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jjtgiants 09-05-2008 10:58 AM

I won't attack Gov Palin for her daughter being pregnant, that is something that is out of her control. None of us know the situation so it's unfair to comment. I know where she stands on abortion, but I'd like to know where she stands on birth control and other protective measures.....I thought I heard that she was an abstinence only person and to me that just seems freaking WAY out of touch these days. Yes, abstinence should be preached to kids, but you also need to educate them on their options if they chose to be sexually active.

Can you guys please spare me on the experience level of Gov Palin. She might have executive experience, but it's freaking in ALASKA....a population of 660,000 and a budget that is a freaking drop in the bucket. The County I work for has double the population of Alaska and about the same budget. The mayor of Los Angeles, San Jose, Chicago, NY and a ton of other large cities have more experience than she does.

I'm not criticizing Palin, and I'm not comparing Palin vs Obama in the experience department. I think she is a young rising star within the Rep party and has the ability to do a good job, but please stop trying to convince people she has the experience because she doesn't.

King 09-05-2008 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by jjtgiants (Post 350372)


jjtgiants 09-05-2008 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by King (Post 350401)

oooops. Fixed.

Badfish 09-05-2008 08:13 PM

'bama. I'm voting.

King 09-05-2008 10:42 PM

I'm so torn on who to vote for, I'm considering selling my vote to someone with a decisive opinion on ebay. You give me $25, and I vote for who you want me to.

3.8LMustang 09-05-2008 11:08 PM

^^^^na do it for like 50 bucks man

King 09-05-2008 11:15 PM

Maybe I'll list it as no reserve starting at $25 then have a buy it now option of $50...hmm, seems like a deal to me.

3.8LMustang 09-05-2008 11:17 PM

shit a vote is worth sum money man, one vote will change the future

and were in the hell is everyone, lol

King 09-05-2008 11:26 PM

Getting drunk. It's a Friday night, or I guess a Saturday morning now.

3.8LMustang 09-05-2008 11:30 PM

hey im doing the same and playing rockband, lol, drinking budlight lime, mmm mm good

King 09-05-2008 11:35 PM

Boo, I'm from Coors country.

3.8LMustang 09-05-2008 11:38 PM

awwww FAIL!!!!!!!! lol, jk

but hey if its the only thing ill drink it :D

but if budlight or budwiser is there then ill choose ummmmmmmm, budlight :D budwiser i kind of got tired of already

King 09-05-2008 11:41 PM

I'll drink anything other than that Fat-Tire crap. But anyway, this conversation is getting too homo for me (too many smilies). I like me some tiddies!

3.8LMustang 09-05-2008 11:45 PM


98svt 09-06-2008 07:57 PM

damn easy choice for me. i own guns. i will continue to own guns. i will not surrender my guns.

Steeda97 09-06-2008 07:59 PM

Aint no one gunna make you surrender your guns. Its more like taking them out of criminal hands.

3.8LMustang 09-06-2008 08:22 PM


r3dn3ck 09-07-2008 07:01 AM

taking out of criminal hands hahahahahah are you serious and misguided or just naive? Government cannot affect the criminal element in any great way because criminals work outside the law. Government passing gun laws to "keep guns out of criminals hands" creates a class of criminal that didn't used to exist out of law abiding citizenry who pose a threat to nobody. They see a new law conspire to make them a criminal and then do their level best to obey it so they're not cuffed and stuffed. The actual criminal element DOES NOT FOLLOW LAWS ESPECIALLY GUN LAWS. To think that gun laws affect criminals in the slightest is not only naive but kinda retarded and short sighted.

Steeda97 09-07-2008 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 350605)
taking out of criminal hands hahahahahah are you serious and misguided or just naive? Government cannot affect the criminal element in any great way because criminals work outside the law. Government passing gun laws to "keep guns out of criminals hands" creates a class of criminal that didn't used to exist out of law abiding citizenry who pose a threat to nobody. They see a new law conspire to make them a criminal and then do their level best to obey it so they're not cuffed and stuffed. The actual criminal element DOES NOT FOLLOW LAWS ESPECIALLY GUN LAWS. To think that gun laws affect criminals in the slightest is not only naive but kinda retarded and short sighted.

It was more like a joke towards 98svt referring to him as a criminal.

Beside, if your saying its not possible to make guns less accessible to criminals then thats naive. It is incredibly easy to get your hands on a gun. I remember watching something where you could open a new checking account somewhere in Texas and receive a free rifle.

