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JackThe Ripper 08-04-2008 09:21 PM

WUI! Beware!
Ok, this is messed up.

My buddy lives in some apartments real close to me.

Our favorite bar, Chatfields Bar & Grill is about 3 blocks from our neighborhood.

So, last night my buddy jeff walks the 3 blocks to the bar. He sits down, has a shot, and a drink. the bartender is already closing up so he helps her close the place down. Jeff is a great guy, he is eas going, and a 5th degree Tai kwan Do international champion, so the girls that work there are always happy that he will stay there cause usualy it is just the bartendress on her own closing up.

Half an hour after he got there he is walking home, he gets to the major intersection which his apartments are located across the street, he hits the button to get the "walk" signal, and a Jefferson Country Sherrif pulls up next to him. The sherriff tells him that he saw him stumble and he is taking him in to detox. Jeff informs him that he lives in the apartments across the street, cant he just go home? Jeffco sherrif says Nope. Get in.

Here is the crap about this. he is NOT under arrest, he is being detained. If he refuses to go with them they CAN place him under arrest, if he resists he is then resisting arrest and subject to possible felony charges.

So, he is taken to Detox where he spends the next 20 hours of his life, he has to pay $450 for the detox services, but he is not charged with anything so he has nothing to fight. He is basically screwed.

The sad thing, is if he had done the wrong thing and drove, he would have been on the road for about 1 minute, and would have made it home, saved himself 20 hours of his life, and 450 bucks.

You would think that since drinking and driving are such huge problems, that police would ALLOW people to walk home, maybe even give em a lift for the last couple blocks to make sure they get home ok. Not stop them and throw them in detox for being smart enough to walk the 3 blocks...... 3 BLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the third person i know who this happened to.

PureStang 08-04-2008 09:51 PM

most cops are pricks. i would try to fight the fee in court. that is bull that he was within a few steps of his appartment.

Badfish 08-04-2008 09:53 PM

aint that some shit.

god I love this country sometimes................

Flynnster 08-04-2008 09:56 PM

Driver's ed teacher told us that when we got too drunk to drive and happened to sleep in our car the keys have to be out of the ignition or else it is a DUI. Anyone know if there is some truth to this?

SnTBakosFinest 08-04-2008 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Flynnster (Post 345198)
Driver's ed teacher told us that when we got too drunk to drive and happened to sleep in our car the keys have to be out of the ignition or else it is a DUI. Anyone know if there is some truth to this?


Guy I know got hammered at his buddies place... well his buddies wife didn't want people staying over or something so hes like "well if its cool i'll just sleep in my car"

So he goes to sleep in his car, happens to fall asleep with the radio on... cop shows up knocks on the window flashlight ect ect... smells the booze... takes him to jail for a DUI...

And Jack..about your buddy thats complete garbage..i'd see a judge...he'd probably say "that cops a prick you did the right thing by walking"

macs03GT 08-05-2008 12:06 AM

i swear i was just having a discussion tonight with my friend about cops who are dicks. While there are some cops that try and do the right thing, there are always the cops that didn't have any friends, and everybody teased in high school so they feel that have to become cops to "put people in check" and abuse their fucking authority. While i've always had a problem with authority, I respect most of them. I stay out of trouble, and mind my own business, and they for the most part do the same. But there's that certain few that have to be the dicks!

As for that stupid the hell would you get home if you spent all your money at the bar and didn't have enough for a cab. if you skip on the cab they'll call the cops and if you walk you'll get detained. I swear sometimes our laws are just backwards! I think half of the fuckers that passed them are just that square that they don't see a problem with them!

whew had to get that off my chest! :smokin:

doobie 08-05-2008 07:04 AM

wait wtf...

your buddy walked home and the cop stopped him and sent him to DETOX?! what the hell kind of law is that? here in chicago they just make sure youre not going to walk into traffic, if you can walk and function they send you on your way, if theyre not too busy and youre not too far, theyll give you a ride.

jjtgiants 08-05-2008 09:06 AM

wow, that really sucks. That cop must hate life or something. I guess next time your friend should just drive and at least have a reason to get put in custody.

I know a lot of college towns in CA give BWI's....Biking While Intoxicated. I think it's really lame, but whatever.

venom 08-05-2008 09:37 AM

I hope it was 5 star detox for that price lol.

TUFF 4.6 08-05-2008 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by Flynnster (Post 345198)
Driver's ed teacher told us that when we got too drunk to drive and happened to sleep in our car the keys have to be out of the ignition or else it is a DUI. Anyone know if there is some truth to this?

