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quietfun_06 05-09-2007 09:20 PM

I hate SPIDERS!!
What kinda of spider is this??
I looked up brown recluse but they dont look the same, thank goodness!
We have two dogs that love bugs and my little bulldog found this one...HELP!!

wnracing 05-09-2007 09:22 PM

I have NO idea, but I hate spiders too!.. Kill that MOFO!

lanmas23 05-09-2007 10:03 PM

where do you live?!?

cos i'm gonna stay the hell away from there!

Jack The Ripper 05-09-2007 10:19 PM

It is a Wolf Spider, Harmless unless yer a little bug. still creepy though

Brown Recluse
Note the violin shape with the stock aimint towards the body. stay away from these

Jack The Ripper 05-09-2007 10:21 PM

here is what a brown recluse can do to you.
click at your own risk

rebelyell 05-09-2007 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by quietfun_06 (Post 261471)
What kinda of spider is this??
I looked up brown recluse but they dont look the same, thank goodness!
We have two dogs that love bugs and my little bulldog found this one...HELP!!

Looks to me like a regular ole wolf spider. Nice and fat one at that.. We got em here in NC all day long.. There pretty creepy bastards though. I got em in my garage and they're fast too. They'll run up over your feet in a hurry.. They're harmless, unless you freak and try to get away from it on a set of stairs or something. LOL I'll have to find my old post of a Fat black widow pic I took a few years back. She was scary and deadly looking.. :eek:

SnTBakosFinest 05-09-2007 10:30 PM

I'm an aracnaphobiac or w/e.. i run like a woman when i see a daddy long leg. :(

We have some brown recluse's here..and alot of black widows... i have a friend bit by a brown recluse.. got her in the butt...was pretty sick.

wnracing 05-09-2007 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 261480)
here is what a brown recluse can do to you.
click at your own risk

YIKES! that is disgusting!!?!?!AFSJfaksljdf!!!@$#@$@!AASDf

rebelyell 05-09-2007 10:53 PM

Yep, a brown recluse will totally ruin where it bites you. It starts out as a red spot, then it gets a ringed "target" looking shape, Then your flesh dies and there is no antitoxin to stop it. If you think you have been bitten by a recluse you should kill the spider, bag it, go directly to the emergency room at your local facility. They can make sure it is indeed a brown recluse before they surgically remove the damaged area around the bite. Is the only way to make sure you don't lose more than a bigger chunk of flesh. You will have a hole where they cut it out but it;s better than losing a limb.. Recluses are the devil incarnate at damage to your self.. :salook:

quietfun_06 05-10-2007 05:37 AM

YUCK!! Some of those pictures are disgusting!!!
I despise spiders....
I couldnt sleep last night due to every couple mins I feel something on my legs and jump find a hair floating around....

00blkstanggt 05-10-2007 09:33 AM

Spiders suck ass. If I see one on the wall I have to kill it before I can go to bed. They are creepy little bastards and those pictures really make me not like them.

jjtgiants 05-10-2007 09:38 AM

I don't mind spiders so much, but I HATE snakes and lizards. Those things suck bad.

r3dn3ck 05-10-2007 11:19 AM

I have a nice 1.5" scar on my leg from a recluse bite when I was a teenager. Lost a chunk of skin the size of a golf ball over a goddamned spider bite. Pissed me off. I knew what it was when I shook it out of my pant leg. Went directly to the hospital.

Icefreezen 05-10-2007 11:51 AM

I have tons of wolf spiders at work and they scare the shit out of me. Brown recluses are no joke either I had one on my neck and I was lucky enough to kill it before I got bit....damn little buggers........:nunu:

Jack The Ripper 05-10-2007 12:44 PM

Im not a fan of spiders, i scream like a little girl of one touches me, but i dont usually kill them. Ill normally try to catch em in a glass with a piece of paper and take them outside and let them go.

they eat other bugs that i dont like.

except for daddy longlegs. those things get killed on sight. i cannot stant thier skinny flickering legs. down right unnatural if you ask me.

zigzaggthefag321 05-10-2007 02:49 PM

at the dealership I work at there is this old building that used to be a bodyshop...its used for tire storage now...I had to go in there with one of the pats guys to try and locate and old set of tires that we had taken off a customers car...for w/e reason they wanted them back. we saw and counted 36 black widow spiders, after that we GTFO. They were EVERYWHERE. fvck that.

turbojunkie 05-10-2007 05:01 PM

yeah its a wolf spider harmless, but when they get really big and you shoot them with a 'bb gun they scream lol its awsome:D :thatshot:

zigzaggthefag321 05-10-2007 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by turbojunkie (Post 261588)
yeah its a wolf spider harmless, but when they get really gig and you shoot them with a 'bb gun they scream lol its awsome:D :thatshot:

what?? are you serious?

turbojunkie 05-10-2007 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 261480)
here is what a brown recluse can do to you.
click at your own risk

:kewlpics: :owned: :omghi2u: :omghi2u:

turbojunkie 05-10-2007 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 261591)
what?? are you serious?

