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tangurl 09-25-2005 05:39 AM

What could be added to make this more fun?
Okay, in less than 24hrs and alot of time on my hands to look up everything mustang so I can get an idea of what I want, I agree that this DannyB is a full fledge celeb now, b/c I have read more about him I think that tangs...

To continue on: 25, 115-120 and 6" (yes thats correct).
So you boys can have your football team (I am smart enough not to play with boys that go over 6"3' as fear to gain numerous broken bones) but I am willing to learn to be a preppy cheerleader if that helps any....

And regarding being like a kid (a recent entry of a blog):

I had a nintendo, the old kind. My best friend across the street (he was spoiled alot) had an Atari and something else I cant seem remember early 80’s. I went to using just about anything that Sega had put out. I never really liked playing Gamecube, Dreamcast or Xbox. I dig the PS, and we have now had a PS2 for quite sometime. Sometime in the past, I had gotten a Gameboy for Xmas one year, somehow the ex got that….

Im worse than a man watching the first football game of the season (or better yet the Superbowl), **** that wont last long, Im just a girl that loves gaming.

I dont need more remotes, what I need (currently still playing Champions: Return to Arms) is a TV bigger than 60″. ;)

(This post was in regards to nintendos new revolution controller btw).
If my gaming tells you anything about my car Im dreaming up, just wait until the pictues come up (for Lance, Spring & Venom for all their welcome and helps). :)

04SVTDRIVER 09-30-2005 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by Fat Lard
lol. I don't know what to think...or say about that.

That's silly but i got a laugh out of it

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