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King 02-04-2009 03:51 PM

The next economic stimulus package...
This is my dads CNN submission from yesterday in regards to the new economic stimulus package idea....I thought I should post this to see the reactions it'd get.

Soon there will be voting on what is being bantered about as the "economic stimulus plan". Ladies and gentlemen of the US Congress, please understand that a vote in favor of this NEARLY A TRILLION DOLLAR boondoggle is a vote in favor of the total decimation of the American economy.

Our last President handed out 700 BILLION dollars which is now spent and the economy has continued to devolve. Certainly, as Mr. President said, "something has to be done", but what he missed was that something POSITIVE has to be done. Giving away buckets of money to people with no accountability for how it will spent nor any ideas of how it will benefit those who need it most is economic suicide. So throwing another $750B -- er, $800, no... $900 BILLION dollars into the mix without changing the rules has no hope of success. Add in the pork that you folks are throwing into the mix to buy your next election votes and clearly we have crossed a boundary of criminality that has more potential to bankrupt our country and negatively disrupt the world economy more than it has any prayer of success. Then again, anyone who spends millions of dollars of someone else's money to get a job that pays only a fraction of the expense is clearly incapable of understanding the economics of the real world where most Americans live.

What's truly sad is that a solution to this problem could be implemented for next to nothing. If you really want to stimulate the economy, a good place to start is by getting government OUT of business. Your government has supported only the biggest of businesses (and make no mistake it's because those businesses pay your campaign funds) and then when the biggest of these businesses got stupid, YOU responded with ridiculous legislation - Sarbanes-Oxley - on ALL public companies. Now, the smallest of task is a paperwork jungle as corporations are forced to spend more money on compliance, leaving less money for the operations that need the employees who drive this economy every day.

And you wonder why people are getting laid off?

America was founded on small businesses that delivered fiscally responsible results. We need a government that is willing to make the hard choices to NOT spend away our future, to focus on the real solutions - not just those options that come with kickbacks, and to find a way to LEAD us - the real, everyday Americans - to a solution that doesn't turn our magnificent country into China's fiscal bitch.

HokieStang00 02-04-2009 04:00 PM

I agree 100%. I like to get money, but these "stimulants" are not changing anything. That money could be used elsewhere. Like maybe are bajillion dollar national debt.

WNRacing 02-04-2009 08:10 PM

Just going to keep it as short as humanly possible. Hope I don't ruffle any feathers.

This "package" that our government is trying to pass is nothing more than a pork loaded stinking pile of welfare. Several hundred million dollars to buy new government vehicles, to upgrade government computers and to build fucking butterfly farms. Yes, that is a real request by a local mayor, they want money to build A FUCKING BUTTERFLY FARM! Another Mayor requested money to revamp and remodel the capitol golf course. Does this sound like any kind of a way to stimulate our economy?

It's not going to accomplish anything with the exception of putting this already weak economy into a major downward spiral. I don't know about you, but if I get another "stimulus" check it will go straight into the savings account that I opened a few weeks ago, just like my tax return. It will sit there for months, hell maybe even years. It will do NOTHING to stimulate the economy because everyone is scared shitless that they are going to lose their jobs or that the economy is going to crash and leave them with nothing. The most "stimulation" that this crap could accomplish would be to help someone pay their electric bill for a month or two. Then what? It will all be gone, or go unused, the creditors will still not lend any money, the mortgage market will still be in the toilet and we'll be another trillion dollars in debt.

Government, you want to help us? Lower taxes on businesses and individuals, I don't care if the business makes $20,000/yr or $200,000,000/yr. give people a reason to continue to do business in the US. If the business can operate on American soil and continue to employ US citizens then it is good for this economy. By raising taxes on businesses you are forcing them to drop ship and re-locate to another country where they can cut their overhead and not be taxxed out the ass.

Remove ALL federal income taxes, set a FLAT sales tax and tax EVERYONE, illegals and citizens equally. Taxing people to make money and then taxing them to spend the money is nothing more than wrong. It doesn't help the economy because it makes people spend less, this is probably the one and only area where you can take a fucking note from the Canadians. It works.

Uggh, now I'm all hyped up about this.. My venting is done. It's going to fall on deaf money hungry ears anyway. lol

JackThe Ripper 02-04-2009 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by WNRacing (Post 381867)
Yes, that is a real request by a local mayor, they want money to build A FUCKING BUTTERFLY FARM!

Oh gawd here we go again with your arrogant and ill informed ranting and raving! Do you have ANY IDEA how important butterfly farms are? Do you think butter just fuckin up and flies? How the hell is it going to get to the toast? Did you ever consider that?

