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Fat Lard 02-02-2006 05:48 PM

All I can really say to that It must hurt.....

Milos 02-02-2006 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Gotts say though, those navy pilots have balls of steel landing on those carriers at night.....

haha not me man.. :punk:

Slither 02-02-2006 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by Jason24
dude shut your fawking punk ass up. oh you drive a GT... oh my lord!... -_-

shutup and wake up in the real world bitch... none of that shyt matters... your still a loser. Its not my fault you got your ass beat by someone in the Marines... or whatever it is that you have against me... And where exactly in Pensacola are you located... i am supposed to go out there to visit a buddy who finished some Aviation Mechanics Training recently...

p.s. sorry i didnt reply right away your not important

Ohhhh lordy.

two-niner 02-02-2006 06:39 PM

Easy with those numbers, Mr Jack.
Did you see the movie "We were Soldiers (and young once)"?? The unit portrayed there was the First Cavalary Division and while in Viet Nam they had over 500 helicopters. In fact, there were over 3500 helicopters deployed to Viet Nam by the US Army. This is in addition to all other aviation units stationed in the states, Germany, Italy, Korea, etc.. During the heighth of the war (approx 1965 - 1971) the US army had more aircraft (including fixed wing(airplanes)) than all of the other services combined. Perhaps someone on this thread knows the current number of pilots and aircraft for each service?? Remember Mr Ripper, each aircraft had two pilots aboard.

Slither 02-02-2006 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by two-niner
Did you see the movie "We were Soldiers (and young once)"?? The unit portrayed there was the First Cavalary Division and while in Viet Nam they had over 500 helicopters. In fact, there were over 3500 helicopters deployed to Viet Nam by the US Army. This is in addition to all other aviation units stationed in the states, Germany, Italy, Korea, etc.. During the heighth of the war (approx 1965 - 1971) the US army had more aircraft (including fixed wing(airplanes)) than all of the other services combined. Perhaps someone on this thread knows the current number of pilots and aircraft for each service?? Remember Mr Ripper, each aircraft had two pilots aboard.

The story of the movie was actually the unit that my dads brother was in during the war. My dad saw the movie and said that it was pretty accurate. His brother wrote him letters during the war and according to him, his brother mentioned a lot of the stuff that happened in the movie. Unfortunately his brother was killed during the battle We Were Soldiers portrayed.

Jack The Ripper 02-02-2006 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by two-niner
Did you see the movie "We were Soldiers (and young once)"?? The unit portrayed there was the First Cavalary Division and while in Viet Nam they had over 500 helicopters. In fact, there were over 3500 helicopters deployed to Viet Nam by the US Army. This is in addition to all other aviation units stationed in the states, Germany, Italy, Korea, etc.. During the heighth of the war (approx 1965 - 1971) the US army had more aircraft (including fixed wing(airplanes)) than all of the other services combined. Perhaps someone on this thread knows the current number of pilots and aircraft for each service?? Remember Mr Ripper, each aircraft had two pilots aboard.

True true, dunno why, i totally forgot about helicopter pilots.

I actually had no idea how many pilots who had, just made sence the USAF has the most....

This was actually kinda difficult to locate. not completly up to date, but i dont see a 5000 pilot increase in the navy

The Air Force has 13,740 pilots, as of a 2005 census
Navy has 8,985 pilots as of a 2004 sensus
Below, i couldnt imagine the USMC has more pilots, they are the least populated. I dunno, army may take the win with helicopter pilots, but i cannot find any data on that. For now, looks like the USAF has the most.

Here is a lost of total number of service members per brance.
ARMY = 410,745
NAVY = 285,022
USMC= 126,475
USAF = 276,155

WaterDR 02-02-2006 07:37 PM

Fact: The US Army has more aircraft then the US Airforce

Fact: The US Army has more boats then the US Navy.

Jack The Ripper 02-02-2006 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
Fact: The US Army has more aircraft then the US Airforce

Fact: The US Army has more boats then the US Navy.

Not calling BS or nothing, but you got a link to support that?

Also, do you have to be a commissioned officer to fly a helicopter?
<just curious>

Besides, we all know that helicopter pilots are a dime a dozen, get some fighter pilots in the numbers that the USAF and NAVY have, then they can come play with the big boys.

LMAO!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fact: USAF = #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Badfish 02-02-2006 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Not calling BS or nothing, but you got a link to support that?

Also, do you have to be a commissioned officer to fly a helicopter?
<just curious>

Besides, we all know that helicopter pilots are a dime a dozen, get some fighter pilots in the numbers that the USAF and NAVY have, then they can come play with the big boys.

LMAO!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fact: USAF = #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pffft USAF training is easier than ballerina training...I mean made it in :devil2:

WaterDR 02-02-2006 08:01 PM

To fly a helicopter in the Army, you can be a Warrent Officer if I recall.

No, I don;t have any way to prove my last commenct w/o doing some digging, but I had heard that statement many times when I was in the service.

The army supposedly has more helicopters then the Air force. The Navy has only 350 or so ships right now and the airforce has thousands of rubber rafts. A raft is still technically a boat - lol

Jack The Ripper 02-02-2006 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
pffft USAF training is easier than ballerina training...I mean made it in :devil2:

Hell yah i made it in. <laugh>

All the brances have different ways of doing bootcamp. in the USAF the enlisted usually hang out in the read with the gear and the beer while we send the officers out to fight. LOL.

