Mustang Boards

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Teal_Beast 10-06-2006 08:20 AM

Spinmedia . . how can you call people "16 year olds that think bumper inserts are mods" when you say stuff like "thats dope" and "mad hoes yo!"


Im not a huge fan of piercings at all. But some people dig it.

rock on

Ghostalker 10-06-2006 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by Teal_Beast (Post 211447)
rock on

lol, speaking of v6 owners who deserve respect :Woot:

zigzaggthefag321 10-06-2006 09:51 AM

spin's been on the rag for months now...wonder what's the dilly yo? lol someone please close this GAY ASS thread.

White04GT 10-06-2006 10:08 AM

"I pimp mad hoes." alright man thats just funny..But anyways havent read this post in a couple of days..came across dsdaddy's have no clue why people say they don't like it or that it looks "gay"..After reading your huge pointless post..I say it looks "gay" because I simply don't like it and would never get a peircing like that..looks like something someone would do for attention more then looks ****ing retarded.

White04GT 10-06-2006 10:11 AM

But Spin your making yourself look like a retard fighting with 16 year old kids. I really have no respect for you now. I'm sure you will come back with some childish little remark like "I don't give a shit what you think". So why do you get so mad and post shit after someone tells you what they think..If you don't care then STFU.:attention_whore:

EDIT: I am with zig..close this pointless thread

Rabbit 10-06-2006 12:33 PM

Did anyone notice that the filter has been changed......

ahem....testing testing testing....

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

There now, back to your regular scheduled bitching and whining on who makes more money, and pimps the most hoes...

BTW: This week I invested $30,000 into a stock. WEll my broker told me this morning that it more than quadrupled in the first 15 minutes, so this afternoon I am special ordering a Ford GT, look for it by the end of August. But in the meantime I will post a sig that I have it "coming soon".

Ain't the internet fun kids! :silvercup:

Jack The Ripper 11-10-2006 08:53 PM


I Hate to resurrect an old thread, but apparently i missed this one, all i gotta say is Pcolav6 totally owned Spinmedia.


PColav6 11-11-2006 09:26 AM

:salook: it's all in the past. :)

GREG@SN95 11-11-2006 10:10 AM

lol... he looks like he's balding it that pic:kekekegay:

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