yeah they scream but then you gotta run like hell lol

Jack The Ripper 05-10-2007 09:06 PM

Originally Posted by turbojunkie (Post 261588)
yeah its a wolf spider harmless, but when they get really big and you shoot them with a 'bb gun they scream lol its awsome:D :thatshot:

camel spiders get big enough to cuss you out


turbojunkie 05-11-2007 01:48 PM

o cool

r3dn3ck 05-11-2007 02:03 PM

not even a real spider... closer to a scorpion. they are cool as hell lookin though.

rebelyell 05-11-2007 11:07 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's the pic of the black widow I took under my picnic table, this was after a party where my son and his friends were sitting. Dam thing had webs everywhere and I swear to God she was big as my thumb.. Geez I stunned her with a can of raid then pounded her to oblivion..

rebelyell 05-11-2007 11:26 PM

2 Attachment(s)
To me the creepiest spiders are those dam garden spiders that build webs from tree to tree. They're usually pretty high up, but dam I would hate to walk into the middle of one..

rebelyell 05-11-2007 11:46 PM

As far as spiders go as a whole. Yes I am an anacrophobiac.. to the point of being unable to control myself. ie, hollering like a child if one gets on me.. Embarrassing to say. I aint scared of a lot of things. But I have learned to appreciate spiders because they do us a service by catching the flying insects that cause us so much grief. But I draw the line when they invade my indoor living space, they dont live long. My garage I can tolerate to a certain extent. Out in my yard they have full reign, (except a black widow within striking distance). I will not kill a spider that's in my yard unless I walk into an orb webbed garden spider web. Then I fight and holler and someones going down.. LOL :godamnit:

Badfish 05-12-2007 12:35 AM

it's funny how many people are scared to death of spiders. i think they're alright. especially the cool little jumping ones. BUT brown recluses and black widows can suck a fat one. they are too dangerous for their own good. we have so many monster black widows around here.

i was pulling weeds last summer and a gigantic female (kind of like that one ^) crawled over my hand. i wasn't scared, but INFURIATED at the fact that i could be DEAD because of a stupid ass tiny black thing. ok, i screamed like a gay man at the sight of vagina. but that's besides the point..

turbojunkie 05-12-2007 06:08 AM

i dont have black widows here but i have HUGE woodspiders and wolfspiders and yes i have been chased by one before its f***ing scary its like they have a mind of there own lol well they do but there smart, and if you try to hide they can find you :titanic:

zigzaggthefag321 05-12-2007 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by turbojunkie (Post 261789)
i dont have black widows here but i have HUGE woodspiders and wolfspiders and yes i have been chased by one before its f***ing scary its like they have a mind of there own lol well they do but there smart, and if you try to hide they can find you :titanic:

why would you run from a spider? just smash it.

Icefreezen 05-12-2007 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 261647)

Oh f*** that s*** i'd pull a pistol out and shoot that thing

turbojunkie 05-13-2007 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 261791)
why would you run from a spider? just smash it.

it HISSED AT ME!!!! i had no shoes on it was about the size of a geo metro lol

Badfish 05-13-2007 07:08 PM

a geo metro? now i KNOW you outran it

zigzaggthefag321 05-13-2007 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by turbojunkie (Post 262041)
it HISSED AT ME!!!! i had no shoes on it was about the size of a geo metro lol

I didnt know spiders could make noise like that.

MattJ 05-13-2007 07:42 PM

i dont play with spiders. most of those things bite.

its weird coming from WI to FL and having to watch where you step and grab because it could be a black widow web. We dont really have that kind of stuff here. We have more of the big fat spiders. occasionally, youll run into a huge colorful one too.

Icefreezen 05-13-2007 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by MattJ (Post 262060)
i dont play with spiders. most of those things bite.

its weird coming from WI to FL and having to watch where you step and grab because it could be a black widow web. We dont really have that kind of stuff here. We have more of the big fat spiders. occasionally, youll run into a huge colorful one too.

You in Florida yet? I'll show you some f***** up stuff you dont see in the north

MattJ 05-13-2007 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen (Post 262064)
You in Florida yet? I'll show you some f***** up stuff you dont see in the north

Nah, but familys in marco island and naples. I visit once or twice a year. I saw that "alligator alley" place way down 75 towards Miami in the everglades. Every 10 feet, theres one just chillin in the sun. you can get out of your car on that HUGE gravel road that goes down as far as your eye can see. some of those bitches were HUGE.

turbojunkie 05-14-2007 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by Badfish (Post 262047)
a geo metro? now i KNOW you outran it

lol well yeah but i used my girlfriends shoe to kill it she was pissed because it was a flipflop and that fu**er was big so it made a mess lol FTW

turbojunkie 05-14-2007 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 262048)
I didnt know spiders could make noise like that.

yeah they do its scary i didint know till i shot one with a 'bb gun once lol

Jack The Ripper 05-14-2007 01:36 PM

its bad when you stomp on one with a boot and feel it under yer foot.


turbojunkie 05-14-2007 05:45 PM


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