We are obviously doing something wrong when ordinary citizens have an AK-47 sitting at home. Gun laws will never fix this problem but some structure will certainly help.

r3dn3ck 09-07-2008 01:53 PM

No it's not possible to make guns less accessible to criminals you can't be that blind. I've made guns in my garage with only the most basic of tools (a hammer and a pipe as I recall). It's retarded to think that any level of inaccessibility you foist on me and Jon Q. Rulefollower will even graze the criminal element.. how dense can you be. Criminality implies that simplicity and legitimacy are not possible/desired. So, alternate means are employed. Can't get em here...import them from Mexico. Everything's legal in mexico, it's the American way.

I have an ak47 (semi auto), and an ar15 and an m1 carbine and a Ljüngman and a lot of scary looking guns which are derived from military weapons... all of them together haven't killed as many people as Ted Kennedy's car (that being 1). I'm the law abiding type... so you REALLY REALLY WANT me to have them... I'll be the one you run to for protection from the bad man with the <insert scary looking weapon here>.

By the way... I can kill you with one shot from OVER a mile away with several of my less scary (but more odd in some cases) looking guns. You'd be really unlucky to die even if shot 5 times with an AK-47. So are you going to take away my antelope rifle or my groundhog rifles next? How about my .50 cal precision long range rifle? Does that scare you? It can bring down an aircraft with a single shot though it never will because I use it for blowing up propane tanks and elk; though not normally at the same time, but it's too powerful for lil' ol' me to own.

You sir are an elitist if you think only a select few should be able to own a tool. As well, I fear you may be but I have no proof (only a strong suspicion and a sincere hope to the contrary) a yellow belly lily liver tenderfoot wuss. You're appearing to me to be just fuckin terrified that you may have to risk living your own damned life and staying out of my dinner-gitter safe. You sir are a hoplophobe. You should know that phobias are by their nature totally irrational.

Steeda97 09-07-2008 02:11 PM

You sir are very opinionated. Your quick to judge and it seems like you always have to be right. But thats just my "over the internet" perception of you. Maybe we're both wrong about eachother.

I'm not taking away your guns, no one will take away your guns. 2nd amendment? But we can try and get illegal guns out of criminal hands. Why shouldn't we?

INtZ 09-07-2008 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Dave04Mustang (Post 350058)
palin's a hottie haha

i wont be old enough to vote though...

venom 09-08-2008 06:59 AM

Any law that is passed only effects the law abiding citizens. Criminals do not abid by those laws. Criminals obtain guns illegally so any laws to try and prevent them from having these guns will not work. Only thing that will work is to ban these guns in which you will step on Red's right to bear arms. Guns owned by criminals are obtained in illegal ways by stealing from responsible guns owners or shaddy arms dealers or overseas. Question still remains hows a law banning guns or specific guns helping out the law abiding citizens. Would you like another LA style shooting with thugs wearing bullet proof vests and shooting their powerful automatics while cops used their pistols?

r3dn3ck 09-08-2008 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by Steeda97 (Post 350635)
You sir are very opinionated. Your quick to judge and it seems like you always have to be right. But thats just my "over the internet" perception of you. Maybe we're both wrong about eachother.

I'm not taking away your guns, no one will take away your guns. 2nd amendment? But we can try and get illegal guns out of criminal hands. Why shouldn't we?

you're pretty much right. I was mostly riding you to bait you but you took it too well and screwed up the plot and subsequent joke. dammit... polite sunsabitches. hehe you'd screw up a wet dream.

you can't keep guns out of criminal hands when it's so simple to find someone that uses one in their daily line of work, kill them and take theirs. The harder you make it for Joe Blow with a clean criminal record and mental health history to purchase, own and carry whatever type of weapon he deems appropriate, the easier it is for the criminal element to use that regulation against us. Pure and simple... you keep assuming that rules apply to criminals. They don't.

Steeda97 09-08-2008 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 350714)
you're pretty much right. I was mostly riding you to bait you but you took it too well and screwed up the plot and subsequent joke. dammit... polite sunsabitches. hehe you'd screw up a wet dream.

you can't keep guns out of criminal hands when it's so simple to find someone that uses one in their daily line of work, kill them and take theirs. The harder you make it for Joe Blow with a clean criminal record and mental health history to purchase, own and carry whatever type of weapon he deems appropriate, the easier it is for the criminal element to use that regulation against us. Pure and simple... you keep assuming that rules apply to criminals. They don't.

Your right...

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