The USAF enlisted group was never really created with the intention of fighting, the enlisted's entire reason for existance is for support of the air power.
Take the USAF Special forces for example, Combat Control.
They parachute down into a hostile air field, kill everything in sight and set up a tactical air traffic control center and start bringing in the planes and control the airstrip.
Everything is about the planes in the USAF. We have infantry, however they mostly act as police and guard the base. They do have deployments as infantry however.

So the idea of crawling through miles of mud with 80lbs of gear seems a bit rediculous when we will probably never do that. <laugh>

The USAF bootcamp is all about training the individual to pay attention to detail. Not so much as combat education.

They do have fun stuff like that if you want. In Misawa Japan i took a little over half a year of SCARS training, which is a hand to hand combat course. S.C.A.R.S. = Scientific Combat Aggression Responce System.

Man, that was some messed up stuff, all about killing and breaking limbs. it was fun, but after a while i got sick of going to work all bruised up, plus it did a number on my knees. Finally got out of it. Then again, the training is supposed to keep you alive in hostile territory, not as self defence for a bar room brawl. <laugh> Goodtimes. :devil2:
That was a long time ago though, i think i quit that back in '97.

Badfish 02-02-2006 08:34 PM

whatever helps you sleep at night.....pansy :D

Jack The Ripper 02-02-2006 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
whatever helps you sleep at night.....pansy :D

Hey.. remember that time yer fog lights stop working? you got on here all mad cause you couldnt figure out why? checked and rechecked the wiring?
then i told you to make sure the button was pressed for the fog lights? and you felt like a moron?
Yah. Attention to detail buddy. USAF might work for you!

Remember when you were all excited when you got yer stripe kit, and found that a task so simple, like putting on stripes, was too far out of yer capability to manage even though a drunk chimp could probably do it?
Yah. Attention to detail buddy. USAF might work for you!

Remember when you told us how you wet yer bed a couple weeks back?
yah that was just funny.


Oh yah, and best yet, remember when you were screwin' around ran yer car off the road? and you drew that illistration so we could see what you were talking about?
You draw like a 3 year old child.


Anyways, i sleep fine at night. Thankyou. :devil2:

two-niner 02-03-2006 12:48 PM

Mr Jack, Mr Jack, MT#1 customer is correct.
Your data on the number of pilots in each of the services are acceptable. MT#1 stated "the Army has more aircraft than the Air Force". MT#1 is talking about the number of AIRCRAFT and you are talking about the number of PILOTS. The US Army probably has at least twice as many aircraft as the Air Force. How do you explain the seemingly impossible difference? In the Air Force about 25-30 % of "pilots" are actually flying. The rest do ground duty and wait their turn. That's why so many qualified Air Force pilots get out of the service. In the US Army about 90-95% of the pilots are flying on pretty much a daily basis, the rest are assigned administrative duties. Accordingly, I believe, Mr Jack is right about the pilots and MT#1 is right about the aircraft. Which is harder to fly? During the Viet Nam war if you couldn"t solo in 8 hours, you washed out. Thats both the helicopter and the fixed wing (airplane). So apparently both are easy to master the BASIC flight discipline. Now the important question....Does Seattle have a chance at all????

Grimmz 02-03-2006 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
The army supposedly has more helicopters then the Air force. The Navy has only 350 or so ships right now and the airforce has thousands of rubber rafts. A raft is still technically a boat - lol

well that makes sense seeing how helo's are for support, where as if your in the Airforce i'm sure most of the stuff gets flown in...

stanger00 02-03-2006 09:14 PM

when i was in iraq i seen a lot of UH-60's coming off of c-17's and c-5's. do you think the army would fly a helicopter to south west asia from america?

our fitness standards are strict as hell now. when first came in i had to run 2 miles in 18 minutes or less, push ups and sit ups arent worth mentioning. in todays air force we are put to a 100 point test. we get tested on our waist(32 inches for max points), run, push ups and sit ups. well based on my age group 18-24 i have to run 1.5 miles in 9:35 or less for maximum points, 70 push ups in 60 seconds and 55 situps in 60. i think i made a good choice with the air force.

RedFirevert04GT 02-03-2006 10:17 PM

If you're going to count the Army's supply of rubber rafts as boats then I'm going to count the Navy's rubber boat supply also. Each aircraft carrier has about 120 rubber life rafts. There are 12 or 14 carriers. That's way more than 350, and that's only the carriers, no Destroyers, Frigates, Cruisers, Oilers or flat tops.

1 BAD S 02-04-2006 12:44 AM

Im an Air Force Brat myself. pops was/is a pilot, just retired for the second time this past april. he was a Lt. Col in the wounderful USAF. give me three more years and ill be the one finishin the bomb droppin hes been doin over there in iraq. Cant wait. ill be drivin a Viper in the next three years. and im not talkin about the Dodge. im talkin about the F-16. Dsdaddy, ill see you in the blue. gosh the air force needs a new motto. but i guess if they give me the keys to the f-16, ill live with it

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