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Grimmz 10-21-2005 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by dannyb785
people are forgetting that marriage originated by God for unity between husband and wife. We americanzie wedding, but the fact still remains, that marriage was designed for husband and wife. If everyone was gay...the world could not exist. yes, gays can adopt...but where did the baby come from? the production of a man and woman. So if more and more people are gay, there will be less to adopt and therefore..less population.

Yeah, true but here in the US "we don't care about religion" the constitution is what rules...and hell when you read the bible...Jesus wasn't exactly the most manly guy either...and it was the arab's and jews who kept young boys as slaves for their masters...jew's being later after they themselves were freed

i love soccermoms 10-21-2005 11:49 PM

this is why i dont go to church. religions are soooooooo hypocritical, the thing about not liking gays, but letting their priest **** little boys is just one example. you havent even touched that subject, yet your bitching about deviant behavior? isnt molesting little boys deviant? do u beat off? that seems almost gay, touching yourself like that! your a deviant!!!!!
(if no one got that, the last comment was sarcasm. the rest i was serious about)

dannyb785 10-22-2005 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
this is why i dont go to church. religions are soooooooo hypocritical, the thing about not liking gays, but letting their priest **** little boys is just one example. you havent even touched that subject, yet your bitching about deviant behavior? isnt molesting little boys deviant? do u beat off? that seems almost gay, touching yourself like that! your a deviant!!!!!
(if no one got that, the last comment was sarcasm. the rest i was serious about)

lol. i was gunna say...touching yourself = gay? lol, you wouldnt go too far with that argument.

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by dannyb785
people are forgetting that marriage originated by God for unity between husband and wife. We americanzie wedding, but the fact still remains, that marriage was designed for husband and wife. If everyone was gay...the world could not exist. yes, gays can adopt...but where did the baby come from? the production of a man and woman. So if more and more people are gay, there will be less to adopt and therefore..less population.

It is on that fact alone that it shouldn't be allowed. The problem is that there are all these atheist out there that believe it is a right.....that is the matter at question. Is marriage a right or a privilage? :rolleyes: ......I will never approve of it.

04DarkShadowGT 10-22-2005 08:19 AM

The only excuse anyone has for beign against gay marraige is religious bull shat.

Give some valid examples of why its wrong. You cant, all you can spew out is your religious crap and how god intended it to be this and that.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe your religion is gasp wrong? Have you used a condom, birth control, had pre marital sex, jacked off. Do you feel deviant because its the same thing.

As said before organized religions are the most hypocritical cults ever created.

Originally Posted by dannyb785
people are forgetting that marriage originated by God for unity between husband and wife. We americanzie wedding, but the fact still remains, that marriage was designed for husband and wife. If everyone was gay...the world could not exist. yes, gays can adopt...but where did the baby come from? the production of a man and woman. So if more and more people are gay, there will be less to adopt and therefore..less population.

And the problem with that is? We are to over populated anyway.

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by 04DarkShadowGT
The only excuse anyone has for beign against gay marraige is religious bull shat.

Give some valid examples of why its wrong. You cant, all you can spew out is your religious crap and how god intended it to be this and that.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe your religion is gasp wrong? Have you used a condom, birth control, had pre marital sex, jacked off. Do you feel deviant because its the same thing.

As said before organized religions are the most hypocritical cults ever created.

And the problem with that is? We are to over populated anyway.

How about the fact that as of right now the constitution defines what marriage is. The unity between man and women. Why should it be changed because gay people are not comfortable and feel that it should be changed to suit their "needs"? :rolleyes: Our constitution is based upon Christian values and morals. The separation of church and state has been streteched way too far in many peoples opinions. You cannot convince me that our Forefathers intended for private citizens to be banned from saying prayers, of any faith, in public schools. That is the main problem.
The individual's choice to be gay has nothing to do with individual rights, besides, the government has every right to refuse to acknowledge a marriage if it does not meet the accepted definition.....

stang00 10-22-2005 10:39 AM

mine opinion is gay marrage should be allowed but it should be in a lock tight gay community were no straight people have to witness weird **** goin on

Grimmz 10-22-2005 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
How about the fact that as of right now the constitution defines what marriage is. The unity between man and women. Why should it be changed because gay people are not comfortable? :rolleyes: Our constitution is based upon Christian values and morals. The separation of church and state has been streteched way too far in many peoples opinions. You cannot convince me that our Forefathers intended for private citizens to be banned from saying prayers, of any faith, in public schools. That is the main problem.
The individual's choice to be gay has nothing to do with individual rights, besides, the government has every right to refuse to acknowledge a marriage if it does not meet the accepted definition.....

