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r3dn3ck 04-27-2007 03:19 PM

some bullcrap I just came up with... test it out
Ok... I did this assuming that 600rwhp is about all that's reasonable to call streetable and that it costs at least a certain (unnamed) amount of money to support building and subsequently owning such a machine.

Some dude in another thread was talking about dreams and 600hp and used the word budget so as part of dashing his dreams and injecting cold naked reality I think I stumbled on a hp budget calculator. Test it out... be realistic with your inputs and it should work. Note your results and your math in your reply.

Begin Math, don't worry it's just +-*/.

Figure out what you really think you can feed gas to in the long term (talkin dollars per week here), plus how long in years you'll actually have the car, plus how much money you think you can manage to pour into the car before you get rid of it or wrecking it and then multiply that by .05 (your probability of finishing the project). If the number is less than 4 digits long then don't bother trying for 600hp, instead take the number you ended up with and divide by 1000, then multiply that result times 600 and there's what you can afford. Hell in any case do the /1000 *600 thing...

Let's see how far off base I am. According to my math I can afford 751rwhp. Not too far off. By the time I'd spent that kind of money I'd have wrecked it or sold it. Damn I'm good.

r3dn3ck 04-27-2007 03:41 PM

I got:
65 a week for gas +
own it for 10 years (if I'm lucky) +
spend 20K on it over those 10 years
equals 20075
times .05
equals 1003.75
divided by 1000
equals 1.00375
times 600
equals I can afford 602.25rwhp

Badfish 04-27-2007 03:49 PM

i love lamp?

r3dn3ck 04-27-2007 03:58 PM

that's not a response... get back to work

'02SilverBullet 04-27-2007 04:04 PM

OK So I AM that dude dreaming 600 horses! NBD, I dont plan on spending thousands of dollars next week to get there. While I can admit I dont know alot about engines and the parts that go on em, I CAN say this.
The one thing you failed to implement in your math was what if the said pony wasnt a daily driver, more like a trailer queen type car. only driven once or twice a month. Yes with all your calculations mentioned above you DO have a very good point. But I got about 5 or 6 payments left on my stang, after shes paid off Im getting a truck. Hopefully a Chevy Silverado if I can find one for the right price. My plans for my pony is to be something I can go tinker with in the garage in 20 years. I dont plan on getting rid of it. LOL it will probably listed in my will when I die that is......... IF I dont wreck it as you mentioned before. Just my 2cw

r3dn3ck 04-27-2007 04:11 PM

oh come on... you can't have not noticed the flaws in my math.. I made it so obvious. heheh. Yeah I'm a jerk that way.

I basically triggered it on an assumption that you'd need to spend about 20k to get 600rwhp from stock. All the rest of the math is bull-hockey plain and simple. I only put it there to make it seem realistic but it's really meaningless math.

If you want to learn, what it'll take is time and experience. If you want advice it's best to give us a budget, a use case and a time line.

FWIW, most people dream about 600hp street cars until they drive one. Then it's the last thing they end up wanting.

StormsGT 05-04-2007 02:18 PM

I want to go 11.5's and my car is much hp will that take if a train left Columbus heading south and a bus left Rugby go north at 45 mph?

Ghostalker 05-04-2007 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by StormsGT (Post 260344)
how much hp will that take if a train left Columbus heading south and a bus left Rugby go north at 45 mph?

5 Melons

machnjo 05-04-2007 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by Ghostalker (Post 260367)
5 Melons


TEXASPAUL 05-04-2007 09:39 PM

that is an incorrect answer....its 2 melons and a pussy (cat that is...)

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