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macs03GT 12-21-2005 06:48 PM

Just got a lotter....
I just got a warning from my homeowner's association saying my car is too loud. I have SLP catback and off road x. I'm never home during the day but i'm always comming in late and someone doesn't have the balls to come up to me and tell me to my they took it up with the homeowners association. I'm leaving it the same no matter what they say. Fine me all they want but its staying. that's that....period!!! ;)

B-rett 12-21-2005 06:49 PM

thats tight

Jack The Ripper 12-21-2005 06:50 PM

Why dont you go attached some megaphones to the exhaust tips, that'll teach em to shut thier mouths. <ROFL>

Icefreezen 12-21-2005 06:50 PM

ccareful violate it too much they will ask you to leave or loose the exhaust. but i'm with you screw them....its old farts with nothing better to do but b****

Jack The Ripper 12-21-2005 06:52 PM

So is yer HOA trying to fine you or something?

Stupid HOA's. Im glad i dont have one with my house. Then again, there i a sharp edge on that one too, my neighbors house was barney purple for the first 6 months after i bought mine. and he had sunflowers..... ****ing sunflowers...

oh hey look at the little purple gay gnome house with the oversized sunflowers and fairys and ****.

Islander03GT 12-21-2005 06:53 PM

Homeowners associations are the stupidest things on earth IMO.

Let me get this straight.. you OWN a home, you make the payments, and a group of asshat housewives with nothing better to do get to decide what you can park in your driveway and for how long, how late you can work in your garage, what color your house has to be painted, etc?

Bull**** if you ask me. If your exhaust is too loud they should be complaining to the police who can enforce a noise ordinace if your town has one.

Homeowners associations = the suck. End rant.

I hate fat girlz 12-21-2005 06:58 PM

i fukcing hate old farts that have no lives because they are so fukcing old that they are just sitting around waiting to die, so they stick their noses in everyone elses shyt to make themselves feel important like they have power or some shyt. its cuz no one gives a shyt about them so they do shyt like that to make themselves feel like they matter. whoever reported that shyt is a btich

stang00 12-21-2005 07:03 PM

if it were me the next night i got home late i rev the **** out of it maybe do a peel out or 2 and play really loud music

PureStang 12-21-2005 07:07 PM

wow....i had a kick ass sound system in my taurus (i know dont laugh) and always played it loud....bass was shaking my house....for like a year and never got one..haha...and i live next to wat we call the hall monitor (the woman who is always complaining...damn b****)

MattJ 12-21-2005 07:10 PM

i love living where I do. the minimal amount of land anyone has on my street is 2 acres so we have our space. ill work on my **** till i feel like stopping. obviously im not going to be revving my engine till 3am but ill be outside making noise till 5am and a fire and no one will give a ****.

stang00 12-21-2005 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by PureStang
wow....i had a kick ass sound system in my taurus (i know dont laugh) and always played it loud....bass was shaking my house....for like a year and never got one..haha...and i live next to wat we call the hall monitor (the woman who is always complaining...damn b****)

you should hear the **** i got in my mustang bangs like a mu****a pisses off this neighbor that called the cops on me once for smashing her mailbos ( which i did not btw) so now i drive past her house blaring it and gunning it everyday and she cant do ****

my other neighbors are awesome all have nice cars and **** dont car how smokey the air is when my friends come over and we do burnout vids and ****

Mossberg 12-21-2005 07:26 PM

Yes, homeowners associations are just people who got picked on in high school on a power trip. And if you are not man/woman enough to knock on someones door to tell them your gripe, you are a puss. Why taddle? Be a man/woman.

Lances03SVT 12-21-2005 07:52 PM

Hell there is so many rednecks around here with loud as hell trucks that no one even pays attention.

My nieghbor did say that me starting my car at 6 am was his alarm clock LOL

stangspeed 12-21-2005 07:58 PM

Fight the Power!!!! This is America isnt it?

Lances03SVT 12-21-2005 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by stangspeed
Fight the Power!!!! This is America isnt it?

Thats right.

DAMN THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Shambles 12-21-2005 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Lances03GT
Thats right.

DAMN THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

save the empire?

Lances03SVT 12-21-2005 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by MTShambles
save the empire?

LOL yep thats it.

macs03GT 12-21-2005 10:37 PM

yea i just got's 11:30 and i kept it in second all the way here just to piss whoever it was off. I really hate the whole HOA. Sometimes it has it's goods...but mostly not. 1) I pay a fee for living here and having a homeowners association 2) Even though i pay for it....i can't do what i want to my house or what's in my driveway. All i know is f**k whoever can't come knock on my door. It's not a huge deal cause i'm not changing it either way...but come on people....have some balls and say what's on your mind!!!!

macs03GT 12-21-2005 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by Icefreezen
ccareful violate it too much they will ask you to leave or loose the exhaust. but i'm with you screw them....its old farts with nothing better to do but b****

f**k house is paid for. Can't tell me to leave when i own all the paper work on it. They'll kiss my black ass before i get up and leave cause they don't like my car. :D

Grimmz 12-21-2005 10:54 PM

lol yeah the only HOA i got round here is my dad...he made me take my balls off...other then that no one really cares. What can they do as long as i'm not racing or reving the engine they can Suck it!...