Aight, if you wana say a prayer in school go ahead...DO IT IN A PRIVATE SCHOOL...if religion is that important there are many ways to go about your business without forcing other non believers to follow what you believe...the truth is while yes Christianity is the major religion in the US, there are so many deviations and changes that we might as well consider each protestant religion a seperate faith...

As for marriage in the constitution where?...marriage isn't even brought up in the constitution...

w01stang 10-22-2005 12:03 PM

So this thread is basically about us using religion to judge others who are different then us, so to bring comfort and righteousness in the prejudice feelings within.
I think to each it is own. If two Homosexuals meaning both girls/guys want to be with each other for the rest of their lives by some kind of marriage let them. Its definitely a lot holier then a priest molesting children in the name of GOD. Yes there are a few bad seeds but covering it up by the governing body makes the whole religion false. Now as far as religion I think we should ban religion due to most of the world’s murders or death and wars are base on difference of opinion regarding religion. The American Indians were almost brought to extinction due to religious prejudices. I believe religion was created to control the masses by using fear of death. Death is something most of us fear so we fill our minds with fantasy of a better place were we will live forever. Religion is a form of twisting the truth and swaying it to benefit religions governing body. Now before you get on my case and call me atheist, I do believe in GOD and I do read the Bible but I don’t believe in religion aka cults. I believe we all know the difference between rights and wrong. But it’s how we live our lives to help humanity no matter where or who they are, is what makes the biggest difference.

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
Aight, if you wana say a prayer in school go ahead...DO IT IN A PRIVATE SCHOOL...if religion is that important there are many ways to go about your business without forcing other non believers to follow what you believe...the truth is while yes Christianity is the major religion in the US, there are so many deviations and changes that we might as well consider each protestant religion a seperate faith...

As for marriage in the constitution where?...marriage isn't even brought up in the constitution...

It must be otherwise we woudlnt' be having a national debate on wether this should be happening or not....

What it boils down to for me is that homosexuals want tolerance for their lifestyle choice, but when I say I believe their choice is immoral, all of a sudden tolerance goes out the window. I then get labeled homophobe. I am not scared of you having sex with another consenting adult in your bedroom, but when you ask society to condone your behavior, you invite my opinion.

If you want to be homosexual...fine, be that as you may it is your choice and you have your rights. But don't pretend to make everyone accept your behavior as normal and destroy the sacred act of marriage. If you want to have the benefits that a married couple discounts..etc...fine give them those it a "unity", "partners" but don't expect me to accept your behavior as normal just because you think your "rights" should make me think the way you do.. :rolleyes:

mdvaldosta 10-22-2005 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
It must be otherwise we woudlnt' be having a national debate on wether this should be happening or not....

What it boils down to for me is that homosexuals want tolerance for their lifestyle choice, but when I say I believe their choice is immoral, all of a sudden tolerance goes out the window. I then get labeled homophobe. I am not scared of you having sex with another consenting adult in your bedroom, but when you ask society to condone your behavior, you invite my opinion.

If you want to be homosexual...fine, be that as you may it is your choice and you have your rights. But don't pretend to make everyone accept your behavior as normal and destroy the sacred act of marriage. If you want to have the benefits that a married couple discounts..etc...fine give them those it a "unity", "partners" but don't expect me to accept your behavior as normal just because you think your "rights" should make me think the way you do.. :rolleyes:

damn you left me with nothing left to say :/

Grimmz 10-22-2005 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
It must be otherwise we woudlnt' be having a national debate on wether this should be happening or not....

LoL aight man i'm guna try and be nice, but I don't know your level of higher education and what not, but you have to understand the the Pres. wants to make it ILLEGAL...

And here i'll give ya the link to the US constitution, run a search on Marriage...and lemi know when you find something...make sure you search all the amendments...

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
What it boils down to for me is that homosexuals want tolerance for their lifestyle choice, but when I say I believe their choice is immoral, all of a sudden tolerance goes out the window. I then get labeled homophobe. I am not scared of you having sex with another consenting adult in your bedroom, but when you ask society to condone your behavior, you invite my opinion.

Why are you using "YOU" I don't think anyone here arguing for gay marriage is infact gay...yes, "they" want tolerance, and they'll get it, eventually the educated majority of society will realize gay marriage won't change anything sacred about "normal" marriage.

