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Flynnster 10-02-2008 07:14 PM

For those who are watching or who watched the debate, does it seem like Palin is not taking this serioulsy? I mean come on she just made a "call out" to some third grade class!

Stephen4036 10-02-2008 07:17 PM

i want to fuck palin in the butt...

jk... but mcpain picked her b.c of her boobies... i mean she has no brains.. ( and this is a hardcore rep saying this)

Steeda97 10-02-2008 07:22 PM

Is anyone watching Biden rip Palin a new one?

Stephen4036 10-02-2008 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 355749)
Is anyone watching Biden rip Palin a new one?

yea he's so lucky to be rippin her a new one.

Steeda97 10-02-2008 07:24 PM

McCain is not a maverick for anything that matters to US families FTW.

Flynnster 10-02-2008 07:26 PM

Ya he is ablsolutley killing her, and if she says "MAVERICK" one more time.....

PColav6 10-02-2008 07:27 PM

I'm not voting Obama, but I'll admit that Biden has better debating capabilities than Palin. Hell she just sucks at speaking period. I laughed out loud when she was like "Well gosh darn there ya go done talking about the past again" or some shit. I mean I LOL'd.

Flynnster 10-02-2008 07:30 PM

I am sure all the late shows will have a ball with this.

WNRacing 10-02-2008 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 355751)
McCain is not a maverick for anything that matters to US families FTW.

And Obama is? This is all I have to say to that..

Whatever becomes of the latest version of a bailout proposal, it is clear that this nation is in for years of economic uncertainty.

So who do we want to help guide us through that uncertainty?

McCain insisted during his Friday night debate with Barack Obama that “the first thing we need to do [post-bailout] is get spending under control in Washington.

“We’ve let government get completely out of control. . . the point is we need to examine every agency of government,” he said, adding that cutting ethanol subsidies and doing away with Defense Department cost-plus contracts would top his list. And he’d support a spending freeze on everything but entitlement programs, defense and veterans benefits.

The most that Obama will concede is that some of the $800 billion in new spending programs he’s proposing “are probably going to have to be delayed.”

Then, of course, he reiterated all the things on his agenda that simply “have to” be done.

One thing is clear: John McCain has the courage to make those cuts; Barack Obama has no interest in doing so.

I'll fully admit that Palin didn't do as good of a job as we had hoped, but she didn't do a poor job either. You have to remember that this woman has had 5 weeks, 5 weeks to prepare for this, not 35 years. From my estimation it really didn't seem like a debate at all, more just two people spitting "facts" (and I use that term very loosely) at each other. I can't speak poorly of either of these candidates though, because Biden is a good guy and Sarah Palin is a very respectable woman. Biden should without a doubt be the Dem. nominee for President, he has the experience and the know how to get it done. -Can we reverse the roles? Or is it too late.. (sarcastic)-

Flynnster 10-02-2008 08:31 PM

i agree WN it seemed like they didn't "debate" eachother as if they were avoiding conflict. I ded apreciate the fact that they both said they repected the other canidate based on specific opinions multiple times. Almost makes me think it is possible for the government to work for the greater good instead of their own party again.

JackThe Ripper 10-02-2008 08:37 PM


Under Obama’s plan to let the scheduled 2011 tax rate hikes occur, and his plan to raise the self-employment tax on those making more than $250,000, the S corporation rate would rise from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. The sole proprietor and partner rate would rise from 37.9 percent all the way up to a staggering 50.3 percent. Many Democrats in Congress have proposed making all small businesses (including S corporations) pay this 50-plus percent rate
ok so im trying to figure this out cause i suck at legal talk and taxes and shit.

What are the income taxes average americans could expect? is there a breakdown of Income Vs marital status / kids etc that breaks down what the percentage would be on income tax?

WNRacing 10-02-2008 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Flynnster (Post 355767)
i agree WN it seemed like they didn't "debate" eachother as if they were avoiding conflict. I ded apreciate the fact that they both said they repected the other canidate based on specific opinions multiple times. Almost makes me think it is possible for the government to work for the greater good instead of their own party again.

