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JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 03:37 PM

Inlaws Blow.
Yeah.... In laws suck.

So my wifes mom is flippin crazzy right, she thinks her dentures are bugged by the CIA or the Feds because they are nervious of the fact that she is a religious figurehead and has superpowers and can topple the government or some whacked out crap. she cant hold down a job for squat, and lives with some other equally crazy woman.

anyways, i work 2:30-10:30pm, my wife works from 9am to 1:00pm and we both live about 1/2 hour from home. So normally during the week she gets back and we have about 15-20 min before i have to leave for work.

Thursdays she works late, so her stupid mom comes over to help out (we do pay her) and watches the kids untill my wife gets home. about 3 hours.

Now, im not a slob by any measure of the imagination. I have put alot of work in my house and i do my best to keep the dishes caught up, trash taken out, laundry caught up, i keep the counters clean and wiped off, coffe table clean, i mop my floors (all hardwoord no carpet) once a week and sweep twice a week, and keep everything put away.. I feel like a frickin maid, i spend about an hour and a half every monring doing nothing but the dishes and cleaning.

however, we DO have 2 kids and 2 dogs, and they generally DO cause a bit of a mess. So my place isnt as clean as it used to, it is still presentable where anyone could come over and i wouldnt be embarassed. Its cleaner than most of my friends houses that is for sure.

So, today the "mother in law" comes over to watch the kids, she comes in and she is in a crappy mood. Whatever. I am finishing getting ready for work when she comes out of the hallway and grabs logan by his walker and starts pulling him back towards the bedrooms glares at me through the corner of her eye and she says to me:

"you shouldnt do this to people you love"

i ask "escuse me?" wondering exactly what she meant by that.

"You shouldnt do this to people you love, you shouldnt subject them to this filth!"



and she says "Your kids deserve better than this! this place is a filthpool!"

She then proceeds to start yelling at me, says im a lousy father, i dont take care of my family, that no child should have to live in this shithole i call a home. (i guess she never noticed i have the nicest house in the street and i gutted and completly remodeled it 100% and have ALWAYS taken care of it)

So. Needless to say i unloaded on her like a fuggin mac-10. I ask her how the hell can she judge me when she hasnt worked a day in the past 15 years and has a crappy apartment that smells like an ashtray with catshit in it. I really let her have it, told her what a waste of space she is and she has absolutly zero right coming into my house and telling me im a bad afather, I called her a crazy miserable rotton old bitch and told her to get the fuck out of my house before i had the police escort her out. She refused to leave, i had to get to work, i told her that if she ever says anything like that to me again she will never see my son again because i refuse to let some cracked out halfwit miserble flea bag have any influence on my son. Gave her the finger, said FUCK YOU, then left.

i cant freaking believe that woman.

Anyways, so i leave, i call my wife and tell her what happened, she is FURIOUS, calls her mother up, her mom wont asnwer, she calls her brother to see if she will answer if he calls, she told him the shit i said to thier mom and he basically laughted and said "That old bag deserves everything he said, im glad somebody finally said it".
My wife then calls her mom up and proceeds to bitch her out for the next 15 minuits.

i might sound a bit harsh in this, but dammit this lady is a real piece of work, she expects everyone to take care of her, she goes off on these crazy delusions. Normally i get along with her, i dont like her, but i get along with her. Anyways, she actually had the nerve to come in and disrespect my wife and i, says were horrible parents, and that we dont care about our kids cause our house is dirty, AND THE HOUSE IS FUCKING CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yah i unloaded on her allright. and i dont feel bad about a single lick of what i said and i wont take ANY of it back. Apparently she is acting like she had said that stuff to my stepson, and that i misunderstood her, which i find funny cause he wasnt even in the room, and i questioned what she said and she said it right back again. Now she is lying tying to make it sound like im unreasonable.

this is par for the course though, neither rebecca and her brother are the least bit suprised by this, and both pretty upset with her.

The worst thing is when my stepson was there and she was yelling at me telling me im a llousy father and i dont take care of her daughter and grandchildren.

Does ANYONE else deal with this kind of crap? any suggestions on how to handle this woman? Im taking next thursday off because i dont want her sniffing her ugly wet nose around untill i calm down.

StreetRacer 03-27-2008 04:24 PM

can someone read that and sum it up for me?

mustangrn 03-27-2008 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 319215)
can someone read that and sum it up for me?

