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stanger00 02-07-2010 12:04 PM

My sunday wake up call
I go out saturday night come home around 2-3 am. I get endless phone calls starting at 615 am...I finally answer one around 645 and I was told to put my uniform on and go to work. I tell them I need a ride because I was still drunk from the night prior. I'm still confused and find a uniform in my laundry to throw on. When I get to work I find out that my whole shop of about 150 people have been recalled by the commander for a drug test...AWESOME. I find this out after I already took my morning piss, FML. I sit in wait for about 3 hours waiting for my dehydrated body to process about 2 liters of water.

Now, its 1 pm and I'm peeing about every 15 minutes still!

mustangrn 02-07-2010 12:53 PM

The Army "Pee all that you can Pee!!" :D

wildride02gt 02-07-2010 04:20 PM

I feel your pain, brother. They used to pull that BS all the time when I was @ Ft. Hood. There's nothing worse than a piss test when you can't pee.

GDP 02-08-2010 05:00 AM

God I hate drug tests so much. Not because I do any drugs, but because I am bladder shy and I always end up peeing in the morning and having to drink a bunch .... then yeah the same thing happens, I pee every two minutes for the rest of the day.

Thank god that Im not in the Army anymore, so no more monthly tests.

zigzagg321 02-08-2010 07:17 AM

drug tests are an invasion of personal privacy.

wildride02gt 02-08-2010 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 447926)
drug tests are an invasion of personal privacy.

No such thing in the military. We sacrifice our rights so that others may have theirs.

00blkstanggt 02-08-2010 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 447926)
drug tests are an invasion of personal privacy.

Not when you get hired onto a job that requires them and you signed the agreement. It's kinda funny though, I work for a hospital and they don't do drug tests.

zigzagg321 02-08-2010 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by wildride02gt (Post 447931)
No such thing in the military. We sacrifice our rights so that others may have theirs.

yeah Im aware of that.

Originally Posted by 00blkstanggt (Post 447933)
Not when you get hired onto a job that requires them and you signed the agreement.

yeah im aware of that.

In either case, I would never sign my personal rights away like that.

drag_racer33 02-08-2010 09:44 AM

The worst is the NCAA drug testing... they have 2 people sit and watch you until you pee, and by watch i mean no pants nothing. Peeing with someone staring at you, that would suck

stanger00 02-08-2010 10:23 AM

Someone from work actullay dropped pants and took a shit while they filled the cup, HILARIOUS. I felt bad for the observers when I heard that story. I've had some guys stand over my shoulder while I filled up...I'm not bladder shy so once I get going there is no stopping.

Policies are just another source to fuck you over...I dont like it but I make due.

PColav6 02-08-2010 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 447926)
drug tests are an invasion of personal privacy.

It says no where on the Constitution that you have a right to privacy. ;)

zigzagg321 02-08-2010 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by PColav6 (Post 447964)
It says no where on the Constitution that you have a right to privacy. ;)

It also doesnt say that I cant peacefully enjoy a product that doesnt affect my job performance or hurt anyone else in any way if I want a certain job.

I dont care, I dont get tested for my jobs anyway.

JackThe Ripper 02-08-2010 07:26 PM

Lol...i feel yer pain man.

I was at Misawa AB Japan, got hit for a UA test. I went home and drank half a gallon of water then made my way to the lab in the base hospital.

the military UA's always sucked, you one one side of the toilet, some TSgt standingon the other side staring at your dick when you try to pee. Its easy to get a bit of stage fright.

Anyways, i got there and they had a room ready, i go in there and this dude is staring at my dick and i just couldnt pee. Went back out to the waiting room, couple cups of water, try again, nothing.

this went on maybe 3 times and finally i said fuck it im gonna go outside and smoke. I had to pee pretty bad but nothing would come out. it sucked.

so im outside, the base hospital having a smoke, trying to clear my head so i can do this. Suddenly 4-5 SP patrols come running up with thier lights on, they pull right up front and open thier doors and jump out weapons drawn and instruct me to move away from the entrance.

fuck me man, it is a bomb exercise

so im out there like 20 fucking minutes trying not to piss myself, my sides were splitting in pain and they wouldnt let me go relieve some pressure in a bush or leave. Finally they give the all clear and i sprint inside, run down the hall like 5000 feet cause the lab had to be in the BACK of the hospital, i hit the elevator and it isnt opeing, fuckit, i run down the stairs finally get back to the lab.