The thing that I honestly enjoy about Sarah Palin is that she talks to the people, she doesn't use polotical jargain. She uses small words and does connect with America as a whole. I do agree that she certainly needs to work on her debating skills, she was obviously stiff and nervous for the first 20-30 minutes, but who wouldn't be? Your first major debate is aired world wide and is a debate against a man that has been in some kind of political role for 35+ years.

Overall I feel like she did well, she was definitely shakey at first but seemed to get more and more comfortable as the night went on.

I have to admit, there were a couple of times that Biden made some pretty blatent(sp?) lies. The main one that comes to mind would have to be when he said that Obama didn't state that he would meet with foreign leaders with no pre-conditions. Obama has specifically said that at least twice, one of which was last week in the debate with McCain. He also dissagreed that he was against Obama and many of the choices that he made, when it was well documented when they campaigned against each other for the nomination that they did not see eye to eye several times. That's politics though, we'll just have to see how it all plays out.

:t: McCain/Palin '08 :t:

WNRacing 10-02-2008 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 355771)

ok so im trying to figure this out cause i suck at legal talk and taxes and shit.

What are the income taxes average americans could expect? is there a breakdown of Income Vs marital status / kids etc that breaks down what the percentage would be on income tax?

Chris, I actually had the entire breakdown of Obama's proposed tax plan bookmarked on my office PC and have somehow managed to lose it. I'll do some homework over the next day or so and try to find it again for you. All that I know is that the last thing we need to do is increase Government spending, and it has been fairly well documented by the Wall Street Journal, The Boston Herald, Fox News and several other media outlets that his plans include a roughly $800,000,000,000 increase, not total in government spending.

Biden also made a statement that 95% of privately owned businesses don't have an income of $250,000 or higher in a year. I'd realllly like to know where he got that statistic, because I'd be willing to bet that the actual number of US business that have a higher gross income than $250,000 is much higher than 5%....

WNRacing 10-02-2008 08:56 PM

PS. Latest "Who won" polls from Fox News.

Biden 12% Palin 86% Undecided 0%

:) :t:

JackThe Ripper 10-02-2008 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 355773)
Chris, I actually had the entire breakdown of Obama's proposed tax plan bookmarked on my office PC and have somehow managed to lose it. I'll do some homework over the next day or so and try to find it again for you. All that I know is that the last thing we need to do is increase Government spending, and it has been fairly well documented by the Wall Street Journal, The Boston Herald, Fox News and several other media outlets that his plans include a roughly $800,000,000,000 increase, not total in government spending.

Biden also made a statement that 95% of privately owned businesses don't have an income of $250,000 or higher in a year. I'd realllly like to know where he got that statistic, because I'd be willing to bet that the actual number of US business that have a higher gross income than $250,000 is much higher than 5%....

Isnt income in that regard like profit? that is how much the business makes when everything is said and done?

i wouldnt be suprisde to find out that 95% of private businesses dont break a quarter million.

Hell, look at any stripmall in america, or any mall, all the privatly owned shops in those places probably dont pull in all that much. When you really take a good look at private businesses most of them only make enough to pay the owner and a couple workers.

personally i think the 800 billion bailout is horseshit. Talk about decreasing the value of the american dollar.

and personally i think any tax over 30% is horseshit.

Ive always liked the idea of a national sales tax, eliminate federal income tax. With a national sales tax there really are no loopholes for the wealthy to avoid taxes. everyone get taxed oss thier lifestyle.

the good news is if obama wins, whih i kinda hope he does, that doesent mean that his tax proposal wins. It still has to get passed and can still get shot down.

King 10-02-2008 09:52 PM

I completely ignored the rest of the posts in this thread, so pardon me if this interrupts an already intriguing conversation.

Anyway, Palin is quite the circus act if you ask me. She was trained so very well, so well in fact that she didn't miss a beat of her act. However she did miss all of the questions. Answering them with the dumb, "you know in hockey..." or "he's a maverick", if I heard "hockey-mom" or "maverick" one more time I would've committed suicide. I mean seriously, this is real American politics, the real deal. This stuff matters, and she just goes off topic and rants about nothing. Not once tonight did she mention a plan for the economy, or foreign policy (but I'll subtract foreign policy since she can see Russia from her house)....and did anyone notice how she smiled in a really creepy way when asked how'd she would do and what she would do if McCain was assasinated? I got goosebumps. And no matter how nicey nice she looks on tv, remember that she has extremely little experience and is literally brain dead on a lot of these topics.

