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spike_africa 04-02-2006 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen
:icon_bs: he wouldnt have done s*** seriously. His authority lies in school the cops are going to laugh at him for being a anal retentive asshat.

Correct how can he put a warrent ot for your arrest for leaving give me a break. I was in highschool its a joke you can get away with anything.

Grimmz 04-02-2006 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
dude you guys dont understand. if i wouldn't have stopped he probaly would have put a warrant out for my arrest lol....he suspended a kid for 50 school days for being high....last year with the old principle it was only 5 school days

well thats cuz being high is but speeding isn't exactly that serious of an offense, it's what a couple hundred dollars in fines......

Originally Posted by MT's#1Customer!
You are talking about about perhaps one school in a 100,000 like the one you attend. This is not the real world.

well i'm talkin about private schools as a collective, the teacher pay is about the same as a normal school, but the administration gets alot more, and there are tons of private schools around the country that can easily pay well over 100 grand to their principles and staff, South Florida has alota schools just like the one I graduated from also... I was just pointin out that of the really wealthy schools, mine isn't even near the top and we could def. afford it... The private school sector is a business, not necessarily unlike any other college...

Originally Posted by MILOS
Don't believe me? I live in the richest town, in the richest county (per capita anyway), in the richest state of the richest country in the world... they pay our principals MAD dough.

U can't be serious? CT? richest state in the union?, even per cap. theres way more wealth in NY and FL

but i am glad u agree with me, i'm not tryin to make this an argument about school pay, but it's just a fact of life in the private school sector, they get PAID!

Islander03GT 04-02-2006 04:30 PM

The dean of students at my high school tried to pull my parking privilages my senior year becuase a parent complained about my driving. The reason the guy complianed? I honked at him because he pulled out in front of me as I was exiting a driveway. Then he blocked the road, got out of his car, and came up to my door and tried to open it. I had just enough room to squeeze between his Suburban and the curb, and I did.

I got called in, told them what happened, and that I had done nothing wrong, a parent was just pissed because a 17 year old corrected him. He called my mom who told the guy that she knows parents at that school act like their thei only person on the road, and if he takes my parking away he'll need to drive me to school.

Moms are great sometimes.

roushrider81 04-02-2006 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
well thats cuz being high is but speeding isn't exactly that serious of an offense, it's what a couple hundred dollars in fines......

being high is not illegal its just posseson is... and there is no way to tell if someone is high or not

GREG@94GT 04-02-2006 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by roushrider81
being high is not illegal its just posseson is... and there is no way to tell if someone is high or not

what are you high?

yes it is illegal
yes there are ways to tell if a person is "high"... its called a Piss test...

herndy_1 04-03-2006 08:07 AM

No, a piss test does not tell if someone is high or not, it only tells if they have had marijuana in their system in a past amount of time (im not sure how long). And i think i agree with roush that being high is not a crime, only possession. (technically speaking)

GREG@94GT 04-03-2006 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by herndy_1
No, a piss test does not tell if someone is high or not, it only tells if they have had marijuana in their system in a past amount of time (im not sure how long). And i think i agree with roush that being high is not a crime, only possession. (technically speaking)

well... smokin marijuana is a crime... if you take a piss test (they may not be able to tell if yer high... but they'll know what you have been doing) and yes... If the cops piss test you they will charge you (cops dont just randomly do it, ya usually get in trouble for something else first) so dont get caught doing anything stupid...

floppy 04-03-2006 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
U can't be serious? CT? richest state in the union?, even per cap. theres way more wealth in NY and FL

yeah i was thinking the same thing... :icon_bs: there has to be some line in there that you missed like richest for a certain population or something...

CCM 04-03-2006 02:16 PM

Few things

I doubt you'll get in any kind of trouble. Blood tests reveal if you are under the influence of marijuana, piss tests do not. And Islander03GT, I can't believe you sold your GT and bought an Accord. :loser:

Milos 04-03-2006 02:48 PM

States ranked by per capita income
Based on 2000 Census data

Connecticut – $28,766
District of Columbia – $28,659
New Jersey – $27,006
Massachusetts – $25,952
Maryland – $25,614
Colorado – $24,049
Virginia – $23,975
New Hampshire – $23,844
New York – $23,389
Delaware – $23,305
Minnesota – $23,198

Plus being high is incredibly illegal... its called being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and they can expell you for **** like that in school.

Jack The Ripper 04-03-2006 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by GREG@94GT
well... smokin marijuana is a crime... if you take a piss test (they may not be able to tell if yer high... but they'll know what you have been doing) and yes... If the cops piss test you they will charge you (cops dont just randomly do it, ya usually get in trouble for something else first) so dont get caught doing anything stupid...

There is no law against smoking pot man. Only against poession and distribution.
However, they can ve very anal and say that if it is in your system that you still posess it. LOL
But seriously, how many people have you known in your ENTIRE life that gets in trouble with law enforcement for FAILING a drug test? The only time that happens if they catch you driving high.

Christ, after reading this thread im damn glad that highschool is a memory over 10 years old. My principle didnt like me, neither did a lot of the teachers, but they woulnt just sit there and **** with me. Sounds like these principles are just a bunch of bitches, and quite frankly, if they are gonna just sit there and profile kids and asssume yer doing something yer not, they dont deserve a job that pays higher than 12 bucks an hour.

I really think you have to be a small minded insecure corksoaker who got picked on a lot in highschool to actually want that job. Those people are ****in jokes.

PureStang 04-03-2006 04:07 PM

so roushrider...u get arrested yet?? haha

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