, of course - there are some major civil struggles going on over there, but the whole country isn't against us.

Quite a few of the insurgents that are fighting against us are infact not Iraqis, insurgents are coming into Iraq from it's border countries.

The Insurgents are as much against the majority of their own people as they are the US and coalition forces, 50 civilians, these include women and children, mind you, were killed today by a truck bomb, Over 100 were killed a few weeks ago in a similar incident. We built Iraq a military, we've trained thousands upon thousands of Iraqi soldiers, they have purchased from the US vast amounts of Humvees, and some new armored Cougars, and have now contracted a plan with the US to purchase M16A2 service rifles, we have trained an Iraqi SF group which constantly goes into the fight to put down the insurgents, our soldier and Marines are everyday fighting and dying alongside Iraqi men in uniform together to wipe out the insurgency and protect Iraqi civilians. Civilian contractors, both from the US and Iraq alike have constructed schools, police departments, fire departments, and hospitals to benefit the Iraqis, the insurgents try to blow these up, not because they see americans as terrorists, but because they are animals and just want to take peoples' lives and make others suffer.
Sure, there are many people that think we shouldn't be there, soldiers and civilians alike, as there is in any military conflict, including World War II which you may think crazy, but it happened. I can assure you that as long as our soldiers and marines see the overwhelming amount of gratefulness in the iraqi kids' eyes when they do something as simple as walk away from the protection of their Stryker or Humvee to give the child a smile, wave, or candy bar, that almost all of our soldiers are willing to fight and die for those kids, Iraqis are people too, they do not deserve the hardships they go through everyday, they deserve a chance to go through life without having to worry about a bomb exploding at every public gathering, and at their schools, and that is something, in my opinion, worth fighting for. You can bet your life that if I could, I would instantly go to the recruiter's office and sign up for a combat MOS and go over to Iraq to make an effort for someone else's well-being, and if I died I would know that atleast I was trying to help these people out. Isolationism is not going to work, some people think that the US should not get involved with affairs that don't directly concern it, what we are doing right now has to be one of the biggest examples of selflessness of our country we've shown. Almost 3,500 of our men and women in uniform have lost their lives in this country, over 20,000 wounded, for what? To make an effort for men, women and children to be able to live a life that doesn't involve a high risk of death everyday by just walking out in the open? We are not there alone, we have gotten some much appreciated help by the Canadian Forces, British, German, and many other countries to dig Iraq out of it's hole. Something has to be done about that country, and someone has to do it, it can't be done overnight, and it won't happen on it's own. We are trying, that is all that matters. It may take 20 years of this constant fighting and rebuilding, but once it's done wouldn't it have been worth it? If we do nothing we will just have to deal with it later, and if we did that it would probably have been worse.
Old 05-24-2007, 07:19 PM
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I have not looked at FOX or CNN at all since 2003 to get news about what is going on in Iraq, I go straight to the source that matters, I look at what the soldiers have to say about it. No, not the DoD, not the officers, the enlisted men. When I read about what they go through everyday over there, and how it gives them a great sense of pride and accomplishment when they do something as small as repave a road that was damaged when an IED blew up, how they talk about their relations with the locals, and the kids, and the Iraqi troops they are working with, it makes me so grateful that they are so selfless as to do what they do everyday. These guys believe in what they are doing, our soldiers are not killers, they are over there policing, reconstructing, and conversing directly with the iraqi people. They are doing their best to help these people, they are ready to die for them, and so many of them feel absolutely abandoned by their own people back in the safety of the US because all they do is argue about the politics of the war, they use a story of a soldier who was killed by an IED, and I bet you that they will use the story of the 3 soldiers who were captured, 1 confirmed killed, as ammo for the anti-war protest to take our soldiers and Marines out. That is not helping our guys, they want to do their job, let them. Their friends have died, and none of the guys there want to let their buddies have died for nothing. Few people realize that it is absolutely tearing our soldiers apart because ALL WE DO IS ARGUE, people say they support our troops, and then protest to have them withdrawn. That is telling me that for those soldiers, it's like saying "I believe in you, but I do not believe in what you are doing," and the people doing this probably have never been in the military, and probably never will be. How are they to know what they are really doing, and what it is actually like to experience the daily routine in Iraq? I can not tell you how many times I have seen a soldier say or write "If you are going too support us, support us all the way," Saying you support the troops but not their efforts must really get them down, Imagine a soldier emailing his buddy back home saying about how he helped treat an injured iraqi kid today and later helped repair a man's fence, and then his buddy back in the states sending him an email saying "Good job, I'm trying hard to get you to come back home and out of that **** hole," that soldier is going to be thinking "What the hell man, do you even care about what I'm doing here? I'm here trying to help these people and all you're trying to do is get us get out and go back home." they need us to believe in what they are doing, and to give them some morale support for their efforts, THEY NEED US TO CARE, From what I've seen, people look at the death toll and the economic statistics, they don't really care about what is happening, and to be honest that makes me ****ing sick, and ashamed of people that dare to call themselves patriots.
Old 05-24-2007, 07:26 PM
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now see...i appreciate you guys explaining it like ya did...i learned somethin...thats worth a lot more than just yellin
Old 05-24-2007, 07:48 PM
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Here are some photos I found to show you what is going on in Iraq from a first hand perspective:

