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WaterDR 11-23-2007 06:00 PM

To Catch a Predador
I am sure you have all seen this show and I am glad they are expossing this stuff. But seriously, can you arrest a Man for not having sex with a 20 year old girl who claims to be 15? I am not sure if I understand the legalities of this, but it seems like entrapment to me.

Don't get me wrong, these guys are scumbags, but how can they have broken the law? You can't send someone to jail for something they wanted to do, right? I mean, what does the Judge say? "You are going to jail for initiating sex with a 15 year old who turns out to be 20"? If a girl says she is 20 and turns out to be 15, you are screwed, so why should these guys not be safe when it is the other way around?

I could care less about the idiot guys, but I am really worried about how they do this.

StreetRacer 11-23-2007 06:49 PM

i think it has to do with the promise of sex...and the pedophile making the arrangement....but i like to be honest here and i have to tell you that i find it a bit hypocritical....i mean...12,13,14...yeah...scumbag...15,16,17...well not so much...personally i wouldnt screw one just because but i damn sure woudnt condemn a guy for doing it...let me tell you why...i have been on a city bus or train and i know what some of these 16 year olds look i'm not about to wave a finger at a guy for doin what guys do...lets get really honest many times do you see some lil teeny bopper chick get on a train or walk through a mall and see guys 30,40,50 years old lustin after her like shes the last babe on earth...and those same 30,40,50 year old guys will try to put another guy under the jail for doin what they are dreamin...lil bit hypocritical dont ya think...just like the fact that a girl can make a porno at 18 but cant watch her own work until shes 21...dumb ass old men making silly come the age of consent is 16 in some states but not others? how come you can get married at 14 in some states if your drunk loser parents sign a paper? if its wrong its wrong and shouldnt be right for some and not others...just rantin

JackThe Ripper 11-23-2007 07:03 PM

How can they send you to jail for having sex with a 20 year old who claims to be 15? isnt it supposed to be the other way around? sending you to jail for having sex with a 15 year old that claims to be 20?

Personally im pretty happy to see im not the only person who has a bit of an issue with this. Im glad to see there are intelligent sensible people who also see the bullshit in this.

Out of 10 guys they arrest from what i can see maybe 1 of them is really a sexual predator. As for the rest?

Most of these guys really are unattractive. They probably have not been too lucky with the ladies and have probably been shot down more times than they care to remember. Then there is some 15 year old hottie who shows these poor lonley bastards some attention. They probably have a brief battle in thier mind about the ethics of it, and in the end decide she is 15 she is old enough (untill a hundred years or so girls were married off at 13 and 14 years old, and yes, in this country too) and thier smaller head wins over thier bigger head and next thing you know they are on "to catch a predator".

Now, they should have half a brain and realize it isnt right, but just because they are stupid does not mean they are "Sexual Predators" :eek:

it just means they are stupid and made a bad choice.

A Sexual Predator i would like to think is a real hunter. Somebody who finds a target and does everything they have to in order to get in her pants without regard for her age or anything else. Somebody who really puts an effort with the single goal of having sex..

MOST of these guys just made a dumb move and will pay for it the rest of thier lives. Anyone can screw up. Especially if single, lonely, unattractive and coerced. Most of tthem are probably decent people who were played off thier insecurities and conned into doing something they would normally never do.

The real PREDATOR on this show are the 35 year old cops who sit online and send photo's of a hot 20 year old to lonely guys and do everything in thier power to convince the target to come over for a little action.

I mean hell. Most of these guys probably would never have found themselves in this situation if they were not approached and pleaded with online to come bang some hot 20 year old. They would have probably spent the rest of thier lonely lives being productive non-sex-offenders paying taxes and doing what they do and not getting in trouble. There is nothing dangerous about them.

I agree. it is 100% entrapment. Those guys are PURSUED by the online detectives.......

Sure, internet predators do exist. But hey.... how many people do you personally know have EVER had an issue with an online predator?... while the issue itself is very real and dangerous, the odds of it happening are probably the same as being struck by lightning and farting at the exact same moment.

And while a lot of these guys may actually have gone through with it, a lot of people go pretty far without having the nerve to go all the way. Since when is speculative intent the same as commiting the crime?