Rejekt 12-22-2005 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by macs03GT
f**k house is paid for. Can't tell me to leave when i own all the paper work on it. They'll kiss my black ass before i get up and leave cause they don't like my car. :D

It's cause you're white man!!! FIGHT THE MAN!!!! lol j/k **** the HOA dude, they can't do ****, but watch out, they can call the cops and claim your exhaust exceeds the decibel level for noise.

FritoBandito 12-22-2005 08:10 AM

[QUOTE=Lances03GT]Hell there is so many rednecks around here with loud as hell trucks that no one even pays attention.

Half the trucks around here run blown out glass packs. You can't even hear yourself think when they go by + i must say glass pack is the sh*ttiest sound ever.

As far a revving up and down your street, you have to respect others rights. Don't act like a jackass with your car and you'll be less likely to draw criticism from busy-bodies. There is a "family" that lives around the corner with like 5 ricers and they are always flying down my street. My neighbor calls it the "rice paddy". They are crappy loud and my neighbors always complain about them. My car is 2 x as loud but I don't act stupid with it so I have never received any complaint.

rada 12-22-2005 08:10 AM

I hate HOA Nazis.....

Some old, ugly, retired, chump with nothing better to do than drive around in their golfcart playing king of the hilll.....

macs03GT 12-22-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lances03GT
Hell there is so many rednecks around here with loud as hell trucks that no one even pays attention.

Half the trucks around here run blown out glass packs. You can't even hear yourself think when they go by + i must say glass pack is the sh*ttiest sound ever.

As far a revving up and down your street, you have to respect others rights. Don't act like a jackass with your car and you'll be less likely to draw criticism from busy-bodies. There is a "family" that lives around the corner with like 5 ricers and they are always flying down my street. My neighbor calls it the "rice paddy". They are crappy loud and my neighbors always complain about them. My car is 2 x as loud but I don't act stupid with it so I have never received any complaint.

that's the thing...i wasn't revving or driving loud at all. it's just people wanting something to complain about

dannyb785 12-23-2005 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by Grimmz
...he made me take my balls off...

springstang has the SAME problem...what a coincidence

rebelyell 12-23-2005 11:38 PM

In my neighborhood, we have a bunch of hot rods runnin around. I love it when the guy down the street cranks up his street legal camaro and does his weekly burnout at 2 AM. We don't have any complaints, but the speed limit is 25 and the cops will get ya when you aint paying attention. I lay some good ole long black marks late at night when I get off from work. But I usually just cruise through. Not getting any attention. We also have the ricer fart cans who try to impress. LOLLOLL. Had one farting down my street teh other day and me and my son were bent over laughing. "Ricer flyby" was what my son called it. The guy looked like he was gonna cry watching us laugh at him. :loser:

Islander03GT 12-25-2005 12:00 PM

Kinda funny.

The other night I went to my neighbor's house for the neighborhood xmas thing... I barely ever see/talk to my neighbors anymore because I'm always busy. One of them says to me, we don't always see you, but we hear you every morning :punk:

I started to apologize for how loud the car was and they said, no its, cool, we like how it sounds.

My neighborhood kicks ass.

PureStang 12-25-2005 12:08 PM

the men and boys of my neighbor hood love the sound of my car....the women and girls hate it and complain to their husbands how htey like it..its funny..haha....and i had some old @ wegmans say "ooooo a muscle car honey" and his wife said..."keep on movin" it was funny..(i was drivin w/ the windows down)

wade95 12-27-2005 07:00 AM

Break out your by-laws of the subdivision and read em again. Why you would choose to live in a subdivision that has a HOA is beyond me though. I know if you aren't following the rules when it comes to your house or properety they CAN put a lien on your house, but how this could apply to your vehicle is beyond me.

They can call the cops all they want. The cops are either gonna have to witness the noise violation (and they CAN NOT enforce HOA by laws) and stroke a ticket under state law/county ordinance or tell the HOA to pound sand (it is a civil matter,,no law enforcement actio needed.)

This info is coming from a cop so I hope it helped. What is America coming to? I hate HOA and all these stupid rules. Good luck bro.

shad0ws 12-27-2005 07:42 AM

This situation calls for an exhaust upgrade. You need this exhaust

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