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j_gutta870 03-06-2010 09:19 AM

Bad Company 2??
Anybody playing it??? How is it?

Badfish 03-06-2010 09:20 AM

I bought it yesterday..only had time to play it for an hour. it's mad fun though...chaotic

PistonsFan102 03-06-2010 09:48 AM

I should be getting it within the next two weeks. I'm still pwning in MW2 so I'm not in a huge rush to get it.

j_gutta870 03-06-2010 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by PistonsFan102 (Post 451283)
I should be getting it within the next two weeks. I'm still pwning in MW2 so I'm not in a huge rush to get it.

I'm extremely tired of MW2... Thats why I wanted to know how BC2 is.

I've never played any of the Halo games so I went and picked one of those up to hold my interest until this game came out.

PColav6 03-06-2010 10:09 AM

It's awesome, and a much better game than MW2, and much more fun/less annoying. In the campaign they slam on MW2 in the dialogue, which is great. lol. But I'm more excited for Battlefield 3, it's going to use the same engine as BC2 but it'll be a true MP only BF game like BF1942, BFV, BF2, BF2142. Can't wait for that one.

This is a computer game, playing it on consoles is no where near as good.

BLazE 03-06-2010 02:03 PM

Has anyone played Killzone 2? To me it feels like this game is exactly the same as it. Like if Killzone and COD had a baby. This would be it. I still prefer MW2, though.

j_gutta870 03-06-2010 03:03 PM

Well I just bought it so hopefully I won't be disappointed.

Deathdiesel 03-06-2010 04:35 PM

MOW2 < BadCompany2 Killzone2 < BadCompany2 BLowing the shit out of EVERYTHING is fun.

SnTBakosFinest 03-07-2010 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 451287)
This is a computer game, playing it on consoles is no where near as good.

I beg to differ. I play it on ps3..and I'm sure the xbox guys will be around to disagree as well. You may have your comp, but until you plug it into a nice surround with a LCD/LED tv and a hdmi thats something bigger then 21" you have nothing.

I've only played for about 3 hours and haven't tried online yet. I like how MW2 is fast paced..but I LOVE how I can level a building in BC2. Also..svtperformance has a rather large list of guys being able to squad online with competent players should be badass.

j_gutta870 03-07-2010 07:25 AM

I don't really like the multi player... I'm sure it'll just take some getting use to. I like the single player better than MW2 though. It is pretty cool to be able to blow down a wall or building.

zigzagg321 03-07-2010 08:16 AM

Do all you guys have heat in your mother's basements? hahahaha.

Badfish 03-07-2010 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 451328)
Do all you guys have heat in your mother's basements? hahahaha.


j_gutta870 03-07-2010 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 451328)
Do all you guys have heat in your mother's basements? hahahaha.

Lol... U should get in on some of this action man.

PColav6 03-07-2010 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by SnTBakosFinest (Post 451321)
I beg to differ. I play it on ps3..and I'm sure the xbox guys will be around to disagree as well. You may have your comp, but until you plug it into a nice surround with a LCD/LED tv and a hdmi thats something bigger then 21" you have nothing.

I have a 7.1 surround sound headset and a 23" 1080p monitor that sits about 2 feet from my face, anything bigger would be completely useless. So..:dunno:

Also, the graphics quality is much higher on the PC versions compared to consoles (it's been like this for most cross-platform games that weren't just console ports to PC, ie MW2), but then again, in order to enjoy those you have to have a really good machine. Thankfully I do. :D

Then there's also stuff like, the PC version's servers are all community-based rather than developer based (but there are some EA servers, they usually suck, though). And it's 32 player online instead of 24, and the server browser (scroll through a list of servers that you sort through filtering, then join the one you want). This game was designed on a computer platform, not a console platform. The console versions are ports that they modified so they could operate smoothly on the 360 and PS3. Unlike MW2 (POS) which was designed for the consoles, and ported to the computer, which left computer players with an extremely dull excuse for a PC game that had no expandability whatsoever, since it ported off consoles. DICE even said that there are more PC players than both 360/PS3 players combined on the game, that speaks worlds. You probably won't see 1/5 as many PC players as PS3/360 players on MW2.

That is why this is a PC game. It may require a baller-ass PC to run on max settings, but so did Battlefield 2 when it came out in 2004, that's just how it is with new games.

zigzagg321 03-07-2010 10:03 AM

Pcola really does live in his parent's basement.

PColav6 03-07-2010 10:09 AM

There are no basements in Florida. Atleast not near the water.

zigzagg321 03-07-2010 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 451336)
There are no basements in Florida. Atleast not near the water. basementless freak. You suck donkey balls because you dont have a basement.

I agree tho...consoles are poo compared to PC for gaming. Consoles are just WAY easier to deal with and WAY cheaper to buy.

zigzagg321 03-07-2010 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by j_gutta870 (Post 451331)
Lol... U should get in on some of this action man.

not the kinda action Im into. I prefer the real "action" that ppl that hang out in their parent's basements playing games never get. LOL.

