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WaterDR 07-20-2007 10:07 PM

What does it mean to be a good American?

zigzaggthefag321 07-20-2007 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 278617)
The same was said about some of the guys who flew planes into the World Trade Center.

Oh well, this guy is no terrorist.

Babii C 07-24-2007 02:31 AM

LOL @ the thread. In Australia, we're a very multicultural society, so I go to school with a large portion of girls who are from a Buddhist, Muslim or Atheist tradition. In my area, when walking down the street you will find many people to be of a muslim or middle eastern background, so hence, many of my friends are from the same background. Quick Run down.
Karima - one of my kindest MUSLIM friends, she wears the hijab, and fasts etc, so she is a "practicing" Muslim. Shes a beautiful, intelligent and friendly human being. Coming from the middle eastern area, most people think otherwise until they speak to her.
Manel - also another intelligent Muslim friend of mine who believes in being kind to others, she is muslim and from the middle east as well.
Miriam - a CHRISTIAN lebanese australian girl. She would seriously not hurt a fly, and will even let herself be leaned on during a rock concert (me on the other hand, wanted to punch the douche bag behind her for leaning on her).
(and sooo many other friends of mine are muslim as well, these are just a few).
My point being that i dont think its the religion that defines the person. These girls, being from the same ethnic background but having different religions (Muslim, and Christian like me) are just a few of the most beautiful (inner beauty and outer beauty) people I've met who have forever changed my life. If Muslims can be good Australians, I don't see why they can't be good Americans too.

oh and also, its only the fanatics that ruin the reputation of muslims. The KKK used Christianity as an excuse for white supremacy, they too were extremists. Just don't think that EXTREME muslims are the only people in the world who commit crimes against humanity. (oh and lets not forget, wasn't there some kinda Irish gang who did the same thing as the KKK?)

my teenage .02

Oh wait i forgot something. If we go by history, there is conflict with almost EVERY religion, I dont see how islam is any different. Jews, Muslims and Christians all have the Old Testament of the Bible as part of their scriptures, so theres gotta be something in common right.

Jack The Ripper 07-24-2007 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 278617)
The same was said about some of the guys who flew planes into the World Trade Center.

ALl of jeffery Dahmers neighbors thought he was a swell guy too. That doesnet mean all yer decent neighbors are gonna start chopping people up and eating them

Cheddarbob 07-24-2007 12:54 PM

This is a never ending argument. Its going to go on and on there is alwasy going to be a rebutle answer and it will never end.

zigzaggthefag321 07-24-2007 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Cheddarbob (Post 279340)
This is a never ending argument. Its going to go on and on there is alwasy going to be a rebutle answer and it will never end. I say FVCK RELIGION! get a life, not a guide.

Jack The Ripper 07-24-2007 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Cheddarbob (Post 279340)
This is a never ending argument. Its going to go on and on there is alwasy going to be a rebutle answer and it will never end.

yeah it is like trying to argue with the KKK that black people are not destined for a life of crime.

this is the most ignorant and rediculous arguement i have ever heared and everyone who thinks all muslims are killers is an embarassment to themselves, thier family, and thier nation.

v6'stang 07-26-2007 05:14 PM

all muslims are not terrorists, but all the terrorists (9/11) are muslims. i'm not sayin' that ALL of them are bad or terrorists, but they do seem like a radical group of ppl. personally, no i don't trust them. i don't trust many ppl that aren't blood. and even some of them i don't trust. as for obama, **** him. i do not like that guy, i can't put my finger on it exactly but i don't like him (if ur wondering where that came from, first post, last sentence)

Steeda97 08-24-2007 06:46 PM

Not to bring up a month-old thread but, we seem to forget the whole "melting pot" thing. Everyone has ancestors that are from different places around the world. Chances are, one of your ancestors practiced Islam. To say that all Muslims are terrorists, is quite frankly, retarded. To blame an entire religion for 9/11 is crazy. It reminds me of someone, who decided to go about killing 6 million people. Honestly, if it were up to some of the ignorant people in this country, we'd see another genocide. Whether you believe in God, or Allah, or whoever, we were all created at the same time, and live together on the only known planet to have life. To fight one another, just shows how stupid we can be. Increase the peace.

Cheddarbob 08-24-2007 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 279203)
Chances are, one of your ancestors practiced Islam.

or not

Steeda97 08-25-2007 08:27 AM

Well considering it stretches back to the 7th century, and its the 2nd largest religion in the world, im gunna have to go with yes, chances are one of your ancestors practiced islam.