i gotta fucking pee! ... Sir!.....

lol... the guy goes into the bathroom with me and no sooner than my dick is out im pissing, but this was kind of embarassing cause it is like that 9am drunk the night before first morning pee where you get that little renegade stream shooting off the side. Right in front of a first seargent i pissed all over my hand, all over and inside the cup, all over the toilet, on the floor, cause of this god damn little renegade stream shooting out at a 30 degree angle.

anyways, after the first seargent climed down off the sink because he was trying to avoid my yellow stream of fury, he made me wash up the room. he was laughing his ass off the whole time telling me how he couldnt wait to tell my first-shirt.


good times.

so yeah, i feel yer pain on the whole military piss test thing.

i literally couldnt squeeze out a drop in a public restroom if there was a single person in there. took me 5-6 years before i could pee with somone in the room again.

stanger00 02-08-2010 08:48 PM

HAHA, now thats a funny story.

Damn, have things changed. I was called in 4 times on a 4 day work week last month. Those were also the first UA's I've had in the past 18 months. I guess they wanted to catch up with me, who knows.

These days once we sign-in at the UA lab we cant leave...literally held hostage until we provide a specimen. I'm glad I showed up 3 hours late because I heard it was a nightmare because my WHOLE shop was there at one time. 150 people and only 3 observers 2 male 1 female. My friends drank so much water that they induced diarrhea and had trouble clinching their sphincter while they let their streams of fury loose. I'm telling you this was a horrible thing to do with a massive flight and not enough personnel to watch.

This all happened because of a new kid who doesnt want to be in the military anymore. I befriended this douchebag to find out what his deal was and why he sucked at everything. I played the nice dude to gather some intel on him. He is from Colorado, sucks for you Chris and Fish, dont know which city but its one thats far from any mountains. He is depressed because his GF who he proposed too turned him down and didnt want to be with him anymore. That happened back in November and since then he has really went down hill trying to find ways to get out of the AF early. He tried the "I'm depressed and I suck at everything route" FAILED. The Chief saw right through him. Now guess what he did...thats right some fucking drugs and had all of his co-workers called in at the ass-crack of dawn to pee in a cup.

I know this is true because on Thursday he approached me and asked me an odd question, even for him it was odd. He asked how long before he was drug tested because someone smelled some pot coming from his car one day. I was like oh...I wouldnt worry too much about the drug test as I would think of a way to explain that whole situation to OSI. His supervisor already knew about this and I gave him some more information. I didnt think it would happen this fast though.

Stanger Banger 02-08-2010 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by wildride02gt (Post 447931)
No such thing in the military. We sacrifice our rights so that others may have theirs.


Bullitt5339 02-08-2010 09:40 PM

I don't miss those early wake up calls, honestly. Not because of the drugs, but because I lived 45 minutes from post, so I had to make a choice. Go ahead and piss, and just start pounding water, or be in extreme pain for an hour, and pray that I can jump to the front when I get there.

As far as doing drugs, and being against urinalysis:

I'm paying for my cousin's rehab right now. Not because I have to, but because I care about him. He started out back in High School smoking weed, and said "It doesn't hurt anyone, what I do in my private life is my business". Flash forward 18 years, and he's in rehab for a $3000 a month Cocaine habit. He's lost his wife, his dogs, his job, his house, his furniture, and if I didn't take over the payment, he'd have no vehicle either. Everything he's been working for over the past 20 years is gone because he started with weed, and it grew from there. Eventually it wasn't enough.

So don't expect any symphathy from me for your "personal rights". You're an idiot if you think that drugs won't effect your life for the worse. Whether it's prescription pain meds, meth, weed, heroin or cocaine, there is not one positive thing that comes out of using drugs illegally. But I'm sure you won't see that, and I'm being rediculous in this post. I've heard that before: 18 years ago, when I made the choice not to take that hit with him. Now I'm making 60k a year and he's in rehab with a place to live in my spare bedroom when he gets out, under my rules, with no car keys, no ATM card, and 24 hour a day supervision. He has less rights in life with me now than my 6 year old son.

Doesn't hurt anyone around you.............. That's a fucking joke, come to my family and see what it's done to me, my wife, my mom, his mom, our grandparents, his wife and everyone else who cared about him.

zigzagg321 02-08-2010 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by Bullitt5339 (Post 448105)

Doesn't hurt anyone around you.............. That's a fucking joke, come to my family and see what it's done to me, my wife, my mom, his mom, our grandparents, his wife and everyone else who cared about him.

