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StreetRacer 07-27-2007 11:11 AM

should i tell him?
2 Attachment(s)
two situations...tell me what ya think

1. me and my bud are sittin outside havin a few drinks last night talkin about stuff and he tells me he wants to dump his girl...i tell him to do it cause you only live once and who needs to be with someone that makes you unhappy....we yak about a few more things and he tells me hes gonna call her and do it i say goodnight and go in...i come outside this morning and his charger is all ****ed up cause someone keyed the hell out of it....should i go tell him or let him find it on his own when he gets up?

2. my number one buddy at work is on vacation in california and while hes gone my boss goes through his case list and then my boss tells us my bud is gettin booted when he comes back cause his work is beyond i call him in cali and tell him or let him finish out his vacation stress free?

lanmas23 07-27-2007 11:15 AM

the first one, i would wake him up. i'd choke a girl for it

the second, hell, he's on vacation. let him have fun until he gets back! the worst is getting bad news when you're trying to have fun

4.6 Love 07-27-2007 12:47 PM

1. Wake his ass up...

2. Wait until he comes back from vacation to tell him the bad news...

PS: I would kill a bitch that did that to my ride..:mad:..

v6'stang 07-27-2007 01:58 PM

1. wake him up and killabitch.
2. leave alone, maybe get him a few job apps. for other places.

zigzaggthefag321 07-27-2007 02:47 PM

agree with all the replies thus far.

theycallmevirg 07-27-2007 03:14 PM

I'd be so pissed if someone did that to my car lol. But yea, let the dude enjoy the vacation and let him find out the bad news when he comes back.

Jack The Ripper 07-27-2007 03:57 PM

I know everyone is saying dont tell the dude on vacation, but vacations are expencive and he is losing his job.

if you tell him he might be a bit more careful with his spending so he isnt completly ****ed when he gets home.

i would be furious if my friend diddnt tell me.

StreetRacer 07-27-2007 05:16 PM

glad jack said that cause thats been rollin through my mind...ya know...hes in california, lovin life, probably spendin like the moneys burnin in his pocket...and in reality hes not gonna be able to make it up in overtime...thats the only thing...theres something to be said for blissful ignorance too...let him and his wife enjoy a few more carefree days before things get tight...hmmm...but then i know i would wanna know from my buddy if it were me.....yeah...thats the dilemna...make him stop smiling immediately or make him stop smiling later......

as for the charger...i saw him come outside...he looked at it...and he went back in the i dont know where his head is at on that yet...i guess he could sue her...but if noone saw it that wouldnt go far...

Jack The Ripper 07-27-2007 05:25 PM

you know your friend and his potential financial security and or collapse better than anyone here. If yer boss saw his work and decided to fire him because he isnt very good at what he does, well, he might not be the best financial planner either and may not have anything saved up.

being without a job aint easy, bills have to be paid, and he might be better off leaving those 8 dollar fruity drinks alone and maybe buying a burger instead of the steak.

whatever yer gut instinct was is probably the correct one.

If it were me i would tell him. He is still on vacation, he will still have some fun, and **** he might stay an extra few days since he doesnet have to worry about being home on time. But at least he will have some form of control over his financial situation by having the facts rather than blowing the limited amount of cash he still has.

think of it this way. If you and him were reversed, would you be pissed that he never mentioned to tell you that your income has ended while yer out there buying rounds of shots for yer friends?

Ghostalker 07-28-2007 08:09 AM

The first, though the situation has already panned out, I would have woken his azz up.
As for the man on vacation, I would call him and break it to him. Just tell him what the boss told you, it looks like your going to be shitbagged.

rebelyell 07-28-2007 09:21 PM

The dude with the keyed up charger can let the insurance handle that. If he can prove th GF did it then that will help.

The dude on Vac. with the crappy job performance "should" already know he is on thin ice. Tell him what your boss told everyone. He may be able to salvage something if he's warned early. Plus,... the boss should not have said that in front of his co-workers. There may be an ethical issue there in itself.. Give him some ammo to work with. Plus it will give him some time to think about it before it hits him all at once. Information is good.. :ohsnap:

jjmustang04 07-28-2007 10:53 PM

I'm pretty sure that it is against the law for anyone in management to talk about others(general employees not in managment) work performance and job security with others in the work place before they tell the person themselves. Da MAN might have somthing to say about that. Thats why most places tell the person getting fired that got the axe and to get their belongings right then and they have to leave the site.