HokieStang00 08-25-2007 09:33 AM

The Muslims that act upon hate and terrorist attacks are just a radical sample of an EXTREMELY large religion base. I'm sure numerous KKK and Nazi members had a Catholic/Christian background, so if you can safely assume all muslims are terrorists, then all Catholics/Christians must be hell-bent on destroying all races but their own. Unfortunately the acts of a few have mis-represented an entire religion. I have no idea what is in the Qur'an because I honestly don't care. But I do know for a fact that it was written far before America even existed. So I don't agree with it saying that "All americans should die", which explains the millions of very religious Muslims who manage to live in peace in America.

Mixedbreed02GT 11-27-2007 07:35 PM

theres 2 ways a muslim can "become" a good american.

1.) denouce the Islam, and accept christianity.

2.) take all relatives, and fellow muslims to middle of desert, and blow selves up.

IHATECHEVY4324 11-28-2007 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by Mixedbreed02GT (Post 293911)
theres 2 ways a muslim can "become" a good american.

1.) denouce the Islam, and accept christianity.

2.) take all relatives, and fellow muslims to middle of desert, and blow selves up.

Well said

True Americans, REAL Americans are christians. This country was founded by white christians for WHITE CHRISTIANS. Not that im racist towards non whites, but they need to understand our countries history.

Now, with that being said, islam is the religion of violence and we cant have that in America.

machnjo 11-28-2007 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by IHATECHEVY4324 (Post 294134)
Well said

True Americans, REAL Americans are christians. This country was founded by white christians for WHITE CHRISTIANS. Not that im racist towards non whites, but they need to understand our countries history.

Now, with that being said, islam is the religion of violence and we cant have that in America.

So, because I'm Jewish, I'm not a real American? If I'm not mistaken, the first settlers were Catholic, Protestant, and Quakers (but they just confuse me). I know history very well. This country was founded by peoples wanting freedom of religion and equality for all, and not what you have gleened from your Aryan propaganda pamphlets.

Mixedbreed02GT 11-28-2007 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by IHATECHEVY4324 (Post 294134)
Well said

True Americans, REAL Americans are christians. This country was founded by white christians for WHITE CHRISTIANS. Not that im racist towards non whites, but they need to understand our countries history.

Now, with that being said, islam is the religion of violence and we cant have that in America.

DUDE STFU and dont ever agree with me, disagree, or talk to're a piece of crap, a homo, a loser, an idiot, a fag, now go die.

you're a racist, commie loving, pos...please do yourself a favor, write a suicide note, and kill yourself.

jjtgiants 11-29-2007 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by WaterDR (Post 274241)
What does it mean to be a good American?

I'm wondering the same probably could ask 100 people and get 100 different answers.

Steeda97 11-29-2007 12:36 PM

People tend to forget the most important thing about being an American. We are all different. We are not Native Americans, unless you are, a native american. Our ancestors immigrated here from another country. I think the best way to be a "Good American" is to truly appreciate one another, no matter what color, religion, or what type of shoes they wear, or what car they drive, or how much money they have, or whatever. We are all human beings, we didn't create ourselves, so i don't believe we have the right to say someones better than another.

And as for IHATECHEVY, you have alot of hatred in you. Your not better than anyone on this forum, or in the world, so stop acting like it. If someone does something you don't, or doesnt have something you have, f off. Your not our role model. No one on here is looking up to you because your a christian, or drive a V8 Mustang. Seriously, someone ban this dude.

Mixedbreed02GT 12-07-2007 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 279203)
Honestly, if it were up to some of the ignorant people in this country, we'd see another genocide.

yep, if i had my way...i'd lure all the illegals to some pep rallies, promising them permanent us citizenship, then id have the National Guard mow them down...then i'd have their bodies taken to a crematorium, and ASTA LUEGO ESE`S!

StreetRacer 12-08-2007 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by Mixedbreed02GT (Post 296219)
yep, if i had my way...i'd lure all the illegals to some pep rallies, promising them permanent us citizenship, then id have the National Guard mow them down...then i'd have their bodies taken to a crematorium, and ASTA LUEGO ESE`S!

wasnt that hitlers idea?

Mixedbreed02GT 12-08-2007 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 296235)
wasnt that hitlers idea?

nah, he wanted to stick the Jews in their while they were alive.

im nice enough to gun the illegals down first before I stick them in the crematorium.

StormsGT 12-09-2007 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by Mixedbreed02GT (Post 296272)
nah, he wanted to stick the Jews in their while they were alive.

im nice enough to gun the illegals down first before I stick them in the crematorium.

Hitler was to cheap to shoot them. Gas was the cheap way to go. That reminds me, can anyone tell me why shower heads in Germany have eleven holes?

machnjo 12-09-2007 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by StormsGT (Post 296403)
Hitler was to cheap to shoot them. Gas was the cheap way to go. That reminds me, can anyone tell me why shower heads in Germany have eleven holes?