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
If you want to be homosexual...fine, be that as you may it is your choice and you have your rights. But don't pretend to make everyone accept your behavior as normal and destroy the sacred act of marriage. If you want to have the benefits that a married couple discounts..etc...fine give them those it a "unity", "partners" but don't expect me to accept your behavior as normal just because you think your "rights" should make me think the way you do.. :rolleyes:

No one cares what you think. Thats the beauty of the constitution, it doesn't have to listen to a Catholic view point, or a Jewish view point, or a islamic or asian frog worshipper!...YOU DON'T MATTER...LoL, if you agree with it or not no one cares if you like gay marraige or even accept it...for years many people didn't want Blacks to vote, yet today they vote don't they?, today we repealed an amendment which took away their rights...TODAY we're different...

In conclusion it seems you think we're tryin to argue to pursade you to accept gay marriage, in reality, we don't care if you agree with it or not. THe bottom line is it must be granted as there is no legal way to deny it...]

(we being people who don't see why gay marriage should be denied)

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
LoL aight man i'm guna try and be nice, but I don't know your level of higher education and what not, but you have to understand the the Pres. wants to make it ILLEGAL...

And here i'll give ya the link to the US constitution, run a search on Marriage...and lemi know when you find something...make sure you search all the amendments...

Why are you using "YOU" I don't think anyone here arguing for gay marriage is infact gay...yes, "they" want tolerance, and they'll get it, eventually the educated majority of society will realize gay marriage won't change anything sacred about "normal" marriage.

No one cares what you think. Thats the beauty of the constitution, it doesn't have to listen to a Catholic view point, or a Jewish view point, or a islamic or asian frog worshipper!...YOU DON'T MATTER...LoL, if you agree with it or not no one cares if you like gay marraige or even accept it...for years many people didn't want Blacks to vote, yet today they vote don't they?, today we repealed an amendment which took away their rights...TODAY we're different...

In conclusion it seems you think we're tryin to argue to pursade you to accept gay marriage, in reality, we don't care if you agree with it or not. THe bottom line is it must be granted as there is no legal way to deny it...]

(we being people who don't see why gay marriage should be denied)

Its funny how you saying as though it is a fact that their rights will be granted, as it is yet to be decided. Same sex marriages are just playing wrong anyway you look at it. You can give them their rights and you can deny the fact that the constitution was created with christian ideas in mind and it won't make any difference. This is all just so intriguing as how homosexuals have their own churches and claim to believe in god.. :rolleyes: .....

Grimmz 10-22-2005 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
Its funny how you saying as though it is a fact that their rights will be granted, as it is yet to be decided. Same sex marriages are just playing wrong anyway you look at it. You can give them their rights and you can deny the fact that the constitution was created with christian ideas in mind and it won't make any difference. This is all just so intriguing as how homosexuals have their own churches and claim to believe in god.. :rolleyes: .....

1) same sex marriages are playing wrong...yes i'm sure they are...what ever that means...

2) why would it be wrong to believe in God if your gay? According to your religion an all loving, all knowing, god has the capacity to love them the same. LoL by you saying god wouldn't accept them you have just discredited your entire religion! LoL, bro your killing me, read HUME's argument against's remarkably relative to what your saying.

3) Plain wrong? You making an argument with no other argument other then morality is "plan wrong". Morality is just a device and interpretation, no ONE ideal is correct. If it were we wouldn't be going to university's today to study past philosophers, AND STILL HAVE NO DEFINED ANSWERS.

4) why are you so afraid of the institution of marraige being forever destroyed by gay marriage. Other countries do it, and have yet to colapse. No one person has the authority to make anything morally wrong. That and maybe you should explain why there is a 60% divorce rate in a country that is primarily christian, apparently someone in your own camp doesn't believe marriage is as big a deal as you do...

The reality is religion is based on some old guyz with good ideas. However, they figured people would only follow them if they were convinced, ie GOD, Hell, Heaven. These are all tools of religion to help maintain order, THEY DO NOT EXIST!, Even the bible contradics itself, an all GOOD being cannot create harm or pain or suffering, unless those attributes are actually a good thing...well if that were true wow now we're in a cynical society aren't we.

The bottom line is, if you never wana see a gay couple having sex you don't have too. (If thats what your afraid of) Your entire argument is just not VALID from a philosophical/legal stand point. If your angry that your opinion doesn't matter, be more angry that your vote doesn't matter either lol...

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by dannyb785
lol. i was gunna say...touching yourself = gay? lol, you wouldnt go too far with that argument.

exactly. touching yourself isnt deviant. nor is marrying the person you love.

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
1) same sex marriages are playing wrong...yes i'm sure they are...what ever that means...

2) why would it be wrong to believe in God if your gay? According to your religion an all loving, all knowing, god has the capacity to love them the same. LoL by you saying god wouldn't accept them you have just discredited your entire religion! LoL, bro your killing me, read HUME's argument against's remarkably relative to what your saying.