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An Iraqi girl greets U.S. Marines of 2nd Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment in Al Fahren, Iraq
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Members of 4th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division cross a field in Abu Karuum, a small farming community three miles southeast of Baquba, Iraq
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An Iraqi army soldier assists U.S. Army Sgt. Ryan Jones with A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 15th Artillery regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division down a steep canal crossing during a combined mission near Yusufiyah, Iraq
Name:  436481.jpg
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Iraqi army soldiers inventory 53mm projectiles found hidden in a canal during a combined mission with U.S. Army Soldiers with A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 15th Artillery regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division near Yusufiyah, Iraq
Old 05-24-2007, 07:50 PM
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Name:  435821.jpg
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Iraqi soldiers with 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 7th Iraqi Army Division get together for a group photograph at Camp Yassir, Iraq. The soldiers are currently students at the Iraqi School of Infantry and will be graduating tomorrow

Iraqi youths ride bicycles past U.S. marines on patrol in the Shiite district of Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, May 8, 2007. U.S marines and soldiers and Iraqi soldiers searched a neighborhood for weapons and explosives

U.S. Army Master Sgt. John Paxton with 478th Civil Affairs checks the security around a local Iraqi girls school's roof while other Soldiers unload dry erase boards and supplies that will aid in the education of the youths in the Al Rasheed area of Mahmudiyah, Iraq
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Spc. Jason Hiser of the 318th Psychological Operations Company hands out toys to some Iraqi children during a mission in Lutafiyah, Iraq
Old 05-24-2007, 07:56 PM
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Name:  44267.jpg
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Iraqi special operations Forces advised by coalition partners prepare to conduct a combat operation to detain suspected terrorist leaders of an insurgent force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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Iraqi special operations forces advised by coalition partners conduct a combat operation to detain suspected terrorist leaders of an insurgent force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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After hearing gun fire within 100 meters, Staff Sgt. Kevin Reese and his working dog, Grek, take a knee during an assault against anti-Iraqi forces in Buhriz, Iraq. Photographer: Staff Sgt. Stacy Pearsall

After clearing a house of any munitions, Staff Sgt. Kevin Reese and his working dog, Grek, play with the local kids during an assault against anti-Iraqi forces in Buhriz, Iraq. Photographer: Staff Sgt. Stacy Pearsall
Old 05-24-2007, 09:04 PM
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Jack for president!!!
Old 05-24-2007, 09:30 PM
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Cola: yes those are the good sides of the pictures.

I will not show the horrible ones, for the fact that we do have service men here..and who wants to see a fallen soldier?

- No we aren't terrorists, but then again, we are NOT liberators either.

The U.S. militaries job is not to go around giving bullshit democracy to some pisspoor country. The basic job is to go in, destroy buildings, and kill people.

Our dipshit president decided to add on another page to our soldiers. FOR WHAT? So two groups of people can fight over who gets control? To have yet another dictator? Possibly a worse dictator then the last?

To have one or both sides basically spit in our face? Burn our flags? Throw rocks at our soldiers? RUN TOWARDS US WITH BOMBS STRAPPED ON THEIR BODIES?

Its not our job, and yes I am very cold hearted when I say this, but those people are not worth it. They are not worth one of our Americans lives.

I can honestly say I could give two ***** on whether or not innocent people over there get killed. Its a part of war, horrible **** happens in war. Women DO get raped, yes by OUR men. It has happened in every war we have fought. Back in WWII WWI Vietnam Korea the Civil War.. ect. Vile things happen. I'm not saying its right, but it happens.

Children get shot, ripped in half by tanks, prisoners get tourtered..but you know what... Whatever it takes to bring our men and women home in one peice, I don't care.

For these extremeists throwing accusations... people like Rosie O' Donnell Anne Coulter..I honestly hope these people burn in hell.

You do NOT throw around names towards soldiers, or their families.

I do not approve of the war in Iraq. It wasn't our origional mission. It has been twisted around so many times.

First for what? "They gots wmds" - They didn't find any.

Second - "They have a evil dictator" - Dude was writing a book, there was a reason why he wasn't taken out.

Third - "These people need democracy" - There will be a fight for who gains power, this civil war isn't for who becomes president, its basically to see whos reigning over who for the genocide.

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