Not so much cheap as it was too inefficient and slow for them to use guns. Gas was their solution for mass killings.

3.9s beat gts 02-14-2008 04:51 PM

i hope u were just stating that you found this
because this if fuckin ignorant as all get out
its like saying u call me racist because i cant walk up to my homie and say wassup my N*gga without some trouble
but another black man can walk up to another black man and say wassup my N*gga and him be totally cool with it
that was an ignorant ass post and i hope you were just stating that you found it

JackThe Ripper 02-14-2008 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by 3.9s beat gts (Post 309384)
i hope u were just stating that you found this
because this if fuckin ignorant as all get out
its like saying u call me racist because i cant walk up to my homie and say wassup my N*gga without some trouble
but another black man can walk up to another black man and say wassup my N*gga and him be totally cool with it
that was an ignorant ass post and i hope you were just stating that you found it

which post?

3.9s beat gts 02-14-2008 05:42 PM

well the original one
but after reading alot of um
we got some ignorant ass people here
persoanlly id like to see this post deleted or closed

JackThe Ripper 02-14-2008 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by 3.9s beat gts (Post 309417)
well the original one
but after reading alot of um
we got some ignorant ass people here
persoanlly id like to see this post deleted or closed

No reason to delete or post, peoples thoughs and ideas should be encouraged, not a lot of forumboards allow such a free allowance of political views and beliefs.

Just like those westboro baptist church people who call soldiers fags and day all american military are homos and should be in hell.

as a veteran they deeply offend me, however, as a veteran ill agree to tghier right to say what they want.

3.9s beat gts 02-14-2008 05:48 PM

but thats exactly why most boards that bash like this arnt good
leads to ignorant thinkin
but hey what do i kno
im only 18 and they old farts who believe that a muslim is a devil well
i feel sorry for um
but i wouldnt think twice about puttin on right inbetween someones eyes i thought might be a terrorist

StormsGT 02-15-2008 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by 3.9s beat gts (Post 309421)
but thats exactly why most boards that bash like this arnt good
leads to ignorant thinkin
but hey what do i kno
im only 18 and they old farts who believe that a muslim is a devil well
i feel sorry for um
but i wouldnt think twice about puttin on right inbetween someones eyes i thought might be a terrorist

You just keep feeling sorry. you are a clueless little twit. The fact is they want you dead if you don't think like them. No matter what they say, its all of them.

3.9s beat gts 02-15-2008 05:15 AM

hit it right on the nail head there
want a fuckin cookie?

P.S. check the numbers on how many people have been killed by Christianity vs every other religion. and as it is
if i get killed so be it
we need to get rid of about 3billion people
an i get an avian flu virus please?

jcsuli74 02-15-2008 12:06 PM

an extremist is just that an extremist, does not matter what religion, hitler was an extremist christian. muslims are not all bad most that i have met want nothing more to be left alone to ohh id ont know practice their religion in peace (see bill of rights, it doesnt say only Christianity can be practiced in this country). as pointed out several times christians have as much blood on their hands as anybody. the extremists take the religious teachings beyond what they started as. these people like to use religion to justify their crazy ass way of thinking.

remember fighting over religion is nothing more than your invisible friend is not in my invisible friend's phonebook.

how many wars has religion created? besides the new religion is money, all worship it, all seek it, all want to preserve it, some will kill to get more of it.

Cheddarbob 02-15-2008 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by 3.9s beat gts (Post 309384)
i hope u were just stating that you found this
because this if fuckin ignorant as all get out
its like saying u call me racist because i cant walk up to my homie and say wassup my N*gga without some trouble
but another black man can walk up to another black man and say wassup my N*gga and him be totally cool with it
that was an ignorant ass post and i hope you were just stating that you found it

oh come on now this thread is SOOOOOO DEAD!!!!

Grady Rogers 11-06-2008 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by pony power1 (Post 274008)
there is no good muslims they hate us and they hate americans any 1 whos not a muslim is there enemy any we should wach this religion be cuz it can be dangerous to r values :nono:

we are infidales to muslims. you can live amongst them and never know their hatred towards you & me. Just ask the neighbors who lived next to the
9-11 pilots. I would hope that their not all that way. There is good and evil in all
depatments/releigons/races/organizations/clubs etc: Remember what the suicides bombers are promised after death, 50 virgins-rasberry waterfalls and some other stuff. That is pretty crazy, if ya ask me.

3.8for the win 11-06-2008 04:13 PM

old thread let it die!!

but you do make a good point.

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