Here goes...His mother-in-law is a freaking psycho bitch that went off the deep end and degraded and belittled his child rearing abilities. In self defense he verbally bitch slapped her. He also is being cheered on by his wife and her brother

StreetRacer 03-27-2008 04:33 PM

okay...the secretary with the insanely tight outfit just finished putting the files in my office so i read the post...hmmm...all i can say is...its ya mom in law jack...youre stuck with her too til death do you part....sorry bro

zigzagg321 03-27-2008 05:50 PM

I wouldnt let her near my kid. she sounds truly crazy...aka not safe.

StreetRacer 03-27-2008 06:56 PM

i'm reading it piece by piece...did you really give your mom-in-law the finger and tell her "fuck you"?

V6_Mustang_Power 03-27-2008 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 319240)
i'm reading it piece by piece...did you really give your mom-in-law the finger and tell her "fuck you"?

lol'ing IRL rofl.

JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 319240)
i'm reading it piece by piece...did you really give your mom-in-law the finger and tell her "fuck you"?


She came into MY house, called it a "shithole" and told me i was a lousy father.

If yer going to come into my house you better as hell show me a little respect, there was NO reason for that. My house is pretty damn nice with all the work i did to it and i constantly strive to keep it clean.

Part of the issue is here is this woman calling my house a shithole, she cant even hold down a job and her house smells like a cat shit in an ashtray and is filthy. I told her that too. She is a leech to everyone.

And telling me im a bad father? Who the HELL does she think she is? It would be like fucking HITLER calling somebody 'Judgemental'

mustangrn 03-27-2008 07:46 PM

Seriously... it sounds like she is truly schizophrenic, I mean for real. She has some of the classic signs. She needs some therapy and meds. And FYI I wouldn't leave her alone with my kids, she could have a psychotic break at any time and believe she is hitler.

zigzagg321 03-27-2008 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by mustangrn (Post 319261)
Seriously... it sounds like she is truly schizophrenic, I mean for real. She has some of the classic signs. She needs some therapy and meds. And FYI I wouldn't leave her alone with my kids, she could have a psychotic break at any time and believe she is hitler.


JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 08:16 PM

she is crazy. now i found out she is going out telling her entire famil that she came over to help us out and watch he kids and out of nowehere i blew up on her and she is traumatized.

what a worthless piece of garbage. its not bad enough to come over, call me a shitty father, call my house that i worked so hard on a shithole, now she feels inclined to go around and tell everyone that she was all little miss innocent and chris the raging monster came down on her for no reason.

zigzagg321 03-27-2008 08:38 PM

have her committed to an institution.

mustangrn 03-27-2008 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 319282)
have her committed to an institution.


JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 08:47 PM

dude, i swear i wish i could.

This is just freakin wonderful, now her brother says i am "Lucky" that he doesent round up some of his friends and come kick my ass.

I mean, seriously? grow the hell up, i'd lay out him and half his friends by myself. How childish can somebody be? He is gonna get some friends to beat me up? as if i dont have any friends? He says he has to protect his mom, if he wants to protect his mom he should stuff a fucking gag in her mouth.

i barley know her brother though, ive met him a total of twice and he seems to hate the fact that i dont look up to him like he is the coolest person in the planet. Maybe if i wasnt 4 years older than him and had not traveled around and seen the world i would be. Ive tried several times to get to know him, he has put zero effort into getting to know me or logan.

When my wife called her she totally admitted to everything she did and everything she said and was all apologetical.

Now the rotten cow is going around telling everyone what a saint she is for helping us out blah blah, and out of nowhere i get all angry and start yelling and screaming at her, and totally denies ever saying ANY of the crap she said.

Damn thank GOD that she admitted what she had said to my wife. That would be the LAST thing i would need is her mom trying to turn her against me. Thank god my wife has her head on her shoulders and knows her mom and knows me and knows that her mom really did pull that crap.

Now i just have to deal with the possibility her whole family is gonna hate me, then again, most of her family knows what a piece of garbage she is, but then again, she is family, im somone most of them met just once or twice tops.

This just blows my mind. She comes over to watch the kids, im nice, im polite, i treat her with respect, then she turns around and calls my house a shithold and says im a lousy father, and I AM THE BAD GUY?????????