Well i guess i can thank Mr. Evan when my son is 5 years old and asks "Dad, can we go to a butterfly farm?" and i have to look at him and say "THERE ARENT ANY FUCKING BUTTERFLY FARMS!!! The God Damn Republicans wasted all that money on the Snail Upholstery centers instead! Snail Upholstery? WHAT THE FUCK?"


couldnt resist


JackThe Ripper 02-04-2009 08:27 PM

I havent been following much on the whole stimulus package thing.

everyone keeps saying that the last umpteen quadrillion we doled out has not generated any more jobs. but wasnt the point of it to save jobs?...

kind of hard to see how well it worked cause we dont know if it did save jobs.

hey, maybe if were lucky when everything goes to hell china will hire us for cheap factory labor jobs.

WNRacing 02-04-2009 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 381875)
Oh gawd here we go again with your arrogant and ill informed ranting and raving! Do you have ANY IDEA how important butterfly farms are? Do you think butter just fuckin up and flies? How the hell is it going to get to the toast? Did you ever consider that?

Well i guess i can thank Mr. Evan when my son is 5 years old and asks "Dad, can we go to a butterfly farm?" and i have to look at him and say "THERE ARENT ANY FUCKING BUTTERFLY FARMS!!! The God Damn Republicans wasted all that money on the Snail Upholstery centers instead! Snail Upholstery? WHAT THE FUCK?"


couldnt resist




PistonsFan102 02-04-2009 10:13 PM

And this whole stimulus package could have been avoided years ago....and guess what? It wasn't Bush's fault.


King 02-04-2009 10:23 PM

I don't know if it's the links fault or just my computer, but it's not working for me...

PistonsFan102 02-04-2009 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by King (Post 381902)
I don't know if it's the links fault or just my computer, but it's not working for me...

Try it now, my bad.

macs03GT 02-04-2009 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by King (Post 381782)

I'm not even gunna lie.....the only part of this i liked was the word "boondoggle" because no one ever uses that word. That shit made me laugh. The rest not so much, but then again i'm not one for politics. But because i read this...i'm officially putting it in my everyday speech. :) thanks!

Steeda97 02-05-2009 03:17 AM

I believe his plan has a good chance of being a success.

bassman97 02-05-2009 06:12 AM

As I've said, the first opened up the flood gates. Want to hear other reasons why this bill blows?
That pretty much sums it up.

I don't understand why our dear leader, the great messiah, thinks another $1 trillion is going to work? Didn't he see how when Bush did, the economy went further into the hole? Plus, most importantly, DOES ANYONE IN DC PAY ATTENTION TO THE GOVERNMENT'S CHECKING ACCOUNT!? FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, IT'S $-10+ TRILLION. I'd like to know WHO is going to pay for not only this but the debt also.

If there's one thing that's certain, government intervention kills economies. FDR's New Deal did jack to bring us out of the Depression. The last bailout made things worse. If the government really wants to help the economy, they would, if they were lazy, repeal all corporate and capital gains taxes for a year. They'll see how quickly the economy jumps up. However, if they want to do real work, the FairTax or bust.

WNRacing 02-05-2009 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 381925)
I believe his plan has a good chance of being a success.

If by success, you mean failure, then I agree.

Lazerred6 02-05-2009 08:17 AM

I love our country but I have no faith in our government:(

SleepingGT 02-05-2009 08:55 AM

we are doomed to eventually fail because everytime we start to succeed the bleeding heart tree hugger people think we need to help our lazy, retarded, incompetent, brethren along. Instead of letting social darwinisn run its course. Because it's just not fair to deny them health care or a just can't punish someone for failing to plan ahead and/or save money get insurance etc instead those who are responsible enough to plan ahead to have food on the table for their family and have insurance or a way to pay their medical bills, end up footing the food/medical bills of those less responsible.

the age old expression "If you play dumb, people expect less of you" is ever quite so true

stanger00 02-05-2009 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 381925)
I believe his plan has a good chance of being a success.

you are clearly brain washed...

you know some of this stimulus money...something like 600 million is to be used for coupons on DIGITAL CABLE...SERIOUSLY WTF!!! how will that make jobs

Lazerred6 02-05-2009 09:04 AM

You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
-Abraham Lincoln

mustangV6_04 02-05-2009 09:24 AM

lmao...politics is almost as bad as talking about religion so i'll stay out of this one

PistonsFan102 02-05-2009 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by mustangV6_04 (Post 381994)
lmao...politics is almost as bad as talking about religion so i'll stay out of this one

It's too late you are are in...:eek:

jjtgiants 02-05-2009 11:21 AM

I don't have an issue with the tax cuts or infrastructure portions of the stimulus package. From my understanding the infrastructure portion will create immediate jobs because the only projects that qualify for funding are projects that are ready to turn dirt.....not projects that are 10 years out. I know here in Cali we have hundreds of millions if not billions worth of transportation infrastructure projects that are about to come to a hault or not started.... so it could help.

