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PureStang 11-29-2005 12:15 PM

i think were all up for anything for a good cause :D

and the reason i say that we should include va in w/ pa is cause there are more people south of va than there are than north of va (including va)

doe 11-29-2005 02:35 PM

I know it's really far south, but since we're all throwing ideas out, there's the 1/4 mile track at Gainsville, where they have the gator nationals, it's pretty big...

PureStang 11-29-2005 03:37 PM

bump (short message)

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 03:44 PM

yall need different places for each one...

that a sick idear tho...

set up a place near the most MT populated areas...

PureStang 11-29-2005 06:30 PM

we need a lot more ideas people...

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 07:35 PM

FIRST and foremost... ya need to get people to commit to it... figure a date a place for each general region...

then find a track and possible reserve it for a day... a carshow i a shopping plaza might be even better, no fee, business like the extra people cause it bring potential sales...

But you need commited people and it wont be easy... in the summer, i can ALMOST garentee i would do depending on the distance...

I'm not in the mood for the hassle of doing it my self...

get someone to start a "sticky" thread and have people throw out idears... idk how you would handle it...

if you do, good luck...

whitethunder46 11-29-2005 07:53 PM

:) I would try and make it the same weekend across the nation. As said before, this seems like it could definately get the attention of a nice magazine. Also, I would also say sometime late spring or summer. Give us all plenty of fore warning, afterall who knows, it could be hundreds, maybe a thousand MT people across the nation

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by whitethunder46
:) I would try and make it the same weekend across the nation. As said before, this seems like it could definately get the attention of a nice magazine. Also, I would also say sometime late spring or summer. Give us all plenty of fore warning, afterall who knows, it could be hundreds, maybe a thousand MT people across the nation

they dont partake in the forum tho... ya'll need the help of the MT website itself to pull it off... especially nationwide... it'll be hard enough in your own area... discuss it w/ some1 who works at/with MT... theres your best bet...

whitethunder46 11-29-2005 08:11 PM

Sry, I meant like all of us on the forums, etc.

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 08:20 PM

still there arent enough...

there are only 69 member there... so theres prolly only like 100 here dedicated to the forum...

whitethunder46 11-29-2005 08:22 PM

I wonder how many people just don't know about that map tho

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 08:25 PM

i factored that in 100 is much more than 69(a rather small #)

it will be very hard regardless... for a nation wide it would have to be a team effort.... not easy...

WaterDR 11-29-2005 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
still there arent enough...

there are only 69 member there... so theres prolly only like 100 here dedicated to the forum...

If 100 people each get 10 mustangs, that I would say would be a good start. PLUS, we can get the word out on other forums too.

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
If 100 people each get 10 mustangs, that I would say would be a good start. PLUS, we can get the word out on other forums too.

YEAH! I'll just buy nine more mustangs...

or better yet... you buy me nine mustangs...

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
YEAH! I'll just buy nine more mustangs...

or better yet... you buy me nine mustangs...

<jk>it was how ya worded it lol

stangspeed 11-29-2005 09:06 PM

First and foremost, the regions need to be established. Then once thats done, you need to have "teams" lead by an "team-captain". The teams can be anywhere from 3-6 members each that are responsible for organizing and setting up "events". You dont want to many people on each team do to the fact of if there are too many players minds will never get made up...This I know alot about. These teams we also be responsible for reporting all information and the status of each said event to the Management from "MT", such as event guidelines, giveaways, possible sponsers, making sure the donations are transfered to the proper accounts. Which leads to another thing: Once an event is set-up and carried out there needs to be a general account setup for the proceeds to be held. Each "Team-Leader" will be 100% responsible for getting that money safely into the proper hands. After all we are doing this for a good cause. We need teams for promotion help as well. Design teams to help design flyers, digital invites, t-shirt designs, etc. There could also be a email team who would be responsible for collecting and responding to all incoming emails or enquireys regarding an event. For this thing to be nation wide, there has to be alot of help in alot of differant areas. Once the regions are set-up, teams picked, ideas created, this thing could really take off and turn into something really special. I hope everyone is brainstorming and trying to come up with stuff as I am. This is alot of work and we all have to be ready to handle taking on such a task. I know I am. I look forwards to future developements. One last thing, we need to come up with a theme, a theme that represents each region but seperately like : "Mustang Tunings" 1st Annual Cruising for the Cause. If anybody want sto feed off what I have just wrote feel free to do so. Thats how this is going to work. I hope I helped in some little way. Thanks for your time. Clay

WaterDR 11-29-2005 09:20 PM

Clay, I like the way you think! There are some great ideas here...I have a few of my own, but let's see where this heads.

