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madmatt 09-27-2005 08:56 AM

A book thread
Ok, so I dont know how many of you actually read for fun, or have had to read a book for a class that you might have liked, but I had to share this.

Im taking a class called University 101, its basically a bs, learn about the school, do some paper work, get an A kinda class. Well we just read a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie" I actually just finished it with some free time I had at the office, and I have to say, this is the best damn book I have EVER read. I got more out of this book, and than anything Ive read (other than the bible of course). To say this is a good book is an understatement, and the lesson it teaches is only beatable by gods own book. This book almost had me in tears in the office, and I have that sore throat thing going on right now, from trying to contain it. So anyway, if you guys like to read, I suggest picking it up. Its a fast read at only 190 pages, so even if you dont like to read, still pick it up. It teaches some of the best life lessons. Its written by Mitch Albom if you wanted to know that too. Yes, Im plugging this book, no I dont care because its a great book, and no, Im not getting paid. BUY THE BOOK! :D Have a nice day.

Slither 09-27-2005 09:27 AM

I just can't stand sitting and reading. I have A.D.D. I think. I can't even stay concentrated on my HOT ROD magazines when a new one comes in the mail. This is true...I even get bored flipping through a magazine from front to back so I look at them from back to front...I dunno.

I would like to sit down and read a book and enjoy it like you, but just can't seem to do it. Glad you found an interesting read.

ThePunisher 09-27-2005 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by madmatt
Ok, so I dont know how many of you actually read for fun, or have had to read a book for a class that you might have liked, but I had to share this.

Im taking a class called University 101, its basically a bs, learn about the school, do some paper work, get an A kinda class. Well we just read a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie" I actually just finished it with some free time I had at the office, and I have to say, this is the best damn book I have EVER read. I got more out of this book, and than anything Ive read (other than the bible of course). To say this is a good book is an understatement, and the lesson it teaches is only beatable by gods own book. This book almost had me in tears in the office, and I have that sore throat thing going on right now, from trying to contain it. So anyway, if you guys like to read, I suggest picking it up. Its a fast read at only 190 pages, so even if you dont like to read, still pick it up. It teaches some of the best life lessons. Its written by Mitch Albom if you wanted to know that too. Yes, Im plugging this book, no I dont care because its a great book, and no, Im not getting paid. BUY THE BOOK! :D Have a nice day.

Is it fiction?

Islander03GT 09-27-2005 11:33 AM

I like reading. Don't Stop the Carnival by Herman Woulk is my favorite.

madmatt 09-27-2005 11:36 AM

No, true story. Its a great read, Islander, Ill have to look into that one. Whats it bout? I a harry potter geek too, I need to get the last one that came out, I havent had a chance with all this school stuff...

ponygrrl 09-27-2005 11:38 AM

fave books:

- anything by Carl Hiaasen
- davinci code and angels & demons by dan brown
- zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by robert pirsig

BlitzStyrke 09-27-2005 11:52 AM

I just got done reading Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. I liked it a lot, not my usual read but definitely good. It's full of short stories based on Sedaris's life. Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and The Davinci Code are some of my favorites. Catcher in the Rye and Farewell to Arms are 2 great classics I enjoy.

oohsoobad2 09-27-2005 12:05 PM

I am a big fan of Steven King. Up until a few years ago I had read pretty much all his books.

4.6 Love 09-27-2005 12:06 PM

Hell, i'm just finishing up, The adventures of huckleberry finn for my history class and its fawking boring. I hate reading books i'm not interested in. :mad:

Lances03SVT 09-27-2005 02:26 PM

I used to read all the time in the Army but not too much anymore.

Islander03GT 09-27-2005 03:12 PM

Don't stop the carnival is about the adventure of an expat. hotel owner in the caribbean.

it made me switch my major to travel and tourism management.

SpinMedia 09-27-2005 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by MahnotinkneeGT
I just can't stand sitting and reading. I have A.D.D. I think. I can't even stay concentrated on my HOT ROD magazines when a new one comes in the mail. This is true...I even get bored flipping through a magazine from front to back so I look at them from back to front...I dunno.

I would like to sit down and read a book and enjoy it like you, but just can't seem to do it. Glad you found an interesting read.

<<- -- Exactly what he said ^

stang00 09-27-2005 04:30 PM

i read tuesdays with morrie fresh yr for summer readin in high school that book was very easy readin and very good overall it got sad but one fo the onyl books ive ever liked the other book i liked was holes

Badfish 09-27-2005 04:30 PM

Dr Suess is one of my favorite authors

I keep a copy of "One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" under my pillow at all times

madmatt 09-27-2005 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by SpringsStang
Dr Suess is one of my favorite authors

I keep a copy of "One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" under my pillow at all times

Awww, does your mommy read it when you have a nightmare?

ThePunisher 09-27-2005 07:29 PM

I think about the only way I would do much reading would be if I was in prison.

SpinMedia 09-27-2005 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by madmatt
Awww, does your mommy read it when you have a nightmare?

I wouldn't say when he has nightmares, more like everynight to go to bed.

dannyb785 09-28-2005 07:49 AM

"boy meets girl" is a good one I'm reading right now.

tangurl 09-28-2005 08:08 AM

big king fan here too
same w/poe but thats not reading reading anyways
i read alot of stuart wilde
and if hadnt broke my stupid ass blog this morning like i was telling mach
(i will fix that later, right now i feel like pooh)
i would just link to the box that shows what im currently (not today) attempting to read (widle- 6th sense)

car wrecks with headons and stupid ass headaches years later that last for weeks on end are evil </headache rant>

Shambles 09-28-2005 11:44 AM

Cryptonomicon is a really cool book. I got it as a gift and thought I was gonna hate it but it was actually really good. It even teaches you how to encode a message inside of a solitare game.

Lightning247 09-28-2005 02:06 PM

Ender's Game is my favorite book. And all the sequels as well "Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Speaker for the Dead, etc.)

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