JackThe Ripper 11-23-2007 07:05 PM

Hey... u know the difference between a full and a half day of work in the "To catch a predator" sting department?

14 is a full day of work to get some guys lined up

15 is half a day.

EDIT: and by now, anyone who gets busted on there has gotta be the stupidest person on the planet. everyone knows this show is on

WaterDR 11-23-2007 07:24 PM

Lots of good points. I just can't believe I am now in the position of defending (well, you know what I mean) these loosers.

Have I ever noticed a young girl? Sure I have. The day I stop, I hope I am dead. But, there is a difference between looking and doing (at least as far as the law goes). The Bible says looking is "coveting" and I guess I will have to deal with my maker some day with my ocassional evil thoughts.

BUT, we also have a responsibility as adults to kids. A 16 year old, is a kid no matter what she looks like. So, I guess rather then staring, we really should be saying "hey, why are you dressed like a slut?"

As far as the age cut-off, I don't really know what to say about that. States make their own laws. If having sex with a 17 year old is legal inone state and not in another, it still does not make it right especially if the guy is married to someone else.

While I do think that these guys that get caught are dumb-asses, morons, and loosers, some lead real lives (doctors, lawyers etc...). I also beleive that while it may be the first experience for some, it definatley is not for others and you just don't end-up on a site talking dirty to someone claiming to be 15 by accident! That is the big difference between checking out a skirt on a bus and chatting in a chat room.

Either way, I still think this is entrapment. One of these wise guys may actually end up suing and winning charging invasion of privacy and slander.

r3dn3ck 11-24-2007 08:00 AM

the crime is contained in the fact that they made an honest attempt to commit a statutory rape, not to mention they almost always either attempted to deliver or did deliver pornography to a minor. While I have my own opinions on the legalities of the TCaP program I can't say that it's anything but proper. Sorry but society needs boundaries in order to envelop the internet into our lives and extend the mores of IRL society to E-ciety. It's important for people not to think the internet is vegas and know that everything that happens there will be consequential to their real lives. It is of real consequence and this sort of neo-facist technique early in the evolution of the internet in our worldwide culture is probably the best idea. People will start off with the notion that you can't even rape babies on the internet and it might finally sink in that it's generally wrong to have grown men predating on little kids.

You know, all of us guys have at one point thought, "If I knew in HS what I knew now, I'd have gotten laid every couple of hours." The problem is that these "predators" never had the second half of that thought in any serious way, "It's wrong for grown men to scam on little girls for poon because those girls don't know that we know what we know about how to get their pants off."

The upshot is that this sort of thing won't have to happen for very long before every baby raper in the world has gotten the idea that you don't arrange sex dates with minors in the USA over the internet because you land in Federal PMITA prison.

EDIT: fixed all my grammar fuckups

WaterDR 11-24-2007 09:12 AM

Colin, I am not really in disagreement with you, but my heartburn with it is charging guys for a crime that never happened. The decoys are always of legal and consenting age. Think of how you could extend this to other things in life.

Am I speeding if my speedo says 85, but I am only really going 55? Is it a crime if there is a sign in a store that says "Free" and I take an item and them someone charges me for stealing?

Yes, we must protect kids and the ONLY reason why this show is getting away with what they are doing is because of this reason, but it still makes me nervous.

StreetRacer 11-24-2007 09:13 AM

heres my great granpa frank married his wife maureen when she was 13 and he was 25 or so....that was normal back then and they went on to have 12 kids and stay happily married till he died at that to todays average 7 year marriage and who was right, who was wrong in beliefs? i'm just sayin that soceity really has no right to play god in a relationship...nature degrees that a girl is ready to breed at 13 and sometimes younger...hmmm...maybe i'm alone in this but familys sure seemed better off back in the olden days...i guess nowadays a girl has to be experianced...has to sow her oats...has to sleep around a lil before she can be todays standards frank was a pedophile and would have been locked up....hmm....shame cause that would have ruined a 72 year marriage and so many offspring........sigh...just rantin again

now as for the show...i'd love to see a follow up on how the case went....cause i can you charge a man for his i said...if he has been sending kiddie porn to what he honestly believed was a minor then i see a crime....if he went there after a promise of sex and has both a ticket to the notell motel and a baby rattle in his pocket...then maybe....but if all they have is a guy who shows up hopin he'll get his weed wacked then they may as well let him go

WaterDR 11-24-2007 09:15 AM

Well, times change and so do our beliefs in what is right and wrong, but your point is well made. Let's also be careful to justify a behavior JUST because of one or very few examples.

