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Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 04:41 PM

Jacks long weekend.
2 Attachment(s)
Man, what a crap weekend.

Saturday wasnt bad except i had to deal with lots of family on very little sleep cause my girlfriend kept me up the night before.

Yesterday however. Well. It started pretty good. I work up to my girl riding me. Great way to wake up. :t:
So i head back to my house afterwards and take a shower and get cleaned up. meet up and drop off the mustang to my buddy so i can borrow hios truck. had to help my girlfriend move to her new apartment. She was still living with her ex b/f waiting for the apartment to open up. Finally she is out.
Anyways. On the 2nd load her ex comes home while im there loading crap into the hemi. Oh yeah. That was a nice cold stare. anyways. i was hung over and tired and did a bunch of moving.

Finally, i get done with that crap and i head home to drop off the truck and relax. I managed to aquire a single bowl of weed from a buddy. havent smoked in about 3 months. Light it, smoked it, and relaxed on the couch.
Mind you, i had a couple glass pipes but they broke, they were in my studio. I was smoking out of a beer can (classy i know).
Anyways, im done, im stoned, im relaxed, im enjoying what little of a lazy sunday i can get.

Knoock knock knock knock..... muther****er..... i just put up a no soliciting sign, who the hell is this?... Jager is barking so i put her outside. I go to the front door and open it up to two HUGE policemen. These dudes were stacked, not the normal soft and round doughnut eaters im used to.
Cop "Is that your honda?" (oh crap, roomate has been driving it lately)
Me "Yeah it is, can i help you?"
Cop "Is your name chris?"
Me "Yeah im chris, is something wrong?"
Cop " We are here to issue you your warrent for the traffic violation you had 5 weeks ago, you missed your court date"
Me "What? i havent gotten any tickets."
Cop "The court date was for the accident involving your motorbike"
Me "I dont have a bike"
cop "no, you totalled it"
me "Ahhhh ****, you got the wrong guy yer looking for my roomaate chris peak" (bastard!)
Cop "You are not Chris Peak?"
Me "Chris field"
Cop "ID?"
I complied.
Cop "Thought you said that honda was yours?"
me "it is mine, he has just been driving it the past few weeks"
Cop "Chris here?"
Me "havent seen him all day"
Cop "its illegal to protect somebody that we are looking for, can we check the house?"
me "**** it, come on in." (then i remember the beercan pipe and the 2 broken glass pipes in the studio..... DAMMIT!"
The big bald guy heads downstairs, the other guy checks the upstairs. He completly misses the beercan. Phwew. Then he gets to my studio and starts small talking about my airbrush work. Then his eyes see the pipes and lock onto them. He looks at me, the pipe. i look at him, the pipe. Then he keeps talking and walks out. Thank god, i really dont want a paraphenalia ticket cause my roomate missed a court date.

Anyways, they finally leave.

So, i call my roomate and tell him next time cops come through my house because of him he is GONE!

Then io get bored and i go to Chatfields, the local pub.

I pull up there, and there is my roomate standing outside watching a truck.
What happened?
him "almost got in a fight, drunk guy, people acting stupid. kicked him out"
me "word"

I went in and got a beer. apparently 2 fights had already broken out, almost a 3rd. 3 people had already been 86'd from that place. Now, Chatfields can be a rougher place, fights are not too uncommon, but not normally multiple in a night.

anyways. some girl there starts causiong problems a while later. They kick her out. she comes back in, they kick her out again, she comes back in. Her husband finally shows up. He is wasted, she is wasted. Some bimbo barblie lookin girl says she will give them a ride home, they all shuffle out.

I sit at the bar and enjoy a beer with CJ.

"CALL 911! CALL 911!" somebody yells as they come running inside.
Cj and i look at eachother, and figure it aint our business so we go about our beer. (thats one of the things i like about CJ, he is not into the sensationalism. Im not eather. i hate when people go runnin into stuff that aint thier business)
A girl i know Callie comes back in the bar and she is bawling. My roomate is running in and out of the place, so finally my curiosity gets the better of me.

I walk outside and see a Jeep Cherokee laying on its side half in the grass by the side of the bar, my roomate is on top of it with a big rock in hand telling one of the poeple trapped inside to close thier eyes. SMASH he breaks the window and has to stomp it in with a flipflop. cut himself too. Other guy is on the phone with 911. everyone is flipping out.
The driver looked pissed, the passanger was starting to get pulled out (fear that the vehicle would burst in flames, it was leaking gas), so i figured they had things under control and went in for another beer. At that point all i would do is get in the way.
Cops show up. The driver of the cherokee runs(on foot) and disappears. Police start a search for him. Other cop is talking to the girl that was in the car questioning her. That baarbie bimbo runs over to them and starts shouting at the cop, calling him an asshole for questioning her after the wreck. He tells her he is trying to protect her friend and tells her to shut her trap. She slaps the cop, she goes down face first into the dirt. Handcuffed and tossed in the car. Lol! towtruck comes, pulls the SUV back on tis feet and hauls it away.

i dunno. no real point to this thread.

just a wierd weekend.

here is a pic of the cherokee

jjtgiants 09-18-2006 04:47 PM

Jesus jack! I'm stressed out just reading that! ha ha ha

DarkSith 09-18-2006 05:02 PM

Wow, that's a pretty law filled weekend.