Everyone handles drugs differently. Your cousin got in over his head. Some people can deal with it and keep it simple, others cant. I never said drugs dont hurt anyone.

What I do doesnt hurt anyone. I've made sure of that. That's all Im gonna say.

r3dn3ck 02-09-2010 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by Bullitt5339 (Post 448105)
I don't miss those early wake up calls, honestly. Not because of the drugs, but because I lived 45 minutes from post, so I had to make a choice. Go ahead and piss, and just start pounding water, or be in extreme pain for an hour, and pray that I can jump to the front when I get there.

As far as doing drugs, and being against urinalysis:

I'm paying for my cousin's rehab right now. Not because I have to, but because I care about him. He started out back in High School smoking weed, and said "It doesn't hurt anyone, what I do in my private life is my business". Flash forward 18 years, and he's in rehab for a $3000 a month Cocaine habit. He's lost his wife, his dogs, his job, his house, his furniture, and if I didn't take over the payment, he'd have no vehicle either. Everything he's been working for over the past 20 years is gone because he started with weed, and it grew from there. Eventually it wasn't enough.

So don't expect any symphathy from me for your "personal rights". You're an idiot if you think that drugs won't effect your life for the worse. Whether it's prescription pain meds, meth, weed, heroin or cocaine, there is not one positive thing that comes out of using drugs illegally. But I'm sure you won't see that, and I'm being rediculous in this post. I've heard that before: 18 years ago, when I made the choice not to take that hit with him. Now I'm making 60k a year and he's in rehab with a place to live in my spare bedroom when he gets out, under my rules, with no car keys, no ATM card, and 24 hour a day supervision. He has less rights in life with me now than my 6 year old son.

Doesn't hurt anyone around you.............. That's a fucking joke, come to my family and see what it's done to me, my wife, my mom, his mom, our grandparents, his wife and everyone else who cared about him.

Your cousin is a douchebag for letting his habit get out of control. You're kind of a douchebag for helping him avoid the consequences of his actions. You'd impose your will and morality on me because you have some blind mental need to pay for your distant relatives problems and you see some sort of connection where his life choices and your overzealous conscience make a damned bit of difference to mine.

You sourced your problem. He sourced his. He never affected you until you decided to let him.

Don't go blaming drugs for his problem. He and you are his problem. His wife/dog/job/house/furniture did the best fucking thing they could have for him... they left his ass to decide if coke was more important. You should have, and failed to, do the same.

It's like saying guns are evil because evil people use them for evil, or jesus is bad because evil people use jesus' name for evil (and imposing their will and morality on others).

How about, you collect your thoughts into a logical, consistent and reasonable argument before you go blaming weed or coke or casual users of such (or even addicts) or any damned thing for your fuck ups and his.

EDIT: It's every american's right to fuck up their lives in the way that appeals to them the most. We are FREE to make those choices. Get government out of my life/body.

Bullitt5339 02-09-2010 09:02 AM

Yeah, my other option was to go to his funeral because I turned a blind eye to him. Yeah, that's the way to treat family. He's also not a distant relative, he grew up in the house next to me all my life, and is close to a brother as I ever have. I chose to take the responsibility to get him back on track in life, It was not my MISTAKE as you guys put it. I am helping out a person that I feel needs it, and I'm able to do so, so why not?

We can argue drugs all we want, but the simple fact is that in my line of work, and at my age, I have never ran across anyone who does drugs, even weed, on a regular basis, and has made it to my age and become and STAYED successful. They can for a while, but eventually it will catch up to them. If you're content working a 9-5 B.S. job because you'd rather smoke weed and make $9-$18 an hour than have to take a drug test and make $35 an hour, that's your choice, not mine. I work 3-4 days a week and that's it, and do pretty well for myself.

I made the logical choice. Stayed drug free, have a nice job, my house is payed for, my Mustang is paid for and I spend as much money as I want on it, I have a retirement plan and am living a good life. I couldn't make the money I do now if I had chosen to smoke weed everyday instead of joining the Army, getting a degree, and then working a professional job where I don't have to worry about going to a factory, or worried about getting laid off next week like everyone else.