3) Plain wrong? You making an argument with no other argument other then morality is "plan wrong". Morality is just a device and interpretation, no ONE ideal is correct. If it were we wouldn't be going to university's today to study past philosophers, AND STILL HAVE NO DEFINED ANSWERS.

4) why are you so afraid of the institution of marraige being forever destroyed by gay marriage. Other countries do it, and have yet to colapse. No one person has the authority to make anything morally wrong. That and maybe you should explain why there is a 60% divorce rate in a country that is primarily christian, apparently someone in your own camp doesn't believe marriage is as big a deal as you do...

The reality is religion is based on some old guyz with good ideas. However, they figured people would only follow them if they were convinced, ie GOD, Hell, Heaven. These are all tools of religion to help maintain order, THEY DO NOT EXIST!, Even the bible contradics itself, an all GOOD being cannot create harm or pain or suffering, unless those attributes are actually a good thing...well if that were true wow now we're in a cynical society aren't we.

The bottom line is, if you never wana see a gay couple having sex you don't have too. (If thats what your afraid of) Your entire argument is just not VALID from a philosophical/legal stand point. If your angry that your opinion doesn't matter, be more angry that your vote doesn't matter either lol...

We can go on and on about this and this debate would never end...if not from a religous point of view then lets look at it like this..

There is no RIGHT to marry.

Marriage requires a license, and to get that license, you have to meet certain requirements that vary from state to state.

It's no different than a 12 yr old suing because he/she cant get a license....driving and marriage are priveledges, not rights.
There is no inherent right to marriage.
If there was, you wouldn't need a license. Because you do, it's a priveledge. Both parties have to fufill certain requirements to be eligible for said license.
Why should it be changed just because they "feel" like it should...i repeat, no one in restricting your choice to live how you may. But why "should" we accept your behavior as normal?

Your opinion is well stated, and you're entitled to it, but I strongly disagree and i will continue to do so...why do you keep saying my vote doesn't count...from my stand point yours doesn't either. just because you think they should be given that right doesn't mean it will happen, how can you know for sure? :confused:

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
How about the fact that as of right now the constitution defines what marriage is. The unity between man and women. Why should it be changed because gay people are not comfortable and feel that it should be changed to suit their "needs"? :rolleyes: Our constitution is based upon Christian values and morals. The separation of church and state has been streteched way too far in many peoples opinions. You cannot convince me that our Forefathers intended for private citizens to be banned from saying prayers, of any faith, in public schools. That is the main problem.
The individual's choice to be gay has nothing to do with individual rights, besides, the government has every right to refuse to acknowledge a marriage if it does not meet the accepted definition.....

i think SOMEONE here is forgetting why our forefathers left england in the first place.. to get away from the religion, to create a free country where people could make there own choices.. forced to say prayers in a public school isnt freedom. if you wanna pray in school, go to a private school for your religion. how is our country free if you cant marry the person you love?

also, in the same quote above, he also says that about the constitution being made for straight people, and the gay people dont feel comfortable.
its YOU that doesnt feel comfortable, im pretty sure they are perfectly fine with them likeing the same sex..
what if the consitution was the other way, gay, and you were born straight? would u hate yourself everyday, like you think they should, or would u want to be happy with the one you love?

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
i think SOMEONE here is forgetting why our forefathers left england in the first place.. to get away from the religion, to create a free country where people could make there own choices.. forced to say prayers in a public school isnt freedom. if you wanna pray in school, go to a private school for your religion. how is our country free if you cant marry the person you love?

also, in the same quote above, he also says that about the constitution being made for straight people, and the gay people dont feel comfortable.
its YOU that doesnt feel comfortable, im pretty sure they are perfectly fine with them likeing the same sex..
what if the consitution was the other way, gay, and you were born straight? would u hate yourself everyday, like you think they should, or would u want to be happy with the one you love?

I don't think gay people should hate themselves nor do i hate them...don't get me wrong...let me restate my point again...i don't have any problem with them being what they is their choice and i don't have a problem with that...but when you want me to agree and accept that homesexuality is acceptable and normal than thats were the problem starts..

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
We can go on and on about this and this debate would never end...if not from a religous point of view then lets look at it like this..

There is no RIGHT to marry.

Marriage requires a license, and to get that license, you have to meet certain requirements that vary from state to state.

It's no different than a 12 yr old suing because he/she cant get a license....driving and marriage are priveledges, not rights.
There is no inherent right to marriage.
If there was, you wouldn't need a license. Because you do, it's a priveledge. Both parties have to fufill certain requirements to be eligible for said license.
Why should it be changed just because they "feel" like it should...i repeat, no one in restricting your choice to live how you may. But why "should" we accept your behavior as normal?