Mixedbreed02GT 11-24-2007 12:21 PM

personally i think it's a crock of crap, because the sicko is being prosecuted for something he "intended" to do, but didnt. It's one of those sticky legal areas. personally i think you either did or you didnt. no in between, no gray...only white and black. I also think that is entrapment...20 year old girls posing as 13, 14, 15 year old, tricking people into stuff, and then getting them arrested...that's BS.

i think what they should do instead, is use that program to expose who these people are, and post up their first and last names, and their current addresses, so the public knows who the hell they are, and where they are, and then every place that they go, people will be watching like hawks.

to me it comes down to the same thing as someone calling the cops because someone is threatening to kick their butt. so what? until he actually does something a law has not been broken.

its like Iran threatening to wipe Israel off the map...until they's all talk. when Iran militarily makes any threat towards Israel, then you deal with it.

4.6 Love 11-24-2007 12:27 PM

With a good lawyer any one of those guys could get off real easy and turn around and sue the hell out of them! I could see them getting into some real trouble in the near future!..and If those guys want some real young poon...move to hawaii...age of consent if 14 over there..;)

Mixedbreed02GT 11-24-2007 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 293071)
heres my great granpa frank married his wife maureen when she was 13 and he was 25 or so....that was normal back then and they went on to have 12 kids and stay happily married till he died at that to todays average 7 year marriage and who was right, who was wrong in beliefs? i'm just sayin that soceity really has no right to play god in a relationship...nature degrees that a girl is ready to breed at 13 and sometimes younger...hmmm...maybe i'm alone in this but familys sure seemed better off back in the olden days...i guess nowadays a girl has to be experianced...has to sow her oats...has to sleep around a lil before she can be todays standards frank was a pedophile and would have been locked up....hmm....shame cause that would have ruined a 72 year marriage and so many offspring........sigh...just rantin again

today's girls are not being raised like the girls of your Great Grandpa's age.

today's girls are all about their cell phones, make up, hair, about messing around with their boyfriend when mom and dad are at work, they don't make good decisions, they are into drugs, sex at a young age, they have no means to provide for themselves, no way to take care of unwanted babies, and basically are irresponsible. and i think this is probably part of what plays into the age thing, but at the same time i think many prosecutors are just out there trying to pad their victory column of winning prosecutions to move up the ladder in life.

in the Biblical days, young girls were married and were mothers before the age of 13, and were cleaning, cooking, tending the garden, feeding the children, etc.

unfortunately as technology adapts, so do the laws of our society, and the way we all think, behave, and live.

StreetRacer 11-24-2007 01:06 PM

exactly....thats the side point....why should a girl have to be a slut for a lil while before she gets married? why is that? she just HAS to experiance the wild side....get out there...go wild...get the beads...not quite the way the bible says to live...hell...nowadays we are taught that being a homo is okay...think about it.......women are taught that they shouldnt marry young and damn sure shouldnt be a virgin and guys are taught that being gay is acceptable....worlds goin to hell...guy making these laws has a 666 the mary wasnt near 16 yet....uh oh

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 01:47 PM

All i see on the show is them conning a lot of undersexed middle aged goofballs with a smoking hot 20 yr old claiming to be 15.

and occasionally they might actually pick up a real sexual predator.

Its all about the ratings though. That chris hanson doesent give a fuck if these guys rape babies, he just wants his ratings and will do anything to con people into the bait and ruin thier lives.

if faggy chris hanson and his crew of sexual predator predators were not doing this then i doubt more than 5% of the guys they catch would have ever found themselves in the situation they are in.