I've been waiting for the right time to say this, so here goes:
She went full retard.

WNRacing 10-02-2008 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 355776)
Isnt income in that regard like profit? that is how much the business makes when everything is said and done?

i wouldnt be suprisde to find out that 95% of private businesses dont break a quarter million.

Hell, look at any stripmall in america, or any mall, all the privatly owned shops in those places probably dont pull in all that much. When you really take a good look at private businesses most of them only make enough to pay the owner and a couple workers.

personally i think the 800 billion bailout is horseshit. Talk about decreasing the value of the american dollar.

and personally i think any tax over 30% is horseshit.

Ive always liked the idea of a national sales tax, eliminate federal income tax. With a national sales tax there really are no loopholes for the wealthy to avoid taxes. everyone get taxed oss thier lifestyle.

the good news is if obama wins, whih i kinda hope he does, that doesent mean that his tax proposal wins. It still has to get passed and can still get shot down.

I agree whole heartedly with you about the sales tax, but it won't happen. I believe that is how the Canadians economy works and it's been working for them very well.

Chris, the only program that Biden could come up with as far as a McCain tax break was 4Billion for Exxon (which I've never seen) but honestly I'd much rather see one company get a 4 billion $ tax break rather than spending an extra $800,000,000,000 on top of the "bail out." JM2C

As far as getting taxes passed.. The house and Senate are made up of more Democrats, so for at least 2 years, expect higher taxes if your vote goes to Obama.

WNRacing 10-02-2008 10:01 PM

87,000+ Votes in 2 hours.

Biden 11% Palin 87% Undecided 2%

Steeda97 10-03-2008 03:21 AM

Check out CNN polls if you wanna go there.

Sen. Joe Biden 70% 172690
Gov. Sarah Palin 26% 64539
Neither 4% 9535
Total Votes: 246764

I'm pretty positive that "small businesses" that make 250k in profit in a year are no longer "Small" business. And Jacks right about the tax proposal, not everything is going to go through.

As for the Iraq debate, Biden won by a mile. Iraq is 80 million dollars in surplus while over here we are in the shithole. See any problem there? Let them control their own goverment, fuck them, lets worry about us.

Lets get real here. McCain is pretty old. There is a decent chance that he will not make it through his first term. Is it just me or is it a scary thought to think that Sarah Palin could be president? She is unqualified and way out of her league.

I really could care less who wins, as long as I'm not paying 4 dollars for a gallon of gas, I get a decent tax cut, everyone gets good healthcare plan, and no ones sons, daughters, brothers, sisters are dying in Iraq. I'm just voting for the person who I believe would do the best job.

jjtgiants 10-03-2008 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 355775)
PS. Latest "Who won" polls from Fox News.

Biden 12% Palin 86% Undecided 0%

:) :t:

ha ha ha....did you expect anything different from Fox News.....find a nuetral poll like Gallop and then we can talk about poll numbers. You can't trust Fox news or CNN to be impartial.

As far as the spending and tax increases Obama has proposed. I mean, in my opinion his proposals are based on good economy, not for the economy we have right now. He did say in the presidential debate that he would obviously modify his plans based on the situation at hand. Just to be fair, I don't agree with his proposals to increase spending at this time, but he has said obvsioiusly we can't spend right now if he was president. So again, both candidates are saying a lot of things to get elected right now, but what they do in office will be based on the current situation.

WNRacing 10-03-2008 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 355881)
ha ha ha....did you expect anything different from Fox News.....find a nuetral poll like Gallop and then we can talk about poll numbers. You can't trust Fox news or CNN to be impartial.

Oh, I know, it was more of a joke on my part really. Steeda had posted some polls from msnbc (the most liberal Obama loving news station in the USA.) so I figured I'd have a little fun..

I don't personally think that anyone "won" because it wasn't a debate. It was two people talking about what their future president was "going to do for us." I was really dissappointed in both of them honestly. Biden did misrepresent a lot of facts though. Guess we'll just have to wait 'till Tuesday..