In Va. that is the law and it is just as bad as driving. If the keys are not in the ignition then they can charge you with drunk in public, kinda like Jack is saying about his friend walking home. You think youre doing the right thing but they still nail your ass to the cross.

Dont know what to tell you is what the judge tells you, you should have called a cab or a freind.:mad:

TUFF 4.6 08-05-2008 10:53 AM

Detox Center, politcality correct word for drunk tank, checked and jefferson county didnt have but a single star rating. Bad thing is he could have got the same bench for 200 off priceline. HaHa

JackThe Ripper 08-05-2008 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by venom (Post 345243)
I hope it was 5 star detox for that price lol.

Oh yeah, all five points are covered.

Flouescent Lighting

I respect cops, i really do, my best friends father is a cop. He has been on for about 26 years, and he was on a special ops team for a long time that dealt with the fellas who carry mac-10s and unload them in a heartbeat notice, the worst of the worst in denver. That dude seriously cannot go a week without saving somones life. He would also have probably given jeff a ride home too.

Some cops are just shitheads who really dont deserve a badge.

i guess he was talking to one of the peoeple working at the detox clinic and explained his situation and she said the cop shouldnt have done that, they have too many people that need to be there than to be having some dickhead cop stop you a block from your house and haul you in.

JackThe Ripper 08-05-2008 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by TUFF 4.6 (Post 345261)
Detox Center, politcality correct word for drunk tank, checked and jefferson county didnt have but a single star rating. Bad thing is he could have got the same bench for 200 off priceline. HaHa


PwnyCar02 08-05-2008 11:47 AM

yeah, some cops are just pricks, looking to abuse what little authority they have. i feel bad for your friend, this is a lose lose situation.

here in central cali there are some ginormous dickhead cops. case in point, the one who lives 3 houses down from me. this asshole was pissed about a party of mine making too much noise. keep in mind it was before 10pm and therfore exempt from noise polution/disturbing the peace violations. well he asked me to keep it down and i told him at 10pm we would all be moving inside to continue our party.

2 days later, im getting in my car, pulling my seatbelt on as im backing down my driveway. i kid you not, the second my rear tires hit the street he flipped his lights on, pulled me over, and ticketed me for a seatbelt violation. "you werent wearing your seatbelt when you put the car into motion". seatbelt was on and clasped before the car hit the road though.

4 days after that, i was synchronizing my bluetooth headset with my cel phone as i was pulling out, and he stopped me again, citing me for "driving while talking without a hands free device".... i had the headset on, had the handset to my ear to verify i had a dial tone and it was synched. wasnt even making a damn call.

imo, daddy prolly never hugged him or something. fucker just hates the world.

Lazerred6 08-05-2008 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by PwnyCar02 (Post 345271)
yeah, some cops are just pricks, looking to abuse what little authority they have. i feel bad for your friend, this is a lose lose situation.

here in central cali there are some ginormous dickhead cops. case in point, the one who lives 3 houses down from me. this asshole was pissed about a party of mine making too much noise. keep in mind it was before 10pm and therfore exempt from noise polution/disturbing the peace violations. well he asked me to keep it down and i told him at 10pm we would all be moving inside to continue our party.

2 days later, im getting in my car, pulling my seatbelt on as im backing down my driveway. i kid you not, the second my rear tires hit the street he flipped his lights on, pulled me over, and ticketed me for a seatbelt violation. "you werent wearing your seatbelt when you put the car into motion". seatbelt was on and clasped before the car hit the road though.

4 days after that, i was synchronizing my bluetooth headset with my cel phone as i was pulling out, and he stopped me again, citing me for "driving while talking without a hands free device".... i had the headset on, had the handset to my ear to verify i had a dial tone and it was synched. wasnt even making a damn call.

imo, daddy prolly never hugged him or something. fucker just hates the world.

what a bastard

jseven 08-05-2008 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by PwnyCar02 (Post 345271)
yeah, some cops are just pricks, looking to abuse what little authority they have. i feel bad for your friend, this is a lose lose situation.

here in central cali there are some ginormous dickhead cops. case in point, the one who lives 3 houses down from me. this asshole was pissed about a party of mine making too much noise. keep in mind it was before 10pm and therfore exempt from noise polution/disturbing the peace violations. well he asked me to keep it down and i told him at 10pm we would all be moving inside to continue our party.

2 days later, im getting in my car, pulling my seatbelt on as im backing down my driveway. i kid you not, the second my rear tires hit the street he flipped his lights on, pulled me over, and ticketed me for a seatbelt violation. "you werent wearing your seatbelt when you put the car into motion". seatbelt was on and clasped before the car hit the road though.