I've been watching the Senate debate the stimulus package on CSPAN and jesus they keep adding amendments so god knows when this thing will be done with.

Lazerred6 02-05-2009 11:51 AM

We only have one hope and that hope is......... global warming if global warming happens americans won't have to spend as much money heating their homes this will result in more money that they can then spend to help the economy. We would need to heat our homes less so we would have less dependance on forign energy. We could also turn down the heat in our cars resulting in better gas milage further reducing our dependance on forign oil. Americans would be spending less at the pump so they would have more in their pockets which they would then spend on warmer weather cars from ford gm or chrysler thus saving the auto industry.


Steeda97 02-05-2009 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by stanger00 (Post 381987)
you are clearly brain washed...

you know some of this stimulus money...something like 600 million is to be used for coupons on DIGITAL CABLE...SERIOUSLY WTF!!! how will that make jobs

I don't think i give a fuck enough to be brain washed.

SYndicateZ 02-05-2009 12:35 PM

if this stimulas package involves ME getting another stimulas check like i did last year then.. IM ALL FOR IT!

NoKturnaL 02-05-2009 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by SYndicateZ (Post 382039)
if this stimulas package involves ME getting another stimulas check like i did last year then.. IM ALL FOR IT!

Fa sho:t::D

macs03GT 02-05-2009 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by SYndicateZ (Post 382039)
if this stimulas package involves ME getting another stimulas check like i did last year then.. IM ALL FOR IT!


spike_africa 02-05-2009 04:05 PM

I don't think these stimulas packages are gonna help again either, but I know a lot of people who could use the money. However its not gonna stop people from not spending money. If they would fix the morgage problem with the banks all the way, and get the media to shut the fuck up about how everything is bad. People would start to spend money again slowly. Then the economy would pick back up.

Lets be serious the media is a major reason why no one wants to buy anything. They make everything seem 100x worse then it is. Then when its bad they just keep dishing out more and more shit about it. It makes all the uneducated people scared and they will do whatever the media says. And we all know there are a lot of morons out there.

jjtgiants 02-05-2009 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by spike_africa (Post 382118)
Lets be serious the media is a major reason why no one wants to buy anything. They make everything seem 100x worse then it is. Then when its bad they just keep dishing out more and more shit about it. It makes all the uneducated people scared and they will do whatever the media says. And we all know there are a lot of morons out there.

I agree with you about the media. Everyday we hear about major companies laying off people. Just heard EA games is closing 9 offices and laying off 1,100 empoyees. But getting back to your point, I'm just not sure if these companies are just scared and start cutting back or are really in trouble. It would be cool if we could do an experiment where all the media for an entire week would just report positive things and see what happens.

spike_africa 02-05-2009 05:39 PM

I'm with you on that one. I would love to see what happens if they just started reporting good things and said nothing about the economy for say a month what would happen.

JackThe Ripper 02-05-2009 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by spike_africa (Post 382164)
I'm with you on that one. I would love to see what happens if they just started reporting good things and said nothing about the economy for say a month what would happen.

Well lets think, if they aavoided the whole "the world is ending" hyperbole that is so prevelant these days, people wouldnt be hoarding and stockpiling thier money, instead they would be spending it, and companys would be generating income, and hiring more people.

I couldnt agree with you more.

But then again, if channel A says everything is cool, and channel b says everything is going to hell in a handbasket, everyone will be watching channel b. So with channel A having lower ratings thier commerical airtime becomes less valuable, but people will still buy it. Channel B is showing the end of the world, has higher ratings, and can charge more money for product commercials to show the masses who will be too afraid to buy the stuff.

Seems it makes more sence, buy airtime on a channel with a positive note. Because the viewers of "Gloom & Doom" network will not be buying shit.

The tides will reverse, the marketing and advertizing companies will start to realize this, and everyone will start buying airtime on the channel A because nobody watching channel B buys anything. Eventually channel B will realize that while thier ratings are up, nobody is buying the products in thier commercials which lowers the value of thier airtime, so they start reporting positive comments on the economy and presto!

economy is fixed.


Lazerred6 02-05-2009 05:54 PM

I will agree to disagree with all of you but I still think we need to use my plan cause well it actually makes sense duh

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