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GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 11:06 AM

look what i found -- PETA!
I guess some guy made this site to make fun of PETA...

well here is all the hate mail he got... ba ha ha ha

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223707)
I guess some guy made this site to make fun of PETA...

well here is all the hate mail he got... ba ha ha ha

Hey greg....

right now, right next to me i have in my posession a sammich that was made of at least 5-6 animals.
3 Definatly dead cause i got slices of them. Turkey, Pastrami and Roast Beef
2 types of cheese which means i got milk from 2 different cows.
Bread, so there are some eggs in this from a chicken
Horseradish sauce, which im assuming has some dairy or something in it.

All these animals gave, so that i might enjoy.

and enjoy i will.


ernest russell 11-14-2006 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223715)
Hey greg....

right now, right next to me i have in my posession a sammich that was made of at least 5-6 animals.
3 Definatly dead cause i got slices of them. Turkey, Pastrami and Roast Beef
2 types of cheese which means i got milk from 2 different cows.
Bread, so there are some eggs in this from a chicken
Horseradish sauce, which im assuming has some dairy or something in it.

All these animals gave, so that i might enjoy.

and enjoy i will.


all you need is a tall glass of buttermilk to wash the sammich down

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by ernest russell (Post 223720)
all you need is a tall glass of buttermilk to wash the sammich down

Yep, and some baby-seal skin napkins to wipe off my face. Lol.

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 12:36 PM

wtf are you talkin about


and then I linked all the hate mail.

IDKWTF yer talkin' about... I kill animals for fun

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223727)
wtf are you talkin about


and then I linked all the hate mail.

IDKWTF yer talkin' about... I kill animals for fun

Sometimes i swear you are retarded.

People Eating Tasty Animals. That is exactly what im doing with my sandwich. I am a Person Eating Tasty Animals.

WTF does shooting them for fun have to do with anything that was in the site you posted up? WTF are YOU talking about?

you get dropped on the head too many times as a baby or are you really as stupid as you come across?

jjtgiants 11-14-2006 12:54 PM

hell yeah, I just had a sandwich with a couple of animals on it! Damn good I must say.....PETA is retarded

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 01:22 PM

i wanted everyone to read the hatemail...

thats why i posted this..

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223742)
i wanted everyone to read the hatemail...

thats why i posted this..

yeah i read some of em. goddamn hippies.
they can lick my bawz while i eat my sammich consisting of 7 animals.

machnjo 11-14-2006 01:58 PM

ROFL, vegans crack me up, they'll move heaven and earth to save bambi and seals, yet condone wholesale slaughter of the human species...

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by machnjo (Post 223754)
ROFL, vegans crack me up, they'll move heaven and earth to save bambi and seals, yet condone wholesale slaughter of the human species...

Yeah, have you ever seen a vegan that looked remotely healthy?

Obnly the recently turned ones, but long term vegans always look like they are about to die.

Here is a story about that

I was at Jamba Juice one time ordering up a shake. There was this Vegan and his Vegan in training that came into the place. They ordered some of that wheatgrass shit.

Anyways, the young apprentice vegan still looked sort of healthy, but the older Vegan was about the most frail, pale, frizzly haired bastard i ever saw. looked like something out of auchewitz.

So they get thier wheat greass, and the older (maybe early 30's but looked like death) vegan takes it and says to the younger vegan
"Ahh... yes... this wheatgrass is part of what helps me remain healthy and full of vitality, god has given us much to eat without resorting to murdering gods animals"

I almost choked on my powerboost with double energy shot.

yah... im sorry, you show me a healthy looking vegan, ill show you somone who has been sneaking in the occasional cheeseburger

jjtgiants 11-14-2006 02:16 PM

LMAO....Jack your so right man....those people look so unhealthy and frail that if I farted standing next to them they'd fly away like a hurricane came through.

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 02:46 PM

lmao... i googled to find a pic of a vegan (never seen one before)
theres one right ^ there... he he... looks like i could throw him...