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 05:06 PM

Yep. Good times.


PColav6 09-18-2006 05:06 PM

God damn, so that's just another weekend for you eh?

MattJ 09-18-2006 05:11 PM

wow what a weird weekend.

hey thats a tounge twister!

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 05:13 PM

Oh yeah, that place my girl moved to?
Fast & Furious Central. LOL....

I paked and there was a Nissan Sentra SE, with the big fart cannon and all that hoopla with stickers and stuff. There was also an accord with all the stickets, big ass ugly wing, fart cannon, etc... And also a barny purple Eclipse (not the new style, but the previous uglier version) with a horrible body kit, 5inch pipe tips, lame ass rims, one of those wings that looks like it was made out of sheet metal and legos and stuff.

Oh yah. and now my girlfriends stalker is trying to get an apartment in the same place she just got hers. this ****er names Jake Olney. She already has a case against him for harassment. she told the management about him and they called her today saying this guy was showing up. He works about 2 miles away from where she does and is employed as a secuirty guard. he is 19 years old. and completely pissing me off. he has pictures of him and her on his myspace and plays it off as if she is his girl.
i told her to get some mace and im gonna give her the cash to put in a restraining order.

She is gonna show me where is is living, where he works, and i know he drives a red pontiac sunfire.

this guy is on my last nerve.

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6
God damn, so that's just another weekend for you eh?

unfortunatly sometimes it seems that way. lol

PureStang 09-18-2006 07:07 PM

wow...haha...the girl slapping the cop sounds like what my brother did...cept he pushed the cop..gave a false cuffed and put into the patrol car..hahaha

SpinMedia 09-18-2006 07:10 PM

Dude you have like NO LIFE to sit here typing all that.

SpinMedia 09-18-2006 07:11 PM

I smoked with manny puig so my weekend beats yours..

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
Dude you have like NO LIFE to sit here typing all that.

Actually im at work and work is slow. I dont even own a goddamn computer, when i leave this place the last thing i want to think about is phone networks or internet.

Its these other fools who sit on here for hours at HOME who have no life. like you.

you damn homosexual

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
I smoked with manny puig so my weekend beats yours..

Now, at what point did i say that i had a good weekend?

it was a long weekend.

and quite frankly, if smoking pot with some dip**** off tv is the coolest thing that happened to you, well, that just sucks.



SpinMedia 09-18-2006 07:15 PM

I never said that it was the coolest thing, i just said it beat your weekend lol.

SpinMedia 09-18-2006 07:16 PM

I also found out this morning im going to be a dad so there goes my young life.

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
I also found out this morning im going to be a dad so there goes my young life.

Lol... i dont know weather to congratulate you or offer my condolences. Lol...

Eh... kids are smelly, jabbery, and hard to understand..... like taxi drivers.....

mustangvsix 09-18-2006 07:37 PM

dam that is some weekend.

MattJ 09-18-2006 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by SpinMedia
I also found out this morning im going to be a dad so there goes my young life.

wow you just threw everything out the window. congrats!

smg32208 09-18-2006 07:53 PM

your a dad? time to sell your car haha

B-rett 09-18-2006 07:54 PM

how old are you spin?

PureStang 09-18-2006 08:11 PM

congrats spin!!! no more fast cars for you for a lil

TClark22 09-18-2006 08:20 PM

who cares if u have a fast car and a kid...

Jack The Ripper 09-18-2006 08:24 PM

Yeah spin, it makes no difference how badd ass your car is, how fast it is or how awesome it looks. Once you put a baby seat in it ALL YOUR CRED goes right out the ****in window! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Might as well sell the stang and buy one of these.

SpinMedia 09-18-2006 08:37 PM

hell no man, im buying the wife a 4 door and sticking to my vette so i have an excuse to not drive the kid around.

B-rett 09-18-2006 08:45 PM

hey the vette has room for a carseat.........kid might get shakin baby syndrome from the tq but hey **** happens lol

SpinMedia 09-18-2006 08:50 PM

Its a tough change in my life, but im not going to be one of those people to just drop my whole life to deal with it, i have my mother's support to help me out with it too.

Badfish 09-18-2006 09:18 PM

sounds like a fun weekend :D

and spin, way to go..have fun with that

Rabbit 09-19-2006 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by MattJ
wow you just threw everything out the window. congrats!

Not really. I had my first kid when I was 18. I'm not in bad shape!

And damn Jack, guessing the cops showing up looking for your roommate was one hell of a buzzkill. The rest of the **** that happened as well.

madmatt 09-19-2006 07:44 AM

Damn Jack, and Spin, thats craaazy.

Jack The Ripper 09-19-2006 01:38 PM

wait till you see my next thread of what happened yesterday and last night and what im doing today.

my life has got very complicated

GREG@SN95 09-19-2006 02:09 PM


me n a bud bought a gokart... that was my weekend... that was fun

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