4 days after that, i was synchronizing my bluetooth headset with my cel phone as i was pulling out, and he stopped me again, citing me for "driving while talking without a hands free device".... i had the headset on, had the handset to my ear to verify i had a dial tone and it was synched. wasnt even making a damn call.

imo, daddy prolly never hugged him or something. fucker just hates the world.

have you fought the tickets or him? that really blows man

JackThe Ripper 08-05-2008 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by PwnyCar02 (Post 345271)
yeah, some cops are just pricks, looking to abuse what little authority they have. i feel bad for your friend, this is a lose lose situation.

here in central cali there are some ginormous dickhead cops. case in point, the one who lives 3 houses down from me. this asshole was pissed about a party of mine making too much noise. keep in mind it was before 10pm and therfore exempt from noise polution/disturbing the peace violations. well he asked me to keep it down and i told him at 10pm we would all be moving inside to continue our party.

2 days later, im getting in my car, pulling my seatbelt on as im backing down my driveway. i kid you not, the second my rear tires hit the street he flipped his lights on, pulled me over, and ticketed me for a seatbelt violation. "you werent wearing your seatbelt when you put the car into motion". seatbelt was on and clasped before the car hit the road though.

4 days after that, i was synchronizing my bluetooth headset with my cel phone as i was pulling out, and he stopped me again, citing me for "driving while talking without a hands free device".... i had the headset on, had the handset to my ear to verify i had a dial tone and it was synched. wasnt even making a damn call.

imo, daddy prolly never hugged him or something. fucker just hates the world.

Lol... i would apply for a restraining order against him.

PColav6 08-05-2008 12:20 PM

Lesson of the story: use a wheel chair

Lazerred6 08-05-2008 12:37 PM

HokieStang00 08-05-2008 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 345280)

Those look hard enough to drive sober.

Nofire 08-08-2008 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Lazerred6 (Post 345280)

LMAO! I just imagined a drunk person riding one of those things trying to keep his balance! :D

Nofire 08-08-2008 04:13 AM

I hate jerk cops. And in my experience MP's are the worst. When I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point, they would nail you if you were driving/walking/anything with any sort of alcohol on your breath. And there was no way around it, b/c everyone had to go through the front gate to get back to the barracks.

Since it was a nightmare to get caught drunk in public on base, everyone took the chance and drove the 2 blocks from the barracks area to the on base Mickey D's. Needless to say there were a lot of DUI's on base. About 8 months after I got there, the base general changed and the new general's policy was that we could walk to McDonald's from the barracks and they (the MP's) couldn't touch us, sort of a safe zone. After a 6 month evaluation of the new policy, they found that the policy single handedly cut down on on-base DUI's by over 60%. It was one of the best decisions that guy ever made....

rebelyell 08-08-2008 11:29 PM

I found this kinda of interesting.

There are a lot of variances form state to state. Not sure if this would apply to your friend, Jack, but I would think he wasn't actually drunk if he only had a shot and a drink.

I remember in the old days at myrtle beach, Cops would haul you off for stumbling from a bar. Not sure if they still do. I quit going to bars at myrtle beach. I think this law has legit reasoning, but you should actually be too drunk to walk, not just alchol on your breath. Your friend should consult a lawyer for wrongful arrest I think. :mad:

JackThe Ripper 08-09-2008 03:45 PM

Actually he had the greatest idea i have heared, he has been in Contact with M.A.D.D. (mothers agianst drunk driving) and trying to get them to raise hell for being punished because he decided to walk.


he blew something like a .110 oir something, which is enough for DUI but not really enough to mean somone cant walk home and behave. Which fits cause he said he had 2 Vodca Clubs at home before he went to the bar, and had a beer and a shot.

normally when i watch the show COPS or whatever and they find somone who is wasted and stumbling thier way home they usually blow over a .20

and if he blew over a 2.0 i would just be glad the cops took him somewhere safe.

with his weight .1 is equivelant to drinking a sixpack over the course of 2 hours according to the online bac calculators. He is somewhat of a seasoned drinker, and 36 not some young kid who cant hold his liquer yet.

honetly i could walk several miles after drinking a sixpack over the course of 2 hours and be just fine.

DaGonz 08-09-2008 09:14 PM

While some of you are ripping on "asshole, jerk cops"... keep in mind the number of assholes and jerks they deal with on a daily basis...

JackThe Ripper 08-10-2008 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by DaGonz (Post 345922)
While some of you are ripping on "asshole, jerk cops"... keep in mind the number of assholes and jerks they deal with on a daily basis...

Im so sick of that bullshit about how cops do this, cops do that, they deal with this they deal with that.