Great Job!

GREG@94GT 11-29-2005 09:54 PM

I'm definately in for helpin out however... i just dont want to be responsible for money... this will sure be a task...

i think tje proper steps should be something like this

1. Volunteers
2. Pinpoint Areas
3. make arrangments
4. advertise to the max... maybe even call up some magazines
we will need participants and spectators
5. Roll w/ with it and pray

what would be done w/ any profits?
charity? MT?

we should also get the MT employees in on it to

shad0ws 11-29-2005 10:09 PM

So far we have this for regions.

Middle Eastern Coast - VA, WV, MD, DE, and PA

South Eastern Coast - NC, SC, GA, and FL

Northern Eastern Coast - NJ, NY, CT, and MA

Keep on establishing the regions. I'm going to stay out of the areas I'm not fimiliar with and if anybody disagrees with what we have so far then let me or something. Keep 'em coming...

WaterDR 11-29-2005 10:09 PM

As far as money goes, Home of Their Own, Inc. is a bonafide corporation and recognized by the IRS as being a charity. We have 501C3 status. As such, we have accounts and money can be wired to any of these accounts or to a corporate paypal account. A certain amount of trust always has to be given to those collecting is just the way it is.

Let's not make this too hard. We need a simple formula that can be easily repeated. We have a lot of experience with putting on events of all types, small and large, but never one quite like this.

It will be impossible to pay for mag ads, so forget about that. Non of the auto mags will donate ad space as I have already been down this road. The best thing is to have them write a story about it or to have an existing business work this little diddy into existing paid ad space. Don't get hung up on advertising. These things work best by word of mouth.

My suggestion is to divide the country in a manner which makes sense. Then, take 1 to 3 guys to organize for that specific area. That includes picking the spot and getting the word out by contacting local clubs etc... and so on and so forth.

We also need to decide if this should be a Mustang only event or open to all cars. I say, we keep it just to Mustangs. Other cars will no doubt show up anyway and since it is a charity event, we will always take money - LOL

stangspeed 11-29-2005 10:22 PM

I love the idea of it being Mustangs only. I agree too as far as keeping it simple. As far as the advertising goes, that will come in time. Im not sure if any of you have heard of "The Texas Heat Wave" car show, but I started out as an M.C. for the show and now this thing is huge. They have major sponsors all over the place, but it doesnt happen over night. I have alot of friends involved with car show stuff. I can definetly get some good support down here. And the club Im in "Austin Area Stangs" that has a very good following as well...

GREG@94GT 11-30-2005 06:43 PM

we should see bout making this a "sticky" post... i think this is a great idea...

B-rett 12-01-2005 07:23 PM

theres a huge track up here in norwalk, ohio

BrentK 12-01-2005 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by B-rett
theres a huge track up here in norwalk, ohio

YES....Norwalk is awesome..would be a good place

B-rett 12-01-2005 07:32 PM

i agree norwalk is where its at lol

foncarelli 12-01-2005 08:29 PM

I attended an all Ford event there a couple of years ago. It would be perfect for the people up North(OH,MI,IN,etc.)

GREG@94GT 12-01-2005 11:04 PM

english town is nice here in nj

B-rett 12-05-2005 07:33 AM

im feeling norwalk for all us up here in the nasty north lol

Mug11 12-05-2005 05:31 PM

Houston raceway park in houston, tx. It's in the middle ;)

stangspeed 12-05-2005 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Mug11
Houston raceway park in houston, tx. It's in the middle ;)

Now we are talking.... :D

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