StreetRacer 03-27-2008 08:54 PM

well youre right but remember family is family and they will circle the wagons...i gotta lotta brothers and even if one of em was dead wrong we'll still back him 300% to any outsider...if one says the sky is purple we'll all swear hes right...i imagine the same goes for a mom...try and repair it somehow....even if its just for youre wife...gotta be rough for her being torn in 2 like that

JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by StreetRacer (Post 319294)
well youre right but remember family is family and they will circle the wagons...i gotta lotta brothers and even if one of em was dead wrong we'll still back him 300% to any outsider...if one says the sky is purple we'll all swear hes right...i imagine the same goes for a mom...try and repair it somehow....even if its just for youre wife...gotta be rough for her being torn in 2 like that

yeah i know.... i rally have no idea what to do about this.

i mean hell man, i have NEVER shown her the slightest bit of disrespect.

and she comes over and out of NOWHERE says all of this? to me? in my fucking house? REALLY?...

but no matter what, fuck it who cares i know ill end up being the badguy on this.

mustangrn 03-27-2008 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 319296)
yeah i know.... i rally have no idea what to do about this.

i mean hell man, i have NEVER shown her the slightest bit of disrespect.

and she comes over and out of NOWHERE says all of this? to me? in my fucking house? REALLY?...

but no matter what, fuck it who cares i know ill end up being the badguy on this.

I hate to say it but that's part of the mental illness and is pretty typical to snap like that. I think you got one hell of a wife, she grew up with that and seems like a reasonable and logical person. If you can put up with fam damily, hang on to her.

JackThe Ripper 03-27-2008 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by mustangrn (Post 319297)
I hate to say it but that's part of the mental illness and is pretty typical to snap like that. I think you got one hell of a wife, she grew up with that and seems like a reasonable and logical person. If you can put up with fam damily, hang on to her.

honestly, aside from her brother who seems to make it a point to not to get to know me, the rest of her family is great. I never met her dad he died when she was young. We have a pic of him up with this cheesy smile and for some reason i feel i have his approval...

as far as her mom is concerned she an basically go to hell, but street is right about one thing she is the one being pulled in either direction. i really dont want her to get hurt, i dont want her to have to fight for me with her family.

I have my own direct family and we have a n awesome relationship, i love them all and they are all great people. I have my close friends who know me and would back me up without thinking twice because they know the type of person i am and the kind of character i have. My boss and co workers all respect me and like me.

i guess with her family, who i have to see only once in a while, they can hate me, they can think what they want of me, because the people that matter know what kind of a person i am, and they will in time too.

but for now, i dunno, i dont want my wife to have to go through this, as wrong as i know she is and as right as i know i am, i may have to bite the bullet on this one and go ahead and apologize and say im the asshole.

the people who really matter all know me, so what does it matter what they think of me? as long as my wife doesent get hurt i guess they can all think im the biggest asshole in the world.

im gonna have to do some thinking on this. she really managed to nail me in a shit situation.

officer4c13 03-28-2008 04:07 AM

i feel for you man i really do. my mother in-law is the same way and i wish some times i could just go off on her like that but i have to much respect for my father in-law to do that. i know my wife would back me up because my mom in-law is nuts but it would only hurt my wife if i did that. like i said i wish i could. i admire you and what you did but if i were you i would make it right for your wife even if it means being the bigger man and apologizing.

tsumi88 03-28-2008 07:53 AM

i really could not bite the bullet and say "im the asshole"....
there is no way, in your situation, i could do anything but what you did and simply say
"fuck it, dont care, sorry"...
then again, i have made peace with the fact that I'm a dick... :-D

mustangrn 03-28-2008 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by tsumi88 (Post 319344)
i really could not bite the bullet and say "im the asshole"....
there is no way, in your situation, i could do anything but what you did and simply say
"fuck it, dont care, sorry"...
then again, i have made peace with the fact that I'm a dick... :-D

To thine ownself be true:D

JackThe Ripper 03-28-2008 10:52 AM

Well, i ran that by the wife last night, seeing if she thinks i should just do whatever i needed to smooth things over....

she says to me "my brother threatened to get a bunch of friends to jump you and my mom said we are bad parents, i kicked them both the fuck out of our wedding. if they want to apologize and mean it, then they can attend.


i love my wife

(yes we are already married, however, we are still planning to have the ceremony in august)

mustangrn 03-28-2008 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 319387)
Well, i ran that by the wife last night, seeing if she thinks i should just do whatever i needed to smooth things over....

she says to me "my brother threatened to get a bunch of friends to jump you and my mom said we are bad parents, i kicked them both the fuck out of our wedding. if they want to apologize and mean it, then they can attend.


i love my wife

(yes we are already married, however, we are still planning to have the ceremony in august)

Hell...I'd marry her!!

tsumi88 03-28-2008 12:06 PM

that is AWESOME!!! your wife backed you and did not want you to recant! hells yea!

