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PColav6 01-28-2008 07:12 PM

5 Most horrifying bugs in the world
I don't know if half this shit is true, but it's fucking brilliant, best biology article i've ever read. rofl.

Kinda fuckin scary too

A small excerpt for you

Africanized Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata)

South and Central America, the American Southwest

Why you must fear it:
You know how you can spot one of these? You can't. There is no physical way to determine the difference between an Africanized bee and a common European bee. None whatsoever.

You can, however, easily tell the difference based on their behavior. Regular bees will give you about nine seconds of being too close to the hive before deciding you're a threat and then attacking you. So it's pretty easy to just walk past them without any screams. And if you do get them after you, they'll consider you to be 'chased off' after about 300 feet.

Africanized bees do not roll this way. They give you half a second of being too close before they decide it is time to completely fuck your shit up and empty the entire hive--tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of angry, angry bees. When you run, flailing and crying and soiling yourself while screaming "JESUS CHRIST I'M COVERED IN BEES," they will chase you for over half a mile.

YoungGun'98 01-28-2008 07:50 PM

im moving away from bugs... god that sucks

Lazerred6 01-28-2008 08:02 PM

I am genuinlly horriffied

SnTBakosFinest 01-28-2008 08:25 PM

i love how they put it in terms i can understand 8)

StreetRacer 01-28-2008 08:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i couldnt get passed my fantasy of eating out that chick in the red snorg tee shirt on the side of the story...i guess i'll check the bugs later

zigzagg321 01-28-2008 08:35 PM

:help:bot fly...

DJ_Nate 01-28-2008 09:46 PM

im so freaked out man
this is some scary a** s***

rebelyell 01-28-2008 11:05 PM

This aint a bug, but and arachnid (spider). And it would send me in to a little girl screaming panic.. LOL. This guy can sink his fangs into a toenail and inject his venom.. :eek:

Sydney Funnel-web Spider
Atrax robustus
Males of this large, aggressive, Australian species have the most toxic venom of all spiders. Painful bites can release a neurotoxin that could kill a person within 15 minutes; quick treatment with anti-venom can prevent fatalities.
Top of page
Photo byTRIP/Eric Smith

Nofire 01-29-2008 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by rebelyell (Post 306086)
This aint a bug, but and arachnid (spider). And it would send me in to a little girl screaming panic.. LOL. This guy can sink his fangs into a toenail and inject his venom.. :eek:

They're all bugs, I don't care what anyone says. And I'm never leaving the house again.

StreetRacer 01-29-2008 08:36 AM

what about the brown recluse spider? thats right here in the good old usa

Lances03SVT 01-29-2008 04:50 PM

Holy Shit!!!

rebelyell 01-29-2008 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306133)
what about the brown recluse spider? thats right here in the good old usa

Yep, a freind of mine got bit by a recluse about 15 years ago. The skin finally grew back but not the muscle and stuff. Left a big nasty dent in his ankle.. They can be mistaken for a harmless wolf spider so around here they all will die. Spider + me= smashed spider.. :eek:

mustangvsix 01-30-2008 09:55 AM

yikes! those are some crazy nasty/scary bugs!

ericgutz 01-30-2008 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306133)
what about the brown recluse spider? thats right here in the good old usa

Brown recluse's are a bitch. I've still got the scar on my back to prove it!!! Any spider i see now a days is a dead spider.

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 08:34 PM

I dont understand how they left out the Tailless Whip Scorpion.

By far the most ungodly creature on earth, it gets to be the size of a dinner plate

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 08:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The female Anopheles Mosquito (scientific name: Anopheles Stephensi) is considered the world's deadliest insect. This is because this mosquito is the sole carrier of the Malaria parasite which results to 400–900 million cases of fever and approximately one to three million deaths annually — this represents at least one death every 30 seconds.

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306504)
The female Anopheles Mosquito (scientific name: Anopheles Stephensi) is considered the world's deadliest insect. This is because this mosquito is the sole carrier of the Malaria parasite which results to 400–900 million cases of fever and approximately one to three million deaths annually — this represents at least one death every 30 seconds.

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 08:59 PM

now imagine if mosquitoes carried aids...or even worse ebola...wouldnt that be a bitch...

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306507)
now imagine if mosquitoes carried aids...or even worse ebola...wouldnt that be a bitch...

Now imagine those Aids/Ebola mosquitoes had a 25 foot wingspan and can swing from above and impale you on thier neetle sharp death pike and pull you in the air, giving you aids, giving you ebola, and sucking all the moisture from your body only to drop a 10lb dried up husk that causes caner if handled!!!!!!!!!!

StreetRacer 01-30-2008 09:06 PM

watch if you dare but dont say i didnt warn you

SnTBakosFinest 01-30-2008 09:13 PM


and aids/ebola mosquitos fails.... ebola kills in like..10 days ;x

JackThe Ripper 01-30-2008 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306512)
watch if you dare but dont say i didnt warn you

lol.... NICE FIND.

not to hijack, but that reminds me of something...

This happened while i was in japan.

One day i was rubbing my eye, it felt like something was in it. Finally i went to the mirror to see if i could see what was in my eye and thiere was this long stringy yellow thing, i grabbed some tweezers and pulled it out from my eye, it was wrapped all around the back. once i got it out i felt fine. Really grossed me out.

Anyways, It happened again, i noticed that both times it happened was after i fed frozen bloodworm cubes to my snakeheads (as said, this was in japan, snakeheads are perfectly legal)
Anyways, this time i went to the mirror and found a slight yellow string, i grabbed it with tweezers and pulled on it, one half of it had a clear film that stretched out and wrapped around the other side of my eye

it was at that point i realized that after handling the bloodworms and touching my eye it caused the outer layer of skin to deteriorate, tear, and slough off (i love that, slough off, how horried sounding lol)

It only happened one more time where i told somebody about it and they thought i was full of crap. So i did it intentionally to prove a point. The guy ended up vomiting.

lanmas23 01-30-2008 09:21 PM

jack, that's really gross man. if i found some stringy thing on my eye, i would not just pull it out all by myself.

edit::especially after i realized it went all the way behind my eye.

JackThe Ripper 01-31-2008 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by lanmas23 (Post 306516)
jack, that's really gross man. if i found some stringy thing on my eye, i would not just pull it out all by myself.

edit::especially after i realized it went all the way behind my eye.

Thats because im Gangsta

macs03GT 02-01-2008 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 306071)
i couldnt get passed my fantasy of eating out that chick in the red snorg tee shirt on the side of the story...i guess i'll check the bugs later

+1 damn.....

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