Personally i think he should be thrown in jail himself and have the entire cell block line up and gang fuck him

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 293114)
exactly....thats the side point....why should a girl have to be a slut for a lil while before she gets married? why is that? she just HAS to experiance the wild side....get out there...go wild...get the beads...not quite the way the bible says to live...hell...nowadays we are taught that being a homo is okay...think about it.......women are taught that they shouldnt marry young and damn sure shouldnt be a virgin and guys are taught that being gay is acceptable....worlds goin to hell...guy making these laws has a 666 the mary wasnt near 16 yet....uh oh

maybe the bible is just a dusty old book of tall tales

Why should a girl be a pious virgin untill she gets married then be a doting housewife and mother? why cant she cut loose and have some fun?


4.6 Love 11-24-2007 01:57 PM

Don't bring homo's into this conversation mang...:mad:

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love (Post 293129)
Don't bring homo's into this conversation mang...:mad:

What? No gays allowed?

My gay friend jeff would kick yer ass

lol.... j/k ;)

3.8for the win 11-24-2007 02:14 PM

i hate fags!

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by 3.8for the win (Post 293144)
i hate fags!

My buddy jeff would kick yer ass, then put it in yer ass, then pop it out and slap you across the face with it.

he is gay, but not a flamer. He is also a world class tae-kwan-do champion and has competed as a part of the american team in Bejing, moscow, and a handful of other countries.


3.8for the win 11-24-2007 02:20 PM

unless he can run faster then me hes not going to get near me.

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by 3.8for the win (Post 293150)
unless he can run faster then me hes not going to get near me.

Well, he 5ft 8, 36yrs with a beergut. He really isnt in prime "take down and tackle" condition.... more of an ambush predator... lol

3.8for the win 11-24-2007 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 293153)
more of an ambush predator... lol

lol ok man ill lay off your friend.

Mixedbreed02GT 11-24-2007 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love (Post 293129)
Don't bring homo's into this conversation mang...:mad:

wow, you're trying really hard to keep this out of the conversation...anything you wanna tell us? :D

CarnageCAB 11-24-2007 02:49 PM

I think you should be able to tell the difference between a 15 year old girl and a 20 year old girl. And I think if a girl does that. They should either get the same ammount of time in jail or be required to go through intimate 'relations' with the man/woman accused of attempt at rape.

StreetRacer 11-24-2007 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by CarnageCAB (Post 293178)
I think you should be able to tell the difference between a 15 year old girl and a 20 year old girl. And I think if a girl does that. They should either get the same ammount of time in jail or be required to go through intimate 'relations' with the man/woman accused of attempt at rape.


JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by CarnageCAB (Post 293178)
I think you should be able to tell the difference between a 15 year old girl and a 20 year old girl. And I think if a girl does that. They should either get the same ammount of time in jail or be required to go through intimate 'relations' with the man/woman accused of attempt at rape.

Wait.... so yer saying that 20 year old chick who is claiming to be 15 to put these guys in jail should not only get the same jail time, but should be required to have sex with the "would be" predators?

i like the way this guy thinks.

4.6 Love 11-24-2007 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mixedbreed02GT (Post 293166)
..anything you wanna tell us? :D

Sure do...the broncos suck..:D

oohsoobad2 11-24-2007 07:45 PM

Ive seen all the shows and have kinda a mixed opinion on the subject.

The ones that jerk off on webcam or send porn or stuff like that should be put away. These other guys, the married guys, the younger dorky guys and such, Id have to believe their lives are pretty much fukkd no matter what.

Maybe they should continue the setups and then turn all the evidence over to authorities and they can determine which ones to prosecute.

I met my g/f talking online, embarrassing as it is lol Never for the life of me can I understand the guys that get naked and whack it in front of a webcam. Seriously, there is nothing attractive about the male body in any form, let alone these ugly mf'rs. Any 13 year old girl viewing that would instantly turn lesbian for life.

JackThe Ripper 11-24-2007 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by oohsoobad2 (Post 293205)
Seriously, there is nothing attractive about the male body in any form, let alone these ugly mf'rs. Any 13 year old girl viewing that would instantly turn lesbian for life.


As Adam Corolla said, womens bodies are beautiful and curvy and wonderful to look at like a piece of art. Mens are purely utilitarian, like a hairy hammer...

Mixedbreed02GT 11-24-2007 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by 4.6 Love (Post 293192)
Sure do...the broncos suck..:D

you're sure do talk about sucking a lot...must be second nature to you

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