I dont give 2 shits about how many assholes they deal with, if they cant handle dealing with assholes without it interfering with thier judgement then they should not have become a cop in the first place. Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard because of the ideals they represent and protect.

Not to mention, THEY CHOSE that career. nobody MADE them do it.


my friend broke NO laws. he WALKED home instead of drove, and still he was detained and sent to detox. My friend is not an asshole, he is not a jerk, he is a good person, and was being socially concious and was doing the right thing.

Nofire 08-10-2008 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 345977)
Im so sick of that bullshit about how cops do this, cops do that, they deal with this they deal with that.

I dont give 2 shits about how many assholes they deal with, if they cant handle dealing with assholes without it interfering with thier judgement then they should not have become a cop in the first place. Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard because of the ideals they represent and protect.

Not to mention, THEY CHOSE that career. nobody MADE them do it.


my friend broke NO laws. he WALKED home instead of drove, and still he was detained and sent to detox. My friend is not an asshole, he is not a jerk, he is a good person, and was being socially concious and was doing the right thing.

i totally agree. if they can't handle it, they shouldn't be in the profession.

PwnyCar02 08-10-2008 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 345977)
Im so sick of that bullshit about how cops do this, cops do that, they deal with this they deal with that.

I dont give 2 shits about how many assholes they deal with, if they cant handle dealing with assholes without it interfering with thier judgement then they should not have become a cop in the first place. Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard because of the ideals they represent and protect.

Not to mention, THEY CHOSE that career. nobody MADE them do it.


my friend broke NO laws. he WALKED home instead of drove, and still he was detained and sent to detox. My friend is not an asshole, he is not a jerk, he is a good person, and was being socially concious and was doing the right thing.

ive got family in law enforcement and i couldnt agree with you more Jack. well said.

Mossberg 08-16-2008 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 345977)
Im so sick of that bullshit about how cops do this, cops do that, they deal with this they deal with that.

I dont give 2 shits about how many assholes they deal with, if they cant handle dealing with assholes without it interfering with thier judgement then they should not have become a cop in the first place. Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard because of the ideals they represent and protect.

Not to mention, THEY CHOSE that career. nobody MADE them do it.


my friend broke NO laws. he WALKED home instead of drove, and still he was detained and sent to detox. My friend is not an asshole, he is not a jerk, he is a good person, and was being socially concious and was doing the right thing.

Couldn't agree more.

King 08-17-2008 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 345178)
Ok, this is messed up.

My buddy lives in some apartments real close to me.

Our favorite bar, Chatfields Bar & Grill is about 3 blocks from our neighborhood.

So, last night my buddy jeff walks the 3 blocks to the bar. He sits down, has a shot, and a drink. the bartender is already closing up so he helps her close the place down. Jeff is a great guy, he is eas going, and a 5th degree Tai kwan Do international champion, so the girls that work there are always happy that he will stay there cause usualy it is just the bartendress on her own closing up.

Half an hour after he got there he is walking home, he gets to the major intersection which his apartments are located across the street, he hits the button to get the "walk" signal, and a Jefferson Country Sherrif pulls up next to him. The sherriff tells him that he saw him stumble and he is taking him in to detox. Jeff informs him that he lives in the apartments across the street, cant he just go home? Jeffco sherrif says Nope. Get in.

Here is the crap about this. he is NOT under arrest, he is being detained. If he refuses to go with them they CAN place him under arrest, if he resists he is then resisting arrest and subject to possible felony charges.

So, he is taken to Detox where he spends the next 20 hours of his life, he has to pay $450 for the detox services, but he is not charged with anything so he has nothing to fight. He is basically screwed.

The sad thing, is if he had done the wrong thing and drove, he would have been on the road for about 1 minute, and would have made it home, saved himself 20 hours of his life, and 450 bucks.

You would think that since drinking and driving are such huge problems, that police would ALLOW people to walk home, maybe even give em a lift for the last couple blocks to make sure they get home ok. Not stop them and throw them in detox for being smart enough to walk the 3 blocks...... 3 BLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the third person i know who this happened to.

Dude, I've never heard of any good stories that features JeffCo Police. You'd think they'd be busy enough already anyway with how much shiz goes on there. Sorry about your buddy

DaGonz 08-18-2008 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 345977)

my friend broke NO laws. he WALKED home instead of drove, and still he was detained and sent to detox. My friend is not an asshole, he is not a jerk, he is a good person, and was being socially concious and was doing the right thing.

Jack, FWIW...

the cop was 100% wrong in this instance.

I'm just tired of morons busting on cops for doing their jobs.

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