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223778)
lmao... i googled to find a pic of a vegan (never seen one before)

theres one right ^ there... he he... looks like i could throw him...

yeah he is a youngin too. If you see any in thier mid 30's they look all pale and crappy. kinda like in E.T. when they found E.T. in the drainage ditch after he ran away. All pale and waxy and stuff

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223785)
yeah he is a youngin too. If you see any in thier mid 30's they look all pale and crappy. kinda like in E.T. when they found E.T. in the drainage ditch after he ran away. All pale and waxy and stuff

dude... that has negative muscle and body fat

BlitzStyrke 11-14-2006 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223778)
lmao... i googled to find a pic of a vegan (never seen one before)

theres one right ^ there... he he... looks like i could throw him...

haha did you read about that guys powerlifting sessions on that thread.

"Squats - Felt fine at 1x70, but needed an assist at 80"

what a wimp haha

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 03:53 PM

lol... we should make fun of him real bad then we can send him a link to this page... lol...

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 04:12 PM

Browsing through the hate mail, thought i'd put up a few bits that interested me.

facts are facts, not interpretations of data: eating meat is detrimental to
human health, period.
Uhh... right. Lets see, we can digest it, and we require vitamins within it, and have been eating meat millions of years before history... hmm....

Don't bitch when you can't drink your tap water, swim in ANY lake or river
(presently 64% or them in the U.S. are deemed unsuitable for fishing or
swimming). Would you really believe that we can continue to 'crap in our own
Oh yeah... its eating meat that is ruining the planet... it has nothing to do with the SUV you probably drive yer kids to soccer practice with... lol....

Did you know that you have been lied to by the Beef and Dairy Council and
They fabricated the "four food groups" and the "food pyramid". It is
nutritionally unsound, as millions of inpatients will surely attest to, as
well as young nutritionists who have had an unbiased education will as well.
Oh... i see... the Vegans are the unbiased ones? The vegans who deny what the rest of the nutritionists throughout the world say? it is all a huge plan to make you eat meat? LMAO.... right.... im sure that millions of nutritionists throughout the world are all arong and a couple thousand vegan nutritionists are correct... what a joke. Its the age old idea of discrediting experts and claiming they are victims of a lie while the correct ideaology lies within the true educated ones of which the speaker is a part of. Lol.... Moron.

The KKK's gotta be sure to keep all the blacks on their
toes! Male whites are still fighting strong to remain SUPREME! And let me
tell you that I am ABSOLUTELY positive the leaders of your "peta" group are
male - no surprises there.
LMAO... this one is great, this guy has derived that because this guy put up a silly web page that he is a racist bigot! the funny thing is this page is ran by one person, not an army or arian racists. lol

There are almost 6 BILLION of us here and that figure is
rising at an astronomical rate-doesnt that make you think about US as the
killer virus?! after all, we're wiping out ALL other species, not just a
measley few.
I always found it interesting what kind of people assume that humans are above nature, that our actions are completly un natural.
I also get a kick out of the people who like to degrade the human species by calling it a virus or desiese. This type of self-depreciation is just downright pathetic. Attributing a form of unworthiness to humans to lower thier value and make them almost a sub-life form. Such unworthyness makes people easier to control, as seen in various religions and cults, a method used to control other people. This guy is obviously a homosexual megalomaniac.

these people writing these hate mails are freakin hilarious...

Badfish 11-14-2006 04:25 PM

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 04:32 PM


Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 04:42 PM

Here is another gem from the hate mail...

As evolution continues within the human condition, violence and hostility
are slowly becoming history. Cruelty has been a fact of life from the
beginning of the human race, but that doesn't mean it has to always be that
way. We are getting better. We rarely crucify people anymore, or even
torture them publicly. The concept of human rights continues to grow.
Thi guy obviously is oblivious to the fact that there is an entire world beyond the USA borders.
I'd like to see that guy spend a week in Somolia or any other third world nation where corruption reins, then say that again and not feel like an idiot.

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 04:43 PM

these are the best

Hope you guys get cirrhosis of the liver, get Creuzfeldt-Jakob
disease from eating beef, and have quadruple bypass operations to
unclog the fat from your hearts, before you die a painful, horrible,


Hi assholes,

I hope you will get "Mad cow disease" and die soon,

I have to say I don't get the point of this page. My husband eats meat. I
don't. No big deal, it's just food. He doesn't walk around talking about the
"tasty animals" he is going to consume

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 04:57 PM

What about the last one, where the guy is claiming that medical science and technology are counterproductive to nature and evolution by eliminating natures own hand in evolution, which causses us to cease to evolve.