It's your choice how you want to live your life, it doesn't effect me. I just like the bring in the other side of the conversation, and show the alternatives.

Steeda97 02-09-2010 09:14 AM

Yeah I make way more money than 9-18 dollars an hour with an important job, have a business on the side, a house, a paid off car, and a good amount of money in my bank accounts and I smoke. Once a week or so.

It doesn't affect me, or anyone around me.

Black Sunshine 02-09-2010 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by Bullitt5339 (Post 448142)

We can argue drugs all we want, but the simple fact is that in my line of work, and at my age, I have never ran across anyone who does drugs, even weed, on a regular basis, and has made it to my age and become and STAYED successful. They can for a while, but eventually it will catch up to them. If you're content working a 9-5 B.S. job because you'd rather smoke weed and make $9-$18 an hour than have to take a drug test and make $35 an hour, that's your choice, not mine. I work 3-4 days a week and that's it, and do pretty well for myself.

I work a 9-5 bullshit job, I make bullshit money, and I don't do drugs at all. I've never even tried smoking a cigarette before. I've never done any drug and I'm proud of that. I can't afford to go to school right now, so I'm stuck where I am. I absolutely can't wait to go back to school, but I do what I can for now.

I know how it feels to have a drug addicted loved one. I understand where you are coming from, but you can't blame only drugs for your cousin's problem. Some people are more prone to certain addictive behaviors than others are. It's not only a substance problem, it's a mental problem. Seems to me like you are attempting to deflect blame off of your cousin when he is the one who chose to make those bad choices and now he is having to suffer the consequences. You've got to remember that no matter how much you love him or how much money you pour into aiding his recovery, he WILL NOT get better unless HE wants to. It might be in your heart for him to get better, but it's got to be in his as well. You are nice and loving enough to open your home to him and I hope he takes notice of it and I hope everything works out for the best for both of you. I am proud of you for not letting him down. I hope he does the same for you.

NewMustangMan 02-09-2010 09:50 AM

Bullitt I think it is good your are trying to help him. Sorry i just dont see how Bullitt is the problem even though he got him in Rehab. Also how has he avoiding the consequences of his actions. He lost everything and is in Rehab.... seems like what he did had consequences.

With that said since he is like a brother to you i know what i would do if it was one of my brothers and i would try to help them too.

Like sunshine said though he has to want to make changes to his life.

r3dn3ck 02-09-2010 09:52 AM

I'm simply saying that you've done more harm to the human race and to your cousin by helping him.

Now to put your statement in a frame of reality: I'm nearly 40, I'm a professional with better than 15 years in my industry, a home, cars, toys, bongs, a great deal of respect from my peers, 1 completely written book (publish date looking like late 2011 if I'm lucky), 2 more in progress, never even had a day off work due to my drug habit, and I make nearly 3x what you're calling comfy. My daily persistent pot smoking has never had an effect on my life and never led me to any harder drugs. Truth be told, it led me away from harder drugs that I was already using with a similarly zero net effect on my life or lifestyle.

I'm asking you to step back and consider the question: Is it the drugs that destroy the person or is it the person that destroys themself with a tool known as "drugs" knowing full well the risks and rewards?

You can point to your clean life all you want and say you're the shining example of a drug-free life. I'm pointing to your life and saying that your life is not a damn bit better than that of a daily drug user and that drugs had nothing to do with either. Personal responsibility bud. That's the ticket. You make the bed, you sleep in the bed. If it's covered in shit, that's your problem for shitting there. Nobody else should help you clean it up or you'll never learn your lesson, just like your cousin is not going to learn. He'll simply go all anti-drug zealot and then some day when you're not there watching, he'll relapse because he never internalized the solution to the problem as being self control.

I think we just have a fundamental difference in point of view here. My point of view is that you were irresponsible to take responsibility for his mistakes. Nobody ever took responsibility for mine.

NewMustangMan 02-09-2010 10:05 AM

^ two things about the Above. I totally Agree that it is the person and drugs is just one way he messed everything up. People have to take reponsability at some point. I still think though that helping is not hurting him. Now he will only rehab and come out of this if he wants to it is really up to him.

Ok the second is YOU wrote a book? thats sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you give us a insit to what its about?

r3dn3ck 02-09-2010 10:19 AM

The completed one is a guide to practical system administration for non-system administrators and new college grads looking at OPS/IT as a career.