JackThe Ripper 03-28-2008 12:11 PM

yah, the crappy thing is that wont stop her mom from trashing my to her whole family. as for her brother. jesus christ, you would think when yer 27 you would have a little more maturity than to "cALLL DA boyz AN go jump his bitch ass" lmao...

im so disgusted with this entire thing, her brother can go to hell, he refuses to even acknowledge my son as his nephew. the guy is garbage. the funny thing for all his fluffing up about loving his family and having his familys back, he refuses to introduce his girlfriend to his family cause he is too shamed of them.

i really dont believe for once second he is gonna do jack shit other than talk about how tough he is and try to sound like he is a badass (he is 5ft 11 and he is so scrawny his chest literally caves in), but i would feel bad if he had to go and explain to his family how he got a busted lip and lost a few teeth.


tsumi88 03-28-2008 12:52 PM

if ya need another 6'4" 220lb "buddy" let me know, lol, im not too far. :-D
like your wife said though, if they dont get their shit straight, she is alienating them; that was her call and she is the one that matters here. both of you are doing the right thing. the rest of the family is just in the initial "stick up for mom" thing; they know shes a crazy bitch, they just want something to harp on... later they will come back down to reality and see that your guys are right.

mustangrn 03-28-2008 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by tsumi88 (Post 319407)
if ya need another 6'4" 220lb "buddy" let me know, lol, im not too far. :-D
like your wife said though, if they dont get their shit straight, she is alienating them; that was her call and she is the one that matters here. both of you are doing the right thing. the rest of the family is just in the initial "stick up for mom" thing; they know shes a crazy bitch, they just want something to harp on... later they will come back down to reality and see that your guys are right.

They'll come back to reality as soon as mom snaps on them, cause it's just a matter of time.

officer4c13 03-29-2008 12:35 AM

and it will happen. im wating for my mom inlaw to snap on well anyone else.

WaterDR 03-29-2008 08:24 AM


We all have had problems with the "outlaws" at one time or another. I have my own issues....such as having to financially support my mother-in-law. I even had to buy her house, she is always late with rent, but always has money for smokes, booze, and the casino.

A few things to keep in mind: Blood is thicker then water and when you marry someone you really do marry their entire family. HOWEVER, the key to this entire situation is your wife. As long as she puts YOU and YOUR SON first....before the rest of her family, then you guys will be fine.

Do not try to force-feed relationships that won't work. If your in-laws are dirt-bags, so what. That is their loss and not yours.

r3dn3ck 03-29-2008 09:41 AM

jack... I've been there and done that. You've set a new expectation in the relationship that you're not to be approached like you're blood cuz you're not blood. You're a grown man with a family and responsibility. Don't ever let anyone that doesn't have blood with you talk to you like that.

It works. It's good for your position in the situation. The next time you see her, you tell her she's not welcome in your home unless she can respect who's home she's in and act like a guest.

Tell her I said to shut the fuck up and go wrap her empty ass head in foil. Every time she brings up the crazy shit, ask for proof, then don't accept any proof she has. Show her what it's like to be torn apart by an outlaw. You don't have to be nice because she wasn't. She set the level of communication exchange. Now you can exploit it to solidify your position as the Alpha.

My inlaws know the rules. We agreed very yearly on they can treat me with presidential level respect or I'll knock the shit out the first one to think they have the right to be that candid with me. Just because I'm married to their daughter does not make them family. My wife and kids are family for me... that's as far as that goes. They won't even try to come in the door without an explicit invitation. It's known that this is my house and I am the all seeing all powerful god of pain and joy here. At their house they get the same level of respect from me and I don't criticize their shitty housekeeping.

It's all about setting the limits of the relationship and I think you've done a good job of establishing those limits.

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