I wonder if it ever crossed is tiny little mind that maybe we are NOT above nature and maybe that part of evolution is to get to the point where you can guide and steer your own evolution, and for intelligent life forms it is a perfectly natural process of evolution.

bunch of freakin idiots

I love the people who just sit there and insult they guy and get pissed off.
They all seem to have a vision of some radical right wing political group funded by big oil, finding ways to keep minoritys down and keep women at bay.
When in reality it is just some dude who managed to snag the domain name and have a little fun with it and pull a prank against PETA, because PETA was too ****ing stupid and slow to get it registered to themselves and immediatly threatened legal action rather than just ask the guy if they could have the domain name.
im sure if they would have coughed up 500 bucks he would have been happy to let them have it. Peta really has no "Right" to the domain name if they are too ****ing stupid to register it

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223842)
What about the last one, where the guy is claiming that medical science and technology are counterproductive to nature and evolution by eliminating natures own hand in evolution, which causses us to cease to evolve.

I wonder if it ever crossed is tiny little mind that maybe we are NOT above nature and maybe that part of evolution is to get to the point where you can guide and steer your own evolution, and for intelligent life forms it is a perfectly natural process of evolution.

bunch of freakin idiots

I love the people who just sit there and insult they guy and get pissed off.
They all seem to have a vision of some radical right wing political group funded by big oil, finding ways to keep minoritys down and keep women at bay.
When in reality it is just some dude who managed to snag the domain name and have a little fun with it and pull a prank against PETA, because PETA was too ****ing stupid and slow to get it registered to themselves and immediatly threatened legal action rather than just ask the guy if they could have the domain name.
im sure if they would have coughed up 500 bucks he would have been happy to let them have it. Peta really has no "Right" to the domain name if they are too ****ing stupid to register it


machnjo 11-14-2006 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223836)
Here is another gem from the hate mail...

Thi guy obviously is oblivious to the fact that there is an entire world beyond the USA borders.
I'd like to see that guy spend a week in Somolia or any other third world nation where corruption reins, then say that again and not feel like an idiot.

Send him to Uganda where state sponsored genocide has slaughter hundreds of thousands of people. And those that haven't been murdered, have been raped and mutilated, and then let him preach how humanity is evolving into a kinder, gentler species that no longer requires meat as a food source lol...

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 05:12 PM

A judge has forced the owner of the domain name (People Eating Tasty Animals) to relinquish it because of whining from the radical animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
HAHAHA... cause of WHINING... LMAO!!!!!!!

In 1995, Dan Fegan created on of the first Internet domain name disputes when he registered for his People Eating Tasty Animals web site. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals successfully sued Fegan, and the domain name was given to the animal rights group. For several years, Fegan maintained an anti-PETA web site, but it ceased operations shortly after his untimely death in October 2003.

holy crap... lol.... PETA... man they is some crazy ****ers! i wonder if they got tired of him and had him offed.

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223854)
HAHAHA... cause of WHINING... LMAO!!!!!!!

holy crap... lol.... PETA... man they is some crazy ****ers! i wonder if they got tired of him and had him offed.

I'm gonna make a peta myspace

he he

machnjo 11-14-2006 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper (Post 223842)
What about the last one, where the guy is claiming that medical science and technology are counterproductive to nature and evolution by eliminating natures own hand in evolution, which causses us to cease to evolve.

I wonder if it ever crossed is tiny little mind that maybe we are NOT above nature and maybe that part of evolution is to get to the point where you can guide and steer your own evolution, and for intelligent life forms it is a perfectly natural process of evolution.

bunch of freakin idiots

I love the people who just sit there and insult they guy and get pissed off.
They all seem to have a vision of some radical right wing political group funded by big oil, finding ways to keep minoritys down and keep women at bay.
When in reality it is just some dude who managed to snag the domain name and have a little fun with it and pull a prank against PETA, because PETA was too ****ing stupid and slow to get it registered to themselves and immediatly threatened legal action rather than just ask the guy if they could have the domain name.
im sure if they would have coughed up 500 bucks he would have been happy to let them have it. Peta really has no "Right" to the domain name if they are too ****ing stupid to register it

Werd, PETA should've hired a couple of computer techs that knew what they were doing instead of half starved raving vegan nutritionists lol

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by machnjo (Post 223852)
Send him to Uganda where state sponsored genocide has slaughter hundreds of thousands of people. And those that haven't been murdered, have been raped and mutilated, and then let him preach how humanity is evolving into a kinder, gentler species that no longer requires meat as a food source lol...


Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by machnjo (Post 223857)
Werd, PETA should've hired a couple of computer techs that knew what they were doing instead of half starved raving vegan nutritionists lol

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Yeah, maybe if they would have had a nice balanced meal for once thier brains would work correctly. :kekekegay:

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 05:24 PM

nevermind... i cant figure out how to use myspace

machnjo 11-14-2006 05:34 PM

I worked with a couple of Docs in Maine that were hardcore Vegan activists. My first case scrubbed in with one, he started talking about cars because he just bought a Honda Prius Hybrid. He went on and on about how wonderful the car was, environmentally safe, great gas mileage etc. He didn't stop talking about it for 20 minutes. Then he started going off on cars with big engines, V8s, SUVs and such and how they were killing the planet. After listening to this crap for close to 40 minutes, he finally asked me what kinda of car I drove, so I told him "I'm more interested in power and speed than gas mileage and I own a couple of mustangs. They're fast and loud and I'd be lucky if I got 15 mpg considering the way I drove."

He looked like I just shot his grandmother then asked if I was a redneck from Texas or something, I was like well, I'm from Texas but not a redneck. They hated me for that too, they thought I was evil because I lived in a state with the death penalty. I told them its easy living in Texas, just don't murder anyone. Every time I knew they were going to be in the lab for the day, I'd order lunch for the staff and have BBQ delivered. Pulled pork, chicken quarters and sausage links. hehe idiots.

GREG@SN95 11-14-2006 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by machnjo (Post 223870)
I worked with a couple of Docs in Maine that were hardcore Vegan activists. My first case scrubbed in with one, he started talking about cars because he just bought a Honda Prius Hybrid. He went on and on about how wonderful the car was, environmentally safe, great gas mileage etc. He didn't stop talking about it for 20 minutes. Then he started going off on cars with big engines, V8s, SUVs and such and how they were killing the planet. After listening to this crap for close to 40 minutes, he finally asked me what kinda of car I drove, so I told him "I'm more interested in power and speed than gas mileage and I own a couple of mustangs. They're fast and loud and I'd be lucky if I got 15 mpg considering the way I drove."

He looked like I just shot his grandmother then asked if I was a redneck from Texas or something, I was like well, I'm from Texas but not a redneck. They hated me for that too, they thought I was evil because I lived in a state with the death penalty. I told them its easy living in Texas, just don't murder anyone. Every time I knew they were going to be in the lab for the day, I'd order lunch for the staff and have BBQ delivered. Pulled pork, chicken quarters and sausage links. hehe idiots.


sounds like fun...

yup... I drive a mustang... I'm goin fishing next week wanna come?

machnjo 11-14-2006 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@SN95 (Post 223873)

sounds like fun...

yup... I drive a mustang... I'm goin fishing next week wanna come?


"Oh, you don't like fishing, how 'bout we grab my 12 gauge and turn some squirrels into little red misty clouds and look for rainbows..."

Jack The Ripper 11-14-2006 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by machnjo (Post 223870)
I worked with a couple of Docs in Maine that were hardcore Vegan activists. My first case scrubbed in with one, he started talking about cars because he just bought a Honda Prius Hybrid. He went on and on about how wonderful the car was, environmentally safe, great gas mileage etc. He didn't stop talking about it for 20 minutes. Then he started going off on cars with big engines, V8s, SUVs and such and how they were killing the planet. After listening to this crap for close to 40 minutes, he finally asked me what kinda of car I drove, so I told him "I'm more interested in power and speed than gas mileage and I own a couple of mustangs. They're fast and loud and I'd be lucky if I got 15 mpg considering the way I drove."

He looked like I just shot his grandmother then asked if I was a redneck from Texas or something, I was like well, I'm from Texas but not a redneck. They hated me for that too, they thought I was evil because I lived in a state with the death penalty. I told them its easy living in Texas, just don't murder anyone. Every time I knew they were going to be in the lab for the day, I'd order lunch for the staff and have BBQ delivered. Pulled pork, chicken quarters and sausage links. hehe idiots.

LOL... Nice!
Yah. I dont give a crap if somone wants to ball green livin and not eat meat. But dammit, i only get maybe 70-80 years on this planet and i dont want the whole time spend worrying about everything

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