It's an 80-20 book... Gives you ~80% of the ~20% of the total SA skill set critical for success. Builds a foundation of basic skills and historical understanding and covers common lifestyle issues, especially those surrounding work/life separation. It's an OS/Platform agnostic book and covers technical topics from networking, storage, MS, Linux, and proprietary UNIX's but is NOT a technical manual (ala O'Reilly). No discussion is made beyond 'this does that'. It assumes a fairly high level of technical knowledge and experience and is not for someone with no experience who wants to be a SA.

And no, you can't know the title because I don't yet. That's been a point of serious contention for about the last 3 years of writing it. The other 2 are on unrelated topics.

JackThe Ripper 02-09-2010 03:29 PM

I hvent hit the 100k club yet, i figure i will in the next few years. I have been in telecommunications for 14 years now, and im 21 years old..... with 12 years of experience. I work on the voice switching equipment itself. its controlled chaos and a very knowledge based job. even after 14 years i still learn new shit every day, and im pretty damn good at what i do.

i toke from time to time, but not very often. the more i smoke the more it hampers my work performance. So my drug of choise is achohol because it does not affect my performance and comes in beer flavor.

Red and zig are right to a degree, smoking pot will not automatically kill your chances of success nor does it dictate that you will become a hardcore drug addict later in life.

Bullet has a point though, if you take a sample of working professionals making over 75,000 a year you will find that the amount of pot smokers vs non pot smokers is a lot lower than people making 30k a year and under.

there is a trend there.

also, r3d, i appreciate the point you are making about bullet being an enabler for his cousin, tough-love is sometimes the best option especially for addicts, there is a line between tough love, and letting somebody kill themselves on an overdose because you refuse to do anything for them. sometimes that is the best option though.

However, last i checked you are not a part of bullets life, nor do you know the specifics of his situation, not all situations are the same, as a man of 36 years old , im sorry, 40, lol, i would think you would have learned that not everthing fits into a simplistic black and white, right or wrong.. He is doing what he feels best and your accousation of him being part of the problem and casting judgement on his actions without having any history of thier specific situation really makes you look like a judgemental jackass.

there is no single one-fits all option, you dont know the specifics, you dont know the history, maybe it would be worthwhile trying to learn a bit more about somebodys actions before you condem them

EDIT: and congrats on the book! thats pretty awesome!

zigzagg321 02-09-2010 04:43 PM


JackThe Ripper 02-09-2010 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by zigzagg321 (Post 448200)


a friend of mine have me a hella strong pot brownie a few days ago.... knocked my socks off...


zigzagg321 02-09-2010 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by JackThe Ripper (Post 448206)

a friend of mine have me a hella strong pot brownie a few days ago.... knocked my socks off...


we do and DONE.

stanger00 02-09-2010 06:10 PM thread rocks!

Some people have addiction problems and let their addictions take over their lives.

I hope the best for your cousin but I also hope you dont get let down.

rebelyell 02-09-2010 11:16 PM

Staying on topic of drug testing. We do random pissing, and if an injury occurs, Wrecks with forklifts too. And any near misses if they are reported. If been tested several times in the last 3 years, twice for injuries, and 3 randoms. Not a problem here cause I quit smoking ganja 15 years ago. And I got a list of acceptable prescribed drugs that I'm allowed to have.. I don't have someone watching me piss, but, it would be pretty hard to cheat on it. your name is called and they come get you. you got a 20 min. time limit. Lots of my old coworkers and friends said bye bye after there 1st random.. :(

r3dn3ck 02-10-2010 06:50 AM

I never condemned anyone. I said he's not doing his cousin or the gene pool any long term good by funding his rehab. I'm being a very measured amount of a dick and I don't necessarily mean to offend or cast aspersions upon bullit but that is an unfortunate side effect of making this particular point. I'm also speaking from experience.

r3dn3ck 02-10-2010 07:10 AM

car sale came back on me (don't ask). Maybe I can put it NA and sell easier.

JackThe Ripper 02-10-2010 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by r3dn3ck (Post 448267)
I never condemned anyone. I said he's not doing his cousin or the gene pool any long term good by funding his rehab. I'm being a very measured amount of a dick and I don't necessarily mean to offend or cast aspersions upon bullit but that is an unfortunate side effect of making this particular point. I'm also speaking from experience.

Lol.. if i diddnt already like the quotes in my sig so much, that would totally be sigged.

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