00blkstanggt 03-08-2010 08:34 AM

I will be getting it as soon as my coworkers wife picks it up for me. She works for EA so I get it for $22. I have the first one and liked it. It's different than MW2. There are aspects of both that I like, but I'll look forward to playing it soon.

I cannot wait for the new Ghost Recon though. That game kicks ass. I've been a fan since the first one on Xbox.

Bad Company 2 is nothing like Killone 2 by the way.

stanger00 03-08-2010 10:43 AM

I'm getting mixed reviews from dudes I work with. If 2-3 of them buy it I might pick a copy up to see what its all about and to tear shit up with them. I havent played the first one but one guy was saying the DEMO was better than the actual game.

BLazE 03-08-2010 07:17 PM

Bad Company 2 is nothing like Killone 2 by the way. even has the weighty feel that KZ2 is known for. You can blow up buildings in both, the graphics/lighting are almost the same, multiplayer seems like an identical experience...

I wasn't saying it like it was a bad thing...I just noticed they are similar in just about everything.

SnTBakosFinest 03-08-2010 08:53 PM

Beat the game last night and got online..

I the maps are huge, which is why I don't understand only have 4 people in each squad. A 6v6 would be cool.

Idk the controls in game feel strange to me as well...TBH for online experience I think I like MW2 better, simply because its more fast paced I guess.

Blowing up buildings is fun, and destroying people with the vehicle is fun also.

00blkstanggt 03-09-2010 08:16 AM

I should have my copy today. The one thing I noticed when I played the demo was that they changed the feel of the movement a bit compared to the first one which I didn't like to much. I'm sure it's fine once I get use to it, but Bad Company requires some more strategy than MW2. Different kind of online experiences but both fun.

Dodobird223 03-09-2010 11:28 AM

Lol... A pc is better than a console in every single way.
1) You can straight up connect a console controller to a PC if you buy an adapter (I have one exactly like a ps3 controller, and an xbox adapter)
2) You can run at gigantic resolutions on gigantic screens on a PC without any form of slowdown, eg. I use a 32" 1080p hdtv for my PC.
When I go home I use my parents 65" LCD that is also 1080P, Try supreme commander with that... Pretty fuckin epic.
3)lol@console "surround", anyone who knows anything about competitive gaming knows that headphones are where it's at. I personally use an EMU-040 amp with a pair of HD555 sennheisers. Show me a console that can sound better than that.
4) You can do more than one thing at a time on a PC.
5) When the ps3 was released I had a computer that was arguably more advanced and hands down played games better.
6) Mouse + Keyboard > Controller, for both FPS and strategy games, No questions asked.

In conclusion, I stand by the fact that PC's are better in every way shape and form. I ask you to name one reason that a PC is not better, other than ease of use.

NewMustangMan 03-09-2010 11:54 AM

Isnt MW2 on the CPU not as good? I remember reading something about how PC gamers were pissed cause it did not have some of the same things. For Xbox Live i am pretty sure MW2 has dedicated servers.

My friend has some Turtle Beach head phones for his 360. they are pretty epic.

oh and BC2 can suck my dick..... just kidding i kinda wanna buy it!

PColav6 03-09-2010 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by NewMustangMan (Post 451618)
Isnt MW2 on the CPU not as good? I remember reading something about how PC gamers were pissed cause it did not have some of the same things. For Xbox Live i am pretty sure MW2 has dedicated servers.

My friend has some Turtle Beach head phones for his 360. they are pretty epic.

oh and BC2 can suck my dick..... just kidding i kinda wanna buy it!

There are no dedicated servers in MW2.

And MW2 sucks on PC because it's just a port from the console versions, so it's like playing a console game on a computer which is really, really bland.

00blkstanggt 03-09-2010 12:56 PM

Can you build a kickass pc that will handle all these games without slowdown for under $300?

Didn't think so.

By the way, I hate keyboard and mouse. Controllers are way better. Got a friend who uses a keyboard and mouse for MW2 on Xbox and I kick his ass all the time.

zigzagg321 03-09-2010 07:09 PM

I stopped buying consoles after I got my first gen XBOX and I dont play video games very much at all. Maybe, 3 times a month or so.

Id rather have a $800 pc that does everything a console does but better, and also does every other thing a pc does.

But I have have one of those $300 pc's that doesnt game very well, but It can play GTA Vice City decent for a non-connoisseur like myself.

spike_africa 03-09-2010 07:43 PM

I was going to get it, but I got Resistance 2 and Assassins Creed2 both used instead. When I beat these and go back for something new in a few months I will grab a used copy to kill time after work.

The only time I play games is when i get home from work and its rush hour at the gym 5-6:30 so I eat dinner and chill and play some games while I relax before i go do work.

I do love a nice shitty rainy sunday now and again so i can stay in and be a geek and play video games.

00blkstanggt 03-10-2010 08:11 AM

Just played it last night and it's a good game. Definitely better than the first. Definitely worth the $22 I paid for it.

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