Your opinion is well stated, and you're entitled to it, but I strongly disagree and i will continue to do so...why do you keep saying my vote doesn't count...from my stand point yours doesn't either. just because you think they should be given that right doesn't mean it will happen, how can you know for sure? :confused:

why did u start this "discussion", yet your remaining so closed minded about it? isnt the point of a discussion to get the other party to see both views? ur still just swearing up and down about your own beliefs. are you just trying to convince us?

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
I don't think gay people should hate themselves nor do i hate them...don't get me wrong...let me restate my point again...i don't have any problem with them being what they is their choice and i don't have a problem with that...but when you want me to agree and accept that homesexuality is acceptable and normal than thats were the problem starts..

so do u get the fact that it makes them happy?

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
why did u start this "discussion", yet your remaining so closed minded about it? isnt the point of a discussion to get the other party to see both views? ur still just swearing up and down about your own beliefs. are you just trying to convince us?

Why is someone referred to as "close minded" when one choose not to accept a behavior which he/she belives is morally wrong?

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
so do u get the fact that it makes them happy?

I do agree that it would makes them happy..

Grimmz 10-22-2005 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
We can go on and on about this and this debate would never end...if not from a religous point of view then lets look at it like this..

There is no RIGHT to marry.

Marriage requires a license, and to get that license, you have to meet certain requirements that vary from state to state.

It's no different than a 12 yr old suing because he/she cant get a license....driving and marriage are priveledges, not rights.
There is no inherent right to marriage.
If there was, you wouldn't need a license. Because you do, it's a priveledge. Both parties have to fufill certain requirements to be eligible for said license.
Why should it be changed just because they "feel" like it should...i repeat, no one in restricting your choice to live how you may. But why "should" we accept your behavior as normal?

Your opinion is well stated, and you're entitled to it, but I strongly disagree and i will continue to do so...why do you keep saying my vote doesn't count...from my stand point yours doesn't either. just because you think they should be given that right doesn't mean it will happen, how can you know for sure? :confused:

A 12 year old and a gay ADULT couple are two completely different issues. One has to do with maturity, the state feels a 12 year old does not posses the capacity to operate a vehicle. Therefore, you would have to say a gay couple is incapable of participating in a marriage the same way a straight couple would. And that is something I believe is #1 false, and #2 unprovable...

Yes thats true the constitution doesn't care what I think either, and i'm glad about that, non partisan judgement is a CORE belief in our system. And while yes the US was created primarily by chrisitans, we have had a history of religious tolerance well before the revolutionary War. Penn. state was created as a colony with religious tolerances...this was placed into our system as a check and balance so one religion couldn't take over the system, even the christian faith of whom the Four Fathers were.

Gay marriage was allowed in the city of San Fransico, and yet the city is still standing (granted it was discontinued). Even within some of the protestant religions the first gay bishop was appointed, and so on. THEY GAYS ARE COMING WATCH OUT, THEY'RE GUNA MAKE YOUR DRESS FABULOUS!

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
I do agree that it would makes them happy..

then how does it bother u so much it should be banned? why do u think u should be able to stop some one from being happy? like said before, it goes "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness", the last one being the one that stands out here...

i love soccermoms 10-22-2005 02:24 PM

anyway, im outta here, i got some **** to do. i miiiight be back in about 3 or 4 hours, im interested to see who else addes to this! later guys!

stang00 10-22-2005 02:27 PM

gay people wig me out to know end they should have a gated community just for them so we dont have to be exposed to the weirdness

4.6 Love 10-22-2005 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by i love soccermoms
then how does it bother u so much it should be banned? why do u think u should be able to stop some one from being happy? like said before, it goes "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness", the last one being the one that stands out here...

should people be given a right just because it makes them happy?

Should pedophiles be allowed to do as they please because it makes them happy?

Why can't a man marry his sister if it makes him and her happy?

Grimmz 10-22-2005 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love
should people be given a right just because it makes them happy?

yes so long as it does not hurt anyone else. our society is based on this principle. Many of our laws against drunk driving, hunting, so on protect OTHERS.

stang00 10-22-2005 02:46 PM

**** no gay people should not get married its gross first of all second of all its gross being gay is wrong in general

Grimmz 10-22-2005 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by stang00
**** no gay people should not get married its gross first of all second of all its gross being gay is wrong in general

LoL, thnx for the intellectual response...but actually as Peter Griffin tells us from family guy, Gays are a very clean people, and they have been ever since they came over from France....LoL, but yeah i'm sure they're alot more clean then some of the trailer trash around the country...

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