Babii C 07-28-2007 10:53 PM

Ooh, how mean of her.. bet shes a ball breaker *giggles*. Personally, if someone did that to my car, I would make them sorry they ever did it (and cos I'm a chick, its okay for me to slap a girl around lol)

but as for the buddy in cali, I'd tell him.. cos hes gonna be screwed when he gets back/

StreetRacer 07-29-2007 10:33 AM

wow...its been how many days and this guy hasnt touched his charger...hope hes only a car...hope the guy didnt pull a chris benoit

v6'stang 07-29-2007 04:11 PM

lol, he's prolly still tryin' to bury the body.

Babii C 07-29-2007 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 280318)
lol, he's prolly still tryin' to bury the body.

or eat it..

v6'stang 07-30-2007 04:29 PM

buh. is that how they get ride of one down under?? lol

Babii C 07-31-2007 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 280523)
buh. is that how they get ride of one down under?? lol

no thats albert fish style right there (among others.. who i wont mention).

v6'stang 07-31-2007 06:42 AM

lol, note to self...nvr to to australia. lol :P

Babii C 07-31-2007 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 280643)
lol, note to self...nvr to to australia. lol :P

LMAO. hey I'm not the psycho one, these are from other parts of the world. Australia's the last safe place.

Codiddy 08-01-2007 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Babii C (Post 280890)
LMAO. hey I'm not the psycho one, these are from other parts of the world. Australia's the last safe place.

didn't australia start out as a penal colony?

Babii C 08-01-2007 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 280905)
didn't australia start out as a penal colony?

yes and no lol. Either way, My family didnt come here in chains. we were free settlers from Ireland. and anyway, nowadays its fun to play "spot the aussie" in some parts of Sydney

Codiddy 08-01-2007 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by Babii C (Post 280906)
yes and no lol. Either way, My family didnt come here in chains. we were free settlers from Ireland. and anyway, nowadays its fun to play "spot the aussie" in some parts of Sydney

i know i was just giving you a hard time . . . i wish i had the money to visit australia

Babii C 08-02-2007 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by Codiddy (Post 280960)
i know i was just giving you a hard time . . . i wish i had the money to visit australia

its not that expensive is it? Come here in like November - Jan. It'll be hot, but at least you can hit the beaches.

StreetRacer 08-03-2007 09:01 AM

other than a coupla cute chicks with really sexy there anything in australia that would make me travel all that a disneyland or a vegas

v6'stang 08-04-2007 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 281367)
other than a coupla cute chicks with really sexy there anything in australia that would make me travel all that a disneyland or a vegas

hell, cute chicks w/sexy accents...count me in!!

StreetRacer 08-04-2007 07:21 PM about extremely cute chicks who cant understand a word you say, never heard of a lawyer or a paternity suit, but will shag you like a machine for the price of a cold
beer.....brazil rocks sex in brazil includes 2 condoms and a shotgun

Babii C 08-05-2007 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 281367)
other than a coupla cute chicks with really sexy there anything in australia that would make me travel all that a disneyland or a vegas

lmao. well i have never been to vegas or disneyland, so i dont know what I am comparing things to. Either way, its beautiful here.

v6'stang 08-05-2007 07:05 AM

hmmm, how much is a cold beer there? around here it's like $5 for a hj, $10 for an bj, $15 for a zj....and if you have to ask, you can't afford it. lol.

Babii C 08-05-2007 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 281684)
hmmm, how much is a cold beer there? around here it's like $5 for a hj, $10 for an bj, $15 for a zj....and if you have to ask, you can't afford it. lol.

why don't i think you're talking about beer..

v6'stang 08-05-2007 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Babii C (Post 281788)
why don't i think you're talking about beer..

lmao. i'm sure someone on here has seen the movie beer fest. if not, go get it!! then u'll know what i'm talkin' about! lol

Babii C 08-05-2007 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by v6'stang (Post 281817)
lmao. i'm sure someone on here has seen the movie beer fest. if not, go get it!! then u'll know what i'm talkin' about! lol

I'll try and watch that one.

v6'stang 08-05-2007 09:01 PM

it's an alright movie. any guy in here will agree the scene w/the tent falling down is the best. lol.

Babii C 08-05-2007 09:04 PM

Well I'm at home from school, sick, so I have all this time to watch movies. I might as well.

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