Steeda97 10-03-2008 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 355881)
ha ha ha....did you expect anything different from Fox News.....find a nuetral poll like Gallop and then we can talk about poll numbers. You can't trust Fox news or CNN to be impartial.

As far as the spending and tax increases Obama has proposed. I mean, in my opinion his proposals are based on good economy, not for the economy we have right now. He did say in the presidential debate that he would obviously modify his plans based on the situation at hand. Just to be fair, I don't agree with his proposals to increase spending at this time, but he has said obvsioiusly we can't spend right now if he was president. So again, both candidates are saying a lot of things to get elected right now, but what they do in office will be based on the current situation.


WNRacing 10-03-2008 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 355881)
ha ha ha....did you expect anything different from Fox News.....find a nuetral poll like Gallop and then we can talk about poll numbers. You can't trust Fox news or CNN to be impartial.

As far as the spending and tax increases Obama has proposed. I mean, in my opinion his proposals are based on good economy, not for the economy we have right now. He did say in the presidential debate that he would obviously modify his plans based on the situation at hand. Just to be fair, I don't agree with his proposals to increase spending at this time, but he has said obvsioiusly we can't spend right now if he was president. So again, both candidates are saying a lot of things to get elected right now, but what they do in office will be based on the current situation.

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 355908)

Ok.. I'm really not trying to be argumentative here, but what you guys are saying is that if the economy was stronger, you'd want to pay more taxes? And you'd want the government to waste an extra $800,000,000,000.00? I'm sorry I just don't understand the logic. I guess you guys are "true patriots" as Obama and Biden put it because you want to pay more money to them.

I just don't get it????

Obama did say that he would modify his plans, but he didn't say when or how. He did say that he would have to put off his extra proposed programs, but what good does that do us when he increases the taxes? I just don't understand why in hell anyone would honestly want to give away more of their money?!

And Steeda, you mentioned fuel prices. Obama will not reduce fuel prices, he wants nothing to do with oil except to continue to import it and continue the largest transfer of wealth in history. You should really look into Sarah Palin's views on oil, Nuclear energy, natural gas, etc.

jjtgiants 10-05-2008 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 355912)
Ok.. I'm really not trying to be argumentative here, but what you guys are saying is that if the economy was stronger, you'd want to pay more taxes? And you'd want the government to waste an extra $800,000,000,000.00? I'm sorry I just don't understand the logic. I guess you guys are "true patriots" as Obama and Biden put it because you want to pay more money to them.

I just don't get it????

Obama did say that he would modify his plans, but he didn't say when or how. He did say that he would have to put off his extra proposed programs, but what good does that do us when he increases the taxes? I just don't understand why in hell anyone would honestly want to give away more of their money?!

And Steeda, you mentioned fuel prices. Obama will not reduce fuel prices, he wants nothing to do with oil except to continue to import it and continue the largest transfer of wealth in history. You should really look into Sarah Palin's views on oil, Nuclear energy, natural gas, etc.

That's a fair question. More spending by the government doesn't always equal more taxes. It's not that cut and dry. If we left the taxes exactly as they are today and the economy was booming there would be more money flowing in. I'm not saying Obama doesn't want to raise taxes on certain populations, but more spending doesn't always equal more taxes.....just ask the Bush administration. They have lowered taxes, and spent more than any administration I can remember and created probably the largest deficit in history.

As liberal as I may seem, I don't like paying taxes anymore than you do. As a matter of fact, I hate paying them. I hope the democrats aren't stupid enough to start taxing the middle class or else this country will go down the drain in no time.....I think they know that though.

I think Chris Rock said it best....."There is some shit I'm liberal about, and there is some shit I'm convservative about".

Dave04Mustang 10-07-2008 03:56 PM

I've got a night class tonight but hope to see a little of what they have to say tonight about the economy. With the amounts the Dow keeps dropping each day it can be in the 8,000's tomorrow :eek:. Country's not looking good at all right now. Scary

jjtgiants 10-07-2008 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by Dave04Mustang (Post 356649)
I've got a night class tonight but hope to see a little of what they have to say tonight about the economy. With the amounts the Dow keeps dropping each day it can be in the 8,000's tomorrow :eek:. Country's not looking good at all right now. Scary

no doubt dude.....very scary times. I believe it will be